
1 Introduction

Waveform representations of pressure, flow, or volume vs time are the three scalars that we can find on conventional mechanical ventilators.

Each scalar represents the entire breath from the beginning of inspiration to the end of expiration.

Ventilators measure airway pressure and airway flow. Volume is derived from the flow measurement. Pressure and flow provide most of the information necessary to explain the physical interaction between ventilator and patient [1, 2].

The analysis of the waves may allow the clinician to:

  • Identify asynchrony between the patient and the ventilator during inspiratory phase

  • Identify the control variables set

  • Evaluate the correct setting of expiratory trigger

  • Obtain an indirect estimate of the presence of eventual intrinsic PEEP

  • Evaluate the presence of tracheobronchial secretions

  • Evaluate if the patient is under- or over-assisted.

2 Pressure Versus Time Scalar

This curve represents the pressure in the airway as a function of time.

In the typical graphic displayed on the ventilator, the baseline pressure indicates the EPAP (PEEP) and the maximum pressure at the end of the curve indicates the peak of inspiratory pressure. This can be a fixed or variable amount depending on the mode of ventilation [1, 3, 4] (Fig. 13.1).

Fig. 13.1
A graph plots pressure versus time. Following an inspiratory trigger, the waveform changes from being originally parallel to the time axis to being rectangular. The cycling point is the location where the wave begins to decelerate. The rectangle's height denotes P S.

Pressure versus time scalar

It is possible to divide a breath into four phases.

  1. 1.

    In the first part of a respiratory act in pressure support, the ventilator recognizes the inspiratory effort by the inspiratory trigger. In this phase, the effort of the respiratory muscles should be able to overcome the configured inspiratory trigger.

  2. 2.

    Then the ventilator delivers an inspiratory flow until the configured pressure is reached (pressurization phase). During pressure control ventilation, when the configured pressure is reached, the pressure delivered is constant and the pressure scalar is square-shaped. In volume control ventilation, the pressure scalar is ascending due to the rise in pressure with a constant flow pattern (Fig. 13.2) [1, 4, 5].

    The inspiratory plateau level is the pressure in the airway under static conditions, or when there is no airflow. It gives us information about reaching the limit between the phase variables and inspiratory pressure reached in the airways.

  3. 3.

    When the flow reaches a set value (cycling point), there is cycling from inspiration to expiration, that is, the end of inspiration. Ideally, the ventilator terminates inspiratory flow in synchrony with the patient’s neural timing, but frequently the ventilator terminates inspiration either too early or too late, relative to the patient’s neural timing. During volume-controlled ventilation, we can adjust variables that affect inspiratory time (e.g., peak flow, tidal volume). During pressure-controlled or pressure-support ventilation, we can adjust variables that affect the end of inspiration (e.g., inspiratory time, expiratory sensitivity).

  4. 4.

    Expiratory phase. The pressure returns to baseline.

Fig. 13.2
4 waveforms on P C V and V C V. The first graph indicates rectangular waveforms and a peak numbered 35. The second graph has trapezoidal peaks with a peak numbered 40. The third and fourth graphs have a rectangular positive trend and a triangular negative trend.

Different waveforms for different modes of ventilation

3 Flow Versus Time Scalar (Fig. 13.3)

This curve represents the flow in the airway as a function of time.

Fig. 13.3
A waveform plots flow versus time. The curve rises to the peak flow, falls after the expiratory trigger, produces a peak at the negative axis, and then rises again to the time axis. The flow value serves as the expiratory trigger. T i and T e are the distances from trigger values to time.

Flow versus time scalar

Inspiratory flow is a positive value on the graph, whereas expiratory flow is a negative value. The area under the curve represents the volume involved during the phases of breathing [1, 4, 6].

The shape of the inspiratory limb of the curve depends on the mode of ventilation (see Fig. 13.2).

In pressure-targeted modes, the peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) and inspiratory time are set and the flow is variable. The shape of the inspiratory flow is decreasing at the beginning of the breath, flow is delivered at a high rate but thendecreases during inspiration, resulting in a descending shape of the curve. Decreasing inspiratory flow is the consequence of inspiration with constant pressure. Pressure-supported modes may also have a sinusoidal flow curve.

In volume-targeted mode, the tidal volume, inspiratory time, and inspiratory flow are set, resulting in a constant flow or square shape to the flow scalar. Then there is a constant inspiratory flow and pressure in the airway increases during inspiration.

4 Volume Versus Time Scalar (Fig. 13.4)

The volume versus time scalar is the graphical representation of the amount of gas delivered into the lungs by the ventilator over time. It is calculated from the measurement of flow.

Fig. 13.4
2 graphs plot volume versus time. The first graph indicates a triangular pattern while the other graph indicates a trapezoidal shape. The left is labeled without leaks and the right is labeled leaks.

Volume versus time scalar

The ascending curve is the inspiratory volume and the descending curve is the expiratory volume [1, 3]. In a ventilation pattern without problems, inspiratory and expiratory volumes should be similar.

5 Monitoring Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation Using Ventilator Waveforms

The pressure and flow scalars provide the clinician with a wealth of information to identify problems with the phases of the ventilation. Following the sequential phases of the respiratory act, different problems can be encountered [2, 7, 8].

5.1 Ineffective Triggering or Ineffective Effort

It is possible to obtain much important information about the critical phase of the supported ventilatory act, that is, the activation of the inspiratory trigger by the patient.

An ineffective triggering is a decrease of pressure with an increase in flow not followed by a ventilatory cycle. In this case, the respiratory rate detected by the ventilator is lower than the real respiratory rate of the patient that is under and poorly attended [9,10,11] (Fig. 13.5).

Fig. 13.5
3 waveforms on ineffective triggering are pressure, volume, and flow. The waveform of the pressure graph has low peaks and high peaks for ineffective inspiratory triggers. The volume graph has triangular peaks. The flow graph has crests and troughs. The time axis is for 10 seconds.

Ineffective triggering


 • Intrinsic PEEP if the inspiratory trigger is correct

 • Incorrect settings: inspiratory trigger, cycling… If we set an inspiratory trigger too strong we will ask the patient for a hard muscular effort that he/she will not be able to sustain and there will be ineffective inspiratory efforts

 • Excessive inspiratory support: the high tidal volume generated does not allow a complete emptying of accumulated air

5.2 Autotriggering

In this case, the ventilator perceives the inspiratory trigger threshold is satisfied even when it is not due to inspiratory efforts but to artifacts. The respiratory rate of the ventilator is higher than the real respiratory rate of the patient that is poorly attended [12] (Fig. 13.6).

Fig. 13.6
3 waveforms on auto-triggering are pressure, volume, and flow. Triggered breathing is prompted by a low, projecting peak, and breathing is also automatically triggered at point 2. The volume graph has triangular peaks. The flow graph has crests and troughs. The time axis is for 10 seconds.



 • Secretions in the upper airways of the patients

 • Secretions in the circuit

 • Water in the circuit when there is a heated humidifier (especially with the pressure trigger)

5.3 Double Trigger

In this situation, there is a sustained inspiration followed by another sustained inspiration after a very short time (<500 ms) [13] (Fig. 13.7).

Fig. 13.7
3 waveforms on the double trigger are pressure, volume, and flow. The pressure graph has 3 triangular peaks. The volume graph has triangular peaks. The flow graph has crests and troughs. The time axis is for 10 seconds.

Double trigger


 • Too high inspiratory flow

 • Extremely high expiratory trigger

5.4 Rise Time

Once the inspiratory trigger is started, it begins the phase of pressurization of the airway. During this time, it is possible to modify the “pressure rise time” In acute respiratory failure, most patients need to be supported in the ventilatory act with the lowest possible latency and as fast as possible modifying the ramp before increasing inspiratory support [11] (Fig. 13.8).

Fig. 13.8
A graph on pressure and flow measure. The pressure waveform has a positive trend and rectangular peaks with minute troughs. The flow graph indicates an irregular waveform with positive and negative trends. The slow rise time leads to reduced peak flow.

Rise time

5.5 Hang-Up

Another classical problem with NIV is hang-up, that is, a prolonged inspiration due to leaks of the circuit. In the flow wave, there is an initial fall of the flow and then a plateau where the patient does not reach the fixed expiratory flow point to move to expiration.


  • Leaks of the interface that interfere with the algorithm of the ventilator [4, 11] (Fig. 13.9).

Fig. 13.9
3 waveforms on flow, pressure, and airway pressure versus time. There are two parts to the graph: N I P S V t and N I P S V f. The waveforms of the flow are rectangular. There are tiny triangle curves on the pressure graph. Semicircles and rectangular curves can be seen in the airway pressure.


5.6 Expiratory Cycling

At the end of inspiration, the analysis of waveforms can provide information about the correct configuration of expiratory cycling.

Cycle asynchrony usually occurs when there is a mismatch between the patient’s inspiratory time (i.e., neural time) and the ventilator’s inspiratory time.

If we set a percentage of expiratory flow too high, the neural time could be greater than the ventilator’s inspiratory time (Fig. 13.10).

Fig. 13.10
6 graphs on flow and pressure versus time. The initial shape of the 3 flow graph at 10%, 25%, and 50% is triangular for the negative axis and initially rectangular for the positive trend. 3 pressure graphs have triangle peaks with a small bend at the tip at one second.


Consequently the ventilator ends flow delivery, but the patient’s inspiratory effort continues. Premature cycling leads to a transient inversion of flow in the expiratory portion of the flow waveform. If the patient’s effort exceeds the trigger threshold, it can activate another breath, generating a double trigger. The risk is the fall of tidal expiratory volume because of an excessive reduction of inspiratory time (Fig. 13.11).

Fig. 13.11
A graph on flow and pressure. The flow graph for premature cycling starts parallel to the y-axis, gradually decreases to the negative axis, peaks, and then increases till it reaches the positive x-axis. The delayed cycle for pressure has a rectangular curve with a positive trend.

Cycling asynchrony

If we set a percentage of expiratory flow too low, the patient initiates the exhalation while the ventilator is still delivering flow (prolonged or delayed cycling). Delayed cycling leads to a spike in pressure in late inspiration on the pressure scalar waveform. The airway of the patient remains pressurized for too long with side effects on comfort and expiratory time and dynamic hyperinflation [11, 14, 15].

5.7 Hyperdynamic Inflation

The shape of expiratory limb of the flow curve is affected by the resistance to airflow and the compliance of the lung. Under normal conditions, the expiratory limb of the curve returns to a baseline of zero flow prior to the next breath being initiated. However, if expiration of air is still ongoing when inspiration starts, then the lungs are not emptying completely and air trapping occurs. The persistence of flow at the end of the expiration shows that the pulmonary system is above the residual functional capacity and the flow is generated by positive elastic return of the respiratory system at the end of the exhalation (PEEPi). The analysis of the waves does not allow measuring PEEPi but provides an estimation of the possible presence of PEEPi [16] (Fig. 13.12).

Fig. 13.12
A graph on flow versus time. The patient flow of inspiration indicates rectangular waveforms in the positive axis of time. The patient expiration is initially straight, then increases to reach the positive time axis. The normal expiration trend increases and the difference is air trapping.


5.8 Volume Scalar

The analysis of volume scalar is a completion of the analysis of pressure and flow scalar. It can be used to evaluate the volume of a patient’s spontaneous breath and the effect that our adjustment of the ventilator settings can produce on volume.

In a ventilation pattern without problems, inspiratory and expiratory volumes should be similar. If there are differences between inspiratory and expiratory volume, there can be:

  • Air leaks in the system

  • Intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (i.e., auto-PEEP or air trapping). In this case, the downslope representing expiration decreases as expected but never reaches the baseline of zero volume before the next breath (see Fig. 13.4) [4, 11].

Key Major Recommendations

  • The analysis of flow/pressure and volume waveforms is important to properly monitor the ventilated patient, to modify parameters of the ventilator, and reduce patient–ventilator asynchrony.

  • At first, evaluate pressure and flow scalar; the analysis of volume scalar is a completion.

  • The clinician should evaluate:

    • if respiratory acts are preceded by a normal activation of inspiratory trigger

    • if there are ineffective efforts or double efforts

    • if the ventilator generates autotrigger

    • if the pressure rises up properly

    • if the pressure is maintained properly or if there are signs of leaks

    • if cycling from inspiration to expiration is correctly configured

    • if there are signs of hyperdynamic inflation.