1 Introduction

To protect the integrity of deep neural networks, defense algorithms against modified images are proposed; although, the majority of them deal with a unique category of malicious examples and have shown tremendous success in that [1, 5]. It is seen in existing research that the defense algorithms targeting specific attacks fail in identifying the malicious data coming from the same or different malicious examples categories [12, 51, 54]. This ineffectiveness can be seen as a blind spot that leaves a space for an attacker to attack the system and perform undesired tasks. Therefore, looking at the severeness of this existing limitation, we have studied numerous adversaries intending to develop universal security. In this research, we divide the malicious examples into three broad categories: (i) common corruptions [21, 41], (ii) adversarial perturbations [3, 4, 33], and (iii) natural adversary [8, 22, 40, 53]. These different categories follow different rules in crafting the perturbation and hence have significant distribution differences among each other. For instance, in the common corruptions, the noises are uniformly distributed, adversarial perturbations affect the critical regions, and natural examples might occur due to cluttered background or low foreground region [31, 32].

To study such broad robustness, a unique dataset covering such malicious examples is a necessity, and therefore, we have first curated the “wide angle anomalies” examples dataset covering the three broad categories mentioned above. In total, the dataset contains approximately 60, 000 images belonging to 20 classes including real and various malicious generation algorithms. Surprisingly, the majority of the malicious examples generation algorithm belonging to the above categories are not explored in existing research, and hence security against them is still a serious concern. Once the wide angle anomalies dataset is prepared we have performed an extensive experimental evaluation using deep convolutional networks to identify these malicious examples. Henceforth, the analysis presented in this paper is an act of benchmarking robustness against such a broad umbrella of malicious examples and in turn helps in building a universal robustness system. We find that there is a connection among the different anomalies coming from the same broad group and can also be used to detect other groups’ adversaries. In brief,

  • We present a large-scale malicious examples dataset covering 19 different attack generation algorithms. The images consist of a wide distribution shift among the malicious examples due to contradictory ways of generation;

  • A benchmark study is presented using a deep convolutional network for the detection of such broad malicious examples categories. The experimental results corresponding to both seen and unseen malicious category in training and testing reveals several interesting and thoughtful insights. We assert the presence of such wide-angle malicious examples dataset and the benchmark study can significantly boost the development of universal robustness.

2 Related Work

In this section, a brief overview of the existing works developed to counter the malicious examples and protect the integrity of the deep neural networks is presented. As mentioned earlier, the majority of the defense work is focused on defending one specific type of malicious example. We first provide a brief overview of the existing defense work tackling artificial adversarial perturbations followed by the defense algorithms countering common corruptions. To the best of our knowledge, no work so far has been presented to build a defense against natural adversarial examples.

The defense algorithms against artificial adversarial perturbations are broadly grouped into (i) detection based, (ii) mitigation based, and (iii) robustness. In the mitigation case, a denoising algorithm is presented to map the noisy data to the clean counterpart. The aim is to reduce the impact of the adversarial perturbation so that the accuracy of the classifier can be restored [15, 18, 44]. Robustness-based defenses are one of the most popular defense techniques to make the classifier resilient against noisy test data. The robustness in this category of algorithms is achieved by training the network by utilizing data augmentation techniques including adversarial training [9, 46, 47]. Adversarial training is one of the powerful defense techniques where the classifiers are either trained or fine-tuned using the adversarial images. However, the probable limitations of the techniques are the computational cost and generalizability against the unseen perturbations [42, 50, 54]. To address this issue several general-purpose data augmentation techniques are also proposed [6, 7, 10]. These data augmentation-based defenses also overcome another limitation of adversarial training which is maintaining the performance on the clean images that significantly drops in adversarial training. Another popular and most effective defense against artificial adversarial perturbation is the development of a binary classifier. Recently, several generalized adversarial perturbation detection algorithms are proposed that either utilize the handcrafted features, deep classifiers or a combination of both [1, 5, 20, 30, 52].

In contrast to the defense against adversarial perturbations, limited work has been done so far to protect against common corruption. Similar to increasing the robustness against adversarial perturbations, data augmentation is one of the favorite defenses against common corruptions as well [34, 36]. In other forms of defense, recently, Schneider et al. [45] have proposed to mitigate the covariate shift by replacing the batch normalization statistics computed over the clean data with the statistics computed over corrupted samples. Another recent work utilizes the mixture of two deep CNN models biased towards low and high-frequency features of an image [43]. The reason might be that noise signals are considered high-frequency information and the author aims to improve the robustness against high-frequency features. The major limitation of the defenses proposed so far is the generalization against the unseen corruptions [14, 17, 35], computational cost, and degradation performance on the clean or in-distribution images. Interestingly, very limited work has tried to identify/detect the corrupted examples and the majority of them tried to improve the robustness of the model directly which in turn leads to the degradation performance on clean images. The issue of common corruption has recently been explored in other computer vision tasks or models as well such as semantic segmentation [27] and transformers [39]. Therefore, looking at the severity of both common corruptions and artificial perturbations, a resilient defense is critical. Apart from handling these well-known malicious examples, detecting the advanced or recently explored natural adversarial examples [8, 22, 31] is also important in building a universal defense mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, recent work [2] is the only work which has started an effort in building a unified defense system.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Samples from our proposed wide angle anomalies dataset cover a broad spectrum of malicious examples. The covariate shift between the different classes including real is evident which makes the generalizability a tough task in handling a broad spectrum of anomalies.

3 Proposed Wide Angle Anomalies Dataset

In this research, we have selected different malicious examples generation algorithms which we have broadly grouped into two groups: (i) common corruptions and (ii) adversarial examples. The adversarial examples consist of two broad categories (i) artificial perturbations and (ii) natural adversary.

Table 1. Parameters of the common corruption used.

3.1 Common Corruptions

For the generation of common corruption-induced malicious examples five different popular variants are selected namely Gaussian noise (GN), salt & pepper noise (SPN), uniform noise (UN), shot noise (SN), and speckle noise (SPKN). Each of the selected corruption is applied with low severity with a twofold aim: first is to fool the deep classifiers but at the same time keep the perceptibility of noise pattern minimal. The parameters used with individual common corruption are given in Table 1.

3.2 Adversarial Examples

In contrast to the common corruption, adversarial examples contain the perturbation generated using the classifier itself utilizing its ingredients including image gradient and decision probabilities. For adversarial examples, both artificial perturbation optimization algorithms and natural adversarial examples generation algorithms are selected.

Artificial Perturbations. For artificial adversarial examples, five benchmark algorithms namely fast gradient sign method (FGSM) [19], basic iterative method (BIM) also known as iterative FGSM (IFGSM) [28], projected gradient descent (PGD) [33], DeepFool [38], and Universal perturbation [37] are adopted. FGSM is one of the simplest and most effective adversarial perturbation generation algorithms. It works on the manipulation using the gradient information computed over an image to maximize the loss over the modified image. Mathematically, it can be described as follows: \(X^{*} = X + \eta \cdot sign(\triangledown _X J(X, Y_{true}))\). X and \(X^*\) represent the clean and FGSM adversarial images, respectively. \(\eta \) controls the strength of added perturbation optimized through the loss function J computed over image X and its associate true label \(Y_{true}\). \(\triangledown _X\) is the gradient concerning X and sign represents the sign function. Even though \(\eta \) tries to control the perturbation visibility it is still highly perceptible with a naked eye and hence to improve that the iterative variants are proposed by Kurakin and Goodfellow [28]. It can be described as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} X^*_0 = X \\ X^*_N = Clip_{X, \epsilon } (X^*_{N-1} + \alpha \cdot sign(\triangledown _X J(X^*_{N-1}, Y_{true}))) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where, \(Clip_{X, \epsilon }\) represents the scaling of an image in the range of \([X - \epsilon , X + \epsilon ]\). Due to its nonlinearity in the gradient direction, several iterations are required to optimize the perturbation. It makes the generated perturbation more effective as compared to FGSM. Compared to the above gradient-based perturbation, the deepfool attack is based on the minimization of the \(L_2\) norm and aims to make sure the adversarial examples jump the decision hyperplane developed by the classifier. The idea is to perturb an image iteratively and with each iteration, the closest decision surface is assumed to be fooled by the updated image. Madry et al. [33] have proposed the PGD attack which is also considered the strongest first-order universal adversary. The optimization iteratively searches for a perturbation vector that minimizes a \(l_p\) norm ball around the clean image. The above artificial perturbation generation algorithms whether simple or complex, generate the noise vector individually for each image. To optimize a single perturbation vector that can be applied to multiple images, a universal perturbation is also presented in the literature [37]. The above selected perturbation reflects the wide variety in the generation of adversarial perturbation and hence makes the study of universal defense interesting and a thoughtful step.

Natural Adversary. Recently, several researchers have explored the natural way of crafting adversarial examples. One such way is proposed by Hendrycks et al. [22]. The authors have downloaded the natural images of 200 classes from multiple image hosting websites that can fool the ResNet-50 classifier. In total, the dataset contains 7, 500 adversarial images and is termed Imagenet-A. Later, Li et al. [31] identify several bottlenecks of the natural adversarial examples in ImageNet-A. It is found that the background in the adversarial examples of ImageNet-A is more cluttered due to the presence of multiple objects that might be a possible reason for distribution shift and leads to misclassification. Another possible drawback of the images is that the foreground region in an image occupies a small part as compared to the background. The authors show that removing these limitations can significantly boost the performance of several ImageNet trained models and hence the need for an intelligent way of crafting a natural adversary is highlighted. For that, the authors have presented an ImagNet-A-Plus dataset by minimizing the background information in an image and leaving only one salient object region covering a large portion of an image. The dataset is generated from the images of the ImageNet-A dataset by first filtering out the images containing object proportion 8 times less than the object proportion in the ImageNet images. The filtered images are passed through the ResNet-50 model and the background is clipped from the selected adversarial images so that the target object proportion in images can be increased. Hosseini et al. [24] have proposed another way of generating natural adversarial examples by shifting the color information in images. The assumption of image generation is based on the assertion that the human visual system is biased towards shape while classifying an object as compared to the color information [29]. The authors have utilized the HSV color space due to its closeness to the human visual system as compared to the RGB space. The authors have modified the hue and saturation components of an image keeping the value component intact. The adversarially color shifted images are generated by solving the following optimization problem:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} min|\delta _S|,~~s.t.\\ \begin{Bmatrix} X^*_H = (X_H + \delta _H)~~mod~~1\\ X^*_S = Clip(X_S + \delta _S, 0, 1)\\ X^*_V = X_V \end{Bmatrix} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where, \(\delta _H\) and \(\delta _S\) represent the shift introduced in the hue \(X_H\) and saturation \(X_S\) components of an image X, respectively. \(X_V\) is the value component of an image. Both \(\delta _H\) and \(\delta _S\) are scalar values only. The authors have used the 1000 iteration to perturb the color components or till the modified image is misclassified by the VGG classifier, whichever happens first. The authors have reported the success of the attack on the CIFAR10 dataset only. In this research, to keep the adversarial examples of one dataset, we have trained the VGG classifier on the selected ImageNet subset and generated the color shift semantic adversarial examples.

In contrast to the above natural examples which either utilize the limitation of the classifier of not being trained on the kind of images that occur in the adversarial dataset such as ImageNet-A and ImageNet-A-Plus or color shifting the images, Agarwal et al. [8] have utilized the noise inherited at the time image acquisition. When the images are captured from the camera they passed through several intermediate steps, the authors assert that these steps induced some form of manipulation or the environment can itself be noisy. The intuition of the authors is that can this inherited noise be used as an adversarial noise. The inherited noise vector is extracted using several image filtering techniques such as Laplacian and Gaussian. The adversarial examples generation process can be described as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} Noise = X - \phi (X) \\ X^* = Clip(X \circledast (\psi \cdot Noise), 0, 1) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where, Noise is generated by subtracting the acquired clean image (X) from its filtered version obtained by applying any image filtering technique \(\phi \). \(\psi \) is a scalar value controlling the strength of the noise. \(\circledast \) represents the noise manipulation operator that is either added (\(\oplus \)) or removed (\(\ominus \)) from the image with the following assertion: (i) added (referred to as -P) the subtracted component by assuming it as a noise vector and (ii) removed (referred as -S) on the fact that the noise is a high-frequency feature and removing that feature can fool the classifiers which are found highly biased towards shape and texture [16, 23, 43]. In this research, we have used the Integral, laplacian, and laplacian of Gaussian as three image filtering techniques due to their high effectiveness as compared to the other filtering methods used in the paper [8]. The adversarial examples generated using the above technique are referred to as camera induced perturbation (CIPer) as termed in the original paper. In brief, various classes along with the number of images covered in the proposed research can be summarized as follows:

  • Real/Clean Images (3, 000)

  • Common Corruptions (15, 000)

    • Gaussian Noise (GN) (3, 000)

    • Uniform Noise (UN) (3, 000)

    • Salt & Pepper Noise (SPN) (3, 000)

    • Shot Noise (SN) (3, 000)

    • Speckle Noise (SPKN) (3, 000)

  • Adversarial Images

    • Artificial Perturbations (15, 000)








      DeepFool (DF)


      Universal (Univ.)

    • Natural Examples (8, 763)


      Subset of ImageNet-A (IN-A)


      Subset of ImageNet-A-Plus (IN-A-P)


      Semantic Color-Shift Examples (CS)

    • Camera Induced (18, 000)


      Integral filtering (Int-P and Int-S)


      Laplace filtering (Lap-P and Lap-S)


      Laplace of Gaussian filtering (LoG-P and LoG-S)

To generate the malicious images, 3, 000 clean images from the validation set of the ImegeNet dataset are first selected [13]. Later, each malicious examples generation algorithm is applied to the selected images except ImageNet-A and ImageNet-A-Plus. The images in this category are directly taken from the images provided by the original contributors. In total, the proposed wide angle anomalies dataset consists of 3, 000 clean images and 56, 763 malicious images. For the experimental purpose, the first 1500 images of each class are used for training, and the last 1500 images are used for evaluation.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Malicious examples detection architecture used in this research.

4 Experimental Results and Analysis

In this research, the aim is to study the universal robustness by detecting these wide-angle adversaries, i.e., classifying the images into either real or modified classes. For that, a binary classifier is developed using VGG-16 [48] as a backbone architectureFootnote 1. The robustness performance acts as a benchmark for the study of universal defense by identifying a possible connection between different groups of adversaries. The proposed malicious examples detection architecture is shown in Fig. 2. We have set the gradient of the first 10 layers of VGG equal to zero and finetuned the remaining layers along with training the newly added dense layers from scratch. The architecture is trained for 30 epochs using Adam optimizer where the batch size is set to 32 and initial learning used is \(1e^{-4}\).

4.1 Results and Analysis

We have performed an extensive experimental analysis on the collected wide angle anomalies dataset. The experiments are performed in several generalized settings: (i) seen attack generation algorithm such as PGD vs. PGD, (ii) unseen attack generation algorithm such as PGD vs. FGSM, and (iii) unseen attack types such as Natural adversary vs. common corruptions. First, we will present the results and analysis of the seen attack training and testing scenarios followed by the experimental observations on unseen attack settings. In the end, the connection between different malicious examples is established by testing the malicious examples detection algorithm trained on entirely different malicious examples.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Malicious examples detection in the seen attack setting, i.e., where training and testing attack generation algorithm is same.

Table 2. Common corruption detection performance in unseen noise training testing conditions. – represents the seen noise training-testing setting and the results are reported in Fig. 3.

Seen Attack Results. In total, in the proposed dataset there are 20 classes belonging to one real and 19 attack class. Therefore, in the seen attack setting, a total of 19 classifiers are trained individually on each attack training data and tested on the same attack type using the testing set. The results of these experiments are shown in Fig. 3. The analysis can be broken down into the following ways: (i) global analysis and (ii) local analysis. In the global analysis, it can be seen that the DF (DeepFool) attack is found highly challenging to detect, i.e., yielding the lowest detection accuracy value of 61.33%. Whereas, the remaining attack detection yields a high accuracy value of at least 85.63% reflecting that defending against adversarial attacks even coming from a variety of algorithms is not difficult even from a simple classification architecture. However, this might gives us a false sense of security as in reality all possible attacks might not be known beforehand.

In the case of local analysis, an observation concerning the different classes of malicious examples can be described. For instance, when the common corruptions are aimed to detect, it is found that uniform noise (UN) is one of the toughest corruption to detect. We went ahead to identify the potential reason for such lower performance and found that the perceptibility of the uniform noise is low (last column of common corruption in Fig. 1) as compared to other perturbations and it is approximately similar to artificial adversarial perturbations. It can be seen from another point that the SPN noise is found highly perceptible and hence yield a higher detection performance. In the case of natural adversarial examples, ImageNet-A-Plus images are found less detectable as compared to the other natural adversary. The ImageNet-A-Plus (IN-A-P) can be seen as an advanced version of ImageNet-A (IN-A) where the cluttered background and foreground object region is enhanced. It might be the possible reason for the lower detection performance of these examples. The proposed binary classification algorithm is also found effective in detecting the color shift (CS) semantic natural adversarial examples. The detection performance on each artificial adversarial perturbation except DF is significantly high where the lowest detection accuracy observed is 92.17%. The universal perturbation images are found easiest to detect and demonstrated approximately perfect detection accuracy (99.43%). In comparison to the other malicious attack classes, the detection performance across each variety of CIPer noise is at least 98.27% which makes it less effective in terms of its detection. We want to highlight that such high detection performance observed is in the case where the detection algorithm has seen each malicious class while optimizing the network parameters and therefore, might not be a true indicator of the complexity of the malicious class.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Unseen natural adversarial examples detection.

Unseen Attack Detection. From the experimental analysis in seen attack setting, we have seen the impression that it might not be difficult to identify the malicious examples; however, such an impression can be dangerous until the evaluation has been performed under an unseen attack testing setting. Therefore, we have extensively evaluated the generalizability concern and showcased how easy or difficult the detection of malicious examples is in open-world settings. On the common corruption, five-fold cross-validation experiments are performed where at each time one noise type is used for training, and the remaining are used for testing. From the global view, each attack is found similarly generalized in detecting the unseen noise variation except Salt & Pepper noise (SPN). The training on SPN noise is found highly ineffective in identifying other noise variations. While the UN corruption performs similar to other corruptions, the variation in its detection performance is the smallest. Through a multi-fold cross-validation experiment it is observed that the generalizability of the unseen corruption detection is somewhat better; however, needs further attention and evaluation against other categories. In an interesting observation, it can also be noticed that the detectors trained on each noise yield the lowest performance on the uniform noise, and the performance on SPN noise is highest. The results of this experimental analysis are reported in Table 2.

Table 3. Artificial adversarial perturbation detection performance in unseen noise training testing conditions. – represents the seen perturbation training-testing setting and reported in Fig. 3.
Table 4. Camera induced adversarial perturbation detection performance in unseen noise training testing conditions.

In the second unseen attack setting, natural adversary examples are chosen where a three-fold cross-validation experimental evaluation has been performed. Similar to common corruption only one attack is used for training and others are used for testing. This kind of setting represents the worst-case performance where it might be possible that only one type of attack is available for training or in other words limited knowledge about the adversary is known. In contrast to generalizability in common corruption, the robustness in the detection of the natural adversary is poor. The ImageNet-A (IN-A) and ImageNet-A-Plus (IN-A-P) being the same category of natural adversary yields similar and high detection performance; whereas the color shift semantic adversary is contradictory to these adversaries and yields lower accuracy. It can also be seen from the detection performance: (i) when IN-A or IN-A-P adversary is used for training it yields low detection performance on the color shift adversary (CS) and (ii) when the CS adversary is used in training and IN-A and IN-A-P adversary used for evaluation, the performance is closed to random chance value. In between IN-A and IN-A-P, the IN-A is found robust in detecting the other natural adversaries. The quantitative finding of these experimental evaluations is reported in Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Unseen malicious type examples detection. Each attack of four malicious examples category (common corruption, natural adversary, artificial adversary, and camera induced perturbation) are used to train the detection algorithm and evaluated on the unseen malicious attack category.

Another unseen attack detection performance is performed on the artificial adversarial perturbation images. We have noticed in the seen attack training-testing setting that the DF is highly challenging to detect as compared to other malicious examples including artificial adversarial perturbations. In the unseen attack setting as well it is observed that the generalization performance on the DF perturbation is the lowest among all the artificial perturbations. Whereas, the universal perturbation is found easily detectable and yields at least 94.47% detection accuracy even if the detector has not seen the perturbation while training. In surprising observations, the universal perturbation which was found highly detectable shows poor generalization in detecting other perturbations; whereas, the perturbation (DF) which is found complex in detection found significantly generalized in detecting unseen adversarial perturbations. The numerical analysis related to the above observations is reported in Table 3.

In final unseen attack detection experiments, the camera-induced noises are used for training and testing. The noise is extracted using three image filtering operations and applied in two forms (addition and subtraction). Therefore, a total of six fold cross-validation experiments are performed to evaluate the generalizability of malicious examples detection networks. The camera-induced perturbations which were found almost perfectly detectable in seen attack training-testing are found complex in the unseen testing setting. In brief, when the detector is trained on the noisy examples obtained using addition operation, it yields higher performance in the detection of unseen attack images obtained using addition operation and yields poor performance generated using subtraction operation even same image filtering is applied. For instance, Lap-P trained detector yields more than 86% detection performance on the LoG-P images; whereas, it yields random chance accuracy (49.50%) on the LoG-S adversarial images. A similar interesting observation is observed in the adversarial examples obtained using subtraction of camera noise. For instance, Int-S trained malicious examples detector yields 11% better accuracy when the adversarial examples are obtained using LoG filtering with subtraction operation as compared to the addition operation. The quantitative results are shown in Table 4.

Unseen Malicious Type Detection. In the final generalizability analysis (shown in Fig. 5), we have evaluated the anomaly examples detection in unseen malicious type training-testing scenarios. In the proposed research, four different malicious categories are used which in turn contain several attack generation algorithms. To extensively study the malicious examples detection and pave a way for future research to enhance the robustness, four-fold cross-validation experiments are performed. In each fold, one malicious examples category is used for training, and remaining are the used for testing. We have earlier observed that the accuracy is lower in the unseen attack setting in comparison to the seen attack setting. The drop in detection performance is further observed when the malicious attack category is changed in the training and testing set. Except in a few cases, the majority of the detection performance lies close to 60% only which shows that the detection of malicious examples demands careful attention, especially in extremely generalized and open-world settings.

Let us dig deeper towards understanding the detection of individual attacks of the malicious category used for evaluation. When the common corruptions are used to train the detection algorithm, across each corruption it is found that the detection of CS attack, universal perturbation, and Int-P attack belonging to the natural adversary, artificial adversarial perturbation, and camera noise, respectively, is the highest. In natural adversary, color shift shows the highest correlation with other malicious categories and yields the highest detection performance. Interestingly, artificial adversarial perturbations are found more effective in detecting the Salt & Pepper noise (SPN) common corruption in comparison to other common corruptions and remaining unseen malicious categories. Whereas, the camera-induced noises yield better performance on universal artificial perturbation along with SPN corruption in comparison to other unseen malicious example categories. In quantitative terms, the detection performance of SPN and universal perturbation is at least 17% and 30% better when artificial adversary and camera-induced noises are used in training, respectively. We believe that there is a connection between different malicious examples categories and can be exploited further to build a universal defense system.

Table 5. Ablation study utilizing different backbone architectures for seen and unseen common corruption detection. VGG yields the best performance across each network.

Impact of CNN Backbone. We have extensively analyzed the impact of different CNN architectures as a backbone network in the malicious examples detection pipeline. In brief, the VGG architecture yields the best average malicious examples detection performance whether evaluated in seen or unseen attack image settings. The detailed results are added in Table 5. When the VGG architecture is trained using SN, it shows the highest average generalization performance; although the performance does not shows significant degradation even if trained on other corruptions. In terms of corruption, the detection of uniform noise corrupted images is complex as compared to the other corruptions. For instance, when the VGG architecture is trained on GN corruption and tested on UN, it shows at least 7.73% lower performance in comparison to the detection performance on other corruption images. On the other hand, SPN corruption is found the easiest to be defended, i.e., out of all corruptions used, each CNN architecture yields the best detection accuracy of the SPN images.

5 Conclusion

In this research, we put a strong step towards developing a universal robustness system by building the ‘first-ever wide angle’ anomalies dataset. The said dataset covers 19 different attack generation algorithms and contains approximately 60, 000 images. An experimental evaluation setup shows that the detection of these malicious examples categories is easy when they are seen at the time of training the attack detection algorithm. However, several generalization experimental protocol reveals that we should not fall prey to such high detection accuracies as performance can significantly drop if an unseen attack or unseen malicious category comes for evaluation. In the real world, we can expect such unseen training-testing scenarios; therefore, we demand careful attention while developing the defense algorithms and their evaluation in several generalized settings. The experimental results also reveal a potential connection between different malicious categories which can be effectively used in building a universal detection algorithm. In the future, newer malicious attack images can be added to the proposed dataset and a sophisticated detection algorithm will be built to get universal robustness.