
1 Introduction

Recent years have seen a growing interest in the task of Sentiment Analysis (SA). In spite of these efforts however, real applications for sentiment analysis are still challenged by a series of aspects, such as multilinguality and domain dependence. Sentiment analysis can be divided into different sub-tasks like aspect based SA, polarity or fine-grained SA, entity-centered SA. SA can also be applied on many different levels of scope – document level, sentence or phrases level. Performing sentiment analysis in a multilingual setting is even more challenging, as most datasets available are annotated for English texts and low-resourced languages suffer from a lack of annotated datasets on which machine learning models can be trained.

In this paper, we describe an evaluation of our three in-house SA systems designed for three distinct SA tasks, in a highly multilingual setting. These systems process a tremendous amount of text every day, and therefore it is essential to know their quality and also be able to evaluate these applications correctly. At present, these systems cannot be sufficiently evaluated. Due to the lack of correct evaluation, we decided to prepare appropriate resources and tools for the evaluation, assess these applications and summarize obtained results. We collect and describe a rich collection of publicly available datasets for sentiment analysis, and we present the performance of individual systems for the collected datasets. We also carry out additional experiments with the datasets, and we show that for news articles performance of classification increases when adding the title of the news article to the body text.

1.1 Tasks Description

The evaluated systems are intended for solving three sentiment related tasks – Twitter Sentiment Analysis (TSA) task, Tonality in News (TON) task and the Targeted Sentiment Analysis (ESA) task that can also be called Entity-Centered Sentiment Analysis.

In the Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Tonality tasks, the systems have to assign a polarity which determines the overall sentiment of a given tweet or a news article (generally speaking text).

Targeted Sentiment Analysis (ESA) task is a task of a sentiment polarity classification towards an entity mention in a given text.

For all mentioned tasks, the sentiment polarity can be one of the positive, negative or neutral labels or a number from \(-100\) to 100, where a negative value indicates negative sentiment, a positive value indicates positive sentiment and zero (or values close to zero) means neutral sentiment. In our evaluation experiments, we used the 3-point scale (positive, negative, neutral).

1.2 Systems Overview

TwitOMedia system [4] for the TSA task uses a hybrid approach, which employs supervised learning with a Support Vector Machines Sequential Minimal Optimization [32], on unigram and bigram features.

EMMTonality system for the TON task counts occurrences of language specific sentiment terms from our in-house language specific dictionaries. Each sentiment term has a sentiment value assigned. The system sums up values for all words (which are present in the mentioned dictionary) in a given text. The resulting number is normalized and scaled to a range from \(-100\) to 100 where the negative value indicates negative tonality, the positive value indicates positive tonality and the neutral tonality is expressed with zero.

EMMTonality system also contains a module for the ESA task which computes sentiment towards an entity in a given text. This approach is the same as for the tonality in news articles, with the difference that only a certain number of words surroundings the entity are used to compute the sentiment value towards the entity.

EMMSenti system is intended to solve only the ESA task. This system uses a similar approach to the EMMTonality system, see [38] for the detailed description.

2 Related Work

In [35], authors summarize eight publicly available datasets for a Twitter sentiment analysis and they are giving an overview of the existing evaluation datasets and their characteristics. Another comparison of available methods for sentiment analysis is mentioned in [15]. They describe four different approaches (machine learning, lexicon-based, statistical and rule-based) and they distinguish between three different levels of the scope of sentiment analysis, i.e. document level, sentence level and word/phrase/sub-sentence level.

In recent years most of the state-of-the-art systems and approaches for sentiment analysis used neural networks and deep learning techniques. Very popular became the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [24] and the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [21] or Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) [12]. In [22] they used a CNN architecture for sentiment analysis and question answering. One of the proofs of neural networks successfulness is that most of the top teams [8, 14, 18] in sentiment analysis (or tasks related to the sentiment analysis) in the last SemEval [28, 34] and WASSA [23, 27] competitions used deep learning techniques. In [41] they present a comprehensive survey of current application in sentiment analysis. [5] compare several models on six different benchmark datasets, which belong to different domains and additionally have different levels of granularity. They showed that LSTMs based neural networks are particularly good at fine-grained sentiment tasks. In [39] the authors introduced sentiment-specific word embeddings (SSWE) for Twitter sentiment classification, which encode sentiment information in the continuous representation of words.

The majority of the sentiment analysis research mainly focuses on monolingual methods, especially in English but some effort is being made for multilingual approaches as well. [2] propose an approach to obtain training data for French, German and Spanish using three distinct Machine translation (MT) systems. They translated English data to the three languages, and then they evaluated performance for sentiment analysis after using the three MT systems. They showed that the gap in classification performance between systems trained on English and translated data is minimal, and they claim that MT systems are mature enough to be reliably employed to obtain training data for languages other than English and that sentiment analysis systems can obtain comparable performances to the one obtained for English. In [3] they extended work from [2] and showed that tf-idf weighting with unigram features has a positive impact on the results.

In [11], the authors study possibilities of usage of English model for sentiment analysis in different Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Dutch languages where the annotated data are more limited. They propose a multilingual approach where a single RNN model is built in the language where the largest sentiment analysis resources are available. Then they used MT to translate test data to English and finally they used the model to classify the translated data.

The paper [16] provide a review of multilingual sentiment analysis. They compare their implementation of existing approaches on common data. Precision observed in their experiments is typically lower than the one reported by the original authors, which could be caused by the lack of detail in the original presentation of those approaches.

In [42] they created bilingual sentiment word embeddings, which is based on the idea of encoding sentiment information into semantic word vectors. Related multilingual approach for sentiment analysis for low-resource languages is presented in [6]. They introduced Bilingual Sentiment Embeddings (BLSE), which are jointly optimized to represent (a) semantic information in the source and target languages, which are bound to each other through a small bilingual dictionary, and (b) sentiment information, which is annotated on the source language only.

In [7], authors extend an approach from [6] to domain adaption for sentiment analysis. Their model takes as input two mono-domain embedding spaces and learns to project them to a bi-domain space, which is jointly optimized to project across domains and to predict sentiment.

From the previous review, we can deduce that the current state-of-the-art approaches for sentiment analysis in English are solely based on neural networks and deep learning techniques. Deep learning techniques usually require more data than the “traditional” machine learning approaches (Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression) and it is evident that they will be used for rich-resources languages (English). On the other hand, much less effort was invested in the multilingual approaches, and low-resources languages compared to English. First studies about multilingual approaches mostly relied on machine translation systems, but in recent years neural networks along with deep learning techniques were employed as well. Another common idea for multilingual approaches in SA is that researchers are trying to find a way how to create a model based on data from rich-resources language and transform the knowledge in such a way that it is possible to use the model for other languages.

3 Datasets

In this section, we describe the datasets we collected for the evaluation. The applications assessed require different types of datasets or at least different domains to carry out a proper evaluation. We collected mostly public available datasets, but we also used our in-house non-public datasets. The polarity labels for all collected Twitter and news datasets are positive, neutral or negative. If the original dataset contained other polarity labels than the three mentioned, we either discarded them or mapped them to positive, neutral or negative polarity labels.

Sentiment analysis of tweets is a prevalent problem, and much effort is being put into solving this problem and related problems in recent years [19, 20, 23, 27, 29, 30, 34]. Therefore, datasets for this task are easier to find.

On the other hand, finding datasets for the ESA task is much more challenging because there is less research effort being put into this task and thus there are less existing resources. For the sentiment analysis in news articles we were not able to find a proper public dataset for the English language, and therefore we used our in-house datasets. For some languages exist publicly available corpora such as Slovenian [10], German [25], Brazilian Portuguese [1], Ukrainian and Russian [9].

3.1 Twitter Datasets

In this subsection, we present the sentiment datasets for the Twitter domain. We collected 2.8M labelled tweets in total from several datasets, see Table 1 for detailed statistics. Next, we shortly describe each of these datasets.

Table 1. Twitter datasets statistics.

Sentiment140 [19] dataset consists of two parts – training and testing. The training part includes 800k positive and 800k negative automatically labelled tweets. Authors of this dataset collected tweets containing certain emoticons, and to every tweet, they assigned a label based on the emoticon. For example, :) and :-) both express positive emotion and thus tweets containing these emoticons were labelled as positive. The testing part of this dataset is composed of 459 manually annotated tweets (177 negative, 139 neutral and 182 positives). The detailed description of this approach is described in [19].

The authors of [37] created Health Care Reform dataset based on tweets about health care reform in the USA. They extracted tweets containing the health care reform hashtag “#hcr” from the early 2010s. This dataset contains 543 positive, 1381 negative and 470 neutral examples.

Obama-McCain Debate ne [36] dataset was manually annotated with the Amazon Mechanical Turk by one or more annotators for the categories positive, negative, mixed or other. Total 3269 tweets posted during the presidential debate on September 26th, 2008 between Barack Obama and John McCain were annotated. We filtered this dataset to obtain only tweets with a positive or negative label (no neutral classes were present). After the filtering process, we received 709 positives and 1195 negative examples.

T4SA [40] dataset was obtained from July to December 2016. The authors discarded retweets, tweets not containing any static image and tweets whose text was less than five words long. Authors were able to gather 3.4M tweets in English. Then, they classified the sentiment polarity of the texts and selected the tweets having the most confident textual sentiment predictions. This approach resulted in approximately a million labelled tweets. For the sentiment polarity classification, authors used an adapted version of the ItaliaNLP Sentiment Polarity Classifier [13]. This classifier uses a tandem LSTM-SVM architecture. Along with the tweets, authors also crawled the images contained in the tweets. The aim was to automatically build a training set for learning a visual classifier able to discover the sentiment polarity of a given image [40].

SemEval-2017 dataset was created for the Sentiment Analysis in Twitter task [34] at SemEval 2017. The authors made available all the data from previous years of the Sentiment Analysis in Twitter [30] tasks and they also collected some new tweets. They chose English topics based on popular events that were trending on Twitter. The topics included a range of named entities (e.g., Donald Trump, iPhone), geopolitical entities (e.g., Aleppo, Palestine), and other entities. The dataset is divided into two parts – SemEval 2017 Train and SemEval 2017 Test. They used CrowdFlower to annotate the new tweets.

We removed all duplicated tweets from the SemEval 2017 Train part which resulted in approximately 20K positive, 8K negative and 23K neutral examples and 2K positive, 4K negative and 6K neutral examples for the SemEval 2017 Test part (see Table 1).

InHouse Tweets dataset consists of two datasets InHouse Tweets Train and InHouse Tweets Test used in [4]. These datasets come from SemEval 2013 task 2 Sentiment Analysis in Twitter [20].

Sanders twitter datasetFootnote 1 created by Sanders Analytics consists of 5512 manually labelled tweets by one annotator. Each tweet is related to one of four topics (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Twitter). Tweets are labelled as either positive, negative, neutral or irrelevant. We discarded tweets labelled as irrelevant. In [35] the authors also described and used Sanders twitter dataset.

3.2 Targeted Entity Sentiment Datasets

For the ESA task, we were able to collect three labelled datasets. Datasets from [17, 26] are created from tweets, and our InHouse Entity dataset [38] contains sentences from news articles. Detailed statistics are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Targeted Entity Sentiment Analysis datasets statistics.

Dong [17] is manually annotated dataset for the ESA task consisting of 1734 positive, 1733 negative and 3473 neutral examples. Each example consists of a tweet, an entity and a class label which denotes a sentiment towards the entity.

[26] used the Amazon Mechanical Turk to annotate Mitchel dataset with 3288 examples (tweet – entity pairs) for the ESA task. Tweets with a single highlighted named entity were shown to the annotators, and they were instructed to select the sentiment being expressed towards the entity (positive, negative or no sentiment).

For the evaluation, we also used our InHouse Entity dataset created in [38]. This dataset was created as a multilingual parallel news corpus annotated with sentiment towards entities. They used data from Workshops on Statistical Machine Translation (2008, 2009, 2010)Footnote 2. Firstly, they recognized the named entities and then selected examples were manually annotated with two annotators. The disagreed cases were judged by the third annotator. They were able to obtain 1281 labelled examples (707 positive, 275 negative and 923 neutral), e.g. sentences with annotated entity and sentiment expressed towards the entity.

3.3 News Tonality Datasets

For the TONFootnote 3 task, we used our two non-public multilingual datasets. Firstly, our InHouse News dataset consists of 1830 manually labelled texts from news articles about Macedonian Referendum in 23 languages, but the majority is formed by Macedonian, Bulgarian, English, Italian and Russian, see Table 3. Each example contains a title and description of a given article. For the evaluation of our systems we used only Bulgarian, English, Italian and Russian because other languages are either not supported by the evaluated systems or the number of examples is less than 60 samples.

EP News dataset contains more than 50K manually labelled news articles about the European Parliament and European Union in 25 European languages. Each news article in this dataset consists from a title and full text of the article and also from their English translation, we selected five main European languages (English, German, French, Italian and Spanish) for the evaluation, see Table 4 for details.

Table 3. InHouse News dataset statistics.
Table 4. EP Tonality News dataset statistics.

4 Evaluation and Results

In this section, we present the summary of all the evaluation results for of all the three systems. For each system, we select an appropriate collection of datasets, and we classify examples of each selected dataset separately. Then, we merge all selected datasets, and we classify them together. Except for the InHouse News dataset and EP News dataset, all experiments are performed on English texts. We carry out experiments on the EMMTonality system with the InHouse News dataset on Bulgarian, English, Italian and Russian. Experiments with the EP News dataset are performed on the TwitOMedia and EMMTonality system with English, German, French, Italian and SpanishFootnote 4.

Each sample is classified as positive, negative or neutral and for all named systems we did not apply any additional preprocessing stepsFootnote 5. As an evaluation metric, we used Accuracy and Macro \(F_1\) score which are defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} F_{1}^{M} = \frac{2\times P^{M} \times R^{M} }{P^{M} + R^{M} } \end{aligned}$$

where \(P^{M}\) denotes Macro Precision an \(R^{M}\) denotes Macro Recall. Precision \(P_i\) and recall \(R_i\) are firstly computed separately for each class (n is the number of classes) and then averaged as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} P^{M} = \frac{\sum _{i}^{n}{P_i}}{n} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} R^{M} = \frac{\sum _{i}^{n}{R_i}}{n} \end{aligned}$$

4.1 Baselines

For basic comparison, we created baseline models for the TSA task and TON task. These baseline models are based on unigram or unigram-bigram features. Results are shown in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. For the baseline models, we apply minimal preprocessing steps like lowercasing and word normalization which includes conversion of URLs, emails, money, phone numbers, usernames, dates and numbers expressions to one common token, for example, token “” is converted to the token “<url>”. These steps lead to a reduction of feature space as shown in [19]. We use ekphrasis library from [8] for word normalization.

Table 5. Results of baseline models for the InHouse Tweets Test dataset with unigram features (models were trained on InHouse Tweets Train dataset).

To train the baseline models, we use an implementation of Support Vector Machines (SVM) – concretely Support Vector Classification (SVC) with linear kernel, Logistic Regression with lbfgs solver and Naive Bayes algorithms from the scikit-learn library [31], default values are used for other parameters of the mentioned classifiers. Our InHouse News dataset does not contain a large number of examples, and therefore we perform experiments with 10-fold cross-validation, the same approach is applied for the EP News dataset.

Table 6. Macro \(F_1\) score and Accuracy results of baseline models with unigram and bigram features. The InHouse News dataset and the EP News dataset with all examples (all languages) were used. We used 10-fold cross-validation (results in table are averages of individual folds). Bold values denote best results for each dataset.

For the News datasets (InHouse News and EP News) we train baseline models with different combinations of data. In Table 6 are shown results for models which are trained on a concatenation of examples in different languages. For each dataset, we select all untranslated examples (texts in original languages), and we train model regardless of the language. The model is then able to classify texts in all languages which were used to train the model. This approach should lead to performance improvement as is shown in [4]. The same approach is used to acquire results for Table 7, but only specific languages are used, specifically for the InHouse News dataset it is English, Bulgarian, Italian and Russian and for the EP News dataset it is English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Table 8 contains results for models trained only on original English texts. In Tables 6, 7, 8 and 9 column Config denotes whether the text of an example is used or if a title of the example is concatenated with the text and is used as well.

Table 7. Macro \(F_1\) score and Accuracy results of baseline models with unigram and bigram features. The InHouse News dataset with Bulgarian, English, Italian and Russian examples and the EP News dataset with English, French, Italian, German and Spanish examples were used. We used 10-fold cross-validation (results in table are averages of individual folds). Bold values denote best results for each dataset.
Table 8. Macro \(F_1\) score and Accuracy results of baseline models with unigram and bigram features. The InHouse News dataset and EP News dataset only with original English examples were used. We used 10-fold cross-validation (results in table are averages of individual folds). Bold values denote best results for each dataset.

If we compare baseline results from Table 8 with results from Table 10 (last five lines of the table), we can see that baselines perform much better than our current system (see Macro \(F_1\) score in tables). The TwitOMedia system was trained on tweets messages, so it is evident that its performance on news articles will be lower, but the EMMTonality system should achieve better results.

Our results from Tables 6, 7 and 8 confirm the claims from [4] that joining of data in different languages leads the performance improvement. Models trained on all examples (regardless language), see Table 6, achieve best results.

Table 9. Macro \(F_1\) score and Accuracy results of baseline models trained on SemEval 2017 Train and Test datasets with unigram features. Evaluation was performed on original English examples from our InHouse News and EP News datasets. Bold values denote best results for each dataset.

We collected large manually labelled dataset of tweets, and we wanted to study the possibility to use this dataset to train a model. This model would then be used for classification of news articles that are different from the domain of the training data. After comparing results from Table 9 (last five lines of the table) with results from Table 10, we can see that our simple baseline is not outperformed on the InHouse News dataset by the other two systems. These results show that it is possible to use data from different domains for training and obtain good results.

We also observe that incorporating the title (concatenating the title and the text) of a news article leads to an increase in performance across all datasets and combination of data used for training models. These results show that the title is an essential part of the news and contains significant sentiment and semantic information despite its short length.

4.2 Twitter Sentiment Analysis

To evaluate a system for the TSA task, we used a domain rich collection of tweets datasets. We collected datasets with almost 3M labelled tweets, detailed statistics of used datasets can be seen in Table 1. Table 10 shows obtained results for Accuracy and Macro \(F_1\) measures.

From Table 10 is evident that the TwitOMedia system [4] performs best for the InHouse Tweets Test dataset (bold values in the table). This dataset is based on data from [20] and was used to develop (train and test) this system.

The reason why the TwitOMedia system performs better for the InHouse Tweets Test dataset than for the InHouse Tweets Train dataset (HTTr) is that the system was trained on translations of the HTTr dataset. Original training dataset (HTTr) was translated into several languages, and then the translations were merged to one training dataset which was used to train the model. This approach leads to performance improvement as is shown in [4].

Table 10. Macro \(F_1\) score and Accuracy results of the evaluated TwitOMedia and EMMTonality systems. Bold values denote the best results in specific dataset category (Individual Twitter datasets, joined Twitter datasets and News datasets), and underlined values denote best results for specific dataset category and for each system separetely.

For the other datasets, the performance is lower especially for the domain-specific ones and datasets which does not contain instances with neutral classes, for example, Health Care Reform dataset or Sentiment 140 Train dataset. The first reason is most likely that the system was trained on the other domain of texts which is too much different and thus the system is not able to successfully classify (generalize) texts from these domain-specific datasets. Secondly, Sentiment140 Train dataset and Obama-McCain Debate dataset do not contain examples with a neutral class.

4.3 Tonality in News

EMMTonality system for the TON task was evaluated on the same set of datasets like the one for the TwitOMedia system. Obtained results are shown in Table 10.

If we compare results of the TwitOMedia system and results of the EMMTonality system, we can see that the EMMTonality system achieves better results for these datasets: Sentiment140 Test, Health Care Reform, Obama-McCain Debate, Sanders, SemEval 2017 Train, and SemEval 2017 Test. The overall results are better for the TwitOMedia system. Results for the InHouse News and EP News datasets are comparable for both evaluated systems.

Regarding multilinguality, the EMMTonality system slightly overperforms the TwitOMedia system in Macro \(F_1\) score, see Table 11. Table 11 contains results for the EP News dataset for five European languages (English, German, French, Italian and Spanish).

Table 11. Macro \(F_1\) score and Accuracy results for the EP News dataset for English, German, French, Italian and Spanish examples.

4.4 Targeted Sentiment Analysis

We evaluated the EMMSenti system and EMMTonality system for the ESA task on the Dong, Mitchel and InHouse Entity datasets, see Table 12 for results.

We obtained the best results for the InHouse Entity dataset in terms of Accuracy measure and also for the Macro \(F_1\) score. The best results across all datasets and systems are obtained for the neutral class (not reported in the table) and for other classes our systems work more poorly. The classification algorithm (for both systems) is based on counting subjective terms (words) around entity mentions (no machine learning algorithm or approach is involved). It is obvious that the quality of dictionaries used, as well as their adaptation to the domain, is crucial. If no subjective term from the text is found in the dictionary, to the example is assigned the neutral label.

The best performance of our systems for the neutral class can be explained by the fact that most of the neutral instances do not contain any subjective term.

We also have to note that we were not able to reproduce results obtained in [38] and our achieved performance for this dataset is worse. It is possible that the authors of [38] used slightly different lexicons than we used.

Table 12. Macro \(F_1\) score and Accuracy results for the EMMSenti and EMMTonality systems evaluation. Bold values denote best results for each dataset.

4.5 Error Analysis

In order to understand the causes leading in erroneous classification, we analyze the misclassified examples from Twitter and the News datasets for the EMMTonality and the TwitOMedia systems. We categorize the errors into four groups (see below)Footnote 6. We randomly select 40 incorrectly classified examples for each class and for each system across all datasets which were used for evaluation of these systems, which resulted in 240 manually evaluated examples in total.

We found the following major groups of errors:

1. Implicit sentiment/external knowledge: Sentiment is often expressed implicitly, or external knowledge is needed for a correct classification. The evaluated text does not contain any explicit attributes (words, phrases, emoji/emoticons) which would clearly indicate the sentiment and because our systems are based on surface level features (unigrams/bigrams or counting occurrences of sentiment words), they will fail in these examples. For example, text like “We went to Stanford University today. Got a tour. Made me want to go back to college.” indicates positive sentiment but for this decision we have to know that Stanford University is prestigious university (which is positive) and according to the sentence “Made me want to go back to college.” author has probably a positive relation to universities or his previous studies. This group of errors is the most common in our set of the error analysis examples, we observed it in 94 cases and only for positive or negative examples.

2. Slang expression: Misclassified examples in this group contain domain-specific words, slang expressions, emojis, unconventional linguistic means, misspelled or uppercased words like “4life”, “YEAH BOII”, “yessss”, “grrrl”, “yummmmmy”. We observe this type of errors in 29 examples and most of them were caused by the EMMTonality system (which is reasonable because this system is intended for news). The appropriate solution for part of this problem is an application of preprocessing steps like spell correction, lowercasing, text normalization (“yesssss” \(\Rightarrow \) “yes”) or extending of dictionaries. In case of extending dictionaries, we have to deal with Twitter vocabulary because the Twitter vocabulary (vocabulary of tweets) is changing quite fast (new modern expressions and hashtags are introduced often) and thus dictionaries have to be modified regularly. On the other hand, the TwitOMedia system would have to be retrained every time with new examples in order to extend its feature set or a more advanced normalization system should be used in the pre-processing stage.

3. Negation: Negation of terms is an essential aspect of sentiment classification [33]. Negations can easily change or reverse the sentimental orientation. This error appeared in 35 cases in our set of the error analysis examples.

4. Opposite sentiment words: The last type of errors is caused by sentiment words which express the opposite or different sentiment than the entire text. This type of error was typical for examples annotated with a neutral label. For example tweet “#Yezidi #Peshmerga forces playing volleyball and crushing #ISIS in the frontline.” is annotated as neutral but contains words like “crushing, #ISIS” or “frontline” which can indicate negative sentiment. We observed this error in 20 examples.

The first group of errors (Implicit sentiment/external knowledge) was the most common among the evaluated examples and is also the hardest one because the system would have to have access to world knowledge or be able to detect implicit sentiment in order to be able of correct classification. This error was observed only for examples annotated with positive or negative labels; there, the explicit sentiment markers are missing. The majority of these examples were misclassified as a neutral class. In this case, the sentiment analysis system must be complemented with a system for emotion detection similar to one of the top systems from [23] to improve classification performance. In case of emotion detection for examples which were classified as a neutral class, we would change the neutral class according to the detected emotion. The examples with negative emotions like sadness, fear or anger would be changed to the negative class and examples with positive emotions like joy or surprise would be changed to the positive class.

Figure 1 shows confusion matrices for the EMMTonality and TwitOMedia systems. We can see that a noticeable amount of misclassified examples was predicted as a neutral class and the mentioned improvement should positively affect a significant number of examples according to our statistics from the error analysis.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Confusion matrices for the TwitOMedia and EMMTonality systems on all tweets without S140T and T4SA datasets.

Lastly, we have to note that we were not able to decide the reason for misclassification in 35 cases. According to us, in seven cases was the annotated label incorrect.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we showed the process of thoroughly evaluating three systems for sentiment analysis with a comparison of their performance. We collected and described a rich collection of publicly available datasets, and we performed experiments with these datasets and showed the performance of individual systems. We carried out additional experiments with collected datasets and showed that for news articles is more beneficial also to include the title of the news article along with the text of the article itself. We performed a thorough error analysis and proposed potential solutions for each category of misclassified examples.

In our future work, we will explore current state-of-the-art methods and develop new approaches (including deep learning methods, multilingual embeddings and other recent machine learning approaches) for multilingual sentiment analysis in order to implement them in our highly multilingual environment.