1 Introduction

Explainable AI (XAI) research aims to develop tools that allow lay-users to comprehend the reasoning behind an AI system’s decisions [34, 61]. XAI tools are critical given the pervasiveness of computer vision technologies in various human-centric applications such as self-driving vehicles, healthcare systems, and facial recognition tools. These tools serve several purposes [2, 57]: (i) they help users understand why a decision was reached thereby making systems more transparent, (ii) they allow system developers to improve their system, and (iii) they offer agency to users affected by the system’s decision to change the outcome.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Paper overview. (a) Given a query image I (top row) from class c, we provide counterfactual explanations relative to a distractor image \(I'\) (bottom row) from class \(c'\). The explanations highlight what regions in I should be replaced from \(I'\) for the transformed image to be classified as \(c'\). We also use attribute information to identify the region attributes that contributed the most for a counterfactual. (b) Unlike [22, 59], our explanations identify regions that are both discriminative and semantically similar.

One intuitive way to explain a system’s decision is through counterfactual explanations [56, 57] which describe in what way a data instance would need to be different in order for the system to reach an alternate conclusion. In this work, we study counterfactual explanations for fine-grained image recognition tasks, where the most confusing classes are often hard to distinguish. The difficulty of this problem makes it a particularly well suited setting to study intuitive and human-understandable explanations. Figure 1-a presents a query image I and a distractor image \(I'\) belonging to the categories Sacred Kingfisher (c) and Stork-billed Kingfisher \((c')\), respectively. Given a black-box classification model, a counterfactual explanation aims to answer: “how should the query image I change for the model to predict \(c'\) instead of c?” To do this, we utilize the distractor image \(I'\) (or a set of distractor images) and identify which regions in I should be replaced with regions from \(I'\) for the model’s prediction to be \(c'\).

Counterfactual visual explanations are under-explored [22, 59], and most popular XAI methods use saliency maps [17, 21, 38, 44, 63] or feature importance scores [18, 29, 33, 41, 42, 51, 65] to highlight what image regions or features most contribute to a model’s decision. Unlike counterfactual explanations, these methods do not consider alternate scenarios which yield a different result. Additionally, some of these methods [33, 41, 42] extract explanations via a local model approximation, leading to explanations that are unfaithful [3, 50], i.e., they misrepresent the model’s behavior. By contrast, current counterfactual explanations are faithful by design as they operate on the original model’s output to generate explanations. Further, counterfactuals share similarities with how children learn about a concept – by contrasting with other related concepts [9, 11]. As studied in [35, 56, 57], an ideal counterfactual should have the following properties: (i) the highlighted regions in the images \(I, I'\) should be discriminative of their respective classes; (ii) the counterfactual should be sensible in that the replaced regions should be semantically consistent, i.e., they correspond to the same object parts; and, (iii) the counterfactual should make as few changes as possible to the query image I as humans find sparse explanations easier to understand.

Prior works [22, 59] proposed ways to identify the most discriminative image regions to generate counterfactual explanations. However, naively applying this principle can yield degenerate solutions that are semantically inconsistent. Figure 1-b visualizes such scenarios, where prior works [22, 59] replace image regions corresponding to different object parts (e.g., [22] replaces bird’s wing in I with a head in \(I'\)). Further, these methods rely on a single distractor image \(I'\), which often limits the variety of discriminative regions to choose from, leading to explanations that are sometimes less discriminative hence uninformative.

This paper addresses these shortcomings. Specifically, we propose a novel and computationally efficient framework that produces both discriminative and semantically consistent counterfactuals. Our method builds on two key ideas. First, we constrain the identified class-specific image regions that alter a model’s decision to allude to the same semantic parts, yielding more semantically consistent explanations. Since we only have access to object category labels, we impose this as a soft constraint in a separate auxiliary feature space learned in a self-supervised way. Second, contrary to prior works, we expand the search space by using multiple distractor images from a given class leading to more discriminative explanations with fewer regions to replace. However, naively extending to multiple distractor images poses a computational bottleneck. We address this by constraining the processing to only the most similar regions by once again leveraging the soft constraint, resulting in an order of magnitude speedup.

Our approach significantly outperforms the s-o-t-a [22, 59] across several metrics on three datasets – CUB [58], Stanford-Dogs [28], and iNaturalist-2021 [55] and yields more semantically consistent counterfactuals (Fig. 1-b). While prior work [22] suffers computationally when increasing the number of distractor images, the optimization improvements introduced in our method make it notably efficient. We also study the properties of the auxiliary feature space and justify our design choices. Further, we show the importance of generating semantically consistent counterfactuals via a machine teaching task where we teach lay-humans to recognize bird species. We find that humans perform better when provided with our semantically consistent explanations relative to others [22, 59].

We further reinforce the importance of semantically consistent counterfactuals by proposing a method to complement our explanations with the vocabulary of parts and attributes. Consider Fig. 1-a, where the counterfactual changes both the color of the beak and forehead. Under this setup, we provide nameable parts and attributes corresponding to the selected image regions and inform what attributes contributed the most to the model’s decision. For example, in Fig. 1-a, our explanation highlights that the beak’s color mattered the most. We find that our explanations identify class discriminative attributes – those that belong to class c but not to \(c'\), or vice versa – and are more interpretable.

In summary, our contributions are: (i) we present a framework to compute semantically consistent and faithful counterfactual explanations by enforcing the model to only replace semantically matching image regions (Sect. 3.2), (ii) we leverage multiple distractor images in a computationally efficient way, achieve an order of magnitude speedup, and generate more discriminative and sparse explanations (Sect. 3.3), (iii) we highlight the utility of our framework through extensive experiments (Sect. 4.2 and 4.3) and a human-in-the-loop evaluation through machine teaching (Sect. 4.4), (iv) we augment visual counterfactuals with nameable part and attribute information (Sect. 5).

2 Related Work

Feature attribution methods [6] rely on the back propagation algorithm [8, 40, 44,45,46, 62, 63] or input perturbations [15, 17, 20, 21, 38, 65] to identify the image regions that are most important to a model’s decision. However, none of these methods can tell how the image should change to get a different outcome.

Counterfactual explanations [36, 39, 56, 57] transform a query image I of class c such that the model predicts class \(c'\) on the transformed image. In computer vision, several works [5, 25, 26, 31, 32, 43, 48, 49] used a generative model to synthesize counterfactual examples. However, the difficulties of realistic image synthesis can limit these methods [25, 32, 43, 48] to small-scale problems. A few works [5, 26, 49] guided the image generation process via pixel-level supervision to tackle more complex scenes. StyleEx [31] uses the latent space of a StyleGAN [27] to identify the visual attributes that underlie the classifier’s decision. Despite these efforts, it remains challenging to synthesize realistic counterfactual examples. Our method does not use a generative model but is more related to the works discussed next.

A second group of works [4, 22, 59] finds the regions or concepts in I that should be changed to get a different outcome. CoCoX [4] identifies visual concepts to add or remove to change the prediction. Still, the most popular methods [22, 59] use a distractor image \(I'\) from class \(c'\) to find and replace the regions in I that change the model’s prediction to \(c'\). SCOUT [59] finds these regions via attribute maps. Goyal et al. [22] use spatial features of the images to construct counterfactuals. These methods have two key advantages. First, the distractor images are often readily available and thus inexpensive to obtain compared to pixel-level annotations [5, 26, 49]. Second, these methods fit well with fine-grained recognition tasks, as they can easily identify the distinguishing elements between classes. Our framework follows a similar strategy but differs in two crucial components. First, we enforce that the replaced regions are semantically consistent. Second, our method leverages multiple distractor images in an efficient way.

3 Method

Our key goal is to: (i) generate a counterfactual that selects discriminative and semantically consistent regions in I and \(I'\) without using additional annotations, (ii) leverage multiple distractor images efficiently. We first review the foundational method [22] for counterfactual generation that our framework builds on and then introduce our approach, illustrated in Fig. 2.

3.1 Counterfactual Problem Formulation: Preliminaries

Consider a deep neural network with two components: a spatial feature extractor f and a decision network g. Note that any neural network can be divided into such components by selecting an arbitrary layer to split at. In our setup, we split a network after the final down-sampling layer. The spatial feature extractor \(f:\mathcal {I} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^{hw \times d}\) maps the image to a \(h \times w \times d\) dimensional spatial feature, reshaped to a \(hw \times d\) spatial cell matrix, where h and w denote the spatial dimensions and d the number of channels. The decision network \(g: \mathbb {R}^{hw \times d} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^{|\mathcal {C}|}\) takes the spatial cells and predicts probabilities over the output space \(\mathcal {C}\). Further, let query and distractor image \(I, I' \in \mathcal {I}\) with class predictions \(c, c' \in \mathcal {C}\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Our counterfactual explanation identifies regions in a query image I from class c and a distractor image \(I'\) from class \(c'\) such that replacing the regions in I with the regions in \(I'\) changes the model’s outcome to \(c'\). Instead of considering actual image regions, we operate on \(h \times w\) cells in the spatial feature maps. The cells are selected based upon: (i) a classification loss that increases the predicted probability \(g_{c'}\) of class \(c'\) and (ii) a semantic consistency loss that selects cells containing the same semantic parts. We use a self-supervised auxiliary model to compute the semantic loss.

Following [22], we construct a counterfactual \(I^*\) in the feature space f(.) by replacing spatial cells in f(I) with cells from \(f(I')\) such that the classifier predicts \(c'\) for \(I^*\). This is done by first rearranging the cells in \(f(I')\) to align with f(I) using a permutation matrix \(P \in \mathbb {R}^{hw \times hw}\), then selectively replacing entries in f(I) according to a sparse binary gating vector \(\textbf{a} \in \mathbb {R}^{hw}\). Let \(\circ \) denote the Hadamard product. The transformed image \(I^*\) can be written as:

$$\begin{aligned} f(I^*) = (\mathbb {1} - \textbf{a}) \circ f(I) + \textbf{a} \circ P f(I') \end{aligned}$$

Classification Loss: Recall that our first goal is to identify class-specific image regions in I and \(I'\) such that replacing the regions in I with those in \(I'\) increases the predicted probability \(g_{c'}(.)\) of class \(c'\) for \(I^*\). To avoid a trivial solution where all cells of I are replaced, a sparsity constraint is applied on \(\textbf{a}\) to minimize the number of cell edits (m). Following the greedy approach from [22], we iteratively replace spatial cells in I by repeatedly solving Eq. 2 that maximizes the predicted probability \(g_{c'}(\cdot )\) until the model’s decision changes.

$$\begin{aligned} \max _{P, a} g_{c'}((\mathbb {1} - \textbf{a}) \circ f(I) + \textbf{a} \circ P f(I')) \text { with } ||\textbf{a}||_1 = 1 \text { and } a_i \in \left\{ 0,1\right\} \end{aligned}$$

We evaluate \(g_{c'}\) for each of the \(h^2w^2\) permutations constructed by replacing a single cell in f(I) with an arbitrary cell in \(f(I')\). The computational complexity is \(2 \cdot C_f + m h^2 w^2 \cdot C_g\), where \(C_f\) and \(C_g\) denote the cost of f and g respectively.

Equation 2 does not guarantee that the replaced cells are semantically similar. For example, in the task of bird classification, the counterfactual could replace the wing in I with head in \(I'\) (e.g., Fig. 1-b) leading to nonsensical explanations. We address this problem via a semantic consistency constraint, described next.

3.2 Counterfactuals with a Semantic Consistency Constraint

Consider an embedding model \(u: \mathcal {I} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^{hw \times d'}\) that brings together spatial cells belonging to the same semantic parts and separates dissimilar cells. Let \(u(I)_i\) denote the feature of the i-th cell in I. We estimate the likelihood that cell i of I semantically matches with cell j of \(I'\) by:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_s(u(I)_i, u(I')_{j}) = \frac{\exp (u(I)_i \cdot u(I')_{j} / \tau )}{\sum _{j' \in u(I')} \exp (u(I)_i \cdot u(I')_{j'} / \tau )}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\tau \) is a temperature hyper-parameter that relaxes the dot product. Equation 3 estimates a probability distribution of a given query cell i over all distractor cells \(j'\) using a non-parametric softmax function and indicates what distractor cells are most likely to contain semantically similar regions as the query cell i. Like the classification loss (Eq. 2), we compute the semantic loss for all \(h^2w^2\) cell permutations. Thus, the complexity is \(2 \cdot C_u + h^2w^2 \cdot C_{\text {dot}}\), where \(C_u, C_{\text {dot}}\) denote the cost of the auxiliary model u and the dot-product operation respectively. Empirically, we observe that dot-products are very fast to compute and the semantic loss adds a tiny overhead to the overall computation time. Note that unlike the classification loss which is computed for each edit, \(\mathcal {L}_s\) is computed only once in practice, i.e., the cost gets amortized for multiple edits.

Total Loss: We combine both losses to find the single best cell edit:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\max _{P, a} \quad \log \quad \quad \underbrace{g_{c'}((\mathbb {1} - \textbf{a}) \circ f(I) + \textbf{a} \circ P f(I'))}_{\text {Classification loss } \mathcal {L}_c} \quad \quad \quad + \quad \quad \quad \lambda \cdot \log \underbrace{\mathcal {L}_s(\textbf{a}^Tu(I), \textbf{a}^T P u(I'))}_{\text {Semantic consistency loss } \mathcal {L}_s} \\&\text {with}\, P \in \mathbb {R}^{hw\times hw}, ||\textbf{a}||_1 = 1 \text { and } a_i \in \left\{ 0,1\right\} , \text { and } \lambda \text { balances } \mathcal {L}_c \text { and }\mathcal {L}_s. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

We reiterate that \(\mathcal {L}_c\) optimizes to find class-specific regions while \(\mathcal {L}_s\) ensures that these regions semantically match. We also stress that our explanations are faithful with respect to the underlying deep neural network, since, the proposed auxiliary model, irrespective of the value of \(\lambda \), only acts as a regularizer and does not affect the class predictions of the transformed images.

Choice of Auxiliary Model: An obvious choice is to use the spatial feature extractor f as the auxiliary model u. We empirically found that since f is optimized for an object classification task, it results in an embedding space that often separates instances of similar semantic parts and is thus unfit to model region similarity. We found that self-supervised models are more appropriate as auxiliary models for two reasons: a) they eliminate the need for part location information, b) several recent studies [14, 52, 54] showed that self-supervised models based on contrastive learning [16, 23, 60] or clustering [7, 12, 13, 53] learn richer representations that capture the semantic similarity between local image regions as opposed to task-related similarity in a supervised setup. Such representations have been valuable for tasks such as semantic segment retrieval [52]. Thus, the resulting embedding space inherently brings together spatial cells belonging to the same semantic parts and separates dissimilar cells (see Table 4).

3.3 Using Multiple Distractor Images Through a Semantic Constraint

Recall, the method uses spatial cells from \(f(I')\) to iteratively construct \(f(I^*)\). Thus, the quality of the counterfactual is sensitive to the chosen distractor image \(I'\). Having to select regions from a single distractor image can limit the variety of discriminative parts to choose from due to factors like pose, scale, and occlusions. We address this limitation by leveraging multiple distractor images from class \(c'\). In this way, we expand our search space in Eq. 4, allowing us to find highly discriminative regions that semantically match, while requiring fewer edits.

However, leveraging (n) multiple distractor images efficiently is not straight-forward as it poses a significant computational overhead. This is because, in this new setup, for each edit we can pick any of \(n \times hw\) cells from the n distractor images. This makes the spatial cell matrix of the distractor images of shape \(nhw\times d\), the matrix P \(hw \times nhw\), and \(\textbf{a} \in \mathbb {R}^{hw}\). \(\mathcal {L}_c\) (Eq. 2) with a single distractor image is already expensive to evaluate due to: (i) its quadratic dependence on hw making the cell edits memory intensive and, (ii) the relatively high cost of evaluating g, involving at least one fully-connected plus zero or more conv layers. This computation gets amplified by a factor n with multiple distractor images.

On the other hand, \(\mathcal {L}_s\) (Eq. 3) is computationally efficient as: (i) it does not involve replacing cells and (ii) the dot-product is inexpensive to evaluate. Thus, we first compute \(\mathcal {L}_s\) (Eq. 3) to select the top-\(k\%\) cell permutations with the lowest loss, excluding the ones that are likely to replace semantically dissimilar cells. Next, we compute \(\mathcal {L}_c\) (Eq. 2) only on these selected top-\(k\%\) permutations. With this simple trick, we get a significant overall speedup by a factor k (detailed analysis in suppl.). Thus, our overall framework leverages richer information, produces semantically consistent counterfactuals, and is about an order of magnitude faster than [22]. Note that the multi-distractor setup can be extended to [22] but not to SCOUT [59], as the latter was designed for image pairs.

4 Experiments

4.1 Implementation Details and Evaluation Setup

Implementation Details: We evaluate our approach on top of two backbones – VGG-16 [46] for fair comparison with [22] and ResNet-50 [24] for generalizability. As mentioned in Sect. 3.1, we split both networks into components f and g after the final down-sampling layer max_pooling2d_5 in VGG-16 and at conv5_1 in ResNet-50. The input images are of size \(224 \times 224\) pixels and the output features of f have spatial dimensions \(7 \times 7\). We examine counterfactual examples for query-distractor class pairs obtained via the confusion matrix – for a query class c, we select the distractor class \(c'\) as the class with which images from c are most often confused. This procedure differs from the approach in [22] which uses attribute annotations to select the classes \(c, c'\). Our setup is more generic as it does not use extra annotations. Distractor images are picked randomly from \(c'\).

Auxiliary Model: We adopt the pre-trained ResNet-50 [24] model from DeepCluster [13] to measure the semantic similarity of the spatial cells. We remove the final pooling layer and apply up- or down-sampling to match the \(7 \times 7\) spatial dimensions of features from f. As in [13], we use \(\tau =0.1\) in the non-parametric softmax (Eq. 3). The weight \(\lambda =0.4\) (Eq. 4) is found through grid search. We set \(k = 10\) and select top-10% most similar cell pairs to pre-filter.

Evaluation Metrics: We follow the evaluation procedure from [22] and report the following metrics using keypoint part annotations.

  • Near-KP: measures if the image regions contain object keypoints (KP). This is a proxy for how often we select discriminative cells, i.e., spatial cells that can explain the class differences.

  • Same-KP: measures how often we select the same keypoints in the query and distractor image, thus measures semantic consistency of counterfactuals.

  • #Edits: the average number of edits until the classification model predicts the distractor class \(c'\) on the transformed image \(I^*\).

Datasets: We evaluate the counterfactuals on three datasets for fine-grained image classification (see Table 1). The CUB dataset [58] consists of images of 200 bird classes. All images are annotated with keypoint locations of 15 bird parts. The iNaturalist-2021 birds dataset [55] contains 1,486 bird classes and more challenging scenes compared to CUB, but lacks keypoint annotations. So we hired raters to annotate bird keypoint locations for 2,060 random val images from iNaturalist-2021 birds and evaluate on this subset. Stanford Dogs [28] contains images of dogs annotated with keypoint locations [10] of 24 parts. The explanations are computed on the validation splits of these datasets.

Table 1. Datasets overview.

4.2 State-of-the-Art Comparison

Table 2 compares our method to other competing methods. We report the results for both (i) the single edit found by solving Eq. 4 once and (ii) all edits found by repeatedly solving Eq. 4 until the model’s decision changes. Our results are directly comparable with [22]. By contrast, SCOUT [59] returns heatmaps that require post-processing. We follow the post-processing from [59] where from the heatmaps, select those regions in I and \(I'\) that match the area of a single cell edit to compute the metrics. From Table 2, we observe that our method consistently outperforms prior works across all metrics and datasets. As an example, consider the all edits rows for the CUB dataset in Table 2a. The Near-KP metric improved by \(\mathbf {13.9\%}\) over [22], indicating that our explanations select more discriminative image regions. More importantly, the Same-KP metric improved by \(\mathbf {27\%}\) compared to [22], demonstrating that our explanations are significantly more semantically consistent. The average number of edits have also reduced from 5.5 in [22] to \(\mathbf {3.9}\), meaning that our explanations require fewer changes to I and are thus sparser, which is a desirable property of counterfactuals [35, 57]. Similar performance trends hold on the other two datasets and architectures (Table 2b) indicating the generalizability of the proposed approach. Figure 3 shows a few qualitative examples where we note that our method consistently identifies semantically matched and class-specific image regions, while explanations from [22] and [59] often select regions belonging to different parts.

Table 2. State-of-the-art comparison against our full proposed pipeline.

4.3 Ablation Studies

We now study the different design choices of our framework with [22] as our baseline and use a VGG-16 model for consistent evaluation on CUB.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

State-of-the-art comparison of counterfactual explanations (Single Edit - VGG-16). Part labels are included only for better visualization. Image credit: [1].

Analysis of Different Components. Table 3 reports different variants as we add or remove the following components: semantic loss (Sect. 3.2), multiple distractor images (Sect. 3.3), and pre-filtering cells (Sect. 3.3). Our baseline [22] (row  ) establishes a performance limit for the Near-KP and number of edits under the single-distractor setup as the image regions are selected solely based on the predicted class probabilities \(g_{c'}(\cdot )\). First, we observe that the semantic loss improves the semantic meaningfulness of the replacements (row  ), i.e., the Same-KP metric increases by \({\textbf {13.7\%}}\). However, the Near-KP slightly decreases by \(2.5\%\) and the number of edits increases by 1.3. This may be due to the fact that row  considers both the class probabilities \(g_{c'}\) and semantic consistency, thereby potentially favoring semantically similar cells over dissimilar cells that yield a larger increase in \(g_{c'}\). Second, from rows  and , we find that allowing multiple distractor images enlarges the search space when solving Eq. 4, resulting in better solutions that are more discriminative (Near-KP \(\uparrow \)), more semantically consistent (Same-KP \(\uparrow \)) and sparser (fewer edits). Combining the semantic loss with multiple distractor images (row ) further boosts the metrics. However, using multiple distractor images comes at a significant increase in runtime (almost by 10X). We address this by filtering out semantically dissimilar cell pairs. Indeed, comparing rows  and  , we note that the runtime improves significantly while maintaining the performance. Putting everything together, our method outperforms [22] across all metrics (row vs. row ) and generates explanations that are sparser, more discriminative, and more semantically consistent.

Table 3. Effect of different components of our method: Row is our baseline from [22]. Our method (row ) uses multiple distractor images combined pre-filtering irrelevant cells and semantic consistency loss. Time measured on a single V-100 GPU.

Auxiliary Model: Recall from Sect. 3.2 that representations from self-supervised models efficiently capture richer semantic similarity between local image regions compared to those from supervised models. We empirically verify this by using different pre-training tasks to instantiate the auxiliary model: (i) supervised pre-training with class labels, (ii) self-supervised (SSL) pre-training [12, 13, 23] with no labels, and (iii) supervised parts detection with keypoint annotations. We train the parts detector to predict keypoint presence in the \(h\times w\) spatial cell matrix using keypoint annotations. We stress that the parts detector is used only as an upperbound as it uses part ground-truth to model the semantic constraint.

We evaluate each auxiliary model by: (i) measuring the Same-KP metric to study if this model improves the semantic matching, and (ii) measuring clustering accuracy to capture the extent of semantic part disentanglement. To measure the clustering accuracy, we first cluster the d-dimensional cells in a \(7 \times 7\) spatial matrix from \(u(\cdot )\) of all images via K-Means and assign each spatial cell to a cluster. Then, we apply majority voting and associate each cluster with a semantic part using the keypoint annotations. The clustering accuracy measures how often the cells contain the assigned part. From Table 4, we observe that better part disentanglement (high clustering accuracy) correlates with improved semantic matching in the counterfactuals (high Same-KP). Thus, embeddings that disentangle parts are better suited for the semantic consistency constraint via the non-parametric softmax in Eq. 3. The CUB classifier fails to model our constraint because it distinguishes between different types of beaks, wings, etc., to optimize for the classification task (Same-KP drops by 12.1% vs. the upperbound). Differently, the SSL features are more generic, making them suitable for our method (Same-KP using DeepCluster drops only 0.2% vs. the upperbound).

Table 4. Comparison of auxiliary models on CUB: We study the Same-KP metric of the counterfactuals (single distractor) and whether the aux. features can be clustered into parts. \(^\dagger \)Parts detector establishes an upperbound as it uses parts ground-truth.
Fig. 4.
figure 4

Influence of temperature \(\tau \) and weight \(\lambda \).

Influence of \(\mathbf {\tau }\) and \(\mathbf {\lambda }\): We study how the temperature \(\tau \) in Eq. 3 and the weight \(\lambda \) parameter in Eq. 4 influence different metrics. Recall that high values of \(\lambda \) favor the semantic loss over the classification loss. Selecting semantically similar cells over dissimilar ones directly improves the Same-KP metric (Fig. 4 (left)), but that comes at a cost of an increased number of edits until the model’s decision changes (Fig. 4 (right)). We observe that \(\lambda =0.4\) is a saturation point, after which the Same-KP metric does not notably change. Further, lower values of \(\tau \) sharpen the softmax distribution making it closer to one-hot, while higher \(\tau \) yield a distribution closer to a uniform. This has an effect on the number of edits, as a sharper distribution is more selective. We found that for a fixed \(\lambda =0.4\), \(\tau =0.1\) as in [13] is a sweet spot between good Same-KP performance and a small increase in the number of edits. We verified values via 5-fold cross-validation across multiple datasets.

4.4 Online Evaluation Through Machine Teaching

To further demonstrate the utility of high-quality visual counterfactuals, we setup a machine teaching experiment, where humans learn to discern between bird species with the help of counterfactual explanations. Through the experiment detailed below, we verify our hypothesis that humans perform better at this task with more informative and accurate counterfactual explanations.

Study Setup: We follow the setup from [59], but differ in two crucial ways: (i) ours is a larger study on 155 query-distractor class pairs, while [59] was done only on one class pair; (ii) we obfuscate the bird class names and replace them with “class A” and “class B”. We do this because some class names contain identifiable descriptions (e.g., Red Headed Woodpecker) without needing visual cues. The study comprises three phases (simplified visualization in Fig. 5). The pre-learning phase gives AMT raters 10 test image examples of 2 bird classes. The raters need to choose one of three options: ‘Bird belongs to class A’, ‘Bird belongs to class B,’ or ‘Don’t know’. The purpose of this stage is for the raters to get familiarized with the user interface, and as in [59] all raters chose ‘Don’t know’ for each example in this stage. Next, during the learning phase, we show counterfactual explanations of 10 train image pairs where the query image belongs to class A and the distractor image to class B. We highlight the image content from the counterfactual region, with all other content being blurred (Fig. 5). This ensures that the humans do not perform the classification task based on any other visual cues except the ones identified by a given counterfactual method. Finally, the test phase presents to raters 10 test image pairs (same as in the pre-learning stage), and asks to classify them into either class A or B. This time, the option ‘Don’t know’ is not provided. Once the task is done, a different set of bird class pair is selected, and the three stages are repeated.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Machine teaching task phases.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Attribute-based decomposition.

Table 5. Machine teaching task. The learning phase selects random image pairs (\(\dagger \)), or pairs that show the largest improvement in terms of being semantically consistent (\(*\)).
Table 6. Attribute-based counterfactuals. We evaluate whether the top-1 attributes are discriminative of the classes.

Task Details: We hired 25 AMT raters, use images from CUB, and compare counterfactuals produced from our method with two baselines: [22] and [59]. For all three methods, we mine query-distractor classes via the approach mentioned in Sect. 4.1, resulting in 155 unique binary classification tasks. The learning phase visualizes the counterfactual generated from the first edit. To ensure a fair comparison across all methods, we do not use multiple distractor images for generating counterfactuals, use the exact same set of images across all the compared methods, and use the same backbone (VGG-16 [47]) throughout. This controlled setup ensures that any difference in the human study performance can be only due to the underlying counterfactual method. We report results under two setups, which differ in how we select the image pairs \((I, I')\): 1. random: we generate explanations from random images using different methods. This is a fair comparison between all methods. 2. semantically-consistent: we study whether semantically consistent explanations lead to better human teaching. Hence, we exaggerate the differences in Same-KP between our method and [22, 59] by selecting images where our approach has a higher Same-KP metric. If semantic consistency is important in machine teaching, our approach should do much better than ‘random’, and the baselines should do worse than ‘random’.

Results: Table 5 shows that the raters perform better when shown explanations from our method under the ‘random’ setup. Further, the differences in test accuracy are more pronounced (\(82.1\%\) vs. \(64.3\%\)) when the raters were presented with semantically consistent explanations. This result highlights the importance of semantically consistent visual counterfactuals for teaching humans.

5 Towards Language-Based Counterfactual Explanations

In this section, we propose a novel method to augment visual counterfactual explanations with natural language via the vocabulary of parts and attributes. Parts and attributes bring notable benefits as they enrich the explanations and make them more interpretable [29]. Through this experiment, we further emphasize the importance of semantically consistent counterfactuals and prove them to be a key ingredient towards generating natural-language-based explanations.

Our proof-of-concept experiment uses a ResNet-50 model, where \(f(\cdot )\) computes the \(h\times w\times d\) spatial feature output of the last conv layer, and \(g(\cdot )\) performs a global average pooling operation followed by a linear classifier. We use the CUB [58] dataset with 15 bird parts, where each part (e.g., beak, wing, belly, etc.) is associated with a keypoint location. Additionally, this dataset contains part-attribute annotations (e.g., hooked beak, striped wing, yellow belly, etc.). We perform our analysis on a subset of 77 subsequently denoised part-attributes. Following [30], denoising is performed by majority voting, e.g., if more than 50% of crows have black wings in the data, then all crows are set to have black wings.

In the first step, given a query I from class c and a distractor \(I'\) from \(c'\), we construct a counterfactual \(I^*\), following our approach from Sect. 3. For fair comparison with [22, 59], we limit to single best cell edits. Next, we identify the part corresponding to this best-edit cell in I. We train a parts detector that predicts the top-3 parts for each cell location in the \(h\times w\) spatial grid. Note that if the corresponding cell in \(I'\) is not semantically consistent with I, the detected parts will not match, and the attribute explanations will be nonsensical. Finally, we find the most important attribute for the best-edit via the procedure below.

Finding the Best Attribute: We train a part-attribute model A that performs global average pooling followed on the output of f(.) by a linear classifier, thus operating on the same feature space as g. We then use an interpretable basis decomposition [63] to decompose the object classifier weights from \(g(\cdot )\) into a weighted sum of part-attribute classifier weights from \(A(\cdot )\). A simplified visualization is presented in Fig. 6, see [63] for details. The interpretable basis decomposition yields an importance score \(s_t\) for each part-attribute t, and we additionally constrain the part-attributes to only the detected parts in the best-edit cells. E.g., if the detected part is a beak, we only consider the {hooked, long, orange, ...}-beak attribute classifiers. Similarly, we compute an importance score \(s'_t\) for the best-edit cell in \(I'\). Finally, we compute the differences of importance scores \(s'_t - s_t\), where a positive difference indicates that part-attribute t contributed more to the model’s decision being \(c'\) compared to c. We select the top-k such part-attributes. Again, note that the difference \(s'_t - s_t\) makes sense only if the selected parts are semantically same in I and \(I'\) (details in suppl.).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Augmenting counterfactuals with part-attributes. We identify the attribute that is most important for changing the model’s decision. Best viewed in color.

Evaluation: For each class pair \((c, c')\), we use the available annotations to define part-attributes that belong to class c but not to class \(c'\), and vice-versa, as proxy counterfactual ground-truth. Our final explanations are evaluated by measuring how often the top-1 part-attribute, identified via the difference between the estimated importance scores, belongs to the set of ground-truth part-attributes.

Results: Table 6 shows the results using visual counterfactuals from our method and from [22, 59]. We observe that our method is significantly better compared to prior work in correctly identifying discriminative part-attributes. Given that all other factors were controlled across the three methods, we argue that this improvement is due to our counterfactuals being semantically consistent. Figure 7 shows the qualitative results. Notice that both the wing’s color and pattern are visually distinct in Fig. 7 (left), but the part-attribute explanation points out that the wing’s pattern mattered the most to the model while generating the counterfactual. Similarly in Fig. 7 (middle), the part-attribute explanation tells us that the crown color is most important. In both cases, the part-attribute information helps disambiguate the visual explanation. Figure 7 (right) shows a failure case caused by a wrongful prediction from the part-attribute classifiers.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

We presented a novel framework to generate semantically consistent visual counterfactuals. Our evaluation shows that (i) our counterfactuals consistently match semantically similar and class-specific regions, (ii) our proposed method is computationally efficient, and (iii) our explanations significantly outperform the s-o-t-a. Further, we demonstrated the importance of semantically consistent visual counterfactuals via: (i) a machine teaching task on fine-grained bird recognition, and (ii) an approach to augment our counterfactuals with a human interpretable part and attribute vocabulary. Currently, our method greedily searches for one cell replacement at a time. Relaxing this constraint to explore multiple regions in parallel is a fruitful future research problem. Finally, we only scratched the surface in augmenting visual counterfactuals with attribute information. We hope that our work will spark more interest in this worthy topic by the community.