
1 Foreword

The vibration analysis of the bowed string instruments started with the early studies of Helmholtz and Raman [1, 2] but the scientific interest began to grow greatly only from the middle of the last century up until today, as testified by many papers (see [3,4,5,6,7,8,9], just as a few examples). Here, we focus on the string-soundbox coupling in the low-frequency range, i.e. the range of the signature modes, more or less, carrying out a numerical and an analytical modal approach in parallel, to identify the coupling effects on the dynamical response of the instrument and to work out an acceptable approximate model of the sound production. The analysis takes into account proper functional relations between the force and displacement at the string-bridge contact and those at the bridge feet, for symmetric, antisymmetric and general modes. The characteristic equation of the coupled system is formulated and, assuming realistic values for the soundbox own frequencies, the coupling frequency spectrum is identified. The motion equations are then solved in the time domain numerically and compared with the analytical results obtainable assuming the pure Helmholtz motion as the string exciting motion.

2 Theoretical Model

Let us consider a single bowed string, for example, the string A4 of a violin as in Fig. 1 (440 Hz), and refer to a frame Oxyz with the origin O on the nut, the x-axis along the string and the y-axis along the bow motion direction. The string displacement may be expanded in a series of sinusoidal eigenfunctions ei(x) = aisin(ωix/vw), multiplied by generalized coordinates qi(t), that is y(xt) = \(\mathop{\sum}\nolimits_i {q_i \left( t \right)e_i \left( x \right)}\), where ωi are the natural frequencies, vw = \(\sqrt {{T / {\left( {\mu_s S_s } \right)}}}\) is the propagation speed, T is the pre-tensioning, μs and Ss are the mass density and the cross-section area of the string. The eigenfunctions ei(x) are not orthogonal to each other in general, nor are the frequencies in arithmetic progression as for the string with fixed-fixed ends, because the extreme on the bridge vibrates together with the soundbox.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Violin and reference frame. The detail shows the forces acting on the bridge: 1) FEy, force applied by the string due to the bow thrust. 2) FEn, force applied by the string due to the string tensioning. 3) NB, NT, TB, TT, normal and tangent forces applied by the soundbox top plate at the bass and treble feet of the bridge base, PB and PT, respectively.

The bridge translates along its axis in the symmetric modes of the plate and rotates around the base mid-point PM in the antisymmetric modes.

Introduce the full symmetric matrix [eji], where eji = μsSs \(\mathop{\int}\nolimits_0^{l_s } {e_j \left( x \right)} \ e_i \left( x \right)dx\), and impose that \(\mu_s S_s \mathop{\int}\nolimits_0^{l_s } {e_i^2 \left( x \right)dx} = 1\), whence, indicating the string mass and length with ms and ls, one gets

$$ a_i = \sqrt {\frac{2}{{m_s \left[ {1 - \frac{v_w }{{2\omega_i l_s }}\sin \left( {\frac{2\omega_i l_s }{{v_w }}} \right)} \right]}}} $$

so, the physical dimensions of the eigenfunctions ei are [kg−1/2] and those of the generalized coordinates qi are [kg1/2  ×  m]. Moreover, introduce the one-dimensional Dirac distribution δ(xx*) in order to manage generic concentrated forces F*, so that \(\mathop{\int}\nolimits_0^{l_s } {\delta \left( {x - x_\ast } \right)F_\ast } e_j \left( x \right)dx = F_\ast e_j \left( {x_\ast } \right)\), and define the vectors \(\left\{ {F_B e_j \left( {x_B } \right)} \right\}\) and \(\left\{ {F_{Ey} e_j \left( {l_s } \right)} \right\}\), where xB is the abscissa of the string-bow contact point B, FB is the bow force and FEy = −T ×  \(\mathop{\sum}\nolimits_i {q_i \left( {{{de_i } / {dx}}} \right)}_{x = l_s }\) is the bridge force (see Fig. 1). The motion equations of the string sub-system may be written in the matrix form

$$ \left[ {e_{ji} } \right]\left\{ {\frac{d^2 q_i }{{dt^2 }} + 2\zeta_i \omega_i \frac{dq_i }{{dt}} + \omega_i^2 q_i } \right\}^T = \left\{ {F_B e_j \left( {x_B } \right)} \right\}^T - \left\{ {F_{Ey} e_j \left( {l_s } \right)} \right\}^T \quad \;j \, = \, 1, \, 2, \, \ldots $$

where the damping effects are quite small and are here assumed uncoupled for the various modes. Observe that qi must be considered in general as the sum of a variable part, qi~(t), which has the particular form qi~(t) = qixsin(ωit) when considering the natural modes, and a constant part qi0, which is the static part due to the mean bow force.

The violin string could not emit a vigorous and harmonious sound by itself but needs the dynamic cooperation of the soundbox. Using capital letters for the quantities of the soundbox sub-system, we introduce the natural frequencies ΩI, the two-dimensional eigenfunctions EI and the modal coordinates QI, where the subscripts I refer to the single characterizing modes of the soundbox alone. It is presumed that all these parameters are obtainable by experimental tests, e. g. by holographic interferometry or impulse hammer and accelerometers or laser Doppler vibrometry. Besides, other experiments should also permit evaluating the bandwidths of the singular modes and then the damping factors ZI. The present analysis is just limited to the low modes (<~1500 Hz), which may be clearly identified and characterized in the frequency response. As well known, the high-frequency range coincides with the so-called “bridge hill”, where a large overlap of bandwidths occurs, the modal approach ceases to provide useful results and other methods should be applied (e. g. see [6]). The whole frequency response of the soundbox should be obtained by joining the two frequency ranges.

The detail of the bridge in Fig. 1 shows the forces applied to the bridge by the string and the soundbox top plate. As the bridge own frequencies are higher than the examined range, the bridge may be presumed rigid, while its mass may be neglected. Hence, disregarding the moment of TT + TB with respect to PM, the calculation of the normal reaction forces at the bridge feet is quite straightforward:

$$ \begin{gathered} N_T = F_{Ey} \left[ {\frac{\sin \theta }{2} + \frac{d}{b}\cos \left( {\varphi - \theta } \right)} \right] + F_{En} \left[ {\frac{\sin \psi }{2} + \frac{d}{b}\cos \left( {\psi - \varphi } \right)} \right] \hfill \\ N_B = F_{Ey} \left[ {\frac{\sin \theta }{2} - \frac{d}{b}\cos \left( {\varphi - \theta } \right)} \right] + F_{En} \left[ {\frac{\sin \psi }{2} - \frac{d}{b}\cos \left( {\psi - \varphi } \right)} \right] \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$
(3a, b)

As the force FEn is induced by the constant string tensioning, it yields only invariant deflections and is irrelevant in the analysis of the vibratory motion, so the second terms on the right sides of Eqs. (3a, b) may be ignored. The concentrated forces on the soundbox surface, − NT and − NB, may be dealt with using two-dimensional Dirac distributions, δ(XX*, YY*), where X and Y are coordinates on this surface. Applying the usual modal separation technique to the soundbox own motions, these forces turn out to be multiplied by EI(XPT, YPT) and EI(XPB, YPB) for each mode I, and moreover, EI(XPT, YPT) = ±EI(XPB, YPB) for the symmetric and antisymmetric mode shapes, respectively. Therefore, using PT as a reference point, the overall effect is hfIFEyEI(XPT, YPT), where the force factor hfI is sinθ or 2(d/b)cos(φθ) for the one or the other shape.

On the other hand, the soundbox vibration, even though very small compared with the string, implies small vibration components of the latter on the xz plane as well. Indicating the y-displacement of the string end on the bridge with yE for each individual mode, the normal displacements of points PT and PB towards the box inside, identifiable by QIEI(XPT, YPT) and QIEI(XPB, YPB), are both equal to yE/sinθ for the symmetric modes, whereas they are opposite to each other and equal to ±yEb/[2dcos(φθ)] for the antisymmetric ones. Hence, one may write yE = hdIQIEI(XPTYPT), where the displacement factor hdI is equal to sinθ or 2(d/b)cos(φθ) for the former and latter modes and is then equal to the force factor hfI, in perfect accordance with the virtual work principle.

It must be clarified that the introduction of the sound post and the bass bar in the inside of the harmonic box modifies its symmetry characteristic with respect to the preliminary artefact with no additional elements, so each mode shape turns out to be a sort of combination of a symmetric and an antisymmetric shape. Therefore, the above factors, hfI and hdI, must be combined by proper weighting coefficients, somehow guided by the results from the experimentation, and a similar operation must be applied to the point values of the eigenfunctions EI(XP, YP). In practice, indicating with ps and pa the values of any parameter p for the symmetric and antisymmetric deformation, respectively, we will set pI=psIwsI+paI(1 − wsI) (with 0 < wsI < 1), where wsI is the “weight” of the symmetric shape in the specific mode I. Also, it will be assumed for simplicity in the following that d/b = 1 and φ = θ.

Assume normalized eigenfunctions, so that \(\mathop{\int}\nolimits_0^{S_P } {\mu_p h_p E_R E_S dXdY} = \delta_{RS}\) where μp, hp and Sp are the mass density, the thickness and the surface area of the vibrating plates and δRS is the Kronecker delta. Then, the usual modal separation yields the motion equations of the soundbox sub-system when excited by the forces − NT and − NB,

$$ \frac{d^2 Q_J }{{dt^2 }} + 2Z_J \varOmega_J \frac{dQ_J }{{dt}} + \varOmega_J^2 Q_J = h_{fJ} E_J \left( {X_{P_T } ,Y_{P_T } } \right)F_{Ey} \quad \;J \, = {1},{ 2}, \, \ldots $$

3 Natural Modes

Looking for the natural modes, one has to ignore the damping terms in Eqs. (4), replace FEy =  − T ×  \(\mathop{\sum}\nolimits_i {q_i \left( {{{de_i } / {dx}}} \right)}_{x = l_s }\), consider only the time-varying terms and solve for the QJ. Then, taking into account the equality T = μsSsvw2 and using the correlation formulae reported in the previous section for the forces and displacements, one has \(y\left( {t,l_s } \right) = \mathop{\sum}\limits_J {h_{dJ} Q_J \left( t \right)E_J \left( {X_{P_T } ,Y_{P_T } } \right)}\), that is

$$ \begin{aligned} & \mathop{\sum}\limits_i {a_i \sin \left( {\frac{\omega_i l_s }{{v_w }}} \right)q_{i{\text{x}}} \sin \left( {\omega_i t} \right)} \\ & \quad \;\;\,{ = }\,\mu_s S_s l_s \mathop{\sum}\limits_i {a_i \left( {\frac{\omega_i l_s }{{v_w }}} \right)\cos \left( {\frac{\omega_i l_s }{{v_w }}} \right)q_{i{\text{x}}} \sin \left( {\omega_i t} \right)} \left[ {\mathop{\sum}\limits_J {\frac{{h_{dJ} h_{fJ} E_J^2 \left( {X_{P_T } ,Y_{P_T } } \right)}}{{\left( {\frac{\omega_i l_s }{{v_w }}} \right)^2 - \left( {\frac{\varOmega_J l_s }{{v_w }}} \right)^2 }}} } \right] \\ \end{aligned} $$

Since Eq. (5) must hold instant by instant, the summation concerning i and the time functions qixsin(ωit) may be dropped, obtaining the characteristic equation:

$$ \tan \frac{\omega_i l_s }{{v_w }} = \mu_s S_s l_s \mathop{\sum}\limits_J {h_{dJ} h_{fJ} E_J^2 (X_{P_T } ,Y_{P_T } )\frac{{\frac{\omega_i l_s }{{v_w }}}}{{\left( {\frac{\omega_i l_s }{{v_w }}} \right)^2 - \left( {\frac{\varOmega_J l_s }{{v_w }}} \right)^2 }}} \, $$

Since μsSsls is the string mass and the order of magnitude of EJ2 is the reciprocal of the vibrating mass of the soundbox, which is much greater than the string mass, the coupled frequencies ωi turn out to be very close to the uncoupled ones, either to ωi = iπvw/ls, when tan(ωils/vw) ≅ 0, or to ΩJ, when ωi ≅ ΩJ. The sequence ΩJ is chosen in the following calculation using verisimilar soundbox frequencies and realistic values of the weighting coefficients wsJ. Once fixing the frequencies ΩJ and all other parameters, the exact values of the natural frequencies ωi of the full system may be calculated numerically using Eq. (6). It is remarkable that some of the ΩJ are well separated from the angular frequencies of the string with fixed-fixed ends, so the soundbox is feebly excited, whereas some are close to the string frequencies, so the soundbox is resonant and a vigorous sound level is emitted to the surrounding environment.

4 Numerical and Analytical Solutions in the Time Domain

The time solutions may be obtained by use of a Euler-Cauchy solver, considering a finite but sufficiently large number n of modes.

Observe that Eqs. (2) and (4) refer in practice to the same modes, i. e. the common modes of the whole coupled system string + soundbox, but only the modes for which ej(ls) ≠ 0 give their contribution to the vector {FEyej(ls)}T at the right side of Eq. (2). These modes have nearly the same frequencies Ω of the soundbox and are characterized by QI(t) = qi(t)ei(ls)/[hdIEI(XPT, YPT)], according to Sect. 2. Therefore, it is possible to eliminate the force FEy between Eqs. (2) and Eqs. (4) obtaining

$$ \left\{ {\frac{d^2 q_i }{{dt^2 }} + 2\zeta_i \omega_i \frac{dq_i }{{dt}} + \omega_i^2 q_i } \right\}^T = \left[ {e_{ji} + \frac{{e_i^2 \left( {l_s } \right)\delta_{ji} }}{{h_{dJ} h_{fJ} E_J^2 \left( {X_{P_T } ,Y_{P_T } } \right)}}} \right]^{\ - 1} \left\{ {F_B e_j \left( {x_B } \right)} \right\}^T $$

where δji is the Kronecker delta and the small damping factors of the two sub-systems were equalized for simplicity.

The sequential procedure consists in solving Eqs. (7) for the qi first, replacing the qi into FEy in Eqs. (4) and then solving Eqs. (4) for the Q’s. This can be considered an “experimental” result and tends to become all the more exact the more correct the input data are.

For the damping factors ζi, the following laws were used, assuming ri = ωils/(πvw):

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} {2\zeta_i \omega_i \cong 5\pi \left( {2.9 + 0.3r_i^2 } \right){\text{ s}}^{ - 1} \, } \hfill & {\quad \;{\text{for}}\;r_i \le {3}} \hfill \\ {2\zeta_i \omega_i \cong 5\pi \frac{{\left[ {5.6\left( {10 - r_i } \right) + 23\left( {r_i - 3} \right)} \right]}}{7}{\text{ s}}^{ - 1} } \hfill & {\quad \;{\text{for}}\;r_i \ge 3} \hfill \\ \end{array} $$
(8a, b)

As regards the bow force FB, it depends on the state of slip or stick between the string and the bow. For the former state, it is possible to assume

$$ F_B = F_{{\text{slip}}} = F_s \times \left[ {0.3 + 0.7 \times \exp \left( { - 1.25 \times v_{{\text{rel}}{.}} } \right)} \right] $$

where vrel. = vB − dyB/dt, vB is the bow velocity and Fs is the maximum static friction force, a function of the normal force exerted by the violinist, who must control it in a very shrewd way. We here assume the formula \(F_s = 0.036\left[ {{{l_s } / {\left( {l_s - x_B } \right)}}} \right]^{1.43}\) N, which complies with Schelleng’s diagram [3]. During the stick phase, on the other hand, one has dyB/dt = vB = constant, whence \(\mathop{\sum}\nolimits_i {e_i \left( {x_B } \right){{d^2 q_i } / {dt^2 }}} = 0\) and Eq. (7) gives

$$ F_B = F_{{\text{stick}}} = \frac{{\mathop{\sum}\limits_i {e_i \left( {x_B } \right)\left[ {2\zeta_i \omega_i \frac{dq_i }{{dt}} + \omega_i^2 \left( {q_{i \sim } + q_{i0} } \right)} \right]} }}{{\mathop{\sum}\limits_i {e_i \left( {x_B } \right)\mathop{\sum}\limits_j {inv_{ji} \times e_j \left( {x_B } \right)} } }} $$

where the coefficients invji are those of the inverse matrix on the right side of Eq. (7). The mean temporal bow force Fm is found to be roughly equal to the constant slip force Fslip, so qi0 ≅ \(F_{{\text{slip}}} {{\mathop{\sum}\nolimits_j {\left[ {inv_{ji} \times e_j \left( {x_B } \right)} \right]} } / {\omega_i^2 }}\) by Eq. (7),

Fig. 2.
figure 2

String and soundbox response after a time ti ≅ 0.1 s. Time scale τ= (tti)vw/lsA4. (a) Stick-slip motion of bowed point B. (b) Harmonic table vibration, H=\(\mathop{\sum}\nolimits_J {Q_J \left( t \right)} E_J \left( {X_{P_T } ,Y_{P_T } } \right)\). Data: n = 20, μsSs = 0.0008 kg/m, ls = lsA4 = 325 mm, xB  = 285 mm, vB = 1 m/s, T = 66 N. Soundbox: frequencies = 275, 400, 450, 530, 620, 850, 980 [Hz]; quality factors = 50 (all modes).

In parallel, analytical approximations for the soundbox motion can be searched by expressing the qi~(t) by plausible functions, for example, referring to the Helmholtz motion and using the terms of its saw-tooth Fourier expansion,

$$ q_{i \sim } \left( t \right) = \frac{2v_B }{{\pi \omega a_i i^2 }} \times \frac{l_s }{{\left( {l_s - x_B } \right)}} \times \sin i\omega t $$

adding the static terms qi0, replacing these quantities into the differential equations of the soundbox vibrations, Eqs. (4), and solving for the QJ~(t) and QJ0 by use of realistic bandwidths of the frequency response of the soundbox to calculate the ZJ.

Figure 2a, b shows the motion of the bowed point of the string and that of the reference soundbox point PT, as they can be obtained by the numerical and the analytical procedure, for ls = 325 mm (A4: 440 Hz). The former is quite similar to the Helmholtz motion (Fig. 2a) and points out that the very short run of the string endpoint does not affect so much the oscillations of the string itself. Due to the mutual incommensurability of the string and soundbox frequencies, the steady motions of the bowed point B and the soundbox point PT, which occur after a transient period of one tenth of a second roughly, are not rigorously periodic but quasi-periodic with slight fluctuations of the amplitude and slow phase shifts. The analytical results show a good approximation anyway. Figure 3 shows results analogous to Fig. 2b when the string length is reduced by the violinist’s finger to get the note C5 (523 Hz): there is a good agreement also in this case and a similar agreement may be found in many other test cases.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Harmonic table vibration H =  \(\mathop{\sum}\nolimits_J {Q_J \left( t \right)} E_J \left( {X_{P_T } ,Y_{P_T } } \right)\) after a time ti ≅ 0.1 s, as a function of the dimensionless time τ= (tti)vw/lsA4 (same time scale as in Fig. 2). Same data as in Fig. 2, except ls = lsC5 = 273 mm (C5).

5 Conclusion

The present report proposes a simple analytical approach to describe the low-frequency behaviour of the bowed string instruments. It proves sufficiently consistent with the more accurate numerical results and might be completed by adding the higher frequency response obtainable by other methods described in the literature. The whole frequency spectra of the various individual instruments are certainly different from each other, as all luthiers are well aware and careful experimental tests should be carried out to characterize their tone colour. Yet, the present methodology may provide a useful tool to analyse the influence of possible structural changes of the soundbox parts on the global performances of the instruments in the low-frequency range.