
1 Introduction

Cloud computing enables the on-demand provision of various resources, such as computing power and storage over the Internet, freeing companies from maintaining IT infrastructure and managing data centers so they can focus on their core business. In addition, cloud computing enables users to take advantage of a variety of powerful resources on a pay-as-you-go basis. Nevertheless, security and privacy issues have become the main obstacle to the wider adoption of cloud computing. According to Techfunnel’s top five cloud computing predictions for 2020 [26], security tops the list of the biggest cloud challenges. Hence, users/companies are reluctant to outsource their important data to non fully-trusted Cloud servers.

In a non fully trusted cloud environment, preserving data confidentiality, making appropriate decisions about data access, and enforcing fine-grained access policies are major challenges. Hence, many cryptography-based system models and techniques have been proposed to enable efficient and secure cloud access control. Among the previous, ABE [23] allows simultaneous confidentiality preservation and fine-grained access control. ABE has succeeded in attracting considerable research efforts [2, 32] which allows defining additional cryptographically functional features, such as access revocation, accountability, and robustness to the basic construction. Unfortunately, all the proposed ABE constructions suffer from at least one of the following limitations. First, the lack of robustness meaning that once the authority responsible for issuing decryption keys to data users is compromised, an adversary can either easily break the confidentiality of the encrypted data or effortlessly prevent legitimate users from accessing data. Second, the lack of access revocation making the concerned approaches inflexible. Third, most of the proposed ABE constructions require heavy computation workload to be performed by data users at access time. Last but not least, the lack of security in standard models. We provide a full comparison with related literature in Sect. 2.

In this paper, we propose a new multi-authority ciphertext-policy ABE (CP-ABE) scheme with some interesting features. First, it ensures robustness for both decryption key issuing and access revocation processes. That is, an adversary needs to compromise several authorities to be able either to break the confidentiality of the outsourced data or to prevent authorized users from accessing outsourced data. Second, our construction enables attribute revocation while achieving forward secrecy. Third, it enables to outsource most part of the decryption process to the cloud server while ensuring that the latter learns nothing about the partially decrypted data. Fourth, our construction achieves adaptive security in standard models. The construction we propose in this paper is – to our knowledge – the first to provide all previously mentioned features. Finally, we conduct a theoretical comparison with similar constructions to show that ours introduces linear storage and computation overheads that occur only once during its setup phase.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews related work and provides a comprehensive comparison with our construction. Sections 3 and 4 present the assumptions and the adversary model we are considering to achieve provable security. Section 5 formalizes our primitive. Then, in Sect. 6, we provide the security results. In Sect. 7, we discuss the complexity of our construction. Finally, Sect. 8 concludes.

2 Related Work

Revocable ABE. Several researchers have been devoted to build ABE constructions allowing access revocation. Liang et al. [15] introduce a provably selectively secure CP-ABE construction that enables access revocation through proxy re-encryption. Using the latter technique, Luo et al. [19] designed a selectively secure and small attribute universe based CP-ABE supporting policy updating. Always relying on proxy re-encryption, Yu et al. [31] propose an AND-gate policy based ABE construction enabling attribute and user revocation. The proposed construction is proved to be selectively secure under the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption. To allow the enforcement of non-monotonic access structures, Lewko et al. [10] propose a selectively secure in the standard model ABE construction that enables attribute revocation. Hur and Noh [8] rely on a stateless group key distribution method based on binary trees to define a CP-ABE solution enabling attribute revocation. The authors claimed that the proposed scheme achieves backward secrecy and forward secrecy without providing formal security analysis. Yang et al. [28] propose a CP-ABE construction enabling attribute and user revocation based on a ciphertext re-encryption mechanism performed by a third-party honest-but-curious server. The proposed construction is proved to be selectively secure under the q-type assumption. In [29], Yang et al. propose a multi-authority CP-ABE supporting revocation process. The latter is performed mainly by attribute authorities which are responsible for computing an updated decryption key for each non-revoked user. Relying on binary trees, Cui et al. [6] propose a CP-ABE scheme that enables attribute revocation where most of the computations are delegated to an untrusted server. Similarly to [8], the authors of [6] claim that their construction is both backward and forward secure without providing any formal proofs. Liu et al. [18] propose a large universe CP-ABE construction enabling both user revocation and accountability. The authors show that the proposed construction is selectively secure in standard models. Li et al. [13] propose a new multi-authority CP-ABE scheme enabling attribute revocation while being adaptively secure in the setting of bilinear groups with composite order. Relying on an untrusted server, Qin et al. [22] design an adaptively secure CP-ABE scheme enabling attribute revocation. In the proposed scheme, the untrusted server is used to help non-revoked users to decrypt ciphertexts. Very recently, Xiong et al. [27] propose an adaptively secure CP-ABE scheme allowing attribute revocation. It uses monotonic span program [9] as an access structure to reduce the number of pairing and exponentiation operations required for encryption and decryption.

Outsourced Decryption-Based ABE. To mitigate the burden of decryption for data users, Yang et al. [29] propose a construction that outsources most part of the computations to the cloud server. The same idea was later used in [6, 22, 27, 30].

Robust ABE. A common weakness of the previously mentioned ABE constructions is that they all include a single point of failure on security. That is, as soon as an attribute authority is compromised by an adversary, the latter can easily break the confidentiality of the outsourced data by issuing valid secret decryption keys. To mitigate the previous threat, Li et al. [14] propose a multi-authority CP-ABE called TMACS. In contrast to previously mentioned approaches, in TMACS, the set of attribute authorities are collaboratively managing the whole set of attributes and no one of them can have full control over any specific attribute. The construction relies on a (tn) threshold secret sharing protocol (see Section 3.2 of the extended version of this paper [4]) to require the collaboration of at least t attribute authorities to issue a valid decryption key, which allows to prove that the proposed construction is selectively secure even when \(t-1\) authorities are compromised. Unfortunately, neither the access revocation, nor the outsourced decryption has been addressed in this work.

Table 1 presents a comprehensive feature comparison of the (most) related CP-ABE schemes. According to it, the construction we propose in this paper is the only one that achieves simultaneously robustness, access revocation, outsourced decryption, and adaptive security.

Table 1. Feature comparaison of (most) related CP-ABE constructions

3 Preliminaries

Definition 1 (Bilinear Maps)

Let \(\mathbb {G}_1\), \(\mathbb {G}_2\), and \(\mathbb {G}_T\) be three multiplicative cyclic groups of prime order p. Let \(e: \mathbb {G}_1 \times \mathbb {G}_2 \rightarrow \mathbb {G}_T\) be a bilinear map having the following properties:

  • Symmetric bilinearity: \(\forall g_1 \in \mathbb {G}_1, \forall g_2 \in \mathbb {G}_2\) and \(\forall a,b \in \mathbb {Z}_p\), we have \(e(g_1^a, g_2^b) = e(g_1^b, g_2^a) = e(g_1, g_2)^{a\cdot b}\).

  • Non-degeneracy: \(e(g_1,g_2) \ne 1\).

  • The group operations in \(\mathbb {G}_1\), \(\mathbb {G}_2\) and \(e(\cdot ,\cdot )\) are efficiently computable.

The security of our construction holds as long as \(\mathbb {G}_1 \ne \mathbb {G}_2\) and no efficiently computable homomorphism exists between \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) in either directions. In the sequel, the we refer to \((\mathbb {G}_1, \mathbb {G}_2,\mathbb {G}_T,p,e(\cdot ,\cdot ))\) as a bilinear environment.

Definition 2

(independence [5]). Let p be some large prime, r, s, t, and c be positive integers. Let \(R = \langle r_1, \cdots , r_r \rangle \) \(\in \mathbb {F}_p[X_1, \cdots , X_c]^r\), \(S = \langle s_1, \cdots , s_s \rangle \) \(\in \mathbb {F}_p[X_1, \cdots , X_c]^s\), and \(T = \langle t_1, \cdots , t_t \rangle \) \(\in \mathbb {F}_p[X_1, \cdots , X_c]^t\) be three tuples of multivariate polynomials over the field \(\mathbb {F}_{p}\). We say that polynomial \(f \in \mathbb {F}_p[X_1, \cdots , X_c]\) is dependant on the triple \(\langle R, S, T \rangle \) if there exists \(r \cdot s + t\) constants \(\{\vartheta ^{(a)}_{i,j}\}_{i,j = 1}^{i=r, j=s}\), \(\{\vartheta ^{(b)}_{k}\}_{k = 1}^t\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} f = \sum _{i,j} \vartheta ^{(a)}_{i,j} \cdot r_i \cdot s_j + \sum _{k} \vartheta ^{(b)}_k \cdot t_k \end{aligned}$$

We say that f is independent of \(\langle R,S,T \rangle \) if f is not dependent on \(\langle R,S,T \rangle \).

Definition 3

(GDHE assumption [5]). Let \((\mathbb {G}_1, \mathbb {G}_2, \mathbb {G}_T, p, \) \(e(\cdot , \cdot ))\) be a bilinear environment and r, s, t, and c be positive integers. Let \(R = \langle r_1, \cdots , r_r \rangle \) \(\in \mathbb {F}_p[X_1, \cdots , X_c]^r\), \(S = \langle s_1, \cdots , s_s \rangle \) \(\in \mathbb {F}_p[X_1, \cdots , X_c]^s\), and \(T = \langle t_1, \cdots , t_r \rangle \) \(\in \mathbb {F}_p[X_1,\) \( \cdots , X_c]^t\) be three tuples of multivariate polynomials over the field \(\mathbb {F}_{p}\). The GDHE assumption states that, given the vector

$$\begin{aligned} H(x_1, \cdots , x_c) = (g_1^{R(x_1, \cdots , x_c)}, g_2^{S(x_1, \cdots , x_c)}, e(g_1,g_2)^{T(x_1, \cdots , x_c)}) \in \mathbb {G}_1^r \times \mathbb {G}_2^s \times \mathbb {G}_T^t \end{aligned}$$

it is hard to decide whether \(U = e(g_1,g_2)^{f(x_1, \cdots , x_c)}\) or U is random if f is independent of (RST).

4 System and Security Models

In this section, we introduce the system model we are considering. Then, we define the scheme we are proposing, the considered threat model, and the security requirements we aim to ensure.

4.1 System Model

The system we consider to build our scheme is composed of five entities: A decentralized certificate authority, multiple attribute authorities, data providers, data users, and a cloud server provider.

  • The decentralized certificate authority (DCA) is a consortium blockchain-based PKI management system (e.g., [1]) which is responsible of setting up of the system by choosing its parameters such as, the set of attributes as well as the bilinear environment to be used. It is also in charge of registering data users and attribute authorities. Finally, DCA is responsible for choosing the robustness level that should be satisfied, i.e., the number of attribute authorities that should be compromised to break the confidentiality of the shared data. DCA is not involved in decryption key issuing and access revocation.

  • Attribute authorities (AAs) are a set of entities that collaboratively control the access to the shared data by cooperatively issuing decryption keys to data users.

  • Cloud storage provider (CSP) provides data storage and computation capabilities such as outsourced decryption and ciphertext re-encryption.

  • The data provider (DP) is the entity that aims to share its data. It encrypts his/her data using a chosen access policy that specifies who can get access to his/her data.

  • The data user (DU) represents an entity that aims to access and use the shared data. A DU is labeled by a set of attributes. It is supposed to be able to download any encrypted data from the CSP. However, only DUs with proper attributes can successfully decrypt the retrieved encrypted data.

4.2 Definition of Our Construction

Our construction consists of eight algorithms: GlobalSetup, CAKeyGen, AAKe-yGen, Encrypt, DecKeyGen, PartialDecrypt, Decrypt, and Revoke. The algorithms GlobalSetup and CAKeyGen are performed by DCA. AAKeyGen is performed by AAs. DecKeyGen is performed collaboratively between a DU and AAs. Revoke is collaboratively performed by AAs and CSP. Encrypt is performed by DP. PartialDecrypt algorithm involves DU and CSP. Finally, Decrypt is performed by DU.

  • GlobalSetup\((\lambda ,t , \varSigma ) \rightarrow env\) is a probabilistic algorithm that takes as input the security parameter \(\lambda \), a robustness level t, and a set of attributes \(\varSigma \). It outputs the public parameters of the system env. The latter will be implicitly used by all the following algorithms and so will be omitted.

  • AAKeygen() \(\rightarrow (SK, PK)\) is a probabilistic algorithm that returns a secret key share SK and a master public key share PK.

  • CAKeyGen(\(\{PK_i\}\)) \(\rightarrow MPK\) is a probabilistic algorithm that takes as input the set of master public key shares \(\{PK_i\}\) of the involved AAs and outputs a master public key MPK.

  • Encrypt(\(M,\mathbb {M},MPK\)) \(\rightarrow \chi \) is a probabilistic algorithm that takes a message M and an access structure \(\mathbb {M}\) and outputs an encrypted bundle \(\chi \).

  • DecKeyGen(MPK, AA) \(\rightarrow \mathcal {K}\) is a probabilistic algorithm that takes as input the master public key MPK and the set of registered attribute authorities AA and outputs a secret decryption key \(\mathcal {K}\).

  • Revoke(u, \(\{\sigma _i\}\)) \(\rightarrow (MPK, ReK)\) is a probabilistic algorithm that takes as input a data user u and a set of attributes \(\{\sigma _i\}\) and returns an updated master public key MPK and an updated re-encryption key ReK.

  • PartialDecrypt(\(\mathcal{SK}\mathcal{}_{csp}\),\(\overline{\mathcal {K}}\), ind) \(\rightarrow \overline{\chi }\) is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input the secret key \(\mathcal{SK}\mathcal{}_{csp}\) of the CSP, a randomized decryption key \(\overline{\mathcal {K}}\), and the index ind of the data item to decrypt \(\chi \) and returns a partially decrypted data item \(\overline{\chi }\).

  • Decrypt(\(\mathcal {K},\overline{\chi }\))\(\rightarrow M\) is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input a DU’s secret decryption key \(\mathcal {K}\) and a partially decrypted data item \(\overline{\chi }\) and outputs a plaintext data item M.

4.3 Threat Model

In our scheme, as the DCA capabilities are supposed to be provided by a blockchain-based PKI management system, then we fairly assume that the DCA is a trusted, single point of failure-free, entity. Hence, DCA is supposed to issue correct signed certificates to the different registered entities involved in the system. Attribute authorities involved in the system are considered as honest-but-curious entities. They are honest in the sense that they are supposed to correctly perform the different operations of our construction, but we suppose that some of them can be corrupted by an adversary who aims to learn as much information as possible about the data. Similarly, we assume that the CSP is also honest-but-curious as it will correctly follow the proposed protocol, yet may try to learn information about the shared data. Data consumers are considered to be malicious entities that can collude with each other and/or with compromised attribute authorities. Finally, we suppose that the CSP will not collude with data users to infer more information about the shared data. We believe that this last assumption is fairly reasonable since, in a free market environment, an open dishonest behavior will result in considerable damages for the involved entities.

4.4 Security Requirements

Three security requirements are considered in our construction: collusion resistance, robustness, as well as forward secrecy. The formalization of the following requirements is given in the full version of the paper [4].

Collusion Resistance. Since we suppose that multiple malicious data users may collude to gain access to an encrypted data that none of them can access alone, we require our construction to be secure against such collusion attacks.

Robustness. According to the threat model we are considering, we suppose that a subset of attribute authorities can be compromised by an adversary. Hence, we require our construction to be robust. That is, any encrypted data item remains fully protected against unauthorized entities as long as no more than \(t-1\) attribute authorities are compromised, with t denoting the robustness level.

Forward Secrecy. Forward secrecy is a mandatory property for enabling secure revocation. Forward secrecy requires that it should not be feasible for a data user to decrypt previous (non downloaded) and subsequent ciphertexts, if a subset of his/her attributes required for decryption are revoked.

5 Our Proposed Scheme

We now present the details of our construction. Since DCA capabilities are provided by a consortium blockchain-based PKI management system, we use the same blockchain as a trusted shared storage to store the different public elements exchanged between the different parties that compose our system. Hence, the consortium blockchain is supposed to be accessible to all the entities involved in the system. In the sequel, we refer to the former as \(\mathcal {B}\).

5.1 System Initialization

GlobalSetup. Let \((\mathbb {G}_1, \mathbb {G}_2, \mathbb {G}_T, p, e(\cdot ,\cdot ))\) be a bilinear environment, \(g_1\) and \(g_2\) be two random elements of \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) respectively. Let \(H : \mathbb {G}_T \rightarrow \{0,1\}^m\) be a cryptographic hash function for some \(m (\ge 256\)) and \(\varXi \) be an unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks signature system. The DCA generates a signature key SMK and a verification key VMK and sends the pubic parameters \(env = (\mathbb {G}_1, \mathbb {G}_2, \mathbb {G}_T, p, e(\cdot ,\cdot ), g_1, g_2,H,\) \(\varXi , VMK)\) to \(\mathcal {B}\) for storage.

System Initialization. The system is initialized using the following steps.

  • AA registration: Each attribute authority AA\(_i\) uses \(\varXi \) to generate a private key \(\mathcal{SK}\mathcal{}_{AA_i}\) and a public key \(\mathcal{PK}\mathcal{}_{AA_i}\) and sends a registration request to DCA. If AA\(_i\) is a legal authority, the DCA generates a random global identity \(aid \in {Z}_p\), issues a signed certificate \(\mathcal {C}ert_{aid}\), and submits the couple \((aid, \mathcal {C}ert_{aid})\) for storage in \(\mathcal {B}\).

  • CSP registration: This step is triggered when CSP sends a registration query to DCA. Then, the latter assigns a random identifier \(cspid \in \mathbb {Z}_p\), issues a certificates \(Cert_{cspid}\), and submits the couple (\(cspid , Cert_{cspid}\)) for storage in \(\mathcal {B}\). Finally, CSP initializes its secret key as \(\mathcal{SK}\mathcal{}_{csp} = \emptyset \). The latter will be used to enforce access revocation by updating encrypted data items.

  • Robustness level selection: Let us suppose that n attribute authorities \(AA = \{A_1, \cdots , A_n\}\) are registered in the system. Using this process, DCA chooses the robustness level t \((t < n)\) that should be satisfied and sends the master public key \(MPK = (env,n,t)\) for storage in \(\mathcal {B}\).

  • AA key generation: This process is performed by each one of the n attribute authorities. The process requires the cooperation of the attribute authorities with each other to call the trusted third party free threshold secret sharing (see [4], Section 3.2). Each \(A_i\) performs the following steps:

    • Select three random scalars \(a_i, \alpha _i, \overline{\alpha }_i \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) as sub-secrets and generate three random polynomials \(f_i(x)\), \(h_i(x)\), and \(\overline{h}_i(x)\) of degree \(t-1\) such that \(f_i(0) = a_i\), \(h_i(0) = \alpha _i\), and \(\overline{h}_i(0) = \overline{\alpha }_i\). Then for all \(j \in \{1,2,\cdots ,n\} \backslash \{i\}\), calculate \(s^{\{a\}}_{i,j} = f_i(aid_j)\), \(s^{\{\alpha \}}_{i,j} = h_i(aid_j)\), and \({s}^{\{\overline{\alpha }\}}_{i,j} = \overline{h}_i(aid_j)\), and send \(s^{\{a\}}_{i,j}\), \(s^{\{\alpha \}}_{i,j}\), and \({s}^{\{\overline{\alpha }\}}_{i,j}\) securely to A\(_j\).

    • After receiving \(s^{\{a\}}_{j,i}\), \(s^{\{\alpha \}}_{j,i}\) and \({s}^{\{\overline{\alpha }\}}_{j,i}\) from all other \(n-1\) AAs, each \(A_i\) calculates for \(k \in \{a, \alpha , \overline{\alpha }\}:\) \(sk_i^{\{k\}} = \sum _{j=1}^n s_{j,i}^{\{k\}}\), \(pka_i = g_1^{sk_i^{\{a\}}},\overline{pka_i} = g_2^{sk_i^{\{a\}}}, pke_i = e(g_1,g_2)^{{sk}_i^{\{\alpha \}}},\) and \(pkr_i = g_2^{{sk}_i^{\{\overline{\alpha }\}}}\). Finally, each \(A_i\) sends its master public key share \(PK_i = \{pka_i, \overline{pka_i}, pke_i, pkr_i\}\) to \(\mathcal {B}\) for storage. The secret key share of \(A_i\) is set as \(SK_i = \{sk_i^{\{k\}}\}_{k\in \{a, \alpha , \overline{\alpha }\}}\).

    • For each attribute \(\sigma \in \varSigma \), choose a random scalar \(\theta _{\sigma ,i} \in \mathbb {Z}_p\), compute \(\varTheta _{\sigma ,i} = g_1^{\theta _{\sigma ,i}}\) and \(\overline{\varTheta }_{\sigma ,i} = g_2^{\theta _{\sigma ,i}}\) and send them to the \(\mathcal {B}\) for storage.

    • For each attribute \(\sigma \in \varSigma \), store an initially empty list of users \(\mathcal {U}_{r,\sigma }\) denoting the users to whom the attribute \(\sigma \) is revoked.

  • Master public key generation: This step is performed by DCA which randomly selects t out of the n AAs master public key shares \(\{PK_1, \cdots , PK_n\}\). Let us denote by \(\mathcal {I}\) the set of indices of the t chosen master public key shares. The global public key of the system is then computed as follows.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} pka&= \prod \limits _{i\in \mathcal {I}} (pka_i)^{\prod _{j\in \mathcal {I},j\ne i} \frac{aid_i}{aid_j-aid_i}} = g_1^{a} \\ \overline{pka}&= \prod \limits _{i \in \mathcal {I}} (\overline{pka}_i)^{\prod _{j\in \mathcal {I},j\ne i} \frac{aid_i}{aid_j-aid_i}} = g_2^{a} \\ pke&= \prod \limits _{i \in \mathcal {I}} (pke_i)^{\prod _{j\in \mathcal {I},j\ne i} \frac{aid_i}{aid_j-aid_i}} = e(g_1,g_2)^{\alpha } \\ pkr&= \prod \limits _{i \in \mathcal {I}} (pkr_i)^{\prod _{j\in \mathcal {I},j\ne i} \frac{aid_i}{aid_j-aid_i}} = g_2^{\overline{\alpha }} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

    with \(a = \sum _{i=1}^n a_i\), \(\alpha = \sum _{i=1}^n \alpha _i\), and \(\overline{\alpha } = \sum _{i=1}^n \overline{\alpha _i}\). Then, DCA computes \(\varTheta _\sigma \) and \(\overline{\varTheta }_\sigma \) for all \( \sigma \in \varSigma \) as \(\varTheta _\sigma = \prod \limits _{i=1}^n \varTheta _{\sigma ,i}\) and \(\overline{\varTheta }_\sigma = \prod \limits _{i=1}^n \overline{\varTheta }_{\sigma ,i}\). Finally, DCA sends the master public key \(MPK= \{env, pka, \overline{pka}, pke, pkr,\) \(\varTheta _\sigma , \overline{\varTheta }_\sigma , \pi _p = 0\}_{\sigma \in \varSigma }\) to \(\mathcal {B}\) for storage. The scalar \(\pi _p\) represents the timestep on which the public key is created/updated.

We emphasize here that the master key \(MK = \{a, \alpha , \overline{\alpha }\}\) is implicitly shared among the different AAs. However, it does not need to be obtained by any entity in the system.

5.2 Data Sharing

The data encryption operation Encrypt is performed by the data provider independently. Before outsourcing the data item to CSP, similarly to most ABE schemes, the data to be shared M is firstly encrypted using a secure symmetric key algorithm (e.g., AES). The used symmetric key is generated then encrypted as we describe in the following steps.

  • The data provider starts by defining a monotone boolean formula involving a subset of attributes \(\varSigma ^* \subseteq \varSigma \) as the access policy that should be enforced on the data to be outsourced/shared. Then he/she executes the Encrypt algorithm which picks a random scalar \(s \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) and uses the component pke of the master public key MPK to generate the symmetric key \(\kappa = H(pke^s) = H\left( e(g_1,g_2)^{\alpha \cdot s}\right) \). \(\kappa \) is then used to encrypt the data item to be shared M to get \(E_\kappa (M)\).

  • The data provider chooses the access policy to be enforced and transforms it into a Linear Secret Sharing Scheme (LSSS) access structure \((\mathbb {M}, \rho )\) as described in [17], where \(\mathbb {M}\) is an \(l \times k\) LSSS matrix and \(\rho (x)\) maps each row of \(\mathbb {M}\) to an attribute \(\sigma \in \varSigma \). Next, to make sure that only the keys that satisfy \((\mathbb {M}, \rho )\) will be able to compute \(\kappa \), we hide the random element s used to generate \(\kappa \) by choosing a random vector \(\mathbf {v} = \{s, v_2, \cdots , v_k\} \in \mathbb {Z}_p^k\). For each row vector \(\mathbb {M}_i\) of \(\mathbb {M}\), \(\lambda _i = \mathbb {M}_i \cdot \mathbf {v}^{\top }\) is calculated and a random scalar \(r_i \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) is chosen. The ciphertext encrypting the symmetric encryption key \(\kappa \) is computed as \(\mathcal {C} = \{C' = g_2^s,~C_i = \overline{pka}^{\lambda _i} \cdot \overline{\varTheta }_{\rho (i)}^{-r_i},~D_i = g_2^{r_i}\}_{i \in [1,l]}\). Finally, the data owner sends the encrypted data item bundle \(\chi = (E_\kappa (M), \) \(\mathcal {C}, \pi _c = \pi _p)\) to CSP. Similarly, \(\pi _c\) is used to denote the timestep on which the data item has been encrypted. At encryption, the timestep \(\pi _c\) is the same as the timestep associated to the master public key MPK.

5.3 User Registration and Key Generation

When a user \(u_i\) joins the system, he/she sends a registration query to the DCA to get a unique uid and a signed certificate \(Cert_{uid}\). Let us denote by \(\varSigma _{u_i}\) the set of attributes that has to be assigned to \(u_i\) according to the role he/she plays in the system. Thus, to generate a secret decryption key, \(u_i\) performs the following steps:

  • First, \(u_i\) selects t out of the n registered attribute authorities according to his/her own preferences. Then, \(u_i\) separately queries each of the selected t attribute authorities to request a secret decryption key share. We emphasis here that a data user will be able to generate a valid secret decryption key if and only if he/she gets t secret decryption key shares from t different attribute authorities. To request a secret decryption key share from an attribute authority \(A_j\), \(u_i\) sends a secret decryption issuance query containing the identifier uid of \(u_i\) signed using \(Cert_{uid}\) to \(A_j\). Once the query is recieved by \(A_j\), the latter starts by checking the signature of DCA on \(Cert_{uid}\) then authenticates the request content by verifying the signature of \(u_i\) on the request. If \(u_i\) is authorized to access the shared data, then \(A_j\) assigns the set of attributes \(\varSigma _{u_i}^{(j)} = \varSigma _{u_i} \backslash \{\sigma | u_i \in \mathcal {U}_{r,\sigma }\}\) to \(u_i\) where \(\{\sigma | u_i \in \mathcal {U}_{r,\sigma }\}\) is the set of attributes that has been revoked from \(u_i\). Then, \(A_j\) chooses a random scalar \(b_j \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) and uses the MPK to generate a secret decryption key share for \(u_i\) as \(\mathcal {K}_{u_i,j} = \{K_j = g_1^{sk_j^{\{\alpha \}}} \cdot pka^{b_j}, ~L_j= g_1^{b_j},~ K_{\sigma ,j} = \varTheta _\sigma ^ {b_j}\}_{\sigma \in \varSigma _{u_i}^{(j)}}\).

  • Once \(u_i\) gains t secret decryption key shares from t different attribute authorities, he/she computes his/her secret decryption key as following.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} K&= \prod \limits _{i=1}^t K_i^{\prod _{j=1,j\ne i}^t \frac{aid_j}{aid_j-aid_i}} \\&= g_1^{\alpha } \cdot g_1^{a \cdot \sum _{i=1}^t(b_i \cdot \prod _{j=1,j\ne i}\frac{aid_j}{aid_j-aid_i})} \\ L&= g_1^{\sum _{i=1}^t(b_i \cdot \prod _{j=1,j\ne i}\frac{aid_j}{aid_j-aid_i})}\\ K_\sigma&= \varTheta _\sigma ^{ \sum _{i=1}^t(b_i \cdot \prod _{j=1,j\ne i}\frac{aid_j}{aid_j-aid_i})}, ~~~\sigma \in \varSigma _{u_i} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

    For sake of simplicity, let us introduce the parameter d:

    $$\begin{aligned} d = \sum _{i=1}^t\left( b_i \cdot \prod _{j=1,j\ne i}\frac{aid_j}{aid_j-aid_i}\right) \end{aligned}$$

    Therefore, the user’s secret key can be simplified as \(\mathcal {K}_u = \{K = g_1^\alpha \cdot g_1^{a\cdot d},~\) \( L = g_1^d, ~K_\sigma = \varTheta _\sigma ^{d}, ~\pi _{u} = \pi _p\}_{\sigma \in \varSigma _{u_i}}\) where \(\pi _u\) is used to denote the timestep on which \(\mathcal {K}_u\) is issued.

We note here that the queried attribute authorities may assign different attributes \(\varSigma _{u_i}^{(j)}\) to \(u_i\). If it is the case, \(\mathcal {K}_u\) will involve only the set of attributes \(\varSigma _{u_i} = \cap _{j=0}^t \varSigma _{u_i}^{(j)}\) that are assigned by all t attribute authorities.

5.4 Access Revocation

Our construction aims to achieve robust fine-grained and on-demand access revocation. That is, to prevent a compromised AA from prohibiting authorized users from accessing the outsourced data by revoking their attributes, our construction requires the collaboration of t out of the n (\(t > n/2\)) registered attribute authorities to perform an access revocation. The revocation process is performed according to the following three steps.

Step 1: Collaborative Revocation Request. The access revocation process is triggered by an attribute authority \(A_i\) that wants to revoke the access granted by specific set of attributes \(\varSigma _r \subset \varSigma \) to a specific set of data users \(\mathcal {U}_r\). \(A_i\) generates a random scalar \(t \in \mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and computes \(\mathcal {R}_i = \{R_i = g_2^{t \cdot sk_i^{\overline{\alpha }}}, R_{v} = pkr^{t}, R_{b} = g_2^{t}, \varSigma _r, \mathcal {U}_r\}\) Then, \(A_i\) signs \(\mathcal {R}_i\) using \(Cert_{aid_i}\), sends it to \(\mathcal {B}\) for storage, and broadcasts the revocation request to other registered attribute authorities. Once the revocation request is received by the attribute authorities, each \(A_j\), \(j \in [1,n] \backslash \{i\}\) authenticates then processes the access revocation request. If it is legitimate, it computes the revocation request share as following \( \mathcal {R}_j = \{R_j = R_{b}^{sk_j^{\overline{\alpha }}}, R_{v} = pkr^{t}, \varSigma _r, \mathcal {U}_r\}\) then, signs \(\mathcal {R}_j\) and sends it to \(\mathcal {B}\) for storage. Afterwards, each of the attribute authorities that participates to the previous collaborative revocation request updates locally the list of revoked user for each attribute as \(\forall \sigma \in \varSigma _r: \mathcal {U}_{r,\sigma } = \mathcal {U}_{r,\sigma } \cup \mathcal {U}_r \).

Step 2: Revocation Enforcement. Once more than \(t-1\) shares for a revocation request are committed to \(\mathcal {B}\), CSP computes

$$\begin{aligned} \prod \limits _{i=1}^t {R_i}^{ \prod _{j=1,j\ne i}^t \frac{aid_j}{aid_j-aid_i}} \end{aligned}$$

Thanks to the usage of the trusted third party free threshold secret sharing, the collaboration of t attribute authorities are required to compute the shared secret scalar \(\overline{\alpha }\). Hence, if Formula (1) is equal to \(R_v\), CSP will be sure that the access revocation is requested by at least t out of the n registered attribute authorities.

Then, CSP generates a random scalar \(z \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) and updates the master public key MPK as \(\forall \sigma \in \varSigma _r:~ \varTheta _\sigma \leftarrow \varTheta _\sigma ^{z} \text {,~} \overline{\varTheta }_\sigma \leftarrow \overline{\varTheta }_\sigma ^{z}, \text {~and~} \pi _p \leftarrow \pi _p + 1\) and updates its secret key \(\mathcal{SK}\mathcal{}_{csp}\) as \(\mathcal{SK}\mathcal{}_{csp} \leftarrow \mathcal{SK}\mathcal{}_{csp} \cup \{\mu _{\pi _p} = z\}\) Finally, CSP sends the updated MPK for updation in \(\mathcal {B}\).

Step 3: Secret Decryption Key Updating. Once an access revocation request is performed, each data user needs to request a fresh secret decryption key as described in Sect. 5.3.

5.5 Outsourced Pre-decryption and User Decryption

Our construction enables data users to shift expensive computations, i.e., pairing operations to CSP without disclosing any information about the encrypted data to CSP. Outsourced pre-decryption is performed according to the following steps.

figure a

Step 1: Secret Decryption Key Randomization. A DU u starts by randomizing its secret decryption key as follows. He/She picks a random scalar \(x \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) and computes \( \overline{\mathcal {K}}_u = \left\{ K' = K^x, L' = L^x, K_\sigma ' = K_\sigma ^x,\pi _u\right\} \). Then, u sends \(\overline{\mathcal {K}}_u\) and the index ind of the item to be pre-decrypted to CSP.

Step 2: Outsourced Pre-decryption. After receiving (\(\overline{\mathcal {K}}_u\), ind), CSP performs the PartialDecrypt algorithm which we detail in Algorithm 1. To be useful for pre-decrypting the data item, \(\overline{\mathcal {K}_u}\) should include a set of attributes in \(\varSigma _u\) that satisfies the access structure \((\mathbb {M},\rho )\) used to encrypt the requested data item. As detailed in Algorithm 1, the PartialDecrypt algorithm takes as input the secret key \(\mathcal{SK}\mathcal{}_{csp}\) of the CSP, a randomized secret decryption key \(\overline{\mathcal {K}_u}\), the master public key MPK, and the index ind of the data item to encrypt. It outputs a pre-decrypted symmetric key \(\overline{\kappa }\) and the data item ciphertext \(E_{\kappa }(M)\).

Step 3: User Decryption. Once the user retrieves the pre-decrypted symmetric key \(\overline{\kappa }\) and the ciphertext \(E_{\kappa }(M)\), he/she recovers the symmetric key \(\kappa \) by computing \(\kappa = H\left( \overline{\kappa }^{1/x} \right) \) which can be used to decrypt the data item.

6 Security Results

This section presents the security results of our construction. First, in Theorem 1, we show that our construction provides a correct revocable fine-grained access control capabilities. Then, we prove the collusion resistance, the robustness and the forward secrecy properties in Theorems 2, 3, and 4 respectively. The proofs of the following theorems are provided in the full version of this paper [4].

Theorem 1 (Correctness)

Given a data user u to whom a set of attributes \(\varSigma _u\) is assigned and a ciphertext \(\mathcal {C}\) encrypted using an access structure \(\mathbb {M}\). Let us denote by \(\varSigma _r \subset \varSigma _u\) the revoked attributes for u. As long as \(\varSigma _u \backslash \varSigma _r\) satisfies \(\mathbb {M}\), then the secret decryption key issued to u allows recovering the plaintext of \(\mathcal {C}\).

Theorem 2

Our construction is collusion resistant under the GDHE assumption.

Theorem 3

Our construction is (tn)-robust under the GDHE assumption.

Theorem 4

Our construction is forward secure under the GDHE assumption.

Table 2. Notations used in the conducted evaluation

7 The Complexity

In this section, we analyze the practicability of our construction regarding several properties. We evaluate the storage and communication overheads, as well as the computation cost of the different operations used by our construction. We also evaluate the sizes of the different cryptographic keys to be used by the entities involved in our construction. For a better understanding of the evaluation results, we conduct a comparative analysis between our construction and TMACS [14]. Both schemes are achieving robustness while providing ABE-based fine-grained access control. The notations we used in the complexity evaluation are described in Table 2. In the sequel, we used (-) to indicate that no storage (resp. communication, resp. computation) is required by an entity, and (N/A) to indicate that a process is not supported by a scheme.

Table 3. Comparison of the storage complexity

7.1 Storage Complexity

In Table 3, we compare the storage complexity of our construction and TMACS on the different involved entities. Specifically, we quantify the storage complexity in terms of the size of elements (e.g., group elements, certificates, etc.) that are to be stored by each entity. Compared to TMACS, our construction requires less information to be stored by DCA and AA. In addition the size of an encrypted data item in our scheme is smaller than the one of TMACS. On the DU side, no more information needs to be stored compared to TMACS. When it comes to CSP, our construction requires the CSP to store a revocation key that grows linearly with the number of performed revocation operations. While the latter can be large in some use cases, we stress that the CSP is supposed to have unlimited storage space. Note that the TMACS scheme does not require the CSP to store any revocation key as it does not enable access revocation.

7.2 Communication Complexity

In Table 4, we provide a comparison of the theoretical communication complexities incurred by the different processes involved in our construction and TMACS. Specifically, we quantify the amount of information (in terms of the sizes of used group elements) exchanged by each entity during the different processes. As illustrated in the table, our construction does not include any communication overhead compared to TMACS, except for (i) AA during the setup process and (ii) DU during the data decryption process. However, we stress that both (linear) overheads can be tolerated since the first occurs only once during the setup phase, while the second permits the DU to considerably reduce the amount of computations required for data decryption (Table 5) by using the outsourced pre-decryption. Besides, our construction slightly reduces the communication complexity for DCA and CSP during the setup and the data decryption processes respectively.

Table 4. Comparison of the communication complexity

7.3 Computation Complexity

In this section, we give a comparative analysis of the computational complexity of our scheme and TMACS. Table 5 shows, for the two constructions, the computational complexities for the different entities of the system when performing the different processes. The processes’ complexities are expressed mainly in terms of the number of group exponentiations and pairings. We note here that we ignore computations related to certificate generation and signature as they are performed by most existing ABE schemes.

Table 5. Comparison of the computation complexity

The comparison shows that our construction does not include any computation overhead compared to TMACS for performing data encryption and decryption key generation processes. Thanks to the outsourcing pre-decryption, our construction drastically reduces the amount of computations required to be performed by DU for decrypting a data item. However, it requires linearly in the number of attributes more group exponentiations than TMACS to perform the setup process. Again, we stress that this latter computation overhead can be tolerated as it occurs only once during the setup phase.

8 Conclusion

In this work, we propose the first CP-ABE fine-grained access control construction for outsourced data that enables the following features simultaneously. First, it ensures robustness for both decryption key issuing and access revocation while achieving forward secrecy. Second, it enables outsourced decryption to reduce the decryption overhead for data users that have limited computational resources. Third, it achieves adaptive security in standard models.