
1 Introduction

Glioma is the most common tumor of the central nerves system in adults and glioblatoma is the most aggressive one, with nonspecific signs and symptoms. Early diagnosis and promote therapy are main determinants of prognosis. Magnetic resonance images (MRI) is wildly utilized in clinical practice for tumor localization, diagnosis, risk stratification and precise resection.

Therefore, tumor delineation is quite important but manual segmentation is rather time-consuming. Automatic and precise tumor segmentation is desired. This year, the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) challenge is held to encourage the development of brain tumor segmentation [2, 3]. Consistent with clinical practice, four common MRI sequences, a native pre-contrast (T1), a post-contrast T1-weighted (T1Gd), a T2-weighted (T2) and a T2 Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (T2-FLAIR), are provided for segmentation. Figure 1 shows an example of image set. The tumor tissue shown in MRI could be categorized into 3 sub-regions, i.e., the enhancing tumor (ET), the tumor core (TC) and the whole tumor (WT). The TC entails the ET and the necrotic (NCR), while the whole tumor (WT) describes the whole tumor region, consisting TC and the peritumoral edematous/invaded tissue (ED) [4, 5, 15]. There is an intersection between ET, TC and WT, for prediction convenience, the independent regions, NCR, ED and ET, are set to segmentation labels. As shown in the Fig. 1, there is clear inclusion relation between target labels, i.e., \(ED \notin \) ET, NCR.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An example image set. Four sequences are provided. Ground Truth is tumor manual segmentation results, where red presents NCR (the smallest sub-region), green refers to ED and yellow is ET. Red plus yellow region is tumor core and all the three region together is WT. (Color figure online)

Recently, tremendous deep learning approaches for brain tumor segmentation have been proposed. U-Net [16] is a prevailing backbone in medical image segmentation, with symmetric encoder and decoder structure. Kayalibay et al. proposed a successful U-Net variant for BraTS 2015, and achieved state of art results that year [12]. Later, Fabian et al. enhanced the U-Net’s skip-connection strategy, which was added after convolution layer in each encode and decode stage, to maintain previous extracted feature, and achieve promising performance in BraTS 2017 [10]. Moreover, Isensee et al. proposed a compositive and automatic segmentation framework with preprocessing, network and post-processing, which could automatically configures itself and suit for the most of tasks [8], and this network achieved top performance in BraTS2020 [9].

However, there are intrinsic drawbacks lying behind CNN. For brain datasets, its symmetric anatomical structure information would dramatically facilitate the pathology segmentation, i.e., doctors will highly concern about the asymmetric structure. Whereas, the size of CNN kernel is rather small, generally \(3 \times 3\), leading to local receptive view and omitting global information while extracting feature [1, 18]. In this way, the introduction of attention mechanism for global relation extraction, could alleviate the aforementioned drawback. Attention mechanism was first proposed for natural language processing task to perceive context [17]. Its promising performance boosted mass related research in the filed of computer vision [6, 14]. Hu et al. first combined attention mechanism with CNN for classification. The attention map weighted the feature map, as the output of the attention block [7]. In [13], a lightweight attention mechanism were proposed, which applied to the feature maps of decoder, for retinal vessel image segmentation.

Inspired by the aforementioned works, we proposed a 3D attention U-Net, namely AttU-Net for brain tumor segmentation. The contribution of our approach can be summarized as follows.

  1. 1)

    We propose a segmentation model which could segment pathology with complementary information from the intrinsic anatomical brain structure. The attention maps are utilized for the enhancement of the determinant feature for segmentation.

  2. 2)

    We modify a light-weight attention block for volume data and combine it with U-Net organically. The proposed attention block could easily adapt for any common backbone.

  3. 3)

    We propose a fully automatic 3D segmentation framework for brain tumor, and validate it with a public dataset from BraTS 2021.

2 Methods

The overall structure of AttU-Net consists five components, i.e., an encoder, a symmetric decoder, attention blocks, multi-scale supervision and skip-connection strategy, shown in Fig. 2. We will formulate the backbone first in the Sect. 2.1 and then elaborate the structure of the attention block in Sect. 2.2.

2.1 Network Architecture

The backbone is modified from the typical U-Net [16]. The encoder is composed of five convolution blocks, connected by the maximum pooling layer. Each of convolution block consists of three \(3 \times 3 \times 3\) convolution layers with stride 2 to reduce feature resolution, and followed by a Leaky-ReLu Activation Layer. The decoding process is symmetric with encoder, also with five block but connected by up-sampling layer. The shape of feature map in each encoder convolution blocks are 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256, while the order in decoder is opposite. The attention blocks (named A) are added to encoding process, to track feature correlation, which will be elaborated later. The last convolution layer in decoder is a \(1 \times 1 \times 1\) convolution, and the number of output channel is 4, representing background, NCR, ET and ED. Moreover, we leverage multi-scale supervision for details segmentation. The output of each stage will go over a \(1 \times 1 \times 1\) convolution layer to predict multi-scale segmentation map, followed by up-sampling. The reshaped predicted map will be added to the final segmentation map (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The network structure of AttU-Net, which consists of an encoder, a symmetric decoder, skip-connection strategy, attention blocks and multi-scale supervision. A stands for attention block. The depths of feature map are signed above.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The structure of attention block, which consists of feature mapping, similarity calculation and skip-connection. \(F_E\), \(F_D\) and \(F_{E+D}\) present the feature from encoder, the feature from decoder in the same stage and concatenated feature, respectively.

2.2 Attention Block

As stated previously, the anatomic structure of brain is intrinsic symmetric. We assume that the region which is heterogeneous compared with the other side has higher probability to be tumor [11]. In order to extract global feature, we adopt a pixel-wise attention block to weight the middle layer feature map. We propose a slice-self attention block, to extract the asymmetric regions, which can indicate areas at risk.

An attention block consists three stages, feature mapping, similarity calculation and skip-connection. Feature mapping stage is to map the three origin feature map to the space K, Q, V for following calculation. K, Q are calculated from feature of decoder (\(F_D\)) and the feature from encoder in the same stage (\(F_E\)), respectively, while V are calculated from the feature after skip-connection (\(F_{D+E}\)). The target feature are first go over a convolution layer with \(1 \times 1 \times 1\) kernel, to reduce dimension. \(F_D\) and \(F_E\) \(\in R^{D\times C\times H\times W}\) while \(F_{D+E}\) \(\in R^{D\times C\times H\times W}\), and the outputs of the convolution layer are all \(\in R^{D/2\times C\times H\times W}\). Since it’s more convenient to compute similarity matrix in two dimension, we flatten the feature map from \(D/2 \times C \times H \times W\) to \(D/2 \times C \times N\), where \(N=H\times W\). Then, we compute attention map with K and Q, using

$$\begin{aligned} A = K^TQ, \end{aligned}$$

where A presents attention map \(\in R^{D/2\times N \times N}\). Since similarity matrix is a coefficient matrix whose value should be within [0,1], so we apply softmax on the previous result. As mentioned before, the attention map indicates the pixel-wide similarity, the \(a_{ji}\) represents the similarity between \(k_{j}\) and \(q_{i}\). Since we compute the feature with encoder feature and decoder feature, the attention map highlights model attention, where is determinant to segmentation results. Then we utilize the attention map to weight V, calculated it by function \(f(\cdot ) = V \cdot A\), \(\in R^{D/2 \times C \times N}\). Finally, we reshape the previous result to \(D/2 \times C \times N\), and concatenate which with original feature \(F_{D+E}\), using

$$\begin{aligned} Y_i = \lambda (\sum _{i=1}^{N}(a_{ij} V_j)) + F_{E+D_{j}^{*}}, \end{aligned}$$

where Y represents output of attention block, X stands for \(F_{D+E}\) after first convolutional layer and \(\lambda \) is a hyper parameter. The input of attention map \(F_{D+E}\) \(\in R^{2D\times C\times H\times W}\) while the output \(\in R^{D\times C\times H\times W}\).

The Dice loss is utilized as loss function. Since, it’s a four classes segmentation task, while training, we noticed that NCR (label 1) was the most difficult part. Hence we utilized weighted Dice score, that is,

$$\begin{aligned} Loss = \lambda _1 L_{Dice}(Lab1) + \lambda _2 L_{Dice}(Lab2) + \lambda _3 L_{Dice}(Lab3)) + \lambda _0 L_{Dice}(Lab0), \end{aligned}$$

where Lab0 means value equal to 0, etc. Based on experiments, we set \(\lambda _1=1.2\) while \(others=1\).

3 Experiments

3.1 Dataset

The proposed model was evaluated in the BraTS2021 challenge dataset which contains 1000 training instances and 216 validation instances, each of which consists four sequence, i.e., T1, T2, T1-Gd and FLAIR. The training sets is consisted of labeled image for supervised learning. The depth, width and length of 3D brain MR images are 155, 240, 240, respectively.

Table 1. The quantitative results of the proposed on test dataset.

3.2 Pre-processing

To reduce the modeling difficulty, we omitted noisy information from original image, by cropping the image into 128\(\,\times \,\)128 \(\,\times \,\) 128 size. Later, data augmentation techniques, including random crop, flipping, rotation, were utilized to improve model generalization ability. Four sequences were concatenated into four channel and the shape of input was 128\(\,\times \,\)128 \(\,\times \,\) 128.

3.3 Implementations

We treated brain MRI as volume data with the depth, width and length were 155, 240, 240, respectively. Four sequences would be concatenated as four dimensions data, [4, 155, 240, 240], as a whole input. The origin images have been cropped into [4, 128, 128, 128], which could roughly contain all the brain tissue. The training process adopted the batch iteration method, with the batch size as 8, 1000 epochs performed. The model was implemented in Pytorch and optimized by the Adam algorithm. The initial learning rate was set to 0.004, and decay with epoch growing, updated by the equation,

$$\begin{aligned} lr = \frac{1}{8} * lr_{init} * (\frac{1-epoch}{epoch_{max}})^{0.9}. \end{aligned}$$

The all model was performed on four NVIDIA GTX 3080Ti grahics cards. Training time was about 12 h per model using 4 GPUs.

Table 2. Sensitivity and specificity results of the proposed model on test dataset.
Table 3. The quantitative results of the abaltion study on validation dataset. The AttU-NET represents the proposed model, while the U-Net has the same backbone as AttU-Net but without attention blocks. U-NET\(^{*}\) is the structure without multi-scale strategy.
Fig. 4.
figure 4

The segmentation results. Three Prediction samples for randomly were selected slices from middle, top and bottom, respectively. AttU-Net obtained more precise prediction, especially on the edge and tiny regions, than U-Net. The predicited edge of AttU-Net is smoother and suit for origin image, represented by arrows.

3.4 Results

Our approach achieves final Dice score (on the testing dataset) 0.793, 0.879, 0.819 and Hausdorff Distance (HD) 23.1 mm, 7.80 mm and 20.7 mm on label ET, WT and TC respectively, as shown in Table 1. The sensitivity and specificity are also presented in Table 2. In general, the performance of the delineation of WT is much better than the other two labels. The reason for dramatic gap between the performance among labels may lie in the different size among them. Generally, the size of the of ET is dramatically smaller than WT region and with more variant shape, which would be more challenging for automatic segmentation.

In order to compare the performance of different strategies, we also present the quantitative results of ablation study on the validation dataset, shown in the Table 3, since the ground-truth of test dataset is not public.

The proposed network achieved the best value in almost every metrics, except for HD of TC. The performance of attention block can be clearly indicated by the metrics value’s gap between Att-UNet and baseline U-Net. The baseline U-Net shares the same convolution backbone, but without attention block, achieving 0.748, 0.767 and 0.871 Dice scores on label ET, TC and WT, respectively. Attention block strategy improved the segmentation results by nearly 5%. Moreover, the multi-scale segmentation strategy could dramatically benefit the prediction, especially for edge and tiny regions, shown in Fig. 4.

The predicted results are presented in Fig. 4. Our algorithm is capable to detect large tumor regions as well as small details. The predicted edge of Att-Unet is smoother than baseline U-Net. However, there are drawback of segmenting the slices near top. Since the proposed model did not consider spatial information. We tried to flatten the last dimension (C, H, W) to calculate spatial similarity, but the results was under desired and additional computing consumption was introduced. It may be due to the lose of position after flatten.

3.5 Conclusion

In this paper, we designed an AttU-Net for the BraTS2021 challenge. We leveraged attention blocks to extract symmetric shape information. Moveover, we modified segmentation backbone from U-Net, adapting for volume datasets. On the validation set, we achieved Dice score 0.808, 0.818 and 0.913 on label ET, TC and WT, respectively. Due to the time limits, we omitted the number of architectural variants. As mentioned before, there were some outliers prediction on the slices near the top of brain. It may be due to the lacks of spatial information, since it just calculates the similarity within one slice. Moreover, there are intrinsic relation between targets regions, we could constrains the prediction using prior relation in the future.