
1 Introduction

The unique importance of land resources in the livelihood of society is determined by their effective management, especially when there is an intensive process of formation of land relations of a new type. The development of various forms of land ownership, the formation of a ranked economy necessitate the improvement of land management based on land zoning, the essence of which is their differentiated use. In Ukraine, the principle of land zoning is defined by the Land Code of Ukraine, which states that land zoning is carried out within settlements and sets requirements for permissible types of development and other land use within individual zones in accordance with local building regulations [1].

As for lands outside settlements, the problems of their zoning in Ukraine still remain without due attention. Although in many countries of the world land zoning and determining on this basis their long-term use, taking into account a range of environmental, economic, social, historical and other factors has long been widely used in the practice of territorial development management. The experience of European countries shows the prospects and effectiveness of this.

Thus, Larsson Gerhard identified trends in addressing the issues of adaptation of the territory to difficult conditions and finding methods to ensure efficient use of land and other natural resources. During the twentieth century, we have witnessed the very active development of legal instruments for this purpose, aimed at managing spatial planning and implementation of plans in accordance with the chosen goals and policies [2].

Hall Thomas researched the planning process of large cities, the problems that arose during their development, and analyzed the impact of individual design decisions on the development of their development [3].

It is obvious that these studies are acceptable for the conditions of Ukraine.

The issue of land zoning in Ukraine is the subject of scientific works of domestic scientists such as Berladin O., Ibatullin Sh., Loik G., Martyn A., Novakovska I., Perovich L., Tretyak A. etc.

Berladin O. considers land zoning as a necessary condition for creating in Ukraine an effective mechanism for determining the distribution of land by their categories and types of land use within administrative-territorial entities and the implementation of effective state management of land use and protection [4].

Ibatullin Sh. Developed a conceptual model of mechanisms of land relations development in the context of balanced use, protection and reproduction of land resources as a component of spatial socio-economic development, and proved the need for innovative forms of land use management due to environmental constraints on land use [5].

Loik G. substantiated the methodology of functional zoning of territories when updating the master plans of villages in order to increase the efficiency of land use [6].

According to Martyn A., the introduction of organizational and methodological approaches to defining the boundaries of administrative-territorial units in Ukraine and land zoning can be an important prerequisite for streamlining the territorial organization of our state, the proper functioning of the tax system, the introduction of effective maintenance of state land cadastre and register of real property rights [7].

Novakovska I. considers the features of forecasting, planning and design of airports in the context of ecological and efficient land management. Scientists have proposed a detailed plan for zoning aerodromes and substantiated the principles of zoning the area around the aerodrome in combination with the aerodrome and land use [8]. In addition, Novakovskaya proved that satellite data is an important part of the information needed for sustainable use of nature, assessment of the impact of economic activities of ecosystems, identification of risks associated with loss of landscape and biotic diversity [9].

Perovych L. believes that cadastral zoning of lands is one of the important components of creating a cadastral system of Ukraine, which contributes to the creation of an attractive investment climate and identifying priority areas for sustainable economic development of territories. These issues are not fully resolved for lands outside settlements. The cadastral zoning of lands should take into account the requirements of European and international standards for classification and codification of the administrative-territorial structure of the state, types of economic activity [10].

Tretyak A. defined the conceptual basis of land zoning for the management of land resources outside settlements and substantiated the essence of land zoning as a land management process for the formation of the legal regime and land regulation of land use [11].

However, many aspects of the research problem have not been studied both methodologically and practically. Some of them are debatable and require further research and justification. Determining the criteria and methods of allocating territorial zones, their classification and impact on improving the management of land use and protection remains one of the important factors of environmentally friendly land use.

2 Methodology

The methodology of research of the problem of land zoning determines that the subject of research is the principles of land zoning through their differentiated use in market land relations. In the process of research the methods of abstract-logical, economic-statistical and monographic are used, with the help of which the zoning of lands for substantiation of ecologically safe land use is substantiated.

3 Results and Discussion

The implementation of a differentiated approach to land use is carried out through the division of land into categories according to the main purpose and the introduction of land zoning. Given that this activity, according to the requirements of the time, will be significantly adjusted, this approach will be a reliable basis for the introduction of new methods of land use management and protection.

We consider land as the basis on which economic activity takes place on the basis of the right to land, which complies with current legislation. In this regard, we highlight the following features of land use as an object of management:

  • land is an integral part of natural resources;

  • land is a product of nature, its fertility is determined to a greater extent human activity;

  • land is used inseparably from other natural resources;

  • rational use of land can be carried out only taking into account natural, political, economic, social and other conditions;

  • land plots have qualitative and quantitative individual properties;

  • land use should be differentiated, conditioned soil-climatic and territorial conditions;

  • land use should be accompanied by an increase in its productive power.

The Land Fund of Ukraine suffers from many negative environmental and economic factors due to the unreasonableness of establishing targeted land use. The issue of improving the mechanism of land management needs to be addressed to increase the efficiency of land use and reproduction in the context of environmentally friendly land use [12].

The solution to the problem of land use optimization is seen in the improvement of methodological approaches to establishing targeted land use and determining the optimized structure of land for the use of zoning tools.

Ecological and economic model of sustainable development in land use of Ukraine in the medium term, which reflects the ratio of different groups and categories of land, in terms of regions are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Ecological and economic model of sustainable development in land use of Ukraine in the medium term in terms of regions

Implementation of its main methodological provisions will optimize the structure of Ukraine’s land fund and form sustainable land use, which is a prerequisite for rational and productive use of land resources in various sectors of the economy and increase the production of environmentally friendly agricultural products.

As already mentioned, the problems of land zoning outside settlements have long been left without proper attention. Although land zoning (zoning) is a very good alternative to the system of land use. Zoning is a way to ensure the use of land for various social needs, in which the purpose is not set for one plot of land, but for a group of adjacent plots that form a functional area. Each functional zone has a specific generalized purpose, for each of which is established not one purpose, but a certain set of permissible land use. Therefore, the owner of the land has the right to choose its use within the list of types of land use, established for a specific functional area. The principles of land zoning should be the basis for land use in accordance with their intended purpose.

We offer the following basic principles for land zoning [13]:

  • zoning should be carried out taking into account the landscape structure of the territory and the qualitative characteristics of the land;

  • ensuring environmental priorities of land use;

  • taking into account the existing buildings, transport and engineering infrastructure, as well as special elements of the urban structure within the settlement, ensuring its reconstruction and development on the basis of rational nature management and resource conservation.;

  • definition for each territorial zone (subzone) of land management regulations, which establish a set of types and conditions of land use, as well as their permissible changes;

  • establishment of the legal regime for each territorial zone in the calculation of its application equally to all land plots located within its boundaries;

  • linking the boundaries of zones with the boundaries of major land holdings and land uses;

  • the amount of territorial units allocated for zoning should correspond to the area of dismembered land in the individual type of zoning or volume in the case of typological zoning;

  • the features on which the division of land is carried out (whether territorial units are classified) must be such that each point (territorial unit) falls into only one of the selected categories;

  • the classification feature may vary from one degree of zoning to another.

Therefore, the classification features of zoning are important. After all, the correct selection of certain features essentially determines the content and depth of land zoning. The proposed features of land zoning are: distribution of land by category, suitability of land for use in industries, suitability of agricultural land for growing crops, the composition of landscape complexes and land, the need for certain land in a particular land, legal status of lands, etc.

When zoning lands in Ukraine, it is proposed to single out the following system of taxonomic units: zones of the 1st order (groups of lands); zones of the 2nd order (types of lands); zones of the 3rd order (subtypes of lands); zones of the 4th order (types of lands); zones of the 5th order (land plots). In the practical implementation of the principle of land zoning, the proposed name of “zones of different order” can be clarified. For example, more well-established taxonomic unit names may be suggested: zone, province, county, subdistrict, district, subdistrict, locality, area, and so on.

Land zoning should be carried out in different detail, ie at the national, regional and local levels, with differences in tasks and mechanisms of practical application. Specific land zoning options depend on many factors: the existing land use system, the natural structure of landscapes, historical heritage, social goals, and so on.

In terms of land zoning are graphically indicated:

  • boundaries of zones (groups of lands, categories, types of land use, etc.), defined for agricultural and forestry activities, housing and public buildings, nature reserves and environmental activities, recreational, health, historical, cultural and water activities, industry, transport, so-called communications, energy, defense and other purposes;

  • boundaries of lands in respect of which restrictions on their use apply;

  • boundaries of drinking water sources;

  • boundaries of lands for soil dumps, earthworks and extraction of local minerals of local significance;

  • land boundaries for measures to protect, preserve and improve the quality of the upper fertile soil layer, environmental protection and landscape;

  • boundaries of especially valuable agricultural lands and forest lands.

In accordance with the proposed classification features, we conducted zoning of lands of Kyiv region which are shown in Fig. 1.

Zones of the 1st order (groups of lands): agro-landscape, environment-stabilizing and residential (building).

Thus, zoning of lands by types of land use is land management actions on the division of land into types and subtypes of land use depending on the ecological and economic suitability of land, the value of other natural resources - outside settlements and urban and natural resource value of land and other natural resources - within settlements.

Land zoning is most effective when a set of interrelated criteria and approaches is used to allocate zones. Naturally, the fewer zones and the larger the area of each, the better to achieve such a comprehensive and effective zoning.

When assessing the effectiveness of a land zoning system, it is proposed to use four main criteria: functional, environmental, economic, social (according to the interests of different groups). The last two criteria in practice can not always be clearly separated and then they are combined into a single socio-economic criterion.

From the standpoint of environmental efficiency in the same functional area should include areas similar in their environment-forming or environmental function. For example, the territory of one watershed, the habitat of certain, the most valuable in terms of conservation species and communities, etc., which is important for the preservation and implementation of the functions of an ecosystem. Sometimes such areas, which are part of a single ecosystem (for example, a watershed), are partially found outside the zone. These external areas form an area to which the community seeks to extend its influence and where it interacts with local and regional governments. According to the existing legislation, this zone should be granted the status of a protection zone.

In addition, the zoning of land (by their categories) outside the settlements should be understood as land management and legal actions, in addition to the division of land by type and subtype of land use within the ecological and economic suitability of land [14].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Geoinformation modeling of zoning of the Kyiv region with the allocation of first-order zones

As for economic and social efficiency. The value of zoning of lands on which economic activity is carried out (or will be carried out in the future) is to combine different types of nature management and management without conflict (Table 2).

Table 2. Average annual income from land use by purpose*

In order to make a profit is now used the principle of efficient use of land resources. Thus, the application of the principle of the most efficient use of land is provided - it is physically possible and economically feasible use of land and (or) land improvements in accordance with the law [15].

Constant fluctuations in land prices lead to other changes in land use due to constant pressure on existing land use and contribute to the reconstruction of property, which includes dilapidated buildings or structures. Prices remain highest in the most accessible areas around the city center and transport corridors, and the density in these areas continues to grow. In proportion to the development of the city, there is a tendency to increase land prices throughout the city (Table 3).

Table 3. Average annual income from the use of land for housing and public buildings by purpose according to the group of settlements by population*

Therefore, it is important that zoning meets the requirements of efficiency in the load of interests and the nature of land use, ie based on existing boundaries of lands, settlements and administrative and economic entities.

4 Conclusion

The main features of land use as an object of management are their belonging to natural resources, determining the effective fertility of human activities, inseparable from other natural resources use, the presence of land qualitative and quantitative individual properties, differentiated nature of use due to soil and climatic and territorial conditions, etc.

To solve the problem of land use optimization, it is necessary to improve methodological approaches to establishing targeted land use using land zoning tools.

The zoning should be based on such classification features as the distribution of land by category, the suitability of land for use in economic sectors, the suitability of agricultural soils for growing crops, the composition of landscape complexes and land, the need for certain land in certain lands, legal status of lands.