
1 Introduction

3D face reconstruction is an important and popular research field of computer vision [4, 12, 33]. It is widely used in face recognition, video editing, film avatars and so on. Face occlusions (such as eyeglasses, respirators, eyebrow pendants and so on.) can degrade the performance of face recognition and face animation evidently. We cannot use artificial intelligence to robustly predict the 3D texture of the occluded area of the face. How to remove occlusions on face image robustly and automatically becomes one crucial problem in 3D face reconstruction processing. As the human face is one kind of particular image (the face area is not large, but there are many features, and humans are very familiar and sensitive to it), common image inpainting techniques cannot be used to remove face occlusions. The traditional image inpainting methods reconstruct the damaged image region by its same surrounding pixels, which does not consider the structure of the face. For example, if an eye of a human is occluded, the conventional inpainted face cannot reconstruct the eye image, and the output 2D face will have only one eye [36]. However, things have changed in recent years. Due to the rapid development of deep learning and face parsing methods, face inpainting approaches have developed rapidly. Some common extreme scenarios (i.e., with eyeglasses) become easy to handle.

3D morphable models 3DMM was proposed in 1999, which was a widely influential template reconstruction method [3, 4, 7, 25, 38, 40]. Since the facial features are distributed very regularly, the application of the template method has continued until now. On the other hand, due to the limitation of the template’s space, the expressiveness of the model is very lacking, especially the geometric details.

In this paper, we proposed a robust and fast face eyeglasses removal reconstruction algorithm based on face parsing and the deep learning method. The main contributions are summarized as follows:

  • We propose a novel algorithm that combines feature points and face parsing map to generate face which removes eyeglasses.

  • In order to solve the problem of the invisible face area under eyeglasses occluded scenes, we propose synthesizing input face image based on Generative Adversarial Network rather than reconstructing 3D face directly.

  • We have improved the loss function of our 3D reconstruction framework for eyeglasses occluded scenes. Our method obtains state-of-the-art qualitative performance in real-world images.

2 Related Work

2.1 Generic Face Reconstruction

Blanz et al. [3, 35] proposed the 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) for modeling the 3D face from a single face photo. 3DMM is a statistical model which transforms the shape and texture into a vector space representation. Though a relatively robust face model result can be achieved, the expressive power of the 3D model is limited. In addition, this method suffers from high computational costs. Rara et al. [28] proposed a regression model between the 2D face landmarks and the corresponding 3DMM coefficient. They employed principal component regression for face model coefficient prediction. Since large facial pose changes may reduce the performance of 2D facial landmark detection, Dou et al. [9] proposed a dictionary-based representation of 3D face shape; They then adopted sparse coding to predict model coefficients. The related comparative experiment shows that their method achieved better robustness to the previous facial landmark detection method. Following this work, Zhou et al. [41] also utilize a dictionary-based model; they introduced a convex formulation to estimate model parameters.

With the development of deep learning, 3D face reconstruction has witnessed remarkable progress in both quality and efficiency by Convolution Neural Network (CNN). In 2017, Anh et al. [33] utilized ResNet to estimate the 3D Morphable Model parameters. However, the performance of the methods is restricted due to the limitation of the 3D space defined by the face model basis or the 3DMM templates.

2.2 Face Parsing

The unique structure pattern of human face contains rich semantic representation, such as eyes, mouth, nose and so on. The low and intermediate visual features of the known region are not enough to infer the missing effective semantic features, so it is impossible to model the face geometry [2, 16]. Generate Face Completion [21] introduces face parsing to form regular semantic constraints. As shown in Fig. 1, the adoption of face parsing map can assist the face inpainting task.

2.3 Deep Face Synthesis Methods

In the existing depth learning based face inpainting methods, due to the adoption of standard convolution layer, the synthetic pixels of the area to be inpainting comes from two parts: the valid value of the unobstructed area and the substitute value of the occluded area. This approach usually leads to color artifacts and visual blur. Deep learning has been widely used in face synthesis tasks. Li et al. [21] introduced the face parsing map into the face synthesis task in order to guide GAN to generate a reasonable more brilliant face structure.

3 Our Method

3.1 Landmark Estimation Network

In the landmark estimation task, we built the sufficiently effective landmark estimation network (Fig. 2) based on the MobileNet-V3 model [15]. In our method, accurate facial landmark \({{\mathbf {L}}_{\mathbf {face}}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{2\times 68}}\) generation is a crucial part. The network \({{\mathcal {N}}_{L}}\) aims to generate \({{\mathbf {L}}_{\mathbf {face}}}\) from a face image \({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}}:{{\mathbf {L}}_{\mathbf {face}}}={{\mathcal {N}}_{L}}({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}};{{\theta }_{lmk}})\), where \({{\theta }_{lmk}}\) denotes the model parameters. \({{\mathcal {N}}_{L}}\) is designed to extract facial features instead of face recognition, which is different from traditional detectors [19, 37]. We set the loss function as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {L}}_{lmk}}=\left\| {{\mathbf {L}}_{\mathbf {face}}}-{{\mathbf {L}}_{\mathbf {gt}}} \right\| _{2}^{2} \end{aligned}$$

where \({{\mathbf {L}}_{\mathbf {gt}}}\) denotes the ground truth face landmarks and \({{\left\| \cdot \right\| }_{2}}\) denotes the \({{L}_{2}}\) norm.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Our method overview. See related sections for details.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Landmark prediction network of our method.

3.2 Face Synthesis Module

Overall, We design the synthesis module \({{\mathcal {N}}_{s}}\) to synthesize a 2D image of a human face without eyeglasses. The module \({{\mathcal {N}}_{s}}\) consists of three parts: deleter, generator and discriminator.

Deleter. Normally, the task of the deleter is to delete the occluded eyeglasses areas \({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {m}}}\) of the facial features in the input image \({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}}\) (Fig. 3). Overall, the deleter \({{\mathcal {N}}_{de}}\) is based on the U-Net structure [30]. Inspired by the annotated face dataset CelebAMask-HQ [20], we used the encoder-decoder architecture \({{\mathcal {N}}_{de}}\) to estimate pixel-level label classes. Given the input face image \({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{\text {H}\times \text {W}\times \text {3}}}\), we applied the trained model \({{\mathcal {N}}_{de}}\) to obtain the face parsing map \(\mathbf {M}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{\text {H}\times \text {W}\times 1}}\). According to the map \(\mathbf {M}\), we identify and delete the eyeglasses area \({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {m}}}\) to obtain the corrupted image \({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {co}}}\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Face parsing module of our method.

Generator. The generator \({{\mathcal {N}}_{ge}}\) is also based on the U-Net structure, which desires to synthesize the full face by taking corrupted images \({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {co}}}\) and landmarks \(\mathbf {L}\) (\({{\mathbf {L}}_{\mathbf {face}}}\) or \({{\mathbf {L}}_{\mathbf {gt}}}\)). The generator can be formulated as \({{\text {I}}_{\mathbf {out}}}={{\mathcal {N}}_{ge}}({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {co}}},L;{{\theta }_{ge}})\), with \({{\theta }_{ge}}\) the trainable parameters.

Discriminator. The purpose of the discriminator is to judge whether the data distribution meets our requirements. The ambition of face synthesis is achieved when the generated results are not distinguishable from the real ones.

Loss of Discriminator. We use a combination of an adversarial loss, a per-pixel loss, a perceptual loss, a style loss, a total variation loss and an adversarial loss, for training the face synthesis network.

The per-pixel loss is formulated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {L}}_{pixe}}=\frac{1}{S}\left\| {{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {out}}}-{{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}} \right\| \end{aligned}$$

where S denotes the mask size and \(\left\| \cdot \right\| \) denotes the \({{L}_{1}}\) norm. Here, S is the denominator and its role is to adjust the penalty. A straightforward objective of per-pixel loss is to minimize the differences between the input face images and the synthetic images. It should be pointed out that our input image will not contain occlusion, so we don’t need to consider this.

The style loss computes the style distance between two images as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {L}}_{style}}=\sum \limits _{\text {n}}{\frac{1}{{{O}_{n}}\times {{O}_{n}}}\left\| \frac{{{G}_{n}}({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {out}}}\odot {{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {m}}})-{{G}_{n}}({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}}\odot {{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {m}}})}{{{O}_{n}}\times {{H}_{n}}\times {{W}_{n}}} \right\| } \end{aligned}$$

where \({{G}_{\text {n}}}\text {(x)}={{\varphi }_{n}}{{(x)}^{T}}{{\varphi }_{n}}(x)\) denotes the Gram Matrix corresponding to \({{\varphi }_{n}}(x)\), \({{\varphi }_{n}}(\cdot )\) denotes the \({{O}_{n}}\) feature maps with the size \({{H}_{n}}\times {{W}_{n}}\) of the n-th layer.

Due to the use of the normalization tool, the synthesized face may have artifacts, checkerboards, or water droplets. We define the total variation loss as:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {L}}_{{\text {var}}}}=\frac{1}{{{\text {P}}_{{{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}}}}}\left\| \nabla {{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {out}}} \right\| \end{aligned}$$

where \({{\text {P}}_{{{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}}}}\) is the pixel number of \({{\mathbf {I}}_{\mathbf {in}}}\) and \(\nabla \) is the first order derivative, containing \({{\nabla }_{h}}\) (horizontal) and \({{\nabla }_{v}}\) (vertical).

The total loss with respect to the face synthesis module:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {L}}_{fsm}}={{\lambda }_{pixe}}{{\mathcal {L}}_{pixe}}+{{\lambda }_{style}}{{\mathcal {L}}_{style}}+{{\lambda }_{{\text {var}}}}{{\mathcal {L}}_{{\text {var}}}} \end{aligned}$$

Here, we use \({{\lambda }_{pixe}}=1\), \({{\lambda }_{style}}=250\) and \({{\lambda }_{{\text {var}}}}=0.1\) in our experiments.

3.3 3D Face Reconstruction

The classic single-view 3D face reconstruction methods utilize a 3D template model (e.g., 3DMM) ) to fit the input face image [3, 25]. This type of method usually consists of two steps: face alignment and regressing the 3DMM coefficients. The seminal work [4, 8, 11] describe the 3D face space with PCA:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {S}=\overline{\mathbf {S}}+{{\mathbf {A}}_{\mathbf {id}}}{{\boldsymbol{\alpha }}_{\mathbf {id}}}+{{\mathbf {B}}_{\mathbf {exp}}}{{\boldsymbol{\beta }}_{\mathbf {exp}}},\mathbf {T}=\overline{\mathbf {T}}+{{\mathbf {B}}_{\mathbf {t}}}{{\boldsymbol{\beta }}_{\mathbf {t}}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\overline{\mathbf {S}}\) and \(\overline{\mathbf {T}}\) denote the mean shape and texture, \({{\mathbf {A}}_{\mathbf {id}}}\), \({{\mathbf {B}}_{\mathbf {exp}}}\) and \({{\mathbf {B}}_{\mathbf {t}}}\) denote the PCA bases of identity, expression and texture. \({{\mathbf {\alpha }}_{\mathbf {id}}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{80}}\) and \({{\mathbf {\beta }}_{\mathbf {exp}}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{64}}\), and \({{\mathbf {\beta }}_{\mathbf {t}}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{80}}\) are the corresponding 3DMM coefficient vectors.

After the 3D face is reconstructed, it can be projected onto the image plane with the perspective projection:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbf {V}}_{\mathbf {2d}}}\left( \mathbf {P} \right) =f*{{\mathbf {P}}_{\mathbf {r}}}*\mathbf {R}*{{\mathbf {S}}_{\mathbf {mod}}}+{{\mathbf {t}}_{\mathbf {2d}}} \end{aligned}$$

where \({{V}_{2d}}\left( \mathbf {P} \right) \) denotes the projection function that turned the 3D model into 2D face positions, f denotes the scale factor, \({{\mathbf {P}}_{\mathbf {r}}}\) denotes the projection matrix, \(\mathbf {R}\in SO(3)\) denotes the rotation matrix and \({{\mathbf {t}}_{\mathbf {2d}}}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{3}}\) denotes the translation vector.

Therefore, we approximated the scene illumination with Spherical Harmonics (SH) [6, 23, 26, 27] parameterized by coefficient vector \(\gamma \in {{\mathbb {R}}^{9}}\). In summary, the unknown parameters to be learned can be denoted by a vector \(y=({{\boldsymbol{\alpha }}_{\mathbf {id}}},{{\boldsymbol{\beta }}_{\mathbf {exp}}},{{\boldsymbol{\beta }}_{\mathbf {t}}},\boldsymbol{\gamma },\mathbf {p})\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{239}}\), where \(\mathbf {p}\in {{\mathbb {R}}^{6}}=\{\mathbf {pitch},\mathbf {yaw},\mathbf {roll},f,{{\mathbf {t}}_{\mathbf {2D}}}\}\) denotes face poses. In this work, we used a fixed ResNet-50 [14] network to regress these coefficients.

The corresponding loss function consists of two parts: pixel-wise loss and face feature loss.

Pixel-Wise Loss. The purpose of this loss function is very simple, which is to minimize the difference between the input image \(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {out}}^{(i)}\) and the rendered image \(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {y}}^{(i)}\). The rendering layer renders back an image \(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {y}}^{(i)}\) to compare with the image \(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {out}}^{(i)}\). The pixel-wise loss is formulated as:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {L}}_{1}}={{\left\| \mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {out}}^{(i)}-\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {y}}^{(i)} \right\| }_{2}} \end{aligned}$$

where i denotes pixel index and \({{\left\| \cdot \right\| }_{2}}\) denotes the \({{L}_{2}}\) norm.

Face Features Loss. We introduce a loss function at the face recognition level to reduce the difference between the 3D model of the face and the 2D image. The loss function computes the feature difference between the input image \(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {out}}^{{}}\) and rendered image \(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {y}}^{{}}\). We define the loss as a cosine distance:

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {L}}_{2}}=1-\frac{{<}G(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {out}}^{{}}),G(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {y}}^{{}}){>}}{\left\| G(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {out}}^{{}}) \right\| \cdot \left\| G(\mathbf {I}_{\mathbf {y}}^{{}} \right\| } \end{aligned}$$

where \({G}(\cdot )\) denotes the feature extraction function by FaceNet [31], \({<}\cdot ,\cdot {>}\) denotes the inner product.

In summary, we used the loss function \({{\mathcal {L}}_{3D}}\) to reconstruct the basic shape of the face. We set \({{\mathcal {L}}_{3D}}={{\lambda }_{1}}{{\mathcal {L}}_{1}}+{{\lambda }_{2}}{{\mathcal {L}}_{2}}\), where \({{\lambda }_{1}}=1.4\) and \({{\lambda }_{2}}{=0}{.25}\) respectively in all our experiments. We then used a coarse-to-fine graph convolutional network based on the frameworks of Lin et al. [22] for producing the fine texture \({{T}_{fina}}\).

4 Experimental Details and Results

4.1 Implementation Details

In consideration of the module of \({{\mathcal {N}}_{cont}}\), we used the ground truth of CelebA-HQ datasets [18] as the reference. Considering the generator \({{\mathcal {N}}_{ge}}\), it consists of three gradually down-sampled encoding blocks, followed by seven residual blocks with dilated convolutions and a long-short term attention block. Then, the decoder processes the feature maps gradually up-sampled to the same size as input.

4.2 Qualitative Comparisons with Recent Arts

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Comparison of qualitative results. Baseline methods from left to right: 3DDFA, DF2Net, Chen et al., PRNet, and our method.

Figure 4 shows our experimental results compared with the others [5, 10, 13, 39]. The result shows that our method is far superior to other frameworks. Our 3D reconstruction method can handle eyeglasses occluded scenes, such as transparent glasses and sunglasses. Other frameworks can not handle eyeglasses well; they are more focused on the generation of high-definition textures.

4.3 Quantitative Comparison

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparison of error heat maps on the MICC Florence datasets. Digits denote 90% error (mm).

Comparison Result on the MICC Florence Datasets. MICC Florence dataset [1] is a 3D face dataset that contains 53 faces with their ground truth models. We artificially added eyeglasses as input. We calculated the average 90% largest error between the generative model and the ground truth model. Figure 5 shows that our method can effectively handle eyeglasses.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Reconstructions with eyeglasses. Left: qualitative results of Sela et al. [17] and our shape. Right: LFW verification ROC for the shapes, with and without eyeglasses.

Eyeglasses Invariance of the Foundation Shape. Our choice of using the ResNet-50 to regress the shape coefficients is motivated by the unique robustness to extreme viewing conditions in the paper of Deng et al. [29]. To fully support the application of our method to occluded face images, we test our system on the Labeled Faces in the Wild datasets (LFW) [24]. We used the same face test system from Anh et al. [34], and we refer to that paper for more details.

Figure 6 (left) shows the sensitivity of the method of Sela et al. [32]. Their result clearly shows the outline of a finger. Their failure may be due to more focus on local details, which weakly regularizes the global shape. However, our method recognizes and regenerates the occluded area. Our method much robust provides a natural face shape under eyeglasses scenes. Though 3DMM also limits the details of shape, we use it only as a foundation and add refined texture separately.

Table 1. Quantitative evaluations on LFW.

We further quantitatively verify the robustness of our method to eyeglasses. Table 1 (top) reports verification results on the LFW benchmark with and without eyeglasses (see also ROC in Fig. 6-right). Though eyeglasses clearly impact recognition, this drop of the curve is limited, demonstrating the robustness of our method.

5 Conclusions

We propose a novel method to reconstruct a 3D face model from an eyeglass occluded RGB face photo. Given the input image and a pre-trained ResNet, we fit the face model to a template model (3DMM). In order to robustly reconstruct RGB face without glasses, we design a deep learning network, which remakes reasonable texture intelligently. Comprehensive experiments have shown that our method outperforms previous arts by a large margin in terms of both accuracy and robustness.