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Gender Minority Health Vulnerabilities During Covid-19 Pandemic Across Southeast Asian Waters: The Cases of Vietnam and the Philippines

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Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health
  • 42 Accesses


Research on humanitarian crises indicates that crisis events often exacerbate existing inequalities and make members of marginalized populations more vulnerable. In this chapter, the author reviews how various intersections of marginalization render gender minorities highly susceptible to the vagaries of crises. Inspired by the interdisciplinary crisis approach, this chapter looks at the experiences of members of gender minorities in the Philippines and Vietnam to show how pervasive crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic intersect in compounding ways and are shaped by various crises antecedents, notably social stigma, discrimination, and economic disparities. The chapter consists of three sections, beginning with a brief overview of the amplification of gender minority health disparities in the wake of Covid-19. It then examines the health vulnerability of this group amidst the pandemic in two specific country contexts and concludes that the multifaceted nature of gender minority vulnerabilities should be incorporated into future development policy and practice.

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Nguyen, H.T. (2023). Gender Minority Health Vulnerabilities During Covid-19 Pandemic Across Southeast Asian Waters: The Cases of Vietnam and the Philippines. In: Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Springer, Cham.

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