Cephalopentandra Chiovenda (Fl. Somala, 187, 1929). Type: Cephalopentandra obbiadensis Chiovenda. – BenincaseaeLit: Jeffrey (1967: 84–85, Flora Trop. East Africa); Jeffrey & Thulin (1993: 233–234, with ills., Flora Somalia). Distr: NE Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia). Etym: Gr. ‘kephale’, head; Gr. ‘penta’, five; and Gr. ‘aner, andros’, male; for the cluster of stamens, erroneously stated to be 5 in the protologue.

Perennials, dioecious, with tuberous exposed usually ± semiglobose caudex to ±20 cm, tuberculate, dark green; stems climbing or scandent, to ≥1 m, glabrous; tendrils simple (erroneously stated to be absent in the protologue); L subsessile, petiole 0.2–1.5 cm, lamina simple, elliptic-cordate, 3–9 × 4–7 cm, ± pinnately 5- to 7-lobed, glaucous; Fl yellow or cream; male Fl solitary or paired; Ped 17–25 mm; hypanthium cylindrical below, expanded and campanulate above, 7–10 mm; Sep triangular-lanceolate, 2–3 mm; Pet 5, united in the lower ¼, 12–28 × 8–13 mm; St 3 (rather than 5 as suggested by the genus name), free; Fil distinct; Anth thecae triplicate; female Fl solitary; Ped 9–10 mm; hypanthium cylindrical, ±7 mm; Sep and Pet like those of male flowers; Fr ellipsoid, 8 × 4 cm ⌀, red, smooth; Se many, compressed, pear-shaped, black, verrucose.

A single species only, whose scientific genus and species names are both erroneous (as indicated in the description above) but cannot be changed (cf. ICN Art. 51.1):

C. ecirrhosa (Cogniaux) C. Jeffrey (Kew Bull. 17(3): 477, 1964). Type: Somalia (Keller 116 [Z]). – Distr: Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia; deciduous Acacia woodland and bushland on sandy soils, 45–1090 m. I: Rowley (1987: 55); Lenain (2012: 84–85); Beyenbach (2018: 232); Dortort (2018: 246). – Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Cephalopentandra ecirrhosa (without known wild origin, cult. Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich). (Copyright: U. Eggli)

Coccinia ecirrhosa Cogniaux (1896); incl. Cephalopentandra obbiadensis Chiovenda (1929) ≡ Coccinia obbiadensis (Chiovenda) Cufodontis (1965); incl. Coccinia quercifolia J. Hutchinson & E. A. Bruce (1941).

Description as for the genus.

A report about a monoecious plant (Grumbley 1994) has not been confirmed.