
1 Introduction

Scientific thinking is a thinking that emphasizes logically thinking through validation with reliable references. Scientific thinking can help individuals to verify the accuracy and reliability of information they received and assists them to adapt with the change in the way of life in society surrounded by science (Perjan and Sanduleac 2018). In the present, the science learning focuses on developing students to learn about real-world issues, emphasis on thinking skills, problem solving, self-seeking and use of technology (McFarlane 2013).

Learning environment is the model of learning management that focuses on learners to explore. It also stimulates learners to think and create understanding about things they have learnt by themselves which learners build from interactions based on experience and knowledge from various sources (Thitima and Sumalee 2012). The learning management is consistent with constructivist theory which has the idea that learners must practice with enthusiasm and create their own knowledge. Each person will create knowledge through interaction with the environment. This is rooted in the theory of philosophers which have Piaget J and Vygotsky L.S. The constructivist virtual learning environment is a model of learning management that adopted the theory of group constructivist learning, which consists of Cognitive Constructivist and Social Constructivist as a basis for design by connecting with virtual reality technology (Virtual reality), which simulates the real environment into a virtual reality through the perception of sight, sound and touch (Baxter and Hainey 2019).

From the reason and importance that mentioned above, the learning management for Physic subject will help learners learn about the change of intelligence, a way of thinking development especially scientific thinking (Lu and Lin 2017). It also assists students to have an important skill to explore the knowledge, solve the problems systemically, able to make decisions based on diverse information and verifiable testimony (Kuhn 2010) Moreover, students can also keep up with advances in science and technology and are the ones who create new knowledge all the time (Jensen 2017). Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying and developing constructivist virtual learning environment that promotes scientific thinking.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Scientific Thinking

Scientific thinking is cognitive processes in which learners create substitutes for knowledge that lead to the understanding of electrical energy. It was assessed from a scientific thinking test based on the concept of Khun (2010) which has four steps: Step 1; Inquiry, which is to identify problems related to electric power. Step 2; Analysis, the ability to explain the solution and make the data which related with problems such as the concept of using solar energy to produce electric power. Step 3; Inference, the ability to rationalize and reject irrational evidence such as the principle of using solar energy to generate electricity. Step 4: Argument, refers to the ability to discuss the consequences after applying a solution to what the outcome is. By applying the results obtained to interpret and conclude in accordance with the hypothesis, for example, scientific reasoning in accordance with the principles of electric power generation.

2.2 Constructivist Virtual Learning Environment

Form of a learning environment which is created based on constructivist theory, cognitive theory and principles of scientific thinking form the basis for design (Thitima and Sumalee 2012). It is a print media which is compatible with media attribution and media symbol system combined with Virtual Reality technology that uses media attribution for the design.

3 Method and Result

3.1 Research Participants

The target group in this research were obtained from a purposive sampling as 30 Grade 11 students in the second semester of the academic year 2020 at Kanlayanawat School, Muang District, Khon Kaen.

3.2 Assessment Tool – Scientific Thinking Test

Scientific Thinking test of learners who learn with a constructivist virtual learning environment that promotes scientific thinking include of four steps which are Step 1: Inquiry, Step 2: Analysis, Step 3: Inference, and Step 4: Argument. The Scientific Thinking test sheets were developed by teachers. There is a way to find quality by experts checking. For the evaluation, there are 4 steps which are 1) Study theoretical frameworks and research related to scientific thinking from Kuhn (2010) 2) Construct a scientific thinking test which is a subjective test. It also related to the content and learning objectives 3) Create scores for the evaluation of each test item, consisting of 3 ranges from 0–2 points. 4) Present a scientific thinking test. to advisors and experts to verify the accuracy and correctness of the content, consistency of questions and the appropriateness of language use and interpretation. After that, improvements were made according to the recommendations.

3.3 Experimental Process

Implementing a constructivist virtual learning environment that promotes scientific thinking used in the learning management process. The learning management process is as follows: The teacher encourages students to be ready to learn and pay attention to the class by link the old knowledge and new knowledge. Then, ask about experiences that occur in the students’ daily life including explaining about how to learn with a constructivist virtual learning environment which promotes scientific thinking on solar energy and takes a scientific thinking test before the class. Then, let students learn by using constructivist virtual learning environment that promotes scientific thinking on electric power. The learners will study problem situations and find solutions or answers from scientific thinking in the experiment. During learning, learners will work together to find and discuss together to conclude a solution of the problem. The researcher will be as a coach to keep motivating students about problem solving and guide students who need educational assistance. After studying in a constructivist virtual learning environment that promotes scientific thinking completely. Students take a scientific thinking test after class. Data collection process can be summarized as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Experimental process.

3.4 Learning Assistive

The constructivist virtual learning environment consists of the following components: (1) Problem base, which focuses on students to have an intellectual structure stimulation with problem cases for learners to try solving problems and guidelines for the solution of each problem in Virtual Reality (VR) using mobile phones. (2) Resources, which are sources of content information that students need to use in problem situations, and it is also the resource that include things which students need to acquire knowledge and find some answers that could be in the form of a learning resource which student study through video in the form of Virtual Reality (VR). (3) Science Laboratory, which aims to encourage learners to use science methods and scientific process skills in experiments to solve missions and problem situations (4) Learning Exchange Center (Collaboration) is to encourage students to exchange and learn with others to expand your perspective. Collaborating in the search for knowledge and solving problems will support learners, tutors, and experts to share their learning experiences with each other. (5) Scaffolding, is to support learners in problem solving. The assistance will consist of a conceptual help base, thinking help base, process assistance base and strategic assistance base. (6) Coaching. as guidance assistance. For learners, it is a practice for learners by educating learners in terms of providing problems (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of constructivist virtual learning environment.

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Scientific Thinking

After using a constructivist virtual learning environment to manage learning. It was found that the pre-test scores of Scientific Thinking for thinking aspects to identify problems with the highest average score of 6.27 and scores on the Scientific Thinking test after learning to thinking aspects to identify problems has the average score as 1.96 and Table 1 found that scientific thinking in the area of thinking to identify problems, thinking to create hypotheses, thinking to test hypotheses, and thinking to interpret data and conclude before and after learning has statistically significant difference at 0.01 and the total of the scientific thinking test average score before learning was 19.67 and after was 29.07. The students had higher scores on the Scientific Thinking test after learning by constructivist virtual learning environment than before learning which is statistically significant at 0.01 level as shown in Table 1 (Fig. 3).

Table 1. The results of scientific thinking test.
Fig. 3.
figure 3

Learning management using constructivist virtual learning environment.

4.2 Discussion and Future Work

From the research results, it was found that the constructivist virtual learning environment is able to develop students’ scientific thinking with 4 steps: Step 1: Inquiry, Step 2: Analysis, Step 3: Inference, and Step 4: Argument. It is related with research by Ammar AL-Nawaiseh (2020), which investigated the effect of a Learning Management System (LMS) model on scientific thinking in chemistry subject. The learning management model Learning Management System (LMS) is learning through applications that contain content, course description, assignments and exercises which teachers can create and develop in learning management. The results of this research has shown that students who study with the Learning Management System (LMS) and regular format exams were statistically different levels of scientific thinking, and Cholarutai Thaweesang (2016) studied the results of using a learning management model based on the concept of meta-level to promote scientific thinking in the first graders. The results of the research revealed that the scientific thinking of learners who learned with a meta-level based learning management model to promote scientific thinking were significantly higher than before learning at the .01 level.

Future work includes in-depth discussion and analysis the constructivist learning environment that promotes other thinking skills such as problem solving and analytical thinking.