
1 Introduction

Computer-aided diagnosis based on histopathology images, such as whole slide images (WSIs) and field of views (FoVs) of tissue sections, gains significant progress owing to the great success of machine learning algorithms in digital pathology. Tissue sections are typically stained with various stains to make tissues visible under the microscope. However, tissue manipulation, staining, and even scanning often result in substantial color appearance variations in histopathology images, and degrade machine learning algorithms due to the domain gap of colors. Thus, it is crucial to take color appearance variations into account when developing machine learning algorithms for histopathology image analysis. Specifically, two strategies are widely used, including 1) augmenting color patterns of training data to enhance model robustness; and 2) normalizing all histopathology images to a single color pattern so that the unfavorable impact of color variations in the subsequent process can be alleviated.

To augment color patterns of training data, most techniques conduct brightness, contrast and hue perturbations [7, 19]. Specifically, Bug et al. [3] utilize principle component analysis (PCA) to decompose images into a low-dimensional space spanned by a few principle components where augmentation of H&E images is carried out by perturbing the main components. Tellez et al. [17] divide H&E images into the hematoxylin, eosin, and residual color channels by color deconvolution [14]. Then, stain-specific transformation by perturbing each channel is used to complete augmentation.

Another way for addressing color variations is to normalize all images to have similar color patterns. Several color normalization methods have been proposed to achieve it. Given a source image and a target image, Reinhard et al. [13] convert images to the l\(\alpha \beta \) space and normalize the source image by aligning the mean and standard deviation of the source and target images. Other methods decompose stain colors into a stain color matrix and a stain density map, and apply the stain color matrix of the target image onto the source image. Macenko et al. [10] use singular value decomposition while Vahadane et al. [18] employ sparse non-negative matrix factorization (SNMF) to decompose the stain color matrix. Nadeem et al. [12] adopt Wasserstein barycenter to normalize images.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Comparisons among different methods for model capacity generalization for histological images analysis. (a) There exists the domain gap between domain A (red dots) and domain B (purple cycles) due to the color variation; (b) Data augmentation is adopted to increase the color variations of domain A; (c) Color normalization transfers domain B to the color patterns of domain A to avoid color variation; (d) In this paper, we propose stain mix-up for randomly augmenting the domain A according to the stain color matrices of domain B and thus generalize the model to domain B. Moreover, the proposed domain generalization technique is unsupervised where data labels on domain B are not required. (Color figure online)

We observe that highly effective methods [17, 18] eliminate color variations by decomposing stain color matrices for further transferring or augmenting. It implies that stain color matrices can reliably encode the color patterns. However, current studies [13, 17, 18] consider stain color matrices decomposed from only a single domain and thus may restrict their generalization abilities.

In this paper, we propose a novel method stain mix-up for data augmentation. It randomly interpolates a new stain color matrix between different domains during training and can improve the generalization performance accordingly. The Mix-up technique [20] has become essential to data augmentation for recognition [6] or domain adaption [9, 11] in computer vision. In contrast to Mix-up [20] which mixes images and labels, the proposed method is label-free. It mixes stain color matrices between different domains and can synthesize various types of stain colors for learning color-invariant representations. In Fig. 1, we describe the concept of different approaches for generalizing histology image analysis, including data augmentation, stain normalization and the proposed stain mix-up. Extensive experiments are conducted on two kinds of stains and tasks, i.e., tumor classification on H&E stained images and bone marrow cell instance segmentation on hematological stained images. Since both tasks have multiple sources (domains) of images, we train the model on one domain where data were collected from one medical center, and test it on others. To this end, the training center is denoted as the source domain which consists of images and labels whereas other centers are denoted as the target domain which only have images but no labels. The stain color matrices of the target domain are mixed with those of the source domain to synthesize new training samples in the source domain for on-the-fly augmentation. The results show that the proposed stain mix-up achieves the-state-of-art generalization performance on both tasks.

The main contributions of this work are summarized as follows. First, we propose a novel data augmentation approach, namely stain mix-up, to achieve unsupervised domain generalization for histology image analysis. Second, we perform extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. It turns out that our method consistently achieves the state-of-the-art performance on different tasks and stains. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed method is the first work for unsupervised domain generalization in histology image analysis.

2 Method

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Pipeline of the proposed stain mix-up augmentation. (a) Given a labeled image \(I_i\) from the source domain and an unlabeled image \(I_j\) from the target domain, stain separation decomposes the optical density of \(I_i\) derived via Beer-Lambert transformation (BLT), i.e. \(V_i\), into its stain color matrix \(W_i\) and density map \(H_i\). Similarly, we have \(W_j\) and \(H_j\) from \(V_j\). (b) Stain mix-up augmentation is carried out by applying inverse BLT to a mixed stain color matrix \(W_{ij}^*\) and a perturbed density map \(H_i^*\).

This section describes the proposed method, which is composed of two stages: stain separation and stain mix-up augmentation. The former is conducted to extract color characteristics from histology images of different domains. It estimates stain color matrices that represent chromatic components and stain density maps of each domain. The latter uses the estimated matrices of different domains to augment training images on-the-fly through the proposed stain mix-up, enabling unsupervised domain generalization. Details of the two stages are elaborated as follows. Figure 2 illustrates the pipeline of our method.

2.1 Stain Separation via SNMF

Stains are optical absorption materials that occlude certain spectra of light, making tissues visible in the complementary colors. They help visualize tissues for medical diagnosis. Stained tissue colors result from light attenuation, depending on the type and amount of stains that tissues have absorbed. This property can be mathematically formulated by Beer-Lambert law [2] defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} V = -\log \frac{I}{I_0} = WH \ , \end{aligned}$$

where \(I \in \mathbb {R} ^ {3 \times n}\) is a histology image in the RGB color space, \(I_0\) is the illuminating light intensity of sample with \(I_0 = 255\) for 8-bit images in our cases, \(W \in \mathbb {R}^{3 \times m}\) is the stain color matrix to encode the color appearance of each stain, and \(H \in \mathbb {R}^{m \times n}\) is the density map of each stain, for an m-stained n-pixel image. Given a histology image I, its optical density V can be derived via Beer-Lambert transformation (BLT) in Eq. 1. Stain separation aims to estimate the corresponding stain color matrix W and density map H. In this work, we follow [18] and solve W and H of a histology image I through SNMF in the experiments.

2.2 Stain Mix-Up Augmentation

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparisons among different augmentation methods. The top two rows show images from CAMELYON17 [1] and the bottom two rows show images from Hema. (a) shows the training images from the source domain. (b), (c), and (d) are the augmented training images generated via three baseline methods which cannot include target domain information. The results of our proposed stain mix-up are demonstrated in (e). By mixing the stain matrices from (a) source domain image and target domain images (upper-left corners in (e)), the stain mix-up yields more realistic stain color compared with the other augmentations. Therefore, our generated images can effectively help accommodate the model to the target domain.

The proposed stain mix-up for data augmentation aims to reduce the domain gaps caused by color appearance variations between different sources. It synthesizes diversified images for augmentation and can increase the potential data coverage. As shown in Fig. 2, we carry out this task by mixing the stain color characteristics of both the source and target domains. Specifically, we randomly sample a pair of histological images \(I_i\) and \(I_j\) from the source domain and the target domain respectively, followed by decomposing them into the stain color matrices \(W_i\) and \(W_j\) and the stain density maps \(H_i\) and \(H_j\) through BLT and SNMF. A mixed stain color matrix \(W_{ij}^*\) is a linear interpolation between \(W_i\) and \(W_j\) with a coefficient \(\alpha \) randomly sampled from a uniform distribution, namely,

$$\begin{aligned} W_{ij}^* = \alpha W_i + (1 - \alpha ) W_j,\ \hbox { where } \alpha \sim U(0, 1). \end{aligned}$$

Random interpolation between stain color matrices increases the diversity of stain color appearance while keeping the mixed stain color matrices realistic, thus improving the generalization ability to the target domain.

Similar to [17], we perturb the stain density map \(H_i\) to simulate the extents of stain concentrations and color fading,

$$\begin{aligned} H_i^* = s H_i,\ \hbox { where } s \sim U(1 - \delta , 1 + \delta ), \end{aligned}$$

where s is a scaling factor randomly drawn from a uniform distribution controlled by \(\delta \in [0,1]\). By referring to the interpolated stain color matrix \(W_{ij}^*\) in Eq. 2 and the perturbed map \(H_i^*\) in Eq. 3, the resulting augmented image \(I_{ij}^*\) is generated by the inverse BLT,

$$\begin{aligned} I_{ij}^* = I_0 \exp {(-W_{ij}^* H_i^*)}. \end{aligned}$$

Figure 3 shows several examples of the augmented images.

In this study, the histological images are collected from multiple medical centers, and their stained color appearances may vary considerably due to different staining processes. We aim to generalize the model trained on labeled data of one center (source domain) to unlabeled data of other centers (target domains). To this end, the proposed stain mix-up is applied for augmentation. Unlike existing augmentation methods such as [13, 17, 18] where only source domain data are considered, our method leverages data from both source and target domains to synthesize augmented data that are more consistent with the target domain. Compared with existing domain generalization methods such as [20], our method make use of image data without labels in the target domain, and hence enables unsupervised domain generalization. The properties described above make the stain mix-up a simple yet efficient module that can augment images on-the-fly to achieve a state-of-the-art performances on various tasks.

3 Experiments

In this section, after describing materials, implementation details, and evaluation metrics of our proposed method, we present and elaborate the results of the experiments. Two datasets, namely CAMELYON17 and Hema, are adopted to experiment with different augmentation methods on different types of computer vision tasks in histology image analysis. To better understand how stain matrix augmenting affects the model generalization, we also perform an ablation study on CAMELYON17 for validating the effect from perturbing W and H.

3.1 Datasets

CAMELYON17. We use the CAMELYON17 [1] dataset to evaluate the performance of the proposed method on tumor/normal classification. In this dataset, a total of 500 H&E stained WSIs are collected from five medical centers (denoted by \(C_1\), \(C_2\), ... \(C_5\) respectively), 50 of which include lesion-level annotations. All positive and negative WSIs are randomly split into training/validation/test sets with the following distributions: \(C_1: 37/22/15\), \(C_2: 34/20/14\), \(C_3: 43/24/18\), \(C_4: 35/20/15\), \(C_5: 36/20/15\). We extract image tiles in a size of \(256 \times 256\) pixels from the annotated tumors for positive patches and from tissue regions of WSIs without tumors for negative patches.

Hema. We evaluate the proposed method on a custom hematology dataset for bone marrow cell instance segmentation. In the Hema dataset, a total of 595 WSIs of hematological stained bone marrow smears are collected from two medical centers, denoted by \(M_1\) and \(M_2\) respectively. We sample 21,048 FoVs from \(M_1\) as training data and 311 FoVs from \(M_2\) as testing data. All FoVs are in a size of \(1,149 \times 1,724\). This dataset has a total of 662,988 blood cell annotations, which are annotated by a cohort of ten annotators, consisting of senior hematologists and medical technicians with an average of over ten years of clinical experience.

3.2 Implementation Details

For the CAMELYON17 dataset, we train five ResNet-50 [5] classifiers on each center individually and test each classifier on the test data of all centers to evaluate the effectiveness of generalization. Since the CAMELYON17 dataset contains H&E stained images, we decompose each image into a stain color matrix \(W \in \mathbb {R} ^ {3 \times 2}\) and a density map \(H \in \mathbb {R} ^ {2 \times n}\). The parameter \(\delta \) in Eq. 3 is set to 0.2. All models are trained with AdamW [8], a learning rate of 0.001, and a batch size of 32 for 100,000 iterations with an Nvidia Quadro RTX8000.

For the Hema dataset, we adopt Mask R-CNN [4] with the ResNet-50 backbone pre-trained on ImageNet [15] for instance segmentation. The stain of WSIs in Hema is composed of three chemicals, namely methylene blue, eosin, and azur. Thereby, we factorize each image into a stain color matrix \(W \in \mathbb {R} ^ {3 \times 3}\) and a density map \(H \in \mathbb {R} ^ {3 \times n}\). The parameter \(\delta \) is set to 0.5. The model is trained on \(M_1\) with SGD, a learning rate of 0.02, a momentum of 0.9, a batch size of 4, and weight decay 0.0001 for 12 epochs with an Nvidia V100. After data augmentation and model fine-tuning, we evaluate the generalization performance on \(M_2\).

Please note that the stain matrices are calculated using SNMF before training for saving computational time. That is, we only compute stain matrices once and use them repeatedly during training. The computational time of SNMF decomposition for a single image in CAMELYON17 and Hema takes 1.14 and 2.40 s, respectively, measured on an Intel Xeon CPU E5-2697 v3.

Table 1. (Top) Mean AUC of different methods for tumor classification on the CAMELYON17 [1] dataset. (Bottom) Ablation studies on the components of our method.

3.3 Results on the CAMELYON17 Dataset

In Table 1, we compare the proposed stain mix-up with existing augmentation methods for tumor classification on the CAMELYON17 dataset. It is consistent with previous findings [16, 21] that models trained without color augmentations result in weaker performance and a larger performance fluctuation when testing on images from other centers (AUC = 0.838, \(95\%\) CI \(0.824-0.852\)), which reveals the domain gaps among different centers. The models trained with data augmented by the proposed stain mix-up achieves significant performance gains over HSV-augmentation and HED-augmentation [17]. In addition, the stain mix-up method helps reach stable performance when evaluated on images of different centers, while other competing methods show larger performance variations. We attribute these advantages to the cross-domain interpolation of the stain color matrices in the proposed stain mix-up, while the competing methods such as HSV-augmentation and HED-augmentation refer to only images of the source domain. The augmented images by our method are realistic and more consistent with those in the target domain, leading to a better generalization ability.

Table 2. Performance in mAP of bone marrow cell instance segmentation using different augmentation methods on the Hema dataset.

Cross-domain interpolation is the key component of the proposed stain mix-up for unsupervised and diversified stain color matrix generation. While the stain color matrix W can be interpolated between the source and target domains, it can be self-perturbed with random degrees sampled from a uniform distribution. The implementation details of the self-perturbed W is described in the supplementary material. In the ablation study, we explore how different perturbation methods contribute to the model generalization. Some example patches generated by using random WH perturbation are visualized in Fig. 3d. As shown in the bottom of Table 1, stochastic fluctuations in W achieve the AUC of 0.948 (\(95\%\) CI \(0.944-0.953\)), which is inferior to models trained with the stain mix-up. This result suggests that: 1) Models can benefit from perturbing interaction between color channels, and 2) with the identified stain matrix of centers in advance, interpolating combinations of matrices can be more effective for model adaptation across different centers.

3.4 Results on the Hema Dataset

In addition to tumor classification, we evaluate the proposed stain mix-up for cell instance segmentation on the Hema dataset. As shown in Table 2, our method consistently outperforms baseline methods by substantial margins, more than \(2.0\%\) in box mAP and mask mAP in most cases. We observe that the baseline methods, HSV-augmentation and HED-augmentation, make no improvement on this dataset. The major reason is that the large domain gap makes augmentation based on only the source domain, which is irrelevant to the target domain. By taking the stain color matrices of unlabeled data of the target domain into consideration, our method can effectively accomplish domain generalization in an unsupervised manner. The results validate that our model can alleviate the domain gaps between different histology image collections even on the challenging instance segmentation task.

4 Conclusions

We have presented stain mix-up, a simple yet effective data augmentation method for unsupervised domain generalization in histological image analysis. Our stain mix-up constructs various virtual color patterns by random linear interpolation of two stain color matrices, one from the source domain and one from the target domain. Cross-domain interpolation refers to color distributions of both domains, and color patterns that are realistic and more consistent to the target patterns can be synthesized, facilitating model adaptation to the target domain. Since accessing only stain color matrices is label-free, the proposed method carries out unsupervised domain generalization. Through extensive experiments, we have shown that the proposed stain mix-up significantly improves the generalization ability on diverse tasks and stains, such as tumor classification on the H&E stained images and bone marrow cell segmentation on the hematological stained images. We believe the proposed stain mix-up can advance the community of digit pathology for practical usage.