
1 Introduction

One of the key challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) system engineering is the integration and harmonization of data to enable high-quality analytics [5]. This paper investigates the extent to which data catalogs can address this challenge. The popularity of data catalogs is continuously increasing since 2016 and they are deemed to be “the new black in data management and analytics” [21] according to Gartner [21]. In 2020, Quimbert et al. [12] define data catalogs as tools to centrally “collect, create, and maintain metadata”, allowing for easier findability and accessibility. Consequently, they do not only bear the potential to (virtually) integrate heterogeneous data sources, but also to semantically enrich data with contextual information (i.e., metadata). Metadata is essential to support explainability in AI systems [5].

Case Study. The R&D department of motorbike manufacturer KTM, where heterogeneous data (e.g., sensor data from training runs with research prototype bikes) is stored in different formats and granularities. To enable deep insights into bike research and development with AI, KTM aims to deploy a data catalog to deliver high-quality data as basis for data science processes.

State of the Art. In recent years, several commercial data catalog tools have been developed, for example, Alation data catalog, Informatica enterprise data catalog, and Oracle cloud infrastructure data catalog [2, 21]. However, despite a vital discussion among practitioners and several commercial tools, there is little research on data catalogs and to the best of our knowledge no other systematic literature review. In 2020, Labadie et al. [9] express the need for further research on data catalogs, specifically with respect to its implementation.

Contribution. In this paper, we contribute with a systematic literature review (SLR) on data catalogs to identify (1) necessary and optional conceptual components and (2) guidelines to implement a data catalog. The results offer a consolidated view on what constitutes a data catalog (with respect to its components) and consequently facilitate more research on the topic. For practitioners, this papers provides best practices on how to implement a data catalog.

Structure. This paper follows the classic IMRAD structure with Sect. 1 being the Introduction, Sect. 2 describing the research Method, Sect. 3 the Results of our study, and Sect. 4 concludes with a Discussion and future work.

2 Research Method

Our systematic literature review is based on Kitchenham [8]. First, we identified the need for a review on the topic of “data catalog”, followed by the development of a review protocol including research questions and search criteria.

2.1 Research Questions

The two major aims of this survey are to identify the necessary and optional components of which a data catalog consists and to identify guidelines on how to implement a data catalog. According to these objectives, we formulated the following two research questions:

  • (RQ1) What are the conceptual components of a data catalog?

  • (RQ2) Which guidelines can be recommended to implement a data catalog?

2.2 Search Strategy

For the literature review, we queried the most common digital libraries as outlined in Table 1. Since literature on the topic of “data catalog” is rare, we added the term “data cataloging” to our search expression, which describes the process of creating a data catalog [15]. We also included the British and American English spelling for each term. Consequently, the following search expression

has been applied to the scope of title and abstract, whenever setting the scope was possible. We filtered all papers published before 2000 since according to Gartner [21], data catalogs gained their popularity in 2016 and it continuously increased since then. The exact search expression applied to each of the digital library is shown in Table 1. For Google Scholar, the restriction “-VizieR”Footnote 1 was added, since a lot of results about the VizieR data catalog were delivered, which were of no relevance, e.g., information about astronomical data.

Table 1. Overview on digital libraries with exact search expressions

2.3 Paper Selection Process

To select papers that are suitable to answer our research questions, we reduced the total number of identified papers with five predefined exclusion criteria (Ex), which were checked sequentially as shown in Fig. 1. All result records that were not removed by any of the exclusion criteria were included in the search result.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview and order of exclusion criteria

3 Results from the Literature Review

Across all libraries, 1,159 publications (including duplicates) were found on Feb. 16, 2021 using the search terms from Table 1. Table 2 shows the number of papers excluded and those that were selected to answer our research questions.

Table 2. Number of found, excluded, and included publications

Our research questions can be answered based on the content of the eleven papers that remain in the SLR. In addition to the two research questions, Sect. 3.1 provides an overview on the domains in which data catalogs are currently used, compiled from all papers filtered by Ex3.

3.1 Overview on Data Catalog Implementations in Practice

From the 47 papers filtered by Ex3, 27 discuss data catalogs that provide open data of various domains. Most papers deal with government data, scientific research data, or geospatial data, but also educational or biological/medical data can be found. Although these systems are called “data catalog”, they follow a different approach: instead of managing data and its metadata, they provide data of a specific domain to the public. The remaining 20 papers present data catalogs as we understand them, but are limited to a specific application (e.g., a wind park) and do not cover aspects relevant to answer our research questions.

3.2 Components of a Data Catalog

None of the investigated papers clearly lists the conceptual parts of a data catalog. Thus, in accordance to Aristotle’s “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”, we identified the following components as most relevant by investigating all of the eleven papers: (1) metadata management, (2) business context, (3) data responsibility roles, and (4) the FAIR principles. We describe these components and their appearance in the single papers in the following paragraphs.

Metadata Management. Data catalogs “collect, create and maintain metadata” [12], which is why, metadata management is the quintessence of a data catalog. Metadata is “data that defines or describes other data” [6], e.g., data quality constraints, usage statistics, or access control [15]. Metadata can be created manually or automatically (e.g., information about data lineage) [15]. While Quimbert et al. [12] classify metadata into three general categories (as originally proposed by Riley [14]), Seshadri and Shanmugam [15] distinguish between eight types of metadata, which can be mapped to the categories as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Classification of metadata by Quimbert et al. and Seshadri and Shanmugam

To enable the linkage of data across different (heterogeneous) data sources, a metadata schema (also: metadata standard or data documentation) is required [1, 16], which is defined by “a set of elements connected by some structure” [13]. For interoperability, also metadata standards from external institutions can be used to enhance a corporate-built metadata schema [12]. In this respect, also data provenance plays a crucial role since it contains information about the source of the data and all transformations it went through [17].

Early approaches to cataloging metadata are often based on XML, e.g., the work by Jensen et al. [7] from 2006, which implements a domain-specific schema based on XML. Since traditional data models are often too less expressive to model the complexity of metdata for a specific domain, ontologies (as the most expressive data model [4]) are recommended by different papers for the implementation of the metadata schema (cf. [2, 12]). There exist several public ontologies, which address specific aspects of the data catalog metadata, e.g., the DCPAC (Data Catalog Provenance, and Access Control) ontology for data lineage and accessibility, which utilizes several other ontologies including DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary)Footnote 2 and PROV-O (PROV Ontology)Footnote 3, both being W3C recommendations [2]. Other ontologies commonly used for data catalogs are ISO9115, DataCite, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, CERIF, and

Business Context. As indicated by [9] and [18], the actual target group of a data catalog are typically business users and not just data or IT specialists. To achieve better workflows and data usage, one of the main foci of building a data catalog lies in the business context of the data. There are two different suggestions how to achieve the implementation of business context: it is either possible to enrich the metadata (cf. Table 3 classification by [15]) with additional business context attributes (cf. [15]), or to choose the more general path by establishing a company-wide business glossary [9]. A business glossary can be defined as “a central repository that contains key business terms whose names and definitions have been agreed upon by cross-functional subject matter experts” [20].

Data Responsibility Roles. There is a wide agreement that data is only as useful as its quality or reliability [15, 22]. One of the main reasons for poor data quality is the lack of responsibility employees feel they have for a specific data set (i.e., unclear role assignment between IT and domain experts) [22]. Barbosa and Sena [1] go one step further and state that the success of a data catalog depends on the people maintaining it. Thus, one crucial aspect for the implementation of a data catalog is the assignment of responsible persons to the data [9]. Despite the traditional data expert roles (e.g., data architects), which are responsible for modeling the data, new less specialized roles that use the data to reach company goals are assigned in the context of data catalogs [9]. Labadie et al. [9] identify the data steward as most important data catalog role for companies. For Kurth et al. [11], establishing responsibility rules, particularly data stewardship, is one of the main tools for successful metadata maintenance and governance.

FAIR Principles. The FAIR PrinciplesFootnote 4 have been proposed in 2016 by Wilkinson et al. [19] and gained recent popularity in the enterprise context through the term “data democratization” [9]. The acronym FAIR stands for Findability, Accessibility, Interopability, and Re-use. Each term represents a category of guiding principles, where each principle defines specific characteristics of the data to fulfill FAIR [19]. The principles are designed to be “concise, domain-independent, high-level” [19] considerations for the publishing of data.

As described in [19], the connection between metadata, data management, and the FAIR principles is tight: each of the principles provides guidelines for desired characteristics of data, metadata, or both of them. Therefore, the quality of data as well as metadata directly affects the fulfillment of the FAIR principles.

The market analysis of data catalogs by Labadie et al. [9] identifies nine different function groups of data catalogs, which implement specific aspects of FAIR. For example, the “data search and tagging” group relate to the “findable” principle, whereas the data “analytics and workflows” group make use of the “accessible” and “reusable” [9]. Due to brevity, we refer to [9] for details on the function groups and the extent to which they address the FAIR principles.

3.3 Guidelines to Implement a Data Catalog

From the small number of scientific papers on data catalogs in general, we identified only three papers that were dedicated to implementation suggestions (this lack was already outlined in [9]). Wang [18] point out that the definition of a metadata schema is the first necessary step towards implementing a data catalog. A company should decide whether (partly) reusing an existing public metadata schema is possible, and only develop a completely new schema if none is available [18]. Seshadri and Shanmugam [15] recommend the following 8-step solution for implementing a data catalog, where step 1–5 effectively refer to the definition of a metadata schema:

  1. 1.

    Initially, a company/organization defines data context variables, which contain data-system relationships, business context, technical context, data lineage as well as linkage information.

  2. 2.

    The second step covers the definition of data attributes, which represent the quality, sensitivity, accessibility, and reliability of data.

  3. 3.

    Third, the authors suggest the tagging of data, where it is decided which metadata (i.e., data attributes and context variables) is attached to data at a particular level, e.g., column-level, entity-level, or data-set-level.

  4. 4.

    Next, rules should be defined, which regulate the data access or audits. For more flexibility, external business rule engines could be used and the rules can also be applied on multiple hierarchy-levels in analogy to the metadata.

  5. 5.

    After the previous steps have been accomplished, the final data catalog schema can be assembled into one enterprise data model, i.e., ontology.

  6. 6.

    Eventually, the data catalog can be populated with data.

  7. 7.

    After the catalog is populated, it can be exposed to the users.

  8. 8.

    The final and ideally ongoing step is to take all the feedback, revisions, and reviews to improve the data catalog.

On a more general level, Labadie et al. [9] distinguish between two different approaches for the creation of a metadata schema: the top-down approach, where the structure is defined first, and the data imported in a second step, and the bottom-up approach, in which the schema is developed according to the analysis of imported data [9]. In terms of practical implementation, Labadie et al. [9] again distinguish between two contrasting approaches: the data supply-driven approach (also input-oriented approach), in which the requirements of the users who will provide and maintain data in the data catalog are prioritized, and the data demand approach, where the focus is on the output of the data catalog and prioritizes the requirements of end users who consume data from the data catalog. Three case studies in [9] show the connection between the two modeling approaches (top-down and bottom-up) and the two implementation approaches (data supply-driven and data demand). The top-down approach is typically conducted by users who maintain the data catalog, and therefore combined with the data supply-driven implementation approach, whereas the bottom-up modeling approach first considers the available data as it is used and therefore combined naturally with the data demand approach. It is pointed out that a combination of both sides and an agile iterative approach is also possible [9].

Lee and Sohn [10] propose a semi-automated method to create the metadata schema: the tag-based dynamic data catalog (DaDDCat). With DaDDCat, users are requested to annotate web resources (e.g., web pages, images, videos) with tags (i.e., a set of words) that are then used to automatically built an ontology.

One of the main challenges in the implementation of a data catalog is metadata interoperability across an entire organization. Kurth et al. [11] recommend the following two measures to address this challenge: (1) establish an enterprise-wide consensus on metadata mapping decisions, which prevents duplicate work by different teams, and (2) establish data stewardship to govern the data.

4 Discussion and Outlook

In this paper, we performed a SLR to (1) identify the main conceptual components of a data catalog and to (2) provide guidelines for its implementation.

(RQ1) Main Components. We answer (RQ1) by compiling the main conceptual components for a data catalog, which are: (1) effective metadata management, (2) the incorporation of business context either to the metadata or as separate business glossary, (3) the assignment of dedicated data responsibility roles, and (4) the adherence to the FAIR principles. We conclude that the major distinction of data catalogs to traditional data management or integration projects is on the one hand the commitment to use ontologies for describing the metadata, and on the other hand, the dedicated incorporation of business users with newly defined roles, such as the data steward.

(RQ2) Data Catalog Implementation. Sect. 3 indicates that the definition of a metadata schema (or ontology) is the key challenge in implementing a data catalog. In addition to fitting organizational needs, the metadata schema should fulfill the FAIR principles and adhere to common standards. Interestingly, none of the existing implementation suggestions incorporates the assignment of data responsibility roles. Due to the inherent importance of this conceptual component, we promote the following high-level process to implement a data catalog:

  1. 1.

    Assignment of data responsibility roles to stakeholders that contribute to the definition of the metadata schema or ontology.

  2. 2.

    Definition of a metadata schema (cf. steps 1–5 by [15]).

  3. 3.

    Population of data catalog schema with data (cf. step 6 by [15]).

  4. 4.

    Assignment of data responsibility roles to technical and business users for updates and continuous maintenance of the metadata.

  5. 5.

    Continuous improvement according to revisions and reviews (cf. step 8 by [15]).

We claim that it is necessary to divide the role assignment: in step (1), responsibility roles are assigned for the metadata schema modeling phase, and in step (4), responsibility roles are assigned for the daily use and maintenance of the metadata. Although these role assignments may overlap, they are often disjoint in practice, e.g., IT people are more involved in the data modeling phase, whereas business users without a global view on the data might maintain specific parts of the data on a daily basis.

Open Issues for Practitioners. According to Dibowski et al. [2], main data catalog vendors do not support the usage of existing public ontologies, but restrict the use to proprietary metadata schemas. In order to enhance interopability and adhere to the FAIR principles, existing data catalogs should allow the incorporation of standardized public ontologies, such as DCAT or

Open Issues for Researchers. In our SLR, we identified the following three topics for future research: (1) automated data catalog creation, (2) data stewardship in data catalog literature, and (3) data quality in data catalogs.

We did not find any attempt to automatically create the metadata schema of a data catalog, which would be specifically interesting with for bottom-up approaches. Most use cases with bottom-up approaches are restricted to the manual analysis of existing data sources [9] and do not address automated schema extraction, as, e.g., suggested in [3]. Barbosa and Sena [1] even state that this step cannot be automated. Considering the high human effort of schema modeling (cf. [9]), we claim that a scientific evaluation of this statement is needed.

As already pointed out in the discussion of (RQ2), current data catalog implementation approaches do not address the topic of data stewardship sufficiently. Considering the importance of the topic for organizational needs as shown in [9], the lack of data stewardship in data catalog literature indicates a gap between real-world business needs and research, which should be closed in future work.

Seshadri and Shanmugam [15] highlight the importance of data quality for data catalog projects. Metadata can be used to determine the quality of data in aggregated metrics. In our ongoing research, we plan to integrate the concept of automated data quality monitoring [3] with tools like DQ-MeeRKatFootnote 5 into an existing data catalog implementation at KTM Innovations GmbH.