
1 Introduction

The increased availability and application of Information Technology (IT) have increased the number of internet-based applications available in cyberspace. These operations range from vital services such as financial services to essential activities such as health and education applications [1, 2]. Financial purchases, online gaming platforms, and social media apps, according to data, are among the most popular and commonly used internet-based solutions with a large user base. The vast number of users who use these internet-based solutions demonstrate their recent successes.

According to research, financial transactions, online gaming sites, and social media applications are among the most common and widely used web-based solutions with a broad user base. The large number of people who use these web-based applications demonstrate their popularity in recent years. The aim is to increase the accessibility and availability of commonly used internet-based solutions. Nonetheless, since there are no generic cyberspace control mechanisms, the unrestricted mobility and affordability of these internet-based solutions in cyberspace open the door to cyber-attacks [3,4,5]. Cyber-attacks generate critical vulnerabilities and risks for both internet-based solutions and end-users, as well as important information and financial losses. Phishing attacks on websites are a typical example of these cyber-attacks. Cybercriminals are now setting up bogus websites to steal personal information from unsuspecting users and use it for illegal purposes [2, 6].

The website phishing attack is a significant cybersecurity issue that has overburdened cyberspace and has harmed internet users and internet-based solutions [7, 8]. According to [2], website phishing is a common deception in which an unauthorized website imitates a legitimate website for the sole intention of collecting data from unsuspecting users. As a result, phishing attacks pose a severe risk to web-based solutions [9,10,11]. In 2018, the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) identified 51,401 phishing websites in cyberspace. According to RSA, international organizations lose almost $9 billion in 2016 due to phishing attacks [12, 13]. These incidents have shown that phishing attacks from unauthorized websites quickly gain ground, resulting in significant financial losses and burdens [9, 11, 14].

Numerous cybersecurity specialists and analysts have proposed and created various anti-phishing methods for identifying phishing websites [15,16,17]. One of these solutions is the use of a blacklist technique to avoid website phishing attacks. Web browsers’ blacklisting mechanism matches the submitted universal resource locator (URLs) with previously-stored phishing website URLs to determine its authenticity. A significant disadvantage of blacklist anti-phishing methods is their failure to detect new phishing URLs due to their reliance on compiling blacklisted phishing URLs [3, 18]. Furthermore, cyber-attackers are deploying sophisticated techniques that enable them to circumvent the blacklisting process easily. Due to the dynamism of cyber-attacks, Machine Learning (ML)-based technologies are used to assess the credibility of websites to handle the complex existence of website phishing attacks on features derived from websites [12, 15, 19].

On the other hand, the efficacy of the ML-based phishing detection method depends on the success of the selected ML technique when detecting phishing websites. Several ML methods have been used to detect phishing websites, with low detection accuracy and high false-positive rates [6, 20,21,22]. This might be attributed to difficulties with data quality, like imbalanced datasets, that degrade the effectiveness of ML models [23, 24]. As a result of the dynamism of phishing websites, more sophisticated ML methods are needed.

Consequently, a rotation forest-based logistic model tree (RF-LMT) for identifying phishing websites is proposed. LMT is a model tree that integrates logistic regression and tree induction approaches. The cornerstone of LMT is the incorporation of a logistic regression model at the leaf nodes of the tree by systematically optimizing higher leaf nodes.

Summarily, the following are the specific contributions of this study:

  1. 1)

    RF-LMT algorithm is used to distinguish between legitimate and phishing websites.

  2. 2)

    An experimental evaluation and analysis of RF-LMT for website phishing detection in comparison to existing phishing approaches.

Furthermore, this research aims to address the following research questions:

  1. 1)

    How efficient is the LMT algorithm in detecting legitimate and phishing websites?

  2. 2)

    How efficient is the proposed RF-LMT algorithm in detecting legitimate and phishing websites?

  3. 3)

    How efficient is the proposed RF-LMT compared to existing phishing methods?

The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 examines existing related research. Section 3 portrays the analysis methodology, an overview of the experimental process, and the algorithms deployed. Section 4 discusses the research experiment and the analysis of the experimental findings. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes and suggests potential future works.

2 Related Works

This section investigates and discusses emerging phishing detection methods developed using different anti-phishing and ML techniques.

Mohammad, Thabtah and McCluskey [1] used a self-structuring neural network to identify phishing websites. Their model is based on an adaptive learning rate that varies before introducing new neurons and network structures. The suggested model's accuracy values were 94.07%, 92.48%, and 91.12% for the training, testing, and validation sets, respectively. Also, the bat meta-heuristics search algorithm was used by Vrbančič, Fister Jr and Podgorelec [2] to boost DNN. The proposed method had a maximum accuracy of 96.9%. These studies demonstrate that neural network models are almost as good as standard classifiers at detecting phishing websites.

Alqahtani [6] identified phishing websites using a novel association law induction strategy. The proposed solution employs an association law procedure to determine the authenticity of a page. Their experimental results showed the effectiveness of the proposed approach, as it outperforms baseline classifiers including DT, RIPPER, and some associative learning classification models with a precision of 95.20% and an F-measure value of 0.9511. Similarly, Abdelhamid, Ayesh and Thabtah [7] used a Multi-label Classifier-based Associative Classification (MCAC) technique to identify phishing. The MCAC technique was used for the detection mission to remove sixteen (16) unique features from a website URL using rules discovery, classifier creation, and class assignment. From their experimental results, MCAC outperformed the base classifiers RIPPER, DT, Component, CBA, and MCAR. Dedakia and Mistry [8] proposed a Content-Based Associative Classification (CBAC) approach for detecting phishing. The proposed method extends the Multi-Label Class Associative Classification (MCAC) algorithm by considering content-based properties. Based on the experimental results, the proposed solution (CBAC) had an accuracy value of 94.29%. Hadi, Aburub and Alhawari [10] created and tested a fast associative classification algorithm (FACA) for phishing website recognition against other known associative classification (AC) methods (CBA, CMAR, MCAR, and ECAR). Their experimental results show that FACA outperforms other AC methods in terms of accuracy and F-measure values. The effectiveness of these associative-based approaches shows their applicability for phishing detection. However, their low accuracy value is a disadvantage, and high detection accuracy phishing detection models are needed.

Rahman, Rafiq, Toma, Hossain and Biplob [11] investigated the effectiveness of various ML methods and ensemble methods in detecting website phishing (KNN, DT, SVM, RF, Extreme Randomized Tree (ERT), and Gradient Boosting Tree (GBT)). Similarly, Chandra and Jana [9] explored the usage of meta-classifiers to improve the detection of phishing websites. Their analyses showed that ensemble methods outperformed single classifiers. Alsariera, Elijah and Balogun [12] developed ensemble variants of Forest Penalizing by Attributes (ForestPA) to detect phishing websites. Forest employs weight assignment and an increment technique to grow healthy trees. According to their results, the proposed meta-learner ForestPA variants are very good at detecting phishing websites, with a minimum accuracy of 96.26%. Chiew, Tan, Wong, Yong and Tiong [13] proposed a Hybrid Ensemble FS (HEFS) approach based on a novel cumulative distribution function gradient (CDF-g) method to choose optimal functions. The RF estimation of HEFS was 94.6% accurate. Aydin and Baykal [14] used subset-based functionality extracted from a website URL to detect phishing. The extracted features were analyzed using alpha-numeric character, keyword, security, domain identity, and rank-based methods. The extracted features were then subjected to NB and Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO). Precision was 83.96% for NB and 95.39% for SMO, respectively.

Ubing, Jasmi, Abdullah, Jhanjhi and Supramaniam [17] proposed a phishing approach focused on feature selection (FS) and Ensemble Learning Mechanism (ELM). The Random Forest Regressor (RFG) was used as the FS method, and the ELM was determined by majority voting. Their experimental findings revealed that the proposed methods outperform and perform comparably to existing baseline and ensemble methods.

As a result of the foregoing analyses, there is a need for more reliable and efficient solutions, as the majority of present approaches are relatively ineffective. Therefore, an RF-LMT method is proposed in this study for detecting phishing websites.

3 Methodology

This section describes the experimental methodology used in this study—specifically, Logistic Model Tree (LMT) and the proposed RF-LMT website phishing detection technique. The phishing datasets used for training and testing, detection performance metrics, and experimental procedure are discussed in this section.

3.1 Logistic Model Tree (LMT) Algorithm

The LMT algorithm is a hybrid of linear logistic regression and the decision tree algorithm. It can generate a model with high predictive precision while still generating an interpretable model. In this research, LMT is used to identify phishing websites, which is a difficult task in cybersecurity. LMT is a hierarchical architecture comprised of a single root, branches, leaves, and nodes. It constructs a standard C4.5 DT with an LR at the node level path down to the leaves. When making a splitting decision, it considers the information gain ratio [25, 26]. These distinguishing characteristics of LMT account for its inclusion as a base learner in this study. Table 1 shows the LMT parameter settings used in this analysis.

Table 1. Classification algorithm

3.2 Rotation Forest-Based Logistic Model Tree (RF-LMT) Method

Rotation Forest-based Logistic Model Tree (RF-LMT) is a meta-learner that produces classifier models using feature extraction. RF-LMT creates training data for a baseline learner (in this case, LMT) by randomly splitting the feature set into N subsets, and principal component analysis (PCA) is deployed on each of the generated subsets. To maintain the variability in the data, all principal components are kept. Hence, N axis rotations occur to create new features for the baseline learner LMT. The essence of the rotation is to allow concurrent independent accuracy and diversity within the ensemble. Diversity is attained via feature extraction for each baseline learner.

RF-LMT algorithm is presented in Algorithm 1 (See Fig. 1) with the assumption that X is the training dataset, Y is the class label, and F is the feature sets.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Pseudocode for proposed RF-LMT method

3.3 Website Phishing Datasets

Three phishing datasets were used in this study's experimentation phase. These datasets are commonly accessible and are often used in existing studies [1, 11,12,13, 15]. There are 11,055 instances in the first dataset (Dataset A; 4,898 phishing and 6,157 legitimate instances). Dataset A contains 30 distinct attributes that define the dataset [1]. The second dataset (Dataset B) contains 10,000 instances, 5,000 of which are legitimate and 5,000 of which are phishing. Dataset B comprises 48 discrete, continuous, and categorical functions. [11, 13]. The third dataset (Dataset C) comprises 1,353 instances with a total of ten attributes (702 phishing, 548 real, and 103 suspicious). Dataset C is distinguished from Datasets A and B, having three class labels. For more information on the phishing datasets, see [1, 11,12,13, 15].

3.4 Experimental Procedure

This section presents the experimental procedure as seen in Fig. 2 that was used in this study. The procedure is intended to empirically evaluate and validate the efficacy of the proposed methods for detecting phishing websites. Three phishing datasets from the UCI repositories are used for training and testing the proposed methods. The proposed website phishing detection model is developed and evaluated using K-fold (k = 10) Cross-Validation (CV) method. The 10-fold CV selection is based on its ability to create phishing models while minimizing the impact of the class imbalance problem [27, 28]. Since the K-fold CV technique allows each instance to be used iteratively for both training and testing [28,29,30,31], the proposed model (RF-LMT) and selected baseline classifiers (Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), K Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Bayesian Network (BN)) were deployed on phishing datasets based on 10-fold CV. The selected baseline classifiers were chosen based on their usage and performance from existing studies [32,33,34,35]. The phishing detection efficiency of the proposed phishing model (RF-LMT) was then evaluated and compared to other experimented and existing phishing detection approaches. All experiments were performed using the WEKA machine learning tool in the same environment [36].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Experimental procedure

3.5 Performance Evaluation Metrics

Accuracy, F-measure, Area under the Curve (AUC), False-Positive Rate (FPR), True Positive Rate (TPR), and Mathew's Correlation Coefficient (MCC) performance evaluation metrics are used to assess the detection performance of the experimented phishing models. The preference for these metrics stems from the widespread and regular use of these metrics for website phishing detection in existing studies [11, 12, 17,18,19, 37, 38].

  1. i.

    Accuracy is the average degree at which the actual labels of all instances are predicted correctly. It is computed as outlined in Eq. (1):

$$\mathrm{Accuracy }= \frac{\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{TN}}{\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{FP}+\mathrm{TN}+\mathrm{FN}}$$
  1. ii.

    F-measure shows the weighted average of the Recall (R) and Precision (P). It stresses a classifier's ability to maximize both precision and recall at the same time. Equation 2 represents the computation of the F-measure.

    $$\mathrm{F}-\mathrm{measure }= \frac{2 \times \mathrm{ P}}{2 \times \mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{FP}+\mathrm{FN}}$$
  2. iii.

    The AUC plots the FP rate on the X-axis and the TP rate on the Y-axis. AUC is not vulnerable to plurality bias and does not overlook the minority samples during its assessment.

  3. iv.

    The False Positive Rate (FPR) is the proportion of legitimate instances mistakenly reported as phishing attacks.

    $$\mathrm{FPR }= \frac{\mathrm{FP}}{\mathrm{FP}+\mathrm{TN}}\times 100$$
  4. v.

    True Positive Rate (TPR) is the rate at which actual phishing website instances are correctly classified as that phishing website.

    $$\mathrm{TPR}= \frac{\mathrm{TP}}{\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{FN}} \times 100$$
  5. vi.

    The Mathews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) is a statistical rate that provides a high score if the prediction produces good outcomes in all four classes of the confusion matrix (true positives, false negatives, true negatives, and false positives), in proportion to the scale of the positive and negative elements in the dataset. MCC can be computed as shown in Eq. 5.

$$\mathrm{MCC}= \frac{\mathrm{TP}\times \mathrm{TN}-\mathrm{FP}\times \mathrm{FN}}{\sqrt{(\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{FP})\times (\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{FN})\times (\mathrm{TN}+\mathrm{FP})\times (\mathrm{TN}+\mathrm{FN})}}$$

4 Results and Discussion

This section discusses the experimental findings obtained when the experimental framework was implemented, trained, and tested with three phishing datasets.

4.1 LMT and Baseline Classifiers

As documented in Table 2, the performance of LMT was compared with selected experimented baseline classifiers on Dataset A. Six performance evaluation metrics were used for the performance comparison (See Sect. 3.5). Based on accuracy values, LMT yielded the highest accuracy value of 96.92% when compared with KNN (96.84%), DT (95.87%), MLP (94.76%), and BN (92.98%). Similar performance can be observed in terms of f-measure and AUC values. In particular, LMT recorded a f-measure and AUC values of 0.969 and 0.99 respectively which outperformed KNN (0.968, 0.967), DT(0.959, 0.984), MLP(0.948, 0.983) and BN(0.93, 0.981). Also, LMT on Dataset A had the highest TP-Rate (0.969) and lowest FP-Rate (0.033) values compared with the baseline classifiers. Although it can be observed that the performance of LMT on Dataset A is comparable to baseline classifiers such as KNN, however, the hyper-parameterization of KNN is a drawback [39].

Table 2. Experimental results of LMT and baseline classifiers on Dataset A
Table 3. Experimental results of LMT and baseline classifiers on Dataset B
Table 4. Experimental results of LMT and baseline classifiers on Dataset C

Correspondingly, on Dataset B, the performance of LMT was superior to the baseline classifiers. As presented in Table 3, LMT achieved the highest accuracy value (97.91%), F-Measure value (0.979), AUC value (0.993), TP-Rate value (0.979), MCC value (0.958), and the lowest FP-Rate value (0.021) when compared with the performance of the baseline classifiers. Furthermore, similar findings were observed on the performance of LMT on Dataset C, as presented in Table 4. LMT, in most cases, was significantly superior to most of the experimented baseline classifiers. These observations indicate that LMT provided equivalent results (performance) for phishing detection across all three datasets, regardless of dataset size. In other words, LMT showed competitive performance against baseline classifiers in website phishing detection. However, the performance of LMT can be amplified by augmenting it with an appropriate meta-leaner (Rotation Forest) as proposed in this study.

4.2 Rotation Forest-Based Logistic Model Tree (RF-LMT)

In this section, the performance of the proposed RF-LMT with the LMT classifier is presented and compared. Recall from the previous section (See Sect. 4.1), the superiority of the performance of LMT over selected baseline classifiers in website phishing detection has been emphasized. In this context, however, the objective is to see how well the proposed RF-LMT method will perform compared to the LMT classifier. The results of LMT and RF-LMT are presented in Table 5.

Observations from these results indicate that the proposed RF-LMT had promising results and, based on most performance metrics, outperformed the LMT classifier on Dataset A. For instance, RF-LMT recorded an accuracy value of 97.33% as against 96.92% produced by LMT. Also, a similar pattern of improvement can be observed on the evaluation metric, as shown in Table 5. Specifically, RF-LMT had a superior f-measure value (0.973), AUC value (0.997), TP-Rate value (0.973), and MCC value as compared with LMT.

Table 5. Experimental results of RF-LMT and LMT on Dataset A
Table 6. Experimental results of RF-LMT and LMT on Dataset B
Table 7. Experimental results of RF-LMT and LMT on Dataset C

Furthermore, RF-LMT outperformed the LMT classifier on Dataset B and Dataset C based on performance evaluation metrics as used in this study. On Dataset B, RF-LMT achieved an accuracy of 98.24%, F-Measure of 0.982, AUC of 0.998, TP-Rate of 0.982, FP-Rate of 0.018, and MCC of 0.965, respectively, as shown in Table 6. This is better when compared with LMT results which had lower performance. Also, on Dataset C, a similar pattern of results was observed (See Table 7) as the proposed RF-LMT outperformed the LMT classifier.

Consequently, the superior detection capabilities of RF-LMT on the experimented datasets imply that it has a lower likelihood of misclassifying phishing attacks than LMT. Additionally, the high AUC and MCC values of RF-LMT demonstrate its resistance and resilience to inherent data quality problems such as class imbalance and high dimensionality on the analyzed datasets than LMT. Although LMT performed comparably well and competitive with baseline classifiers such as KNN, MLP, BN, and DT. However, the proposed RF-LMT is better than LMT as the meta-learner (Rotation Forest) improved the performance of LMT. These results are consistent with observations on the application of ensemble techniques in other perspectives [27, 40, 41].

4.3 Rotation Forest-Based Logistic Model Tree (RF-LMT) with Existing Methods

In this section, the performance of the proposed RF-LMT is further compared with existing state-of-the-art methods for website phishing detection. Table 8 shows the performance comparison of RF-LMT with existing methods on Dataset A. Specifically, the experimental results from Al-Ahmadi and Lasloum [42], Alsariera, Elijah and Balogun [12], Ali and Malebary [21], and Vrbančič, Fister Jr and Podgorelec [2] are comparable to that of RF-LMT. However, RF-LMT still outperformed these models in accuracy and other metric values based on Dataset A.

Table 8. Performance evaluation of RF-LMT and existing models on Dataset A
Table 9. Performance evaluation of RF-LMT and existing models on Dataset B

Likewise, Table 9 compared the performance of the proposed method with existing methods based on Dataset B. In particular, the performance of RF-LMT was superior to methods proposed by Chiew, Tan, Wong, Yong and Tiong [13] and Rahman, Rafiq, Toma, Hossain and Biplob [11]. Also, based on Dataset C, as shown in Table 10, RF-LMT outperformed existing methods as proposed by Rahman, Rafiq, Toma, Hossain and Biplob [11]. These findings further show the superiority of the proposed RF-LMT as it in most cases outperformed existing website phishing methods based on multiple phishing datasets.

Table 10. Performance evaluation of RF-LMT and existing models on Dataset C

Conclusively, the Research Questions (RQs) posed in the introduction were examined at the end of the experimentation. The following conclusions were reached:

RQ1: How efficient is the LMT in detecting legitimate and phishing websites?

LMT algorithm implementations indeed produced significant improvement as compared with baseline methods such as MLP, KNN, DT, and BN with better accuracy and other performance evaluation metrics. This performance is replicated across the three datasets that were considered in this study.

RQ2: How efficient is the proposed RT-LMT algorithm in detecting legitimate and phishing websites?

As compared to LMT for phishing website detection, the proposed RT-LMT leveraged the promising success of LMT and demonstrated a substantial increase in accuracy as well as a decrease in error rate. This progress was repeated and observed across the experimented three datasets.

RQ3: How efficient is the proposed RF-LMT compared to existing phishing methods?

The performance of the proposed RF-LMT is superior in terms of accuracy, F-Measure, AUC, TP-Rate, FP-Rate, and MCC values as used in this study compared with existing state-of-the-art methods using the three datasets for phishing website detection.

5 Conclusion and Future Works

Phishing attacks are one of the severe cyberattacks that have a global negative effect on internet users. A website phishing attack can be harmful to internet users and internet-based solutions in general. A website phishing attack helps an adversary access victims’ personal information, which can then be used to conduct fraudulent transactions or capture users’ identities. However, due to attackers’ advanced and dynamic strategies, identifying phishing websites has proven difficult. Hence, this study proposed RF-LMT that leveraged the performance of the LMT classifier to detect phishing websites. RF-LMT recorded superior detection performance that outperformed baseline models such as MLP, KNN, DT, BN, and existing state-of-the-art methods for phishing website detection.

The authors plan to test the proposed RF-LMT on additional real-time phishing website datasets in the future to determine its generalization potential in detecting phishing websites. Also, more sophisticated models for developing scalable models will be investigated.