
1 Introduction

A Cyber Flash Mob (CFM) is an event that is organized via social media, email, SMS, or other forms of digital communication technologies in which a group of people (who might have an agenda) get together online or offline to collectively conduct an act and then quickly disperse [1]. To an outsider, such an event may seem arbitrary. However, a sophisticated amount of coordination is involved. In recent years, cyber flash mobs “have taken a darker twist as criminals exploit the anonymity of crowds, using social networking to coordinate everything from robberies to fights to general chaos” [2, 3]. More recently, the term “mob” has been increasingly used to remark an electronically orchestrated violence such as the recent attack on the State Capital in Washington by Pro-Trump protesters that lead to property damages, government disruption, and injuries or death for some of the protesters [4, 5]. In a recent incident, an army of small investors from all over the world used Reddit to coordinate “flashmob investing” [6] to create stock market frenzy causing GameStop’s stock value to rise from $20 to $483 in less than a month [7]. These events show that our systems (security, financial, etc.) are not equipped to handle such highly coordinated and flash actions, underscoring the importance of systematically studying such behaviors.

To study CFMs, it is essential to understand the motivation of the individuals that coordinate such events. Many researchers highlight the importance of studying the shared orientations such as language, location, religious or political views, among the group members as an indication of group organization. Shared orientations among individuals often form the basis for motivation resulting in collective actions [8, 9]. Shared orientations among individuals induce a sense of belongingness to the group, giving rise to the group's collective identity. Individuals may be connected along one or more social dimensions, resulting in multiple shared orientations and thus a stronger collective identity. Hence, in this study we analyze the languages and locations of the flash mobbers in an attempt to understand their motivation.

In addition to the human participants of such events, automated actors or social bots are also used during these events to advertise, recruit, and share the products of CFMs, e.g., videos and pictures on various social media platforms. One study estimates that 50% of Twitter accounts are automated or social bots [10] and around 16% of spammers on Twitter nowadays are social bots [11]. Social media moderators are aware of this problem and constantly suspend these accounts. However, there is a lack of systematic investigation of such a human-machine teaming that can affect cyber flash mobs. More specifically, what role do computer agents, or social bots play during CFMs? In this study, we try to answer this research question by examining the following: (1) in general, where are citizens more interested in CFMs? (2) What is the role of social bots in disseminating cyber flash mobs’ agenda? More specifically, (a) Who is more toxic, bots or humans? (b) What are the differences between bots and human’s communication networks? (c) What resources (e.g., images, videos, URLs) are shared via Cyber Flash Mobs participants (bots and humans)? Next, we provide a brief literature review of the topics related to this paper, then we discuss our methodology, results, and conclusion with possible future research directions.

2 Literature Review

A flash mob is a phenomenon that has been studied in various disciplines such as communication studies [12], marketing [13], cultural studies [14], and other disciplines. However, there is a lack of a systematic and computational model of its formation and prediction of its occurrence or its success and failure. Our research is one step in this direction. On the other hand, social bots are a known problem that is facing social media sites. It has been studied by various researchers. A study that shares a similar methodology to our research is conducted by Khaund et al. [15]. They focused on the role and coordination strategies of Twitter social bots during four natural disasters that occurred in 2017. Here, we focus on the role of social bots during a CFM event and compare its behavior to humans’ behaviors on Twitter. Online toxic content such as toxic posts or toxic comments is another problem that is facing social media sites. Using rude, disrespectful, hateful, and unreasonable language to provoke other users or make them leave a conversation are all examples of toxic behaviors. Toxicity analysis is different from sentiment analysis as the latter usually gives a score ranking the text to be either positive, negative, or neutral [16]. In our study, we leverage Google Perspective API to assess a toxicity score for each post shared by bots and humans.

3 Methodology

In this section, we explain the methodology we followed to conduct our research. We first explain how we collected our data and provide information about it, then we explain our analysis.

3.1 Data Collection

For this research, we collected data using Twitter Restful API for the period July 3, 2018, to June 18, 2020. We used the keyword “flash mob” to pull data from Twitter using Twitter Archiving Google Sheets (available at then used Python with GSpread API (available at to upload the data to our MySQL database. This resulted in 766,111 records (including 108,372 TweetsFootnote 1, 581,484 RetweetsFootnote 2, and 76,255 MentionsFootnote 3) written by 508,029 Tweeters. We preprocessed the data, e.g., reformatted the date and time columns to match the MySQL required date format. Then we extracted all the hashtags and URLs included in the records. This resulted in 29,931 unique hashtags and 50,634 unique URLs. We used Google Perspective API (available at to obtain the toxicity score (i.e., how toxic a text is) of the 766,111 records we collected. Finally, we used Botometer Pro API (available at to obtain the bot score (i.e., how likely a Twitter account is a bot or a human) of all the Tweeters.

3.2 Data Analysis

In this subsection we highlight the analysis we conducted then we explain our results in the following subsection. First, we analyzed the diversity of the data by analyzing the user’s languages and locations of the records we collected. This analysis should help in shedding a light on the ethnographical nature of CFMs. Second, we ran a Python script that utilizes the Botometer Pro API on our 508,029 unique Twitter accounts to find the likelihood of an account being bot or human. This API calculates various scores, so we selected the “universal” score because it is language-independent, and we have multi-language records. The score is returned in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 representing the likelihood of an account being bot or not. The closer the score is to 1.0, the more likely that account is a social bot. We multiplied the returned values by 100 to better visualize the likelihood of an account being a bot. Since the returned values are continuous and we wanted to have two distinct classes to categorize our Tweeters, i.e., human or bot we considered all the users who have a ≤ 10% bot score to be most likely human accounts and all the users who have a ≥90% bot score to be most likely social bots [15]. This method should help in accounting for the Botometer Pro API misclassification and making sure that these accounts have distinct features to be considered as human or bot accounts. Third, we used the Google Perspective API to calculate the toxicity score of each record (tweets, mentions, or retweets) in our database. The score is returned in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 representing the likelihood of a text being toxic or not. The closer the score is to 1.0, the more likely that text is toxic. We multiplied the returned values by 100 to better visualize the likelihood of toxicity. Then, we calculated the user toxicity score by taking the average toxicity score of all the records of a Tweeter. A threshold of 0.5 (50%) was used to determine if a user is toxic or not. Fourth, we extracted all the users mentioned or retweeted from each tweet by using a Python script to create two communication networks, namely the bot’s communication network and the human communication network. This resulted in a bot’s communication network that consists of 1,861 nodes and 1,675 edges. This network is divided into 407 connected components, which consist of 2 Isolates (single nodes), 229 Dyads (two nodes connected), 81 Triads (three nodes connected), and 95 larger than Triads (more than three nodes connected) (See Fig. 1). We filtered the network and removed all the small-connected components (contain less than 100 nodes), as they did not contribute to our analysis and instead focused on the two largest-connected components which have 495 nodes and 658 edges (See Fig. 2). On the other hand, the human communication network consists of 59,530 and 70,418 edges. This network is divided into 6,287 connected components which consist of 46 Isolates (single nodes), 3,719 Dyads (two nodes connected), 1,254 Triads (three nodes connected), and 1,268 larger than Triads (more than three nodes connected) (See Fig. 3). We filtered the network and removed all the small-connected components (contain less than 100 nodes) as they did not contribute to our analysis and instead focused on the largest-connected component which contains 39,182 nodes and 54,520 edges (See Fig. 4). Fifth, we applied the Newman Clustering algorithm to auto locate communities in the filtered version of both networks. The bot’s communication network has a global clustering coefficient (transitivity) of 0.0 and a Newman modularity of 0.679, while the human communication network has a global clustering coefficient (transitivity) of 0.069 and a Newman modularity of 0.667. Sixth, we analyzed the number of retweets and mentions shared by bots and humans. Then, we calculated the Retweets to Mentions Ratio to find differences and similarities of these accounts’ behaviors. The Retweets to Mentions Ratio give us an idea about how many retweets a bot or a human account posted for each mention. Finally, we extracted all the URLs included in the collected records using another Python script. We investigated the popularity of the twelve most known social media sites. This analysis can help us in identifying potential platforms for CFM activities and the difference in humans and bots sharing activities. Finally, we investigated the URL shortening services used by both account types. We used the list of URL shortening services mentioned in [17] to guide us. This analysis also shed light on the difference between humans and bots’ behaviors when it comes to shortening URLs and including them in a tweet.

4 Results and Analysis

In this section, we try to answer the research questions listed in our introduction using the analysis mentioned in the data analysis subsection. We use the first analysis to answer the first research question (RQ1: In general, where are citizens more interested in CFMs?) We found that 239,985 (31.3%) records were shared with Tweeter’s language information (49,216 tweets, 34,950 mentions, and 155,819 retweets) and only 186,553 (36.7%) users shared their language (1,503 bots and 36,872 humans). There are 47 different languages of users who share these records as shown in Fig. 5. The top 10 languages are English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Indonesian, French, Thai, Japanese, Korean, German.

We also found 941 (0.123%) records were shared with geolocation information (517 tweets and 424 mentions) and only 532 (0.105%) users shared their geo-location (0 bots and 88 humans). Figure 6 shows a map of the users (humans) who shared their location. We note that most of the users who shared their geolocations are located in Europe and the USA with few in other parts of the world. This also aligns with our findings of the user’s languages, as six out of the top 10 languages mentioned above are languages usually spoken in Europe and the USA. This analysis also shows that social bots share their location and language less than humans.

We used the rest of the analysis to answer the second research question (RQ2: What is the role of social bots in disseminating cyber flash mobs’ agenda?). More specifically, to answer a) Who is more toxic, bots or humans? Using the second and third analysis, we found that 44,642 Twitter accounts were humans, 1,647 were social bots, and 387,359 accounts were “unknown” because Botometer Pro API did not return their bot score, which could be due to the account being set to private (most likely human in this case) or suspended (most likely a bot that is caught by Twitter algorithm). We found 20,710 (4.1%) toxic users, i.e., users who have a ≥ 50% toxicity score. We also found that social bots tend to post less toxic tweets than humans, i.e., the average user toxicity score for social bots is 15.63% while the average user toxicity score for humans is 17.58%. This could be due to the fact that humans tend to express their feelings about a specific CFM which might lead to more toxic posts (e.g., if people are against the CFM), while bots tend to share a URL of the event or prompt participation in a CFM.

We used the fourth, fifth, and sixth analysis to answer, b) What are the differences between bots and human’s communication networks? We found that the human communication network is more fractured but has stronger within-community cohesion than the bot communication network. There are 6,287 connected components in human communication network (the mean is 38.07) compared to 407 connected components in bot communication network (the mean is 12.18). The human communication network has a higher value of transitivity which indicates that the human communities are more cohesive than the bot communities. This means the humans are more communicative about the cyber flash mob, while the bots work as disseminators of information about CFMs.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Bot communication network. Green edges are mentions and blue edges are retweets (Color figure online)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Filtered bot communication network. Central nodes are high in betweenness centrality (bridges). Green edges are mentions and blue edges are retweets (Color figure online)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Human communication network. Green edges are mentions and blue edges are retweets (Color figure online)

Finally, we found that both bot and human networks have more retweets than mentions. However, the retweet to mention ratio is much higher for the bots than the humans, meaning bots have a higher tendency to retweet than humans (see Table 1).

We used the seventh analysis to answer, c) What resources (e.g., images, videos, URLs) are shared via Cyber Flash Mobs participants (bots and humans)? Humans share more URLs than bots regardless of the site type. While humans share more Twitter URLs (e.g., status, picture of the CFM), bots share a disproportionately large number of YouTube URLs. We also found Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Blogs to be the top 5 social media sites shared by these two account types. Other social media sites seem to be of less interest to both account types. Several researchers note that cyber commentaries on YouTube and Facebook pages are usually written by supporters and/or participants of CFMs, while blogs and online news sources attract “more heterogeneous readership and offer a glimpse of strong criticism that is also directed at flash mobs” [18].

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Filtered human communication network. Central nodes are high in betweenness centrality (bridges). Green edges are mentions and blue edges are retweets (Color figure online)

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Distribution of the tweeters’ languages

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Tweeters’ self-disclosed location

Table 1. The retweets and mentions count for both human and bot communication network. Bots have a higher retweet to mention ratio.

Figure 7 shows these sites and the number of URLs shared by both account types. We also found that humans tend to shorten URLs more than bots, probably due to the number of characters limit imposed by Twitter and so humans can squeeze in more content along with the URL (See Fig. 8).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Top social media sites shared by social bots (orange bars) and humans (blue bars). (Color figure online)

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Top 25 URL shortening services along with the number of URLs shortened and shared by humans (blue bars) and bots (orange bars). (Color figure online)

5 Conclusion and Future Research Directions

In this study, we examined the shared orientations of the CFMs’ participants. We focused on the role of social bots and humans in disseminating CFM agenda by examining the communication networks of these two types of accounts, the toxicity of their posts, and the artifacts shared by such accounts, i.e., the URLs in an attempt to understand how social bots help CFM organizers advertise, recruit, and share the products of the CFMs (e.g., videos, pictures) on various social media platforms. We found various differences between the two types of networks highlighted in our analysis subsection. This research sets the foundation for a deeper examination of the role of human-machine teaming on CFM events. The CFM process includes the planning phase, the recruitments phase, the execution phase, and the replaying and republishing of the products of the flash mob phase such as a retweet on Twitter, a Facebook post, or a YouTube Video [19]. In many of the scholarly articles we reviewed about this topic, the organizers of the CFMs cared so much about posting the event’s video online and mostly on YouTube (i.e., the replaying and republishing phase) - some of them even considered recording the cyber flash mob and posting it on YouTube more important than the cyber flash mob itself because it gives people the re-view capability which is not possible without recording and posting online [20]. As Lissa Soep has called it, the “digital afterlife” [21] has a significant “potential for a reaction and recontextualization by other users” [21]. Hence, one future research direction is to study CFMs on YouTube. There are many CFM videos uploaded to YouTube. Using Google Advanced search and setting words to flash mob and the site to YouTube returns more than 808,000 hits (as of March 15, 2021). These events can be identified and studied to understand the viewers' behavior toward the various CFM forms.