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A Motive for Servant Leadership

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The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership
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The aim and purpose of this article seek to compare the theoretical models of servant leadership and followership to another philosophy of leadership defined as Followerfirst. Being grounded in the servant leadership model and implementing this practice in a seminary environment, Rusty Ricketson coined the term Followerfirst as a method of promoting biblical teachings as how a true leader might also be construed as a follower. In 2009, Ricketson had already begun utilizing this philosophy as a platform highlighting Jesus Christ as being the perfect follower, as well as displaying the attributes of God as a leader of men and nations. As the field of leadership model(s) continues to enlarge and offer more opportunities for leaders to develop and implement, this article offers a scholarly comparison between the models and the follower first concept.

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Ricketson, R., Knox, S. (2022). Followerfirst. In: Dhiman, S., Roberts, G.E. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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