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Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Environmental Applications

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Handbook of Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology


Nowadays, hybrid silver nanoparticles showed high surface active properties, cost-effective synthesis, and rapidly fabricated nanocomposites. The enormous novel behavior of silver nanoparticles widens its application area in various fields. This chapter summarizes the synthesis of silver nanoparticles, the different spectroscopic tools required, the role of doping, and the applications of silver nanoparticles. Here, we discuss different techniques for the removal of pollutants via photocatalysis, adsorption, oxidation, reaction mechanism, and reduction process with silver nanomaterials and also focus on the importance of green synthesized nanoparticles. The morphological distribution of silver nanoparticles affects its electromagnetic, catalytic, and optical properties by changing the stabilizers and artificial methods and reducing pollutants. This includes the methods of fabrication of silver nanomaterials with their applications and doped and modified nanocomposites with the upsurge of their surface activity. This research gap is also discussed in the form of future scope.

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Yadav, J., Rani, M., Shanker, U. (2022). Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Environmental Applications. In: Shanker, U., Hussain, C.M., Rani, M. (eds) Handbook of Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology. Springer, Cham.

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