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Migration Age and Methodological Nationalism

“Benefit-Loss Analysis” in Migration Studies

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The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems
  • 31 Accesses


While the proportion of migrants in the population has been seen to increase every 10 years, it is thought that the twenty-first century is the age of the migrants. According to current estimates, 1 in every 30 people in the world is a migrant. The world is facing a refugee crisis in addition to being in an immigration age. Both policymakers and thinkers are attempting to understand the present age and find a solution to the refugee issue as well as rethink recent notions such as the nation-state and human rights. However, an approach that places the interests of nation-states above the interests of individuals continues to be accepted as legitimate among both policy makers and thinkers.

Migration and immigration policies of nation-states are based on a legitimacy that prioritizes the interests of the state over the interests of individuals. The situation described as the immigration era becomes clear as a problem. Migration is discussed over its consequences rather than its causes. The effect of a “methodological nationalist” perspective that prioritizes nation-state interests is seen in academia. In this chapter, methodological nationalism is considered as a “technology of deportation.” This study aims to present an example of the current view of methodological nationalism.

Adopting a methodological nationalist approach that prioritizes nation-state interests, which is defined as the naturalization of the nation-state, has appeared as a “benefit-loss analysis” in academic studies on mass migrations in recent years. In social science research, migrants/refugees are the passive subject of research due to their effects on the national economic and social structure which are termed as “benefits” and “harms.” As a result of the civil war in Syria, an intense migration movement to Turkey has started, and Turkish social sciences are giving an important test in this regard.

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Artar, F. (2023). Migration Age and Methodological Nationalism. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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