
1 Introduction

The task of fairly distributing indivisible goods among interested agents is challenging already for the simplest possible scenario: one object valued by two or more people. We are typically dealing with m objects and n agents. All agents specify their value for each of the objects, and the utility they derive from a set of objects is the sum of the values for the individual objects in the collectionFootnote 1. An allocation of m goods to n agents is a partition of the goods into n bundles.

A natural and well-studied notion of fairness is envy-freeness, which demands that every agent finds themselves no worse than any other in that they value their own bundle at least as much as any of the other bundles. Note that by itself, envy-freeness can be achieved by trivial allocations where all bundles are empty. This motivates the pursuit of some notion of efficiency—for instance, completeness requires all items to be allocated, and fractionally Pareto Optimal(fPO), where no agent can be made better off without making another worse off. The opening example involving one good valued equally by two agents already shows that there are instances where no allocation is simultaneously complete and envy-free (EF). This has led to several notions of “workarounds”: approximate envy-freeness up to one good  [2, 7], or any good [3], or using hidden goods [6]), subsidy  [1], donating items [4]), and sharing [8, 9]).

Our focus is on settings sharing goods appears to be the most reasonable of all workarounds, and the question of interest is to find allocations that meet our goals of fairness and efficiency with minimum sharing. In a recent development, Sandomirskiy and Segal-Halevi [8] propose a notion of degeneracy which captures the degree of similarity across agent valuations and argue that the intractable cases are those that have a rather high degree of similarity. In retrospect, one might argue that similar valuations signal high conflict, and this possibly contributes to making this a hard scenario. We say that a set of goods are valued similarly by two agents if the ratios of their values for all goods are the same. The degree of similarity between two agents is one less than the largest number of goods that are valued similarly by them. The degeneracy of an instance with n agents is the highest degree of similarity across all pairs of agents. In particular, the degeneracy of an instance with identical valuations is \(m-1\) and it can be as small as zero, when all agents view all goods differently.

Informally speaking, we refer to the setting of low degeneracy, the ones where agent valuations over goods are generally dissimilar, as a scenario involving amicable agents. Unlike the case of identical valuations, we expect such valuations to invoke relatively “less conflict”. One of the key results in [8] is that while finding EF allocations remains hard even with two amicable agents, finding allocations that are both fPO and EF is tractable for a constant number of amicable agents. In particular, the time to compute such allocations was shown to be \(O(3^{\frac{n(n-1)}{2}d} m^{\frac{n(n-1)}{2}+2}),\) where d is the degeneracy of the valuation matrix. In contrast, it was shown that the problem remains NP-hard for instances that have high degeneracy.

Our Contributions. The two results above nicely illustrate the influence of degeneracy on the complexity of finding fPO and EF allocations. We investigate the complexity from the perspective of the number of agents. For example, can this running time be improved to \((n+m)^{O(d)}\), which would increase the realm of tractability to scenarios with any number of agents and constant degeneracy, or more ambitiously, \(O(2^{O(d)} \cdot (m+n)^{O(1)})\), which would make the problem tractable for instances with any number of agents and degeneracy logarithmic in \((n+m)\)? Our main contribution here is to show that even the former goal is unlikely to be achievable: when the number of agents is unbounded, the problem of finding allocations that are fPO and EF remains strongly NP-complete for instances with degeneracy one, even for the specific question of allocations with no sharings.

Our result also has consequences for the problem of finding EF allocations. We recall that the problem of finding EF allocations is weakly NP-complete by a reduction from Partition [8]. It turns out that the arguments in the reverse direction of our reduction do not require the allocation in question to be fPO. Since the valuation matrix of our reduced instance happens to only have values that are bounded by a polynomial function of n and m, we obtain a stronger hardness result for the problem of finding complete EF allocations for instances with constant degeneracy.

We also revisit the algorithm for finding fPO+EF allocations from [8]. The algorithm relies on enumerating certain consumption graphs corresponding to fPO allocations that fix the sharing structure of a potential solution, after which the task of determining the exact proportions of sharing while respecting fairness constraints is outsourced to an ILP formulation. It is shown [8, Lemma 2.5] that there always exists a fPO allocation with at most \((n-1)\) sharings. We propose an alternate method for generating the relevant consumption graphs that takes advantage of the upper bound on the number of sharings upfront. This leads to a slightly different bound that leads to a better exponential term at the cost of a worse polynomial factor. Although the difference in the bound is not significant, we believe our approach lends additional understanding to the structure of class of graphs based on fPO allocations. The arguments regarding this are deferred to the full version of the paper.

2 Preliminaries

We use \(\mathcal {A} = \{a_1,\ldots ,a_n\}\) to denote a set of agents and \(\mathcal {G} = \{g_1,\ldots ,g_m\}\) to denote a collection of objects.

Allocations and Sharing. A bundle of objects is a vector \(\mathbf {b} = (b_j)_{j\in [m]}\in [0,1]^m\), where the component \(b_j\) represents the portion of \(g_j\) in the bundle. The total amount of each object is normalized to one. An allocation \(\mathbf {z}\) is a collection of bundles \((\mathbf {z}_i)_{i\in [n]}\), one for each agent, with the condition that all the objects are fully allocated. Note that an allocation can be identified with the matrix \(\mathbf {z} := (z_{i,j})_{i\in [n],j\in [m]}\) such that \(\text {all }z_{i,j}\ge 0 \text { and } \sum _{i\in [n]} z_{i,j} = 1 \text { for each } j\in [m].\)

Let \(j \in [m]\) be arbitrary but fixed. If for some \(i\in [n]\), \(z_{i,j} = 1\), then the object \(g_j\) is not shared—it is fully allocated to agent \(a_i\). Else, object \(g_j\) is shared between two or more agents.

  • The number of shared objects is given by the number of items that are shared:

    $$\#s^\dagger (\mathbf {z}) = \big |\left\{ j\in [m]\, :\, z_{i,j}\in (0,1) \text{ for } \text{ some } i\in [n]\right\} \big |.$$
  • The total number of sharings accounts for the number of times that an object is shared, i.e:

    $$\#s^\star (\mathbf {z})=\sum _{j\in [m]}\left( \big |\{i\in [n]:\, z_{i,j}>0\}\big |-1\right) .$$

For allocations with no shared objects, both measures are zero, but they can differ by as much as \(m(n-2)\) in general. Note that the number of sharings is at least the number of shared objects, since each shared object is shared at least once by definition. Unless mentioned otherwise, our measure for “extent of sharing” in the computational questions that we will shortly define will be the notion of the total number of sharings.

Value and Utility. For every \(i \in [n], j \in [m]\), \(v_{i,j}\) denotes agent \(a_i\)’s value for the entire object \(g_j\). In the setting of additive utilities, the valuations naturally lead us to a utility function over bundles defined as \( u_i(\mathbf {b}) = \sum _{j\in [m]} v_{i,j}\cdot b_{j}.\)

The matrix \(\mathbf {v}=(v_{i,j})_{i\in [n],j\in [m]}\) is called the valuation matrix; it encodes the information about the preferences of agents and is used as the input of fair division algorithms. We use \(v^\star \) to denote the largest value in a valuation matrix v. We say that a class of inputs \(\mathcal {C} {}\) has bounded valuations if there exists a polynomial p(nm) such that \(v^\star \le p(n,m)\) for all instances in \(\mathcal {C} {}\).

We recall the notion of degeneracy that was proposed in [8, 9]. To this end, we say that two goods \(g_p, g_q\) are valued similarly by a pair of agents ij if there exists a constant r such that \( v_{i,p} \cdot v_{j,q} = v_{i,q} \cdot v_{j,p} = r.\)

Any collection of goods valued identically by a pair of agents would be pairwise similar with respect to the agents in question, but this definition generalizes the notion of “identical” to, roughly speaking, “identical up to a scaling factor”. Now, let us define the similarity between a pair of agents i and j as:

$$s_{\mathbf {v}}(i,j) =\max _{r>0} \big |\big \{k\in [m]\, : \ v_{i,k}=r\cdot v_{j,k} \big \}\big |-1.$$

Note that the similarity of a pair of agents captures the notion of the largest number of goods that the agents value similarly when considered pairwise. This finally leads us the the notion of degeneracy, which is defined as:

$$d({\mathbf {v}})=\max _{i, j\in [n], i\ne j} {s_{\mathbf {v}}(i,j}).$$

Valuations for which \(d({\mathbf {v}}) = 0\) are called non-degenerate. Also, note that if any two agents have the same valuations for all goods, then \(d({\mathbf {v}}) = m-1\).

Fairness and Efficiency. An allocation \(\mathbf {z}=(z_i)_{i\in [n]}\) is called envy-free (EF) if every agent prefers her bundle to the bundles of others. Formally, for all \(i,j\in [n]\): \(u_i(\mathbf {z}_i) \ge u_i(\mathbf {z}_j)\). An allocation \(\mathbf {z}\) is proportional (Prop) if each agent prefers her bundle to the equal division: \(\forall i\in [n]\) \(u_i(\mathbf {z}_i) \ge \frac{1}{n}\sum _{o\in [m]}v_{i,o}\). An allocation \(\mathbf {z}\) is equitable (EQ) if any pair of agents derive equal utility from their respective bundles. Formally, for all \(i,j\in [n]\): \(u_i(\mathbf {z}_i) = u_j(\mathbf {z}_j)\).

An allocation \(\mathbf {z}\) is Pareto-dominated by an allocation \(\mathbf {y}\) if \(\mathbf {y}\) gives at least the same utility to all agents and strictly more to at least one of them. An allocation \(\mathbf {z}\) is fractionally Pareto-optimal (fPO) if no feasible \(\mathbf {y}\) dominates it. If \(\mathbf {y}\) is such that \(y_{i,o} \in \{0,1\}\), then \(\mathbf {z}\) is called discrete Pareto-Optimal (dPO). The following lemma provides a complete characterisation of fPO allocations.

Lemma 1

([8], Lemma 2.3). An allocation \(\mathbf {z}\) is fractionally Pareto Optimal if and only if there exists a vector of weights \(\lambda = (\lambda _i)_{i \in [n]}\) with \( \lambda _i > 0\), such that for all agents \(i \in [n]\) and goods \(p \in [m]\), if \(z_{i,p} > 0\) then for any agent \(j \in [n]\),

$$\lambda _i \cdot v_{i,p} \ge \lambda _j \cdot v_{j,p} $$

Computational Questions. Formally, for a fairness concept \(\alpha \in \{\)EF, EQ, Prop\(\}\) and an efficiency concept \(\beta \in \{\)fPO, dPO\(\}\), the \((\alpha ,\beta )\)-Minimal Sharing problem is the following. Given \((\mathcal {A}, \mathcal {G}, \mathbf {v},t \in \mathrm {N})\) as input, the question is if there exists an \(\alpha ,\beta \) allocation where the total number of sharings is at most t. In this paper, we focus on \(\{\)EF, fPO\(\}\)-minimal sharing problem.

3 Hardness for Instances of Constant Degeneracy

To prove the hardness of the minimal sharing problem, we will show a reduction from a structured version of Satisfiability problem called Linear Near-Exact Satisfiability (LNES) which is known to be NP-complete [5]. An instance of LNES consists of 5p clauses (where \(p \in \mathbb {N}\)) denoted as follows:

$$ \mathcal {C} = \{U_1, V_1, U_1^\prime , V_1^\prime , \cdots , U_p, V_p, U_p^\prime , V_p^\prime \} \cup \{ C_1, \cdots , C_p \}.$$

We will refer to the first 4p clauses as the core clauses, and the remaining clauses as the auxiliary clauses. The set of variables consists of p main variables \(x_1,\dots ,x_p\) and 4p shadow variables \(y_1,\dots ,y_{4p}\). Each core clause consists of two literals \(\forall \, i \in [p], U_i^{} \cap V_i^{} = \{x_i\} \text{ and } U_i^\prime \cap V_i^\prime = \{\bar{x}_i\}.\) Each main variable \(x_i\) occurs exactly twice as a positive literal and exactly twice as a negative literal. The main variables only occur in the core clauses. Each shadow variable makes two appearances: as a positive literal in an auxiliary clause and as a negative literal in a core clause. Each auxiliary clause consists of four literals, each corresponding to a positive occurrence of a shadow variable. We will use \(u_i,v_i,u_i^\prime ,\) and \(v_i^\prime \) to refer to the shadow variables in the main clauses \(U_i, V_i, U_i^\prime ,\) and \(V_i^\prime \), respectively.

The LNES problem asks whether, given a set of clauses with the aforementioned structure, there exists an assignment \(\tau \) of truth values to the variables such that exactly one literal in every core clause and exactly two literals in every auxiliary clause evaluate to true under \(\tau \). The main result of this section is the following, and is established by a reduction from LNES.

Theorem 1

(EF,fPO)-Minimal Sharing is NP-hard even when restricted to inputs with bounded valuations, degeneracy one, and no sharing.


We reduce from LNES. Let \( \mathcal {C} = \{U_1, V_1, U_1^\prime , V_1^\prime , \cdots , U_p, V_p, U_p^\prime , V_p^\prime \} \cup \{ C_1, \cdots , C_p \}\) be an instance of LNES as described above.

We begin with a description of the construction of the reduced instance. We refer the reader to Fig. 1 for a high-level schematic of this construction. For each main variable \(x_i\) we introduce three agents: \(\{a_i,\bar{a_i},d_i\}\), and the goods \(\{g_i, \bar{g_i}, h_i\}\). We refer to \(d_i\) as the dummy agent associated with \(x_i\) and \(a_i\) and \(\bar{a_i}\) as the key agents associated with \(x_i\). Also, we refer to \(h_i\) as the trigger good and \(g_i\) and \(\bar{g_i}\) as consolation goods. For the shadow variables \(u_i,v_i,u_i^\prime ,v_i^\prime \), we introduce four agents: \(b_i,c_i,b_i^\prime ,c_i^\prime \) which we simply refer to as shadow agents and four goods: \(r_i,s_i,r_i^\prime ,s_i^\prime \), which we refer to as the essential goods. Finally, for each auxiliary clause \(C_j\), we introduce the goods \(f_j^{1}\) and \(f_j^{2}\). These goods are called backup goods.

Note that our instance consists of \(n = 7p\) agents and \(m = 9p\) goods. Thus the size of the valuation matrix is \(N := 63 \cdot p^2\). We let \(L = 4000 \cdot p^5\). We will use \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal {G}\) to refer to the set of agents and goods that we have defined here.

Let \(\mathbf {w} = (w_{i,j})_{i \in [n], j \in [m]}\) denote the \((7p \times 9p)\) matrix whose entries are given by \(w_{i,j} = (i-1) \cdot m + j\). Intuitively, we can think of these values as being small enough to be negligible, and we will obtain our final valuation matrix by starting from \(\mathbf {w}\) and “overwriting” some entries to reflect the fact that certain goods are valued highly by certain agents. This is done to ensure that the final valuation matrix has low degeneracy. We now describe the specific modifications that we have to make to \(\mathbf {w}\).

To this end, let us define another set of values given by \(\mathbf {w}^\star = (w^\star _{i,j})_{i \in [n], j \in [m]}\). Let \(\pi : \mathcal {A} \rightarrow [n]\) and \(\sigma : \mathcal {G} \rightarrow [m]\) be arbitrary but fixed orderings of the agents and goods, respectively.

  • For \(i \in [p]\), we have that the dummy agent corresponding to the main variable \(x_i\) has a high value for the consolation goods \(g_i\) and \(\bar{g_i}\).

    $$\begin{aligned} w_{\pi (d_i),j}^\star = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} L &{} \text {if } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{g_i, \bar{g_i}\},\\ 0 &{} \text {otherwise}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
  • For \(i \in [p]\), we have that the first key agent corresponding to the main variable \(x_i\) has a somewhat high value for the consolation good \(g_i\) and the essential goods \(r_i\) and \(s_i\), and a high value for the trigger good \(h_i\).

    $$\begin{aligned} w_{\pi (a_i),j}^\star = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} L/3 &{} \text {if } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{g_i, r_i, s_i\},\\ L &{} \text {if } \sigma ^{-1}(j) = h_i,\\ 0 &{} \text {otherwise}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
  • For \(i \in [p]\), we have that the second key agent corresponding to the main variable \(x_i\) has a somewhat high value for the consolation good \(\bar{g_i}\) and the essential goods \(r_i^\prime \) and \(s_i^\prime \), and also has a high value for the trigger good \(h_i\).

    $$\begin{aligned} w_{\pi (\bar{a_i}),j}^\star = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} L/3 &{} \text {if } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{\bar{g_i},r_i^\prime ,s_i^\prime \},\\ L &{} \text {if } \sigma ^{-1}(j) = h_i,\\ 0 &{} \text {otherwise}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
  • For \(i \in [p]\) the shadow agents have a high value for their associated essential goods and the backup good which represents an auxiliary clause that contains the shadow variable associated with the shadow agent. Formally, we have:

    $$\begin{aligned} w_{\pi (b_i),j}^\star = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} L &{} \text {if } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{r_i, f_\ell ^1, f_\ell ^2\},\\ 0 &{} \text {otherwise}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

    where \(\ell \) is such that \(C_\ell \) is the unique clause that contains the shadow variable \(u_i\). The valuations for \(w_{\pi (c_i),j}\), \(w_{\pi (b_i^\prime ),j}\) and \(w_{\pi (c_i^\prime ),j}\) are analogously defined, with \(r_i\) being replaced by \(s_i\), \(r_i^\prime ,\) and \(s_i^\prime \), respectively, and \(\ell \) would be such that \(C_\ell \) is the unique clause that contains \(v_i\), \(u_i^\prime ,\) and \(v_i^\prime \), respectively.

The final valuations that we will work with are obtained by taking a point-wise max of the two valuation matrices defined above with the following exceptions:

  • Dummy agents value the four essential goods associated with them at zero.

  • The shadow agent \(b_i\) (respectively, \(c_i\)) values the consolation good \(g_i\) and the essential good \(s_i\) (respectively, \(r_i\)) at zero.

  • The shadow agent \(b_i^\prime \) (respectively, \(c_i^\prime \)) values the consolation good \(\bar{g_i}\) and the essential good \(s_i^\prime \) (respectively, \(r_i^\prime \)) at zero.

In particular, we propose the final valuation matrix \(\mathbf {v} = (v_{i,j})_{i \in [n], j \in [m]}\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} v_{i,j} = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \min (w_{i,j},w^\star _{i,j}) &{} \text {if } \pi ^{-1}(i) = d_k \text { and } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{r_k,s_k,r_k^\prime ,s_k^\prime \},\\ &{} \text {or } \pi ^{-1}(i) = b_k \text { and } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{g_k,s_k\},\\ &{} \text {or } \pi ^{-1}(i) = c_k \text { and } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{g_k,r_k\},\\ &{} \text {or } \pi ^{-1}(i) = b_k^\prime \text { and } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{\bar{g_k},s_k^\prime \},\\ &{} \text {or } \pi ^{-1}(i) = c_k^\prime \text { and } \sigma ^{-1}(j) \in \{\bar{g_k},r_k^\prime \},\\ &{} \text {for any } k \in [p] \\ \max (w_{i,j},w^\star _{i,j}) &{} \text {otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

For convenience, we say an entry of \(\mathbf {v}\) is large if it is at least L/3 and is small otherwise. For (ij) which are such that \(v_{i,j}\) is small, we introduce the notation \(\varepsilon _{i,j}\) to denote \(v_{i,j}\). We ask if this instance admits an allocation with zero sharing. We now argue the equivalence of the instances.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The overall schematic of the construction in the proof of Theorem 1. The entries depicted by a \(\star \) indicate small values

Forward Direction. Let \(\tau \) be a boolean assignment for the variables of the LNES instance that we start with. We now propose an allocation:

  • If \(\tau (x_i) = 1\), then the first key agent \(a_i\) gets \(\{g_i,r_i,s_i\}\), the second key agent \(\bar{a_i}\) gets the trigger good \(h_i\) and the dummy agent \(d_i\) gets the consolation good \(\{\bar{g_i}\}\).

  • If \(\tau (x_i) = 0\), then the first key agent \(a_i\) gets the trigger good \(\{h_i\}\), the second key agent \(\bar{a_i}\) gets \(\{\bar{g_i},r_i^\prime ,s_i^\prime \}\) and the dummy agent gets the consolation good \(\{g_i\}\).

  • If \(\tau (x_i) = 1\), then the shadow agents \(b_i^\prime \) and \(c_i^\prime \) get the essential goods that they value highly, i.e, \(r_i^\prime \) and \(s_i^\prime \).

  • If \(\tau (x_i) = 0\), then the shadow agents \(b_i\) and \(c_i\) get the essential goods that they value highly, i.e, \(r_i\) and \(s_i\).

Note that there are 2p shadow agents who have not been allocated any goods so far. It is easy to check that these shadow agents correspond exactly to shadow variables x for which \(\tau (x) = 1\). Since \(\tau \) is a satisfying assignment for the LNES instance, we know that each auxiliary clause \(C_\ell \) contains exactly two shadow variables which evaluate to true under \(\tau \). Let \(\mu (C_\ell )\) denote the shadow agents corresponding to these shadow variables. Then, for each \(j \in [p]\), the goods \(f_j^1\) and \(f_j^2\) are allocated arbitrarily, one each, to the two shadow agents in \(\mu (C_j)\).

We claim that this allocation is fPO and EF, and we defer the proofs of these properties to the full version.

Reverse Direction. For the discussion in the reverse direction, we say that an allocation is valid if it is EF and fPO and involves no sharing. Let \(\mathbf {z} := (z_{i,j})_{i \in [n], j \in [m]}\) be a valid allocation. First, we argue that \(\mathbf {z}\) must have a certain structure in a series of claims whose proofs are deferred to the full version.


In the allocation \(\mathbf {z}\), any trigger good \(h_i\) must be allocated to one of the corresponding key agents \(\{a_i,\bar{a_i}\}\).


Every consolation good \(g_i\) is allocated to either to the key agent \(a_i\) or to the dummy agent \(d_i\). Likewise, the good \(\bar{g_i}\) is allocated to either to the key agent \(\bar{a_i}\) or to the dummy agent \(d_i\).


If the consolation good \(g_i\) is allocated to a key agent \(a_i\), then the shadow agents \(b_i\) and \(c_i\) must be allocated the backup goods.


If the consolation good \(\bar{g_i}\) is allocated to a key agent \(\bar{a_i}\), then the shadow agents \(b_i^\prime \) and \(c_i^\prime \) must be allocated the backup goods.

Now observe that the two claims above account for the allocation of 2p backup goods among 2p distinct shadow agents. Let us call these shadow agents happy and the remaining shadow agents unhappy. We claim that the bundle of every unhappy shadow agent must contain an essential good—this is because these are the only highly valued goods left in the pool and are the only way to eliminate the envy that the unhappy agents feel for the happy ones. Note that every unhappy agent values the bundle of exactly two happy shadow agents.

Based on this, we propose the following assignment of truth values:

$$\begin{aligned} \tau (x_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{} z_{\pi (a_i),\sigma (g_i)} = 1,\\ 0 &{} \text {otherwise}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

We extend this assignment to shadow variables in the natural way: if \(\tau (x_i) = 1\), then \(\tau (u_i) = \tau (v_i) = 1\) and \(\tau (u_i^\prime ) = \tau (v_i^\prime ) = 0\), while if \(\tau (x_i) = 0\), then \(\tau (u_i) = \tau (v_i) = 0\) and \(\tau (u_i^\prime ) = \tau (v_i^\prime ) = 1\). We now argue that \(\tau \) is a satisfying assignment for the original LNES instance.

Suppose \(g_i\) is allocated to \(a_i\). We set \(\tau (x_i)=1\). This satisfies all the clauses containing the literal \(x_i\), namely, \(U_i\) and \(V_i\). Further, note that these clauses are satisfied exactly once, since we also set \(\tau (u_i) = \tau (v_i) = 1\) (recall that \(u_i\) and \(v_i\) appear in these clauses with negative polarity). The other main clauses \(U_i^\prime \) and \(V_i^\prime \) are satisfied since we set \(\tau (u_i^\prime ) = \tau (v_i^\prime ) = 0\), and these clauses are satisfied exactly once as well, since \(x_i\) appears in them with a negative polarity and we are in the case when \(\tau (x_i)=1\). The case when \(\tau (x_i)=0\) is analogous, and we see that all core clauses are satisfied exactly once by \(\tau \), as desired.

We now turn to the auxiliary clauses. Observe that \(\tau (x_i) = 1\) if and only if \(z_{\pi (a_i),\sigma (g_i)} = 1\), that is, the key agent \(a_i\) gets the consolation good \(g_i\). This implies that \(b_i\) and \(c_i\) are happy agents. On the other hand, recall that we also set \(\tau (u_i)\) and \(\tau (v_i)\) to one. Similarly, it can be argued that if \(\tau (x_i) = 0\), then \(b_i^\prime \) and \(c_i^\prime \) are happy agents, and in this case, we had also set \(\tau (u_i^\prime )\) and \(\tau (v_i^\prime )\) to one. So we conclude that all happy agents correspond to variables that evaluate to one under \(\tau \). Along similar lines, it is easy to check that all unhappy agents who receive essential goods as explained in the last claim correspond to variables that are set to zero under \(\tau \).

Now consider an auxiliary clause \(C_\ell \). Notice that \(f_\ell ^1\) and \(f_\ell ^2\) have been allocated to happy agents that value these goods highly, so we know that \(C_\ell \) contains at least two variables that evaluate to true. Now suppose there is some auxiliary clause that contains more than two variables that evaluate to true. This would imply the existence of more than 2p happy agents, which is a contradiction. The argument for the reduced instance having constant degeneracy is deferred to the full version.    \(\square \)

4 Concluding Remarks

We demonstrated the hardness of finding fPO+EF and EF allocations even for instances with constant degeneracy for instances with an unbounded number of agents. We note that running times of the form \(d^{O(n)} \cdot poly(m,n)\) are “weakly ruled out” because of the hardness result in [8] which is based on a reduction from Partition. However, all the hardness results combined so far do not rule out the possibility of an algorithm with a running time of \(c^{O(d+n)} \cdot m^{O(1)}\), which would imply strongly polynomial running times for instances where \((d+n)\) is bounded by \(O(\log m)\). One framework to rule out such a possibility would be parameterized complexity, where one might attempt demonstrating W-hardness in the combined parameter (nd). On a related note, we show that instances that have bounded degeneracy and a bounded number of values in the valuation matrix are essentially bounded—we refer the reader to full version of the paper for a more detailed discussion.