FormalPara Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

Feeling of positivity, strength and endurance, allowing for extraordinary mental and physical activity without usual tiring. Dull or throbbing headaches at 11h00 or 14h00, extending from the occiput to vertex or from above eyes into temporal or parietal areas; worse for light, noise, and motion; better for closing eyes, pressure or massage, and lying semi-erect. Catarrhal inflammation of mucous membranes with copious clear or thick, tenacious discharges. Formication, dryness, and itching of skin. Ravenous hunger with sudden urge to eat, not assuaged by having eaten. Profuse perspiration only on right side of body. Sensitivity to cold exposure or poor adaptation to changes in external temperature.

FormalPara Mind

Feeling of restlessness with concerns around work, business and financial constraints, and responsibilities. Desire to escape into nature to contemplate life and to find direction. Urge to find an outlet in creative expression and artistic hobbies. Unable to focus clearly on things. Irritability, with impatience and intolerance of partner and pets. Overwhelming sense of well-being, strength, and energy, with unflagging endurance and increased capacity for mental and physical work. Alert and active, with restlessness and desire to work late into the evening without feeling tired. Anxiety about workload, with overwhelming need to rush through tasks or to procrastinate. Difficulty in completing administrative tasks, and doubtful of whether having completed tasks correctly or completely. Fatigue in afternoon and loss of motivation to work or to engage with others. Feeling out of sorts and “not in the mix”.

FormalPara Head

Dull headache in occiput at 11h00 or 14h00 with sensation of heaviness; better lying semi-erect, worse in noise, light, when eating, or talking. Pain radiating into temples and down back of the neck. Pulsating pain from right occiput to vertex; better for closing eyes, from pressure, and massage. Dull, constricting pain at base of skull, as if neck needed to be stretched. Pressure in forehead and behind eyes, with photophobia, intermittent blurred vision, and mild nausea. Blinding frontal headaches at 11h00, extending from temples to base of skull, with inability to concentrate and aversion to light, movement, and noise. Sharp, shooting sensation behind eyes on movement, especially on lifting head; worse for motion, better when lying down or applying pressure. Stitching pains extending from left temporal and parietal areas into the left side of face; worse for light, better for closing the eyes and pressure. Catarrhal pain above eyes, with lacrimation, extending into zygoma, maxilla, and mandible; worse for light, noise, becoming cold, and any constriction about head. Head feels heavy, as if bones were cemented, a solid gas were shifting from one side to the other, and head is moved. Headaches commencing at 11h00, disappearing in the afternoon, and returning in the evening. Sensation, on waking, as if a hole had been bored into head.

FormalPara Eye

Slight irritation under the right eyelid. Eyes bloodshot, itchy, dry, and irritable, with sense of being able to hear the sound of their moving within their sockets. Catarrhal agglutination of eyes on waking.

FormalPara Nose

Catarrhal itching of nose and throat on waking, as from allergy, with sneezing and copious discharge of clear watery mucus. Waking from sleep with congestion of nose, as if one were getting the flu, with extreme coldness of nose, hands, feet, and earlobes. Bleeding from left nostril in the morning while bathing.

FormalPara Smell

Acute sense of smell.

FormalPara Face

Mild rash on waking: small papules on cheeks, extending down to corners of mouth.

FormalPara Taste

Metallic or bitter taste in mouth.

FormalPara Throat

Dryness of throat, with feeling of rawness and ineffectual attempts to clear thick, sticky mucus; worse for talking. Inflammation of left tonsil, better for gargling with warm saltwater.

FormalPara Stomach

Ravenous and insatiable increase in appetite, with sudden desire to eat, not relieved by having eaten. Extreme thirst with hypersalivation. Mild nausea, with flatulent bloating and eructations. Bilious vomiting.

FormalPara Abdomen

Rumbling in abdomen, with hunger, light-headedness and feeling of weakness. Sharp, cutting pains darting across abdomen like lightning; better for pressure, worse for motion.

FormalPara Rectum

Constipation with ineffectual urging and straining, with perspiration and sense that passage of stool is incomplete.

FormalPara Male

Increased libido with improved sexual performance.

FormalPara Female

Painful lump at entrance to vagina. Copious discharge of watery menstrual blood, with small clots. Sharp, shooting pains in pelvic region, with gushing discharge of viscous, watery discharge.

FormalPara Respiration

Respiration difficult, as if asthmatic, with tightness on exertion.

FormalPara Cough

Loose and phlegmy cough at night.

FormalPara Chest

Sharp, shooting pain in left side of chest, worse on inspiration. Tenderness of left breast, with twitching of left upper arm.

FormalPara Back

Piercing, needle-like pains in right lower back; worse for walking or any movement, especially rising from a chair, or bending forward. Stiffness of neck; better for pressure and stretching, worse rising from a chair, or bending forward. Extreme itching of chest and back.

FormalPara Extremities

Intermittent twitching of muscles of left thigh while sitting and of left shoulder muscles. Pain in right shoulder after cold exposure, which wakes person from sleep. Formication of ankles, feet, and back, as if there were insects or ants crawling on the skin; better for rubbing. Rash on forearm and elbows; worse for heat, better for cold air. Slow healing from a splinter in left thumb: sensation as if splinter remained, with localized swelling and sharp pain on pressure. Development of white, then sticky, yellow-brown pus. Notable swelling of foot after blunt injury, with bruising; worse from any movement. Distension of veins of forearms and hands. Coldness of extremities.

FormalPara Sleep

Unable to sleep until 23h00. Sleep is interrupted by dreams and sensation of heat, and too early waking in the morning, with inability to sleep thereafter. Wakes unrefreshed and lazy, with desire to spend the whole day in bed.

FormalPara Dreams

Dreams unremembered, or dreams of unboiled eggs, snakes that bite person, personal misfortune, attending a funeral. Vexatious dreams of being lost and unable to identify the correct path home or of being unable to reach desired destination. Dreams of friends or acquaintances, and big houses, with irritation and anxious waking from dreams.

FormalPara Perspiration

Increased odorless perspiration on right-hand side of body from exertion or emotional excitement.

FormalPara Skin

Extreme itching of chest and back. Slight burning sensation in skin, as from sunburn. Dryness of skin, especially on legs.

FormalPara Generalities

Energized and “hyper” until late in the evening without feeling tired, despite industry and exertion of the day. Flushes of heat rising from chest into the face and cheeks whilst driving and on slight exertion. Poor adjustment to changes in ambient temperature, with sensitivity to cold. Formication, dryness, and itching of skin. Pulse is strong and easily accelerated. Desire to drink coffee.