FormalPara Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

Internal discontent with irritability, impatience, brooding, and aversion to company. Loquacity and desiring to talk or to write. Dreams or delusions of war, fighting, killing or murdering, and death. Increased energy but also weakness and weariness. Motion ameliorates. Thirst for cold drinks. Nausea. Constriction under the sternum associated with fear, anxiety, or pain.

FormalPara Mind

Anger before menses. Anxiety with restlessness. Brooding. Aversion to company. Courageous behavior alternating with timidity. Delusions of being at war, of another person being in the next room. Discontented with self. Fear of insanity. Impatient and irritable. Cheerful talking and desiring to talk with someone. Memory weakness and mistakes with numbers. Thoughts too rapid to write. Desire for cursive writing. Tearful mood.

FormalPara Vertigo

Light-headed on lying down.

FormalPara Head

Head pain. Dull head pain over the left eye or at the temples. Fullness or heaviness. Flushes of heat to the head alternating with chills. Blinding head pain. Head pain aggravated by reading. Pain in the forehead that extends to the occiput or the sides; or pain in the forehead behind, above, or between the eyes. Pain on the sides about the ears or in spots. Pressing pain in the forehead that extends to the side of the head, or is behind the eyes. Lancinating head pain to the temples or sides.

FormalPara Eye

Moist discharges of clear mucus. Left-sided lacrimation in the morning. Styes, worse on the right side with swelling of the lower lid. Burning pain, especially at the canthi. Dryness of eyes. Itching in the canthi. Pain as from sand. Tired sensation.

FormalPara Vision

Sees spots during headaches.

FormalPara Ear

Bloody discharge from the right ear after touching the ear.

FormalPara Nose

Coryza with bland, clear discharges. Discharges in the morning and evening. Sneezing. Congestion.

FormalPara Face

Itching and red discoloration, worse at night. Numbness around the lips during migraine headache.

FormalPara Throat

Scratchy sore throat. Raw sensation.

FormalPara Stomach

Nausea better after eating, after stool, with headache, or with abdominal pain. Increased appetite. Thirst for cold drinks.

FormalPara Abdomen

Abdominal pain. Cramping in the hypogastrium when walking. Pain from incarcerated gas. Shooting, stitching pain in the inguinal or liver area. Flatulence. Hard distention with rumbling. Anxiety in the abdomen. Constriction that extends to the chest.

FormalPara Rectum

Constipation associated with flatus or with straining or without urge. Itching from external hemorrhoids like grapes. Offensive flatus.

FormalPara Stool

Frequent, hard stools. Green stool. Offensive stools. Stools like balls.

FormalPara Bladder

Increased urge to urinate in the morning. Frequent urination.

FormalPara Female

Uterine cramps, worse before menses. Short, scanty menstrual flow or cycle appearing early.

FormalPara Respiration


FormalPara Chest

Painful constriction under the sternum with anxiety and fear. Palpitations when in bed at night. Painful pimples and eruptions in the left axilla area.

FormalPara Back

Spasmodic, aching and drawing pains in the lumbar area. Shivering down the spine. Back pain during stool.

FormalPara Extremities

Numbness of fingers with a migraine. Trembling of the hands and legs with excessive physical energy, better for motion. Twitching in the foot and leg while in bed on falling asleep. Deep aching in the joints.

FormalPara Sleep

Prefers to sleep on the left side. Difficulty falling asleep.

FormalPara Dreams

Many dreams. Dreams in vivid colors. Remembered dreams. Dreams of death, disease, killing, murdering one’s father, or painful events.

FormalPara Perspiration

Pungent perspiration.

FormalPara Skin

Eruptions of hard, painful pimples. Sensitive in spots.

FormalPara Generalities

Motion ameliorates. Increased or decreased energy. Weakness and light-headedness with surges of energy or decreased physical energy. Fatigue in the afternoon. Desire for fried foods like potatoes or eggs. Chilliness. Desire for open air.