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Analytical Challenges in the Ecotoxicology of Emerging Environmental Pollutants

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Handbook of Bioanalytics


Among the wide variety of chemicals that are nowadays classified as new emerging pollutants, pharmaceuticals, microplastics, and ionic liquids have received special attention in this chapter. The latter should be more specifically named potential future environmental pollutants, the presence of which in the environment may be of great concern due to their wide range of possible uses in various sectors. Therefore, in this chapter the state of knowledge on their potential sources, fate, and possible effects have been summarized. Due to the still insufficient knowledge of the risks these chemicals pose to environmental organisms and human health, particular attention was paid to problems in their ecotoxicological studies. The need to combine chemical analysis with an ecotoxicological test was described in order to obtain more reliable results regarding their possible effects. For this purpose the existing analytical challenges have been reviewed and discussed in detail.

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Pazda, M., Lis, H., Puckowski, A., Białk-Bielińska, A., Stepnowski, P. (2022). Analytical Challenges in the Ecotoxicology of Emerging Environmental Pollutants. In: Buszewski, B., Baranowska, I. (eds) Handbook of Bioanalytics. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-63957-0

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-63957-0

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