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Miniaturization in Separation Techniques

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Handbook of Bioanalytics


Minute bioanalytical samples often require special ways of their processing. Here, miniaturized separation techniques play an important role due to their numerous advantages like high separation efficiency, high sensitivity, and possibility of using not typical stationary and mobile phases. In this chapter, the basic information on capillary liquid chromatography and related techniques are presented. The system construction as well as methods of preparation of capillary columns is described. Capillary column packing and synthesis of monolithic stationary phases are also discussed. Examples of using capillary columns in sample preparation are also presented.

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Szumski, M., Buszewski, B. (2022). Miniaturization in Separation Techniques. In: Buszewski, B., Baranowska, I. (eds) Handbook of Bioanalytics. Springer, Cham.

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