
1 Introduction

Recent advances in medical diagnoses using artificial intelligence (AI) have been remarkably successful. See, for example, Chabon, [5], Awan [2], Yala [19], and McKinney [13]. Overall classification success rates (i.e., total number of correct predictions divided by total number of predictions) exceeding 90% are common, with AUC values as high as 0.9.

Attempts to apply neural network technology to credit data have not hitherto proved to be as successful as the widely-used logistic regression methods that most lenders employ. Using the same technology (a neural network implemented in Tensorflow) that Google employed for the Chabon [5] study, it was difficult to achieve success rates of more than 74%. An attempt to explain this result was made in [14]. It appears that the indicators used when assessing credit worthiness, or combinations of them, are not strong pointers to future success in repayment.

In this paper we attempt to improve on the results reported in [14] using a variant of the Probabilistic Novelty Detection technique (hereinafter referred to as PND) developed by Clifton et al. [6] to generate artificial data. The literature review below summarizes the principal drivers for this paper. Following that, our method of deriving and using artificial data is described. Result comparisons are then made, and explanations are offered.

In this paper, the most common outcome (i.e., the one with the most instances) will be referred to as the major outcome, and the least common outcome will be referred to as the minor outcome.

2 Literature Review: Credit Risk and Artificial Data

In this review we concentrate on the application of novelty detection methods and to the assessment of credit worthiness. In doing so we provide some specific details of our previous work which provide a basis on which to improve.

AI with Credit Data: Previous Research

Earlier application of AI technology to credit data have yielded mediocre results compared to the recent medical successes already mentioned. For example, Louzada [12] quotes mean success rates of 77.7% for German credit data and 88.1% for Australian credit data (see [8]). Those figures mask success rates for the major and minor outcomes. Although ‘better’ results have been reported ( [11]: AUC = 0.915 and [1]: AUC = 0.975), we suspect that either the data set used contains some behavioural indicator of default, or that loans in the dataset are only for ‘select’ customers who have a high probability of non-default.

Summary of the Metric Framework for Data Concentration

In [14] the first author explores whether the relative lack of success in using artificial neural networks to model credit risk may arise from inherent structures in the data. Three metrics (Copula, Hypersphere and k-Neighbours) are used to measure the ‘shape’ of the data. They are combined in a metric \(\hat{H}\). It was observed that a high value of \(\hat{H}\) implies that either the data are too noisy or that they provide insufficient predictive information to train a neural network.

The richness and complexity of the data comes from having different paths to success (or failure), which implies that there is little room to improve on initial results. Effectively, data corresponding to the major and minor outcomes appear to be almost coincident.

Summary of Probabilistic Novelty Detection

An general overview of Novelty Detection methods is given in [16]. This review concentrates on a specific example from that paper: the PND method of Clifton et al. [6]. It is designed to cope with situations where the instances of the minor outcome are extremely rare, or even non-existent. Original data is used to define a hypersphere of radius r, defined by the centroid of the real data. The data set for the major outcome is assumed to exist within a hypersphere of radius 2r and the minor class is assumed to exist outside that radius (i.e., the minor class comprises outliers). The artificial data are used as a training set and the original data are used as the test set for an ensuing AI process.

Two sets of PND application results, both derived using SVM, are reported. Both show a clear separation between artificial data for the major and minor outcomes. Summarizing:

  1. 1.

    Combustion monitoring: AUC \(\sim 0.81{-}0.96\)

  2. 2.

    Patient vital sign monitoring. AUC \(\sim 0.9\), indicated by ROC curves.

We have found that the PND method resulted in a deterioration of our previous results when applied to credit data. We suggest reasons in Sect. 4.3.

The statistical outlier detection method in [18] adopts a different approach. Outliers (equivalent to the ‘minor outcome’ set in the Clifton method) are determined by first dividing a training set into as many partitions as there are classes. An instance of a feature is considered an outlier if any feature value is more than three times the inter-quartile range from the third quartile for feature values in each partition. The German data set ( [8]) mentioned in Sect. 2 was analyzed in this way, and it was found that less than 10% of that data set could be considered as an outlier. The significance of this result is discussed in Sect. 6.

Subsequent research advanced the PND method further. Gorokhov et al. [10] applied a convolutional neural networks to extract features from text data by sequentially filtering features from training and test sets (AUC = 0.92). Pidhorskyi et al. [15] use a generative-PND method to compute the density function of image data on a training set, and generate samples from it (AUC \(\ge 0.98\) using the MNIST data). Two further studies adopt the same general approach: Rad et al. [17] (mobility assessment, AUC \(\in (0.65, 0.95)\)), and Contreras et al. [7] (robotics, 77% of predictions exceeded 90% accuracy). Bhattacharjee et al. [3] treats data that cannot be classified with confidence as ‘novelties’ (image classification, AUC \(\in (0.77,0.90)\))

3 Methodology: Artificial Data Generation and Use

We have found that the algorithm presented in [6] did not produce satisfactory results. Reasons are suggested in Sect. 4. Therefore we have developed an alternative, the overall strategy for which is summarized the following algorithm. The step numbers correspond to the steps in Fig. 1.

  1. 1.

    Partition the original data into training and test sets, \(D_{train}\) and \(D_{test}\) respectively (Step A).

  2. 2.

    Partition \(D_{train}\) into two subsets \(D_{train, 0}\) and \(D_{train, 1}\) according to the binary outcomes 0 and 1 respectively (Step A).

  3. 3.

    Generate artificial data \(D_{art, 0}\) and \(D_{art, 1}\) from the subsets \(D_{train, 0}\) and \(D_{train, 1}\) respectively (Steps B and C).

  4. 4.

    Combine \(D_{art, 0}\) and \(D_{art, 1}\) to form a single artificial data set \(D_{art}\) (Step D).

  5. 5.

    Use \(D_{art}\) for training and \(D_{test}\) for testing.

The steps above are summarized in Fig. 1. The source of importance weights is discussed in Step B.1 of the detailed algorithm. (Sect. 3.1). The numbers in black roundals refer to the steps in Sect. 3.1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Artificial Data generation algorithm. The step numbers in black roundals refer to sub-sections in 3.1.

3.1 Artificial Data Algorithm: Details

The details of our algorithm to generate artificial data are summarized in the steps that follow. The starting point is a dataset comprising N feature columns labeled \(X_1, X_2, ...X_N\). The outcome column is labeled Y and takes values zero for the major outcome (correct prediction-credit pass) and one for the minor outcome (incorrect prediction-credit fail). The data are imbalanced: the number of major outcomes is approximately 1/3 of all outcomes.

Step A

Partition the original data D such that there is sufficient data in each partition to model the empirical data accurately. In our case, four partitions \(P_{01}, P_{02}, P_{03}, P_{04}\) for the major outcome \(Y=0\), and two partitions \(P_{11}, P_{12}\) for the minor outcome \(Y=1\).

Step B

The empirical distribution of each of the six partitions was determined by formulating a histogram based on the values of each feature. The method to formulate the histogram is described in Step B.1. Empirical distributions were the most generally applicable across all features (categorical and non-categorical). The outputs of this step are labelled \(D_{01}, D_{02}, D_{03}, D_{04}, D_{11}, D_{12}\), corresponding to the partitions in Step A. The histogram comprises metrics \(d_i\) (Eq. 1). In our case, \(N=22\).

$$\begin{aligned} d_i = \sum _{j=1}^{N} w_j (M_j - x_{ij})^2 \end{aligned}$$

Each corresponding empirical distribution \(E_{ij} (i \in (1,2,3,4); j \in (0,1))\) is characterized by a vector of feature values and corresponding relative frequencies.

Step B.1

It was found that outliers diminish the prediction accuracy considerably. The outliers correspond to empirical distributions \(E_{40}\), \(E_{30}\) and \(E_{21}\) and are discarded.

Step B.2

Importance weighting plays a significant part in determining the distributions \(D_{ij}\). For each feature, a distance metric \(d_i\) is defined in Eq. 1 above. This metric is the sum of the deviation of each feature value \(x_{ij}\) (datum i with feature j) from the mean of all values for feature j, multiplied by an importance weight for that feature, \(w_j\) (clarified below).

Of the importance weighting schemes considered, two were more significant than others. The most significant (termed ISSE - Inverse Sum of Squared Expectation) used the inverse of the sum of residuals of a logistic regression fit to data. Importance weights derived using the Boruta algorithm also worked well. The ISSE importance weights, \(w_i\) are calculated from Eq. 2, which summarises the ISSE calculation for a logistic regression function \(\rho \) acting on each of N features in the training data \(x_i[Train]\) and outcome \(y_i\), with a logistic regression prediction function Pred which takes test data \(x_i[Test]\) as an additional argument.


Step C

Fit a copula \(\textit{C}_{ij}\) to pseudo observations of each partition \(P_{ij}\). The copula preserves the dependency structure of the features of the original data. The Normal and Frank copulas proved to be optimal.

Step C.1

Uniformly distributed random samples \(\textit{U}_{ij}\) were extracted from each copula \(\textit{C}_{ij}\). The sample size was set for each partition so as to be sufficient to generate enough artificial data to use in a neural network and to produce approximately the same number of ‘\(Y=0\)’ cases as ‘\(Y=1\)’ cases. It was found that using partitions \(P_{12}, P_{03}, P_{04}\) resulted in diminished results, and sample sizes of 1 were allocated to these sets.

Step C.2

The random samples \(\textit{U}_{ij}\) were transformed to the appropriate empirical distributions \(D_{ij}\) using inverse empirical distribution function transformations.

Step D

The outputs of the previous step were combined columnwise. This combination constitutes the artificial data.

4 Results

4.1 Data and Implementation

The data set used was the data set labelled INT in [14]. It comprises 8202 records: 2690 records for the minor outcome \(Y=1\) (credit fail), and 5512 for the minor outcome \(Y=1\) (credit pass). Each record had N = 22 features, each normalized to [0,1], and a binary decision flag Y. Calculations were done using R on an i7 processor with 16 MB RAM. We are grateful for the Tensorflow neural network code supplied by Chollet and Allaire in [4].

4.2 Copula and Importance Weighting Results

In order to choose an importance weighting scheme for Step B of the Artificial Data algorithm, the overall algorithm at the start of Sect. 3 was run with the most generally applicable copula (the Normal copula), cycling through a range of importance weighting schemes. Repeated trials showed that ISSE importance weighting (see Sect. 3.1, Step B.1) was optimal (AUC = 0.865), and produced particularly stable results. The Boruta method was almost as good (AUC = 0.845). The AUC without importance weighting was 0.649, so is not a viable option. Other weighting schemes tested were Principal Components, Pseudo-R\(^2\), Recursive Feature Elimination, Log-Likelihood ratio, Random Forest, Logistic Regression and LVQ.

Given the optimal ISSE choice, the copulas tested were Normal, Student-t, Joe, Clayton, Gumbel and Frank. There was very little variation between them, and the Frank copula was optimal (AUC = 0.871). The Frank copula stresses outlier and near-origin data more than the others, which may explain its optimality.

4.3 Results Using Artificial Data

Table 1 shows a comparison of neural network and logistic regression results with original data only, with data derived from the PND method [6], and with data derived from our Artificial Data method. The mean and standard deviation results for 25 runs using each method are shown.

Table 1. Neural network and logistic regression results (Mean, SD), using the Artificial data method (see note 1), the Probabilistic Novelty Detection method (see note 2), and with original data exclusively (see note 3).

Note 1: Artificial Data. Frank copula, ISSE importance weighting, 2000 major outcome data, 5000 minor outcome data. 25 runs, each \(\sim \)10 min

Note 2: PND, with parameters defined in [6] da = 0.25, dn = 0.01, \(r_a=3\textit{\textbf{r}}\). 2000 records generated, 10 runs, each \(\sim \)5 h

Note 3: Results with original data only, from [14]. LR training sets were obtained by random sampling.

The results in Table 1 indicate that using Artificial Data gives an improvement on the results derived using original data only. In particular, the balance between % success for the major and minor outcomes is preserved using a neural network. If logistic regression is used instead, it is not. In contrast, there is a marked deterioration of results using PND. We suggest that the reason is some or all of the following points.

  • The dependency structure of the original data is not preserved.

  • It is assumed that the minor outcome corresponds to outliers, as defined by the hypersphere. That is unlikely to be the case for credit data.

  • There is no clear way to tune the model parameters.

  • There is an over-dependence on uniformly-distributed data. Only a few credit data feature distributions resemble uniform distributions.

In contrast, our Artificial Data set is specifically designed to preserve the dependency structure of the original data, and models individual features for the major and minor outcomes as closely as possible.

5 Discussion: Analysis of the Lorenz Curve

We now consider an alternative approach, in the context of credit risk, to measuring ‘success’ by AUC or % of correct predictions. Lorenz curves are a useful tool to measure, in the context of credit risk, the proportion of predictive success in the binary outcomes \(Y=0\) and \(Y=1\). More often they are used to quantify economic inequality: proportion of income against proportion of population. See a recent discussion in [9].

A Lorenz curve is a plot, parameterised by threshold, of modelled propensity against % minor outcome class included up to a given threshold (horizontal) and % major outcome class included up that threshold (vertical). Lorenz curves are well established for visualizing the ability of a model to rank order by likelihood of default. A perfect rank ordering would start at the origin, rise vertically as it works through the major class, and then horizontally across the top of the unit square. A perfect rank ordering would start at the origin rise vertically as it works through the major class and then horizontally across the top of the unit square (note, there is no requirement for the propensity cut off to be 0.5). The power of such a model is given by gini (=2*AUC-1). Gini values lie between \(-1\) and 1, with 0 representing random selection and negatives a reverse ordering). Modelling is typically geared towards maximizing the gini, because of a broad relationship between gini and the capital a bank needs to hold for credit risk exposure. Figure 2 shows a hypothetical Lorenz curve.

However, the practical use of this model is often focused on a particular region. For illustration:

  • Always lend to people with a predicted default probability less than \(1\%\),

  • Never lend to people with a predicted default probability more than \(5\%\).

So in terms of decisioning, the area of the curve near \(p=3\%\) might be critical. It shows how different the population between \(p=3\%\) and \(p+\varDelta =4\%\) looks compared to the population between \(p-\varDelta =2\%\) and \(p=3\%\). In that way we get a sense of the performance of the model at the decision boundary. This may be thought off as the difference in gradient of line segments as shown in Fig. 2. The flatter the gradient the higher the local density of defaults per non-defaulter. Although not considered in this paper, understanding the effect near the decision boundary would be required for implementation. The point of such analysis would be to reduce the incidence of false-negatives, which cause far more harm to a bank than false-positives.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Lorenz curve illustration, showing a gradient discontinuity near a typical decision boundary. The axes are explained in the associated text.

6 Conclusion

In this paper we have attempted to improve upon a previous result obtained when applying neural network technology to credit data. Using Artificial Data has made it possible to improve the previous result marginally, in terms of both AUC and success rates. Correct predictions of the minor outcome (credit fail) is a major factor in credit analysis, since every defaulted loan requires multiple non-defaulted loans to compensate for any shortfall incurred. Therefore a valuable theme to pursue is to improve on the minor outcome success rate without compromising the major outcome, using the idea suggested in Sect. 5.

In Sect. 2 a method of outlier detection ( [18]) was noted. The particular case of the German credit data ( [8]) has a bearing on the results of this paper. In that case, less than 10% of instances were classified as outliers. We consider, following analysis using the Novelty Detection method of [6], that there are similarities between the data used in our analysis and the German credit data. Specifically, outliers cannot be used to generate artificial data, because outliers are sparse. The subsets corresponding to ‘credit fail’ and ‘credit pass’ are almost coincident. Outliers comprise a mixture of the two subsets.