
1 Introduction

Due to the scale of the Internet and the rapid growth of information resources, it is becoming difficult for people to obtain desired information from a large amount of data. Recommender systems play an important role in all aspects of our daily lives as they are one of the main methods for addressing this information overload. In recent decades, recommender systems have been increasingly researched and significant progress has been made. High-quality personalized explanations of recommendations can boost trust, effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction [13]. As such, the explainability of recommender systems is one of the main areas of concern. Since the widely used machine learning-based recommender systems are lacking in explainability, the explainability of recommender systems has become more important than ever.

Explainability serves two purposes in recommender systems: transparency and justification.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Model-agnostic approach and Model-intrinsic approach.

  • Transparency is the property that clarifies the recommendation process and enables users to understand the mechanism of the system.

  • Justification is the property that provides consistent explanations independent of the recommendation module.

These two purposes correspond to two different implementations, model-agnostic and model-intrinsic approaches. The model-intrinsic method integrates the explanation process into a recommendation model, as shown in Fig. 1b. Therefore, its recommender mechanism is transparent on the some level [4]. The model-agnostic approach treats a trained recommendation module as a black-box and uses an independent method to explain the recommended item, as shown in Fig. 1a. The latter approach is particularly important for modern recommender systems because it can provide reasons for recommended items even when the recommendation module is too complex to be interpreted by uses. Specifically, in industries, most recommender systems are based on very complicated hybrid models which make it almost impossible to use model-intrinsic model to generate explanation. The model-agnostic model can also provide explainability when the system provider does not want to disclose the algorithm in the recommendation module  [18]. The explainability discussed in this work is for justification purposes.

Since the model-agnostic model normally uses only information on users and items, as shown in Fig. 1a, variety of explanations is limited and the explanations lack persuasiveness. To address the aforementioned problems, we introduce a task-specialized knowledge graph to the model-agnostic approach, as shown in Fig. 2. The underlying assumption is that the information contained in datasets is not enough to generate high-quality personalized explanations. Therefore, additional General common knowledge is needed. In this paper, a knowledge graph is used as General common knowledge for generating high-quality personalized explanations.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Proposed approach

2 Related Work

2.1 Recommender System

A recommender system extracts useful information for users and predicts users’ preferences on their unseen items. Recommender systems are classified into collaborative filtering-based, content-based, and a hybrid of the two  [1]. In particular, collaborative filtering recommender systems have been an important research direction for a long time. These systems make recommendations by capturing user-item relationships. Classic collaborative filtering algorithms, such as ItemKNN  [15] and SAR  [2], are all important milestones for information retrieval. Recently, deep-learning-based recommender systems, such as NCF  [9], Wide and Deep Model  [7], CNN+attention  [8], have gained significant attention due to their ability to capture non-linear and non-trivial user-item relationships.

2.2 Knowledge Graphs-Based Explanation

Let E be a set of entities and R a set of edges labeled with relations. A knowledge graph (KG) is defined as a set of triples as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} KG = \{(h,r,t)|h,t\in E, r\in R\}, \end{aligned}$$

where a triple (hrt) indicates that the head entity h and the tail entity t have a relation r.

Due to the volume of information contained in a knowledge graph, it can help to generate intuitive and more personalized explanations for recommended items. Knowledge graph-based explainable recommender systems have been explored in [3, 6, 10, 14]. For example, Wang et al. [14] proposed an end-to-end explainable recommender system by simulating the ripples propagating on the surface of the water on the knowledge graph. Ma et al. [10] proposed a joint learning model that integrates explainable rule induction in a knowledge graph with a rule-guided neural recommendation model to leveraged machine learning and rule learning.

However, the models in these studies were model-intrinsic. They cannot be applied directly to an efficient and stable existing black-box recommendation model.

2.3 Model-Agnostic Based Explanation

Due to its ability to provide explanations for complex black-box recommender systems without affecting underlying recommendation algorithms, the model-agnostic based approach has been the main research direction for explainable recommender systems  [11, 12, 17]. For example, Peake et al. [11] proposed a model-agnostic explainable recommender system based on association rule mining. The recommendation model in the paper is treated as a black-box, because it is based on a matrix factorization method. For each user, the user history and the recommended items constitute a transaction, and the association rules are extracted from the transactions of all users. When the same recommended items can be generated from these association rules, the author uses association rules as explanations of recommended items. Singh et al. [12] proposed another perspective of constructing the model-agnostic recommender system based on learning-to-rank algorithms. A black-box ranker is trained first, and then, an explainable tree-based model is trained with the ranking labels produced by the ranker. Finally, the model-agnostic explanations are generated by the tree-based model.

Despite their efforts to provide high-quality personalized explanations, these studies have largely been unable to provide varying persuasive explanations when facing sparse user-items datasets.

3 Proposed System

As shown in Fig. 3, the proposed system consists of two parts, the recommendation module and the explanation module. The recommendation module generates the items to be recommended based on the underlying recommender system. The recommender system is trained by the user-item information and outputs recommended items based on the predicted user preferences. The explanation module takes the recommended item as input and outputs the explanation of why the item was recommended.

The proposed system is model-agnostic; the recommendation module can utilize any mainstream recommender system that generates recommended items based on the user’s item interaction history. Therefore, we focus on the explanation mechanisms in our proposed system.

The explanation module generates explanations of recommended items in the following two steps:

  1. 1.

    Item Knowledge Graph Generation.

  2. 2.

    Explanation Generation.

3.1 Item Knowledge Graph Generation

A general-purpose open knowledge graph is used in the proposed system. Existing general-purpose open knowledge graphs, such as Wikidata, DBpedia, etc., are enormous and have more than 100 million connections that contain noise. Therefore, they are not suitable for directly generating explanations of recommended items. In our method, the relevant parts of a knowledge graph are extracted from a general-purpose open knowledge graph in order to attain high-quality personalized explanations. The relevant portion of the knowledge graph is referred to as the Item Knowledge Graph (Item KG) in this paper.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Proposed system

We define the Item KG here. The procedure for generating the Item KG is shown on the left in Fig. 4.

First, a Domain Knowledge Graph (Domain KG), \(KG_{D}\), is extracted from a general-purpose open knowledge graph, which is represented by

$$\begin{aligned} KG_{D} = \{(h,r,t)|h,t\in E, r\in R_{D}\}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(R_{D}\) refers to the relations related to the recommended task. Note that the method of choosing relations is not unique because explanations can be applied in a variety of scenarios, even for the same recommendation task.

After extracting a set of entities \(E_{I}\) and a set of relations \(R_{I}\) in user-item information, we map \(E_{I}\) and add \(R_{I}\) to \(KG_{D}\). All triples unrelated to the items in the user-item information are removed from \(KG_{D}\)

Finally, an Item KG \(KG_ {I}\) is constructed with \(KD_{D}\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} KG_{I} = \{(h, r, t) | h,t \in E \cup E_{I}, r \in R_{D} \cup R_{I} \}. \end{aligned}$$

The structure of the Item KG is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Explanation module (Color figure online)

3.2 Explanation Generation

The explanations are generated from the Item KG through extraction, ranking, and translation processes.

The extraction process extracts the candidate paths on the Item KG based on the item recommended by the recommendation module and the user’s interaction history. As shown in Fig. 4 (center), the target items in the user’s interaction history (the orange nodes in Fig. 4) and the recommended item (the blue node in Fig. 4) are respectively set as start points and an end point. All of the paths with a length of d or less (blue paths in Fig. 4) are extracted from the Item KG as the target user’s candidate paths.

Typically, there are multiple paths between the item recommended to a user and his/her history of interacted items. Since it is impractical to use all the paths for generating explanations for only one recommended item, a ranking process is needed in order to choose the most relevant paths for generating effective personalized explanations. The ranking process is based on the user’s preference for the entities in candidate paths.

Let \(P_{i, j}\) be user i’s preference for the entity \(E_{j}\). \(P_{i, j}\) is calculated by the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} P_{i,j} = \frac{|E^{*}_{j}|}{|E_{j}|}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(|E_ {j}|\) is the total number of items directly connected to \(E_{j}\) (except for the recommended item), and \(|E^{*}_{j}|\) is the total number of \(E_{j}\) directly connected to the items with which user i has interacted (except for the recommended item). For example, user A’s preferences for the entities shown in Fig. 4 (center) are 1.0 and 0.3. The ranking process selects the top k entities based on \(P_{i, j}\). Note that d and k are tuning parameters, which can be changed based on the task and the properties of the Item KG. In general, the persuasiveness of the path decreases as the path length becomes longer. For every selected entity, the proposed system randomly chooses one of the candidate paths as an explanation path.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Example of Item Knowledge Graph

Finally, the translation process translates the explanation path into a natural language. This is implemented by using templates prepared in advance. A variety of templates are created for each relation in the Item KG, in contrast to the conventional approaches which only use a single template.

An example based on the Item KG is shown in Fig. 5. Suppose that the item recommended to User_83 is movie Sophie’s Choice, and the path selected is

User_83 -Ranked- Forrest Gump -Nominated for - Academy Award for Best Cinematography -Nominated for- Sophie’s Choice

Using the template “The movie __ was also nominated for __, like the movie __ you viewed before“for the relations Ranked and Nominated for, the explanation of this recommendation can be generated as:

The movie Sophie’s Choice was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography, like the movie Forrest Gump which you viewed before.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Example of un-personalized explanation

Moreover, this approach can be extended to the case in which no candidate path exists between the target items in the user’s interaction history and recommended items. In such a case, an unpersonalized explanation can be generated based on the popularity of the entities related to a recommended item. Now, we define popularity \(Pop_{ij}\) for item i’s related entity \(E_{j} \in \{t|(E_{i},r,t)\in KG_{I} \}\). \(Pop_{ij}\) is calculated by

$$\begin{aligned} Pop_{ij} = deg(E_{j}), \end{aligned}$$

where \(deg(E_{j})\) is the degree of node j in \(KG_{I}\).

For example, when the recommended movie Mortal Kombat and the popularity of its related entities are shown in Fig. 6, entities with high popularity such as ninja can be chosen. Then, we use a template to generate an unpersonalized explanation, such as:

How about Mortal Kombat whose subject is ninja?

4 Experiment

4.1 Dataset

We used the MovieLensFootnote 1 dataset as user interaction history data to train recommendation models and constructed an Item KG. In order to evaluate the proposed model more comprehensively, three different sized MovieLens datasets (MovieLens-100k, MovieLens-1m, MovieLens-20m) are introduced in this experiment. Table 1 shows the detail of MovieLens datasets used in this experiment.

Table 1. Details of MovieLens dataset

To construct the knowledge graph, we used WikidataFootnote 2 as the basis of the Item KG. We extracted a Movie-related subset KG from the WikiData dataset because the original Wikidata dataset was too large to be processed. The movie-related datasets were extracted from the Wikidata archive dumpFootnote 3 by using python package WiKiDataSet  [5]. The following three steps are performed to extract movie-related entities and relations from the Wikidata archive dump.

  1. 1.

    Get the Wikidata entities which are sub-classes of the film topic.

  2. 2.

    Find the lines corresponding to the selected entities in the Wikidata archive dump.

  3. 3.

    Organize the data collected in Step 2 into a triplet format.

4.2 Knowledge Graph

Table 2. Knowledge graph statistics

Two sets of relations are manually chosen from the movie-related dataset to construct the Domain KG, strict Domain KG, and slack Domain KG. The slack Domain KG contains 97 kinds of relations. We excluded the relations unsuitable for generating explanations of recommendations from the movie-related dataset, such as “box office” and “Australian Classification”. The strict Domain KG contains 52 relations. We also excluded the relations that cannot generate a persuasiveness explanation in the experiments on the slack Domain KG. The two relation datasets are shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The statistics of the Domain KGs can be found in Table 2.

For each slack and strict Domain KG, three Item KGs were constructed based on MovieLens-100k, MovieLens-1m, and MovieLens-20m. We prepared a total of six types of Item KGs for the experiment.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Slack relationship set

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Strict relationship set

Table 3. Example of template

To construct the Item KG, we mapped the movies in MovieLens to the entities in the Domain KG using KB4Rec  [19], a public domain linked knowledge base dataset. The KB4Rec dataset contains the mapping between the movie ID in MovieLens to the entity ID in freebase  [19]. Since the Freebase-Wikidata mapping dataFootnote 4 is available, MovieLens and Wikidata were integrated by connecting the two datasets. However, not all movies in MovieLens can be mapped to the Wikidata entities due to the different releases of the two datasets. Therefore, we used movie title and release time in the MovieLens dataset as keywords to complete the remaining mapping. After mapping was completed, the triples that did not contain the movies in MovieLens were removed. Since paths with a length of three or more are not helpful for generating persuasive explanations in the movie domain, we focused on paths with \(d = 2\) in this experiment.

Finally, the triples of the Item KG were stored in the Neo4j graph database for further path extraction and translation processing. The paths were extracted with Python through the Neo4j APIs. Table 3 shows part of the templates used in the translation step.

4.3 Recommendation Modules

In order to evaluate the model-agnostic properties of the proposed system, we used two conventional recommender systems and two state-of-art recommender systems mentioned in Sect. 2.1 as the recommendation modules in our system. It is very difficult to generate high-quality personalized explanations with only these selected algorithms.

  • Item k-nearest neighbor (ItemKNN)  [15]

  • Simple Algorithm for Recommendation (SAR)  [2]

  • Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF)  [9]

  • Wide and Deep Model (W&D)  [7]

Although we have not tested our system in combination with the existing accurate recommender systems, it is reasonable to assume that our system can be applied to any recommendation algorithms.

5 Evaluation

5.1 Mean Explainability Precision

The explainability of the proposed system is evaluated by mean explainability precision (MEP)  [16]. MEP calculates the average proportion of explainable items in the top-n recommended items to the total number of recommended (top-n) items for each user to measure the precision of explainability.

$$\begin{aligned} MEP=\frac{1}{U}\sum ^{U}_{u=1} \frac{N_{exp}}{L}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(N_{exp}\) is the number of explainable items in the top-n recommendations, L is the recommended (top-n) items for each user, and U is the number of users.

In our experiment, an explainable item means at least one candidate path exists.

Table 4. MEP@20

The results of the combined recommender systems and the KGs are shown in Table 4. W&D experiments could not be conducted on Slack Item KG 20m and Strict Item KG 20m due to an out-of-memory error.

As Item KG becomes sparse, MEPs decrease. However, even with Strict Item KG 20m the sparsest Item KG, the proposed system is still able to explain most of the recommended items.

5.2 Case Study

The results of the case studies verified that the proposed system is able to generate more diverse and high-quality personalized explanations than the conventional model-agnostic method. The following is the result for user no. 53 in MovieLens-100k with strict relations. Table 5 shows the explanations generated by different recommendation modules. Table 6 compares the proposed approach with the existing approach, where SAR is used as the recommendation module. In both tables, the orange and blue titles represent a movie rated by a user and a recommended item, respectively.

Table 5. Explanation generated by different recommendation module
Table 6. Explanation generated by different model-agnostic method

The proposed system is clearly able to generate a higher-quality explanation containing a large volume of information. Compared to the explanations of the recommended items generated by the conventional method, the explanations generated by the proposed system are more persuasive and natural. In addition, the proposed system can create diverse and high-quality explanations even when recommending the same item to the same user.

6 Conclusion

We proposed a model-agnostic recommendation explanation model that receives a recommendation as input and generates an explanation based on the paths in a knowledge graph. The proposed system showed promise for integrating third-party knowledge bases to enhance the explainability of existing recommender systems. The results of the various evaluations indicated that the proposed system can generate high-quality personalized explanations without affecting the performance of the existing recommender system. Further analysis revealed that the proposed system can provide more diverse explanations compared with the existing model-agnostic method.

A number of factors will be examined in future research. In this paper, the rating scores were treated as equal. However, one star and two stars can be assumed to mean that the user dislikes the movie when the maximum rating is 5 stars. Therefore, the weights of the rating relation in the Item KG should be considered in a future study. Moreover, the proposed system uses templates to translate the KG paths into a natural language. Developments in natural language processing and deep learning may enable translation by text generation. Lastly, although knowledge bases are used in this paper, the reasoning is not leveraged. In the future, a reasoning process can be introduced to enhance the quality of the explanations.