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Role of Duplex Ultrasound Screening/Surveillance in High-Risk Deep Vein Thrombosis Patients

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Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis
  • 53 Accesses


Deep venous thrombosis can progress to pulmonary embolism and ultimately death if unrecognized by clinicians. It is vitally important for physicians to recognize patients that are high risk for venous thrombosis and provide screening and surveillance if indicated. Ultrasound testing is widely considered a first-line test for identification of patients with deep venous thrombosis. The role of duplex ultrasound in screening and surveillance in high-risk deep vein thrombosis patients has evolved substantially in the last two decades. However, risk stratifying patients who will benefit from venous duplex can be challenging. A thorough and complete clinical history and physical examination is a valuable tool that cannot be under stated. Many scoring systems are now available to guide physicians to recognize patients that are high risk for deep vein thrombosis. We will discuss the various scoring systems and methods to identify patients that are high risk for deep vein thrombosis. We will then review duplex ultrasound and other imaging modalities and provide a strategy for physicians to identify patients with deep venous thrombosis.

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Frisbie, J., Cuff, R. (2021). Role of Duplex Ultrasound Screening/Surveillance in High-Risk Deep Vein Thrombosis Patients. In: AbuRahma, A.F., Perler, B.A. (eds) Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis. Springer, Cham.

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