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Participatory Action Research: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young Refugees and Migrants

Handbook of Social Inclusion


This chapter discusses sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of young people of refugee/immigrant background in an Australian setting. This is a socioeconomically vulnerable population and at risk for neglect of recognition of sexual and reproductive rights, or their right to make informed decisions regarding sexuality. This includes choices about if and when to become sexually active, with who, and in what way, relationship options and access to contraception even in marriage, including whether and when to have children et cetera. Applying a participatory action research approach, the authors provide an in-depth and stepwise SRHR exploration with a community of young people of refugee/immigrant background. The chapter highlights the role of participatory frameworks for sustainable rights protection systems and practices in diverse settings. The chapter draws on human rights theory and participatory research methods’ central elements for addressing individual and community sexual and reproductive health concerns. The chapter also provides readers with tools to develop and implement rights-based sustainable SRHR with populations with historical vulnerability.

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Dune, T. et al. (2021). Participatory Action Research: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young Refugees and Migrants. In: Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Social Inclusion. Springer, Cham.

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    Participatory Action Research: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young Refugees and Migrants
    16 February 2022


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    Participatory Action Research: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young Refugees and Migrants
    08 September 2021
