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The Human-Machine Interface (HMI) with NDE 4.0 Systems

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Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation 4.0
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The focus of this chapter is to introduce the various ways in which humans will interface with emerging and future NDE 4.0 systems. The inspector is an integral part of NDE 4.0 systems and is expected to perform necessary tasks in collaboration with NDE automated systems and data analysis algorithms. Care must be taken with the implementation of automation and the design of graphical user interfaces to ensure that operators have the necessary awareness and control as needed. As well, NDE engineers will play an integral role in NDE 4.0, developing automated systems and software interfaces, performing process monitoring, supporting NDE data discovery, and incorporating key results into improved life cycle management programs. This chapter will present guidance for the interface design between NDE hardware, software and algorithms, and human inspectors and engineers to ensure NDE 4.0 system reliability.

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Aldrin, J.C. (2021). The Human-Machine Interface (HMI) with NDE 4.0 Systems. In: Meyendorf, N., Ida, N., Singh, R., Vrana, J. (eds) Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation 4.0. Springer, Cham.

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