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Technical and Social Complexity

Handbook of Engineering Systems Design


In this chapter, we will argue that identifying and analysing the key drivers of complexity – within and outside of systems – is generally more useful than trying to find universal definitions and measures. Focusing on the key drivers enables us to identify and evaluate system-level trade-offs and equip us with leverage points that can enable engineering methods to manage system complexity. We will discuss two of the main drivers of complexity: increased interconnectedness amongst systems constituents (network complexity) and multi-level decision-making (multi-agent complexity). These two forces are natural consequences of advances in information and communication technology, and artificial intelligence on the one hand, and changes in the architecture of socio-technical engineering systems that have given rise to open, multi-sided platform systems. As a natural consequence of focusing on complexity drivers, we argue for a shift in perspective, from complexity reduction to complexity management. Moreover, in most complex socio-technical engineering systems, managing complexity requires adopting a lens of system governance – as opposed to conventional engineering design lens – whose goal is to steer the emergent behaviour of the system through a combination of incentive and architecture design. We will argue that to properly manage complexity, the engineering system and its governance structures need to be designed in an integrated fashion, instead of consecutively. We will further argue that proper integration of AI into engineering systems can play a significant role in managing complexity and effective governance of such systems.

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Heydari, B., Herder, P. (2021). Technical and Social Complexity. In: Maier, A., Oehmen, J., Vermaas, P.E. (eds) Handbook of Engineering Systems Design. Springer, Cham.

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