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Creating Effective Efforts

Managing Stakeholder Value

Handbook of Engineering Systems Design


This chapter reviews stakeholder value management approaches from project management and reflects on how these approaches might enrich current practices in the design of engineering systems. Projects are complex social systems involving many stakeholders, and subsequently stakeholder value management approaches have been a focus for some time. It is essential to be able to identify the main stakeholders, understand their needs, and engage them throughout the project. Five important project management themes related to stakeholder value creation are explored: project definition, project governance, project delivery, contractual relationships, and project outcome transfer. We argue that all of them are highly relevant when organising effective interventions in engineering systems, and many interventions will take the shape of projects. While project value is highly subjective, varies from one stakeholder to the next, dynamically evolves throughout the life of a project, and generates tensions, approaches, and practices to managing the project value’s main pillars – value in context, value creation and co-creation, and value delivery and capture can support the achievement of project performance and value.

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Romero-Torres, A., Brunet, M. (2022). Creating Effective Efforts. In: Maier, A., Oehmen, J., Vermaas, P.E. (eds) Handbook of Engineering Systems Design. Springer, Cham.

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    Creating Effective Efforts: Managing Stakeholder Value
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    Creating Effective Efforts
    05 October 2021
