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Environmental Impact on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testis Axis

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Environmental Endocrinology and Endocrine Disruptors

Part of the book series: Endocrinology ((ENDOCR))

  • 22 Accesses


Many andrological pathologies seen in adults, including infertility, actually arose in younger age, due to the strong susceptibility and vulnerability of male gonad to external insults, starting from gestation age and during all growth phases. Three main phases are particularly susceptible for subsequent normal testis development and function: the intrauterine phase, the neonatal phase comprising the so called minipuberty, and puberty. However, even during infancy, when the testes are apparently “sleeping,” damaging causes with permanent effects on testicular function can occur. Among risk factors for alterations of sexual and reproductive organs and function, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have gained particular attention in last decades, given their ability to disrupt them at different levels and at different ages, with long-term consequences and possibly also transgenerational effects. Bisphenol, phthalates, perfluoroalkyl substances, heavy metals, and dioxins are particularly intriguing, given the strong experimental evidence of effects on hormone nuclear receptors, hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis, and direct action on spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis. Although epidemiological studies in humans have shown controversial and inconsistent results, the overall conclusion points toward a positive association between exposure to EDCs and alteration of the reproductive system.

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Di Nisio, A., Corsini, C., Foresta, C. (2022). Environmental Impact on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testis Axis. In: Pivonello, R., Diamanti-Kandarakis, E. (eds) Environmental Endocrinology and Endocrine Disruptors. Endocrinology. Springer, Cham.

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