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Using ILSAs to Promote Quality and Equity in Education: The Contribution of the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness

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International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education


This chapter argues that during the past 50 years, International Large-Scale Assessment studies (ILSAs) in education and Educational Effectiveness Research (EER) have contributed to each other in significant ways. It is also claimed that in the future, stronger links can be established between these domains which can help advance work in both, while at the same time better serve their common agenda in promoting quality and equity in education. To support these arguments, we trace the historical roots of both strands of work and point to ways in which each has contributed to the other. It is shown that ILSAs have mobilized the resources for conducting educational effectiveness studies and afforded EER scholars the opportunity to capitalize on rich international datasets to conduct secondary analyses which have facilitated the theoretical and methodological development of EER. Additionally, by conducting both across- and within-country analyses, researchers have examined whether specific factors at the classroom and/or the school level are generic while others are more country-specific. On the other hand, EER has afforded theoretical constructs and frameworks to inform the design of ILSAs. For example, due to the influence of recent meta-analyses of effectiveness studies pointing to the importance of attending to teaching behaviors in the classroom, ILSAs are gradually making a step toward incorporating more such investigations. Forging stronger links between the two domains can advance work in each. We argue that from a theoretical perspective, ILSAs can be informed by the gradual shift currently witnessed in EER to move from a static to a more dynamic conceptualization of the process of teaching/schooling/learning. Specifically, the dynamic model of educational effectiveness could be a foundation upon which ILSAs could be based, both in terms of their design and in terms of secondary data analysis which can help better understand what contributes to student learning and through that develop reform policies to promote quality and equity in education.

This chapter builds on and extends a previous work of the first two authors Kyriakides and Charalambous (Educational effectiveness research and international comparative studies: Looking back and looking forward. In R. Strietholt, W. Bos, J.-E. Gustafsson, & M. Rosén (Eds.), Educational policy evaluation through international comparative assessments (pp. 33–50). Waxmann, 2014).

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Kyriakides, L., Charalambous, C.Y., Charalambous, E. (2021). Using ILSAs to Promote Quality and Equity in Education: The Contribution of the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness. In: Nilsen, T., Stancel-Piątak, A., Gustafsson, JE. (eds) International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

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