
1 Background

As technologies progress, their dependence on pervasive, ubiquitous, and Knowledge base system features is increasing in order to meet application demands in different fields. In many of these application domains safety-criticality plays a crucial role in decision making. Some examples are (1) rule-based medical diagnosis systems [8, 10], (2) rule-based access control [7] systems to enforce security/privacy, and (3) rule-based expert systems [6] for prediction. Due to this criticality, formal verification is necessary on the modeled system to ensure that safety, security, and privacy properties hold at all times throughout the operation of the system. One method of formal verification is through model checking [9]. Many model checkers that are available for hardware/software checking are also being used to model check context-aware system properties. However, it is pointed out [13] that traditional checking models are insufficient, inefficient, and non-intuitive for verifying properties of context-aware systems. The dynamism, and the rapid change of the behaviour of context-aware systems make them prone to adaptation-faults and unexpected behaviours [12]. This makes context-aware verification a challenging process. It is in this context that we propose Contelog reasoner for model checking context-aware systems.

Example in Fig. 1 is to motivate where and how contexts arise and how they can be brought into FSM modeling. The illustrated scenario is that of entry to an emergency room in a hospital. Based on access control model, both patients and doctors are authenticated to enter the room. Whereas a doctor is allowed to enter using the authorized barcode at any time, patients and other staff are allowed to access the room only at specific time periods using their authorized barcodes. Because there might exist many emergency rooms, a person may require to use the same or different bar code to enter many rooms subject to time constraints for entry, the pairs “\(\langle \) times, emergency room locations \(\rangle \)” become the set of contexts at which barcode authentication should be certified for valid entry. Because any combination logic can be represented as a deterministic Finite State Machine (FSM) [16], the above example can be represented as an FSM as shown in Fig. 2. However, the FSM representation in Fig. 2B in complicated scenarios becomes complicated and non-intuitive. This is because it is less descriptive as it reduces most of the details to context. Although there is a rich volume of literature [4, 14] dedicated to increasing the expressiveness of FSMs, their representation, understandability, and verification become more challenging when a variety of contexts, that are multi-dimensional objects, need to be represented. As observed in [11, 12], standard FSM can have states, input, and outputs, but adding context can only be in terms of inputs which does not represent the actual conceptual relevance of context to the system. Thus, we are motivated to introduce our framework Contelog to model context-aware systems. Contelog is a Datalog program [1] in which context is integrated as a first class citizen in order to enable contextual reasoning. The declarative semantics of Contelog can prove theoretically that certain property holds for the entire world of inputs and contexts embedded in it.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Illustration (A) gives general overview of the example, illustration (B) gives the scenario in if-statement diagram

1.1 Outline

In Sect. 2 we briefly introduce the theoretical foundation of Contelog . In Sect. 3 we discuss the reasoning tool and comment on the Book of Examples [2] that we have implemented using the reasoning tool. In Sect. 4 we describe Contelog programs for the Microwave Example, the most often cited first example in model checking, and the access control example Fig. 2. We conclude the paper in Sect. 5 with a brief description of our work in progress.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration (A) represents Fig. 1 in FSM (B) provides an equivalent diagram using context

2 Formalization of Context, and Contelog

In this section we briefly summarize our results on context formalization [3] and the work completed so far on Contelog creation. Context is a multi-disciplinary concept that has diverse conceptualizations. However, it has been commonly perceived as the “settings of a system” and “a surrounding environment” [5, 15]. Our context theory is conceptualized in three layers, in order to allow maximum flexibility for system designers to choose meaningful contexts and at the same time provide sufficient formalism for building a context calculus on which contexts can be manipulated at system level. The layers are respectively Context Schema(CS) layer, Typed Context Schema(TCS) layer, and Context Instances(CI) layer. Contexts are viewed as multi-dimensional objects where a dimension represent a type of the settings being described, and attributes associated with each dimension give the detailed description for a particular dimension.

Definition 1

Let D be a finite, non-empty set of dimensions, A be a set of attributes, and \(V^T\) is a set of values of type T. A context Schema \(\mathscr {C}\) is a set of pairs defined as follows:

$$ CS = {\mathscr {C}} = \{ <d, A_d> ~|~ d \in D \wedge A_d \subseteq A\} $$
$$ TCS = {\mathscr {C}}^T = \{ <d, A_d> ~|~ d \in D \wedge A_d \subseteq A^T\} $$
$$ CI = I_i({\mathscr {C}}^T) = \{ <d, V_d> ~|~ d \in D \wedge V_d \subseteq V^T\} ~~~\blacksquare $$

As described in [3], context operations are Join \((\oplus )\) and Meet \((\odot )\). The definitions of operations on context schemas lead to a closed lattice structure, thus making our context calculus a complete universe. Datalog also considers closed world under Herbrand structures. Consequently, when we integrate it with the declarative semantics of Datalog we achieve “closed world assumption” for context reasoning. Thus, Contelog is a logic-based framework that uses “context” as a first class citizen, extends Datalog’s syntax and semantics to reason with contextual knowledge in a declarative fashion. Contelog syntax is formally presented as follows:

Definition 2

A Contelog program P \(({\mathscr {C}}\text {-}program)\) is a four-tuple \(\langle T, S_{{\mathscr {C}}^*}, F, R\rangle \) whose components are defined as follows:

  1. 1.

    T is the set of truth values \(\{True, False\}\)

  2. 2.

    \(S_{{\mathscr {C}}^*}\) is a set of instantiated contexts partially ordered by \(\sqsubseteq \). We assume that \(<S_{{\mathscr {C}}^*},\sqsubseteq , \oplus , \odot>\) is a complete lattice. The least upper bound is denoted by \(C_{\top }\), and the greatest lower bound by \(C_{\bot }\).

  3. 3.

    F is a finite set of annotated ground atoms, each of which is in the form q@c, where q is a ground atom, and c is a context name in \(S_{{\mathscr {C}}^*}\).

  4. 4.

    R is a finite set of rules, each of which is in the form:

    $$ r:~~ H :\text {-}~ B_1, B_2, \ldots , B_n $$

    where \(H, B_1,\ldots ,B_n\) are annotated atoms. Standard datalog predicates may be annotated with context C where C is a context variable, e.g., \(q({\bar{X}})@C\).

As in datalog, we use uppercase letters for variables and lower case letters for constants in the universe. As is customary in database and logic programming frameworks, we restrict the semantics of \(({\mathscr {C}}\text {-}program)\) to Herbrand structures. We have developed the declarative semantics for \(({\mathscr {C}}\text {-}program)\) P to be the least model of P, defined by the intersection of all the Herbrand models of P. We also developed a bottom-up, fixpoint semantics of \(({\mathscr {C}}\text {-}program)\) and show that the fixpoint model of any \(({\mathscr {C}}\text {-}program)\) P coincides with the least model of P. We have built a running prototype of the Contelog framework which computes the fixpoint semantics of \(({\mathscr {C}}\text {-}program)\) . The prototype system has been tested with a number of examples and is available for evaluation at the link [2].

3 Contelog System

Contelog system is a tool that implements both context calculus and Contelog reasoner. This prototype tool is a playground for Contelog programs to be able to implement simple and small-sized Contelog programs. The system can be accessed online through this link [2]. The system allows input in two modes. These are respectively context and code input modes. The rationale is to allow context calculus to be tried independently from executing a Contelog program. In context input mode, context representation, as formalized by us, should be used. The user interface guides the user to input syntactically correct input with correct typed values. In code input mode the syntax of Contelog is used to guide the user to create the program. The syntax checker will ensure that only those contexts that have already been constructed are used in the program rules. This is to avoid any inconsistency in reasoning. The reasoning is currently operating using the naive reasoning method. The complexity is polynomial, as for Datalog programs, yet it is an exhaustive approach and not efficient for large-sized applications. The current running version is just a proof of concept, just to demonstrate the different kinds of examples that we have implemented, and give users a forum to use the system and give us feedback.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Contelog structure

4 Reasoning with Contelog : Access Control and Microwave Examples

We claim that a FSM for context-aware systems can be represented using Contelog in three steps. In Step 1, each non-contextual input/edge is represented as a ground predicate (fact) in Contelog . For instance, the barcode input in Fig. 1 is represented as input(barcode) in Contelog . In Step 2, each contextual input or any input that is dynamic in nature is represented as context using our notation. For instance, staff context is represented as \(C_{staff} = \{time\_constraint:[none], type:[staff]\}\), where \(time\_constraint\) and type are dimensions. Each state is represented as a rule, while the edge (condition) to move from one state to another is represented in the rule body. For instance, to represent the event of moving from “init state” to “open state” we write \(state(\text {open-door})@C:\text {-}input(\text {barcode}), type(\text {staff})@C\). Finally, the initial state is given as a ground fact. Following this transformation rule we get the two contexts \({\mathscr {C}}_s= \{time:[no], type:[staff]\}\), and patient context \({\mathscr {C}}_{p}=\{time:[yes], type:[patient]\}\) for medical staff and patient categories. Inputs, states, and events are represented in terms of facts and rules. The resulting Contelog program and its execution in our Contelog system are shown below:

figure a

In the commonly known Microwave example contexts are used to model “from-to relationship” between states in the FSM shown in Fig. 4. Inputs are regular facts, while first state is the initial state. The program recursively fires the rules and generates all output, given the correct set of input. If system is not given the input “startoven” it will not generate any of the other answers as they are all chained together through contexts. The Contelog representation for Microwave example is shown below. In order to verify a feature or a property such as “heat does not start with door opened”, a query like \(features(heat)@{c1}{*}{c2}{*}{c3}\) can be used. The idea is to identify all contexts where door is open and use it in the query. Basically, can heat feature be present in all three contexts at the same time? If the answer to the query is an empty set (no answer) then heat is not present in all the three contexts at the same time, which means that heat while door is closed is satisfied.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Contelog structure

figure b

5 Conclusion

In this paper we have proposed Contelog as an approach to model check context-aware system properties through examples. Our study on Contelog was originally motivated from the need to provide a formal framework for representing and reasoning about contextual knowledge. With that goal we have completed a context formalism, Contelog semantics, and constructed a prototype implementation as a proof concept of what we have achieved. We believe that our approach needs to be fine-tuned with query optimization techniques to deal with the reasoning of large context-aware systems. We are undertaking a deeper study of model checking methods, especially for protocol and contract specifications, investigate how contextual reasoning may be necessary in ubiquitous applications, and find ways to improve our current approach to handle such larger real life practical problems.