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Urban Climate Resilience and Its Link to Global Sustainability Agendas

The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies


This chapter examines urban climate resilience. It provides a conceptual introduction, followed by an explanation of how urban areas have been recognized in recent global agendas related to sustainability, climate change, and disaster risk reduction. The chapter provides a picture of the complexity and diversity of urban climate resilience experiences, through seven case study cities on four continents. The sample of cities includes small, medium, and larger cities, both coastal and landlocked, in diverse political, socioeconomic, and geographical contexts. Drawing on comparative research using co-production between academic researchers and local authority counterparts, the detailed case studies illustrate the climate resilience challenges faced by each city, the work in terms of strategies and initiatives they have carried out and are planning to increase their resilience, as well as the geographical and policy contexts in which those strategies are embedded.

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The research reported here forms part of the Mistra Urban Futures’ Phase 2 research programme, 2016–2019 funded by Mistra (the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research), Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and the Gothenburg Consortium (made up of seven partners, including four public bodies and three research organizations in the Gothenburg Region). We also gratefully acknowledge the collaborative engagements of the respective local authorities in Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Gothenburg, Kisumu, Malmö, Sheffield, and Shimla.

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Valencia, S.C. et al. (2021). Urban Climate Resilience and Its Link to Global Sustainability Agendas. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-32811-5

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  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Earth and Environm. ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials ScienceReference Module Earth and Environmental Sciences

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    Urban Climate Resilience and Its Link to Global Sustainability Agendas
    26 October 2021


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    Urban Climate Resilience and Its Link to Global Sustainability Agendas
    15 August 2021
