
1 Introduction

The goal of person re-identification is to find people with the same identity in pictures taken by different cameras. Usually, it is treated as the problem of image retrieval [33], i.e., searching for a specific person (query) in a large image pool (gallery) [32]. Recently, several convolutional neural networks (CNN) based deep learning methods have been developed to deal with person re-identification problem. Since 2014 [12], CNN-based deep learning methods have greatly improved the performance of person re-identification [33] due to its powerful discriminative learning on large-scale datasets.

Currently, deep learning based methods are widely used in computer vision and pattern recognition tasks. In these methods, we usually use feature vectors to represent samples. To describe the relationship between feature vectors and take advantage of this relationship, the distance between feature vectors becomes an important indicator to measure the similarity of feature vectors. The purpose of metric learning is to obtain a metric matrix that can effectively reflect the similarity between samples. In the feature space based on the metric matrix, the distribution of intra-class samples is more compact, while the distribution of inter-class samples is more sparse. Xing et al. [25] first proposed the metric learning method in 2003. They improved the results of the clustering algorithm by learning the distance metric between pairs of samples. Weinberger et al. [24] combined a meta sample with a similar sample and a dissimilar sample to learn a distance metric that enables the distance between similar samples to be greater than the distance between dissimilar samples. Davis et al. [4] proposed the Information Theoretical Metric Learning (ITML). They randomly chose sample pairs and constrains the distances by labels, and proposed a regularization method for metric matrices. Law et al. [11] proposed a distance metric learning framework which exploits distance constraints over up to four different examples. This comparison between pairs of samples is often used in the retrieval process.

The pedestrian alignment network (PAN) was proposed in [36] to deal with two types of detector errors in person re-identification caused by excessive background and part missing, which were introduced by automatic pedestrian detectors. PAN treats pedestrian alignment and re-identification tasks as two related issues. It finds an optimal affine transformation from a given pedestrian image without extra annotations. With affine transformation, the pedestrian in the image is aligned to avoid excessive background in person re-identification. The discriminative ability of learnt features could be highly improved with the alignment since the learned feature maps usually exhibit strong activations on human body rather than background [36]. However, the verification loss as a special characteristic of person re-identification is not taken into consideration.

By making use of the pairwise relationships in metric learning, we propose siamese pedestrian alignment network (SPAN) for person re-identification. As an extension of PAN, SPAN takes two streams of input and output constructing a verification network. The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:

  • The proposed siamese PAN constructs a verification model by combining two streams of PANs for person re-identification, which alleviates the over-fitting of PAN greatly by taking pairwise samples to increase the input size in training the siamese network.

  • SPAN evolves a verification loss embedded between PAN streams, which introduced the metric learning mechanism to make the images belonging to the same identity get close and push away the image with different identities in the learnt feature space.

  • The features learnt from SPAN was cascaded with features extracted from unaligned pedestrian for person retrial. The ensemble feature help improve the person re-identification performance dramatically.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Related works are reviewed and discussed in Sect. 2. Section 3 introduces the proposed method in detail and experimental results and comparisons are discussed in Sect. 4. The conclusions and further discussion are given in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

2.1 Siamese-Based Methods

Currently, most deep learning based person re-identification methods are developed on the siamese model [7], which is fed with image pairs. Dong et al. [27] proposed deep metric learning method to investigate the part model for person re-identification. An input image was partitioned into three overlapping parts and then fed into three siamese CNNs for feature learning. A patch matching layer was designed to extract the result of patch displacement matrices in different horizontal stripes in [12]. The cross input neighborhood difference feature was proposed by Ahmed et al. [1], in which the features from one input image were compared to features in neighboring locations of the other image. Zeng et al. [29] proposed a person re-identification method based on Mahalanobis distance feature. The long short-term memory (LSTM) modules were incorporated into a siamese network for person re-identification in [21]. The discriminative feature learning ability was further enhanced by adopting LSTMs to process image parts sequentially. Siamese model only takes weak label of whether a pair of images is similar or not, while ignoring the given pedestrian labels. To make use of the pedestrian labels, Zheng et al. [34] proposed a discriminative siamese network combining both identification loss and verification loss in discriminative feature learning. It simultaneously learn discriminative and similarity metrics, which effectively improves pedestrian retrieval accuracy dramatically.

2.2 Pedestrian Alignment Network

Pedestrian alignment network (PAN) is able to simultaneously re-localize the person in a given image and categorize the person to one of pre-defined identities. The architecture of PAN is illustrated in Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 1, PAN consists of a base branch and an alignment branch which includes grid network and ResNet blocks.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The architecture of pedestrian alignment network. It consists of base branch and alignment branch.

Both branches of PAN are classification networks to infer the identity of the input pedestrian images. The base branch performs to extract appearance features of the given image and provide corresponding information for the spatial localization of the person in the image. The alignment branch takes a similar neural network with base branch and further extracts features from the aligned feature maps produced by the grid network. The two branches work together by sequentially combining aligned features for person re-identification.

3 Siamese Pedestrian Aligned Network

It is still far from satisfactory for PAN in pedestrian feature learning. As we observed, PAN is easily trapped into over-fitting with insufficient training data. In addition, pairwise verification is not taken into consideration, which reveals important clues for person re-identification. With these motivation, we scale up input size of PAN in SPAN by employing pairwise input images for the streams of PANs and embed a verification loss between the two streams to further leverage pairwise relationships in feature learning. The details of the proposed siamese PAN (SPAN) are illustrated in this Section.

3.1 Overview of SPAN

Since there are a large number of parameters in many deep learning models, a large number of labeled samples are needed for model training. However, it is hard to provide training samples of high quality for person re-identification. The siamese model [34] provides an effective way to make full use of the limited training samples by employing pairwise input and metric learning mechanism.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The architecture of the SPAN model, which consists of the siamese base branch and siamese alignment networks. The output of the two branch is a \(1 \times 1 \times 2048\) vector. In the retrieval phase, two 2048-dim vectors, i.e., \(f_b^1\) and \(f_a^1\) are concatenated to describe the input image.

The architecture of the proposed SPAN is shown in Fig. 2. The SPAN consists of siamese base branch and siamese alignment branch. Both of them have two streams and the parameters are shared with each other. The input of the siamese base branch is a pair of pedestrian images with the same or different identities. The siamese base branch is constructed to learn high-level image features by minimizing both identification loss and verification loss. The input of the siamese alignment branch is a pair of pedestrian feature maps obtained from the based branch. The siamese alignment branch works to learn the location of pedestrians and extract discriminative features for further pedestrian retrieval. The ResNet-50 [5] is adopted as the base component of the two branches due to its excellent performance in feature learning, details of ResNet-50 can be seen in [36]. In addition, the verification loss, which bridges the two PAN streams for similarly metric learning, is embedded in both siamese based branch (SBB) and siamese alignment branch (SAB).

3.2 Siamese Base Branch

Besides the initial base branch of PAN, a square layer is further embedded to measure the difference between the high-level features \(f_a^1\) and \(f_a^2\) in the siamese base branch. A convolutional layer is built following the square layer as a verification module, which is constructed to evaluate whether the input pair of images belongs to the same or different identities. The high-level features learned by the additional convolutional layer act as a metric learning module, which forces the distance of pedestrians of the same identity as close as possible, and the distance between different pedestrians as far as possible in the feature space.

Identification: In SBB, the identification loss plays a key role in discriminative feature learning and pedestrian identification. Each stream of SBB contains five Res blocks [5] and they are pre-trained on ImageNet [10] to fine tune the Res blocks. By replacing the fully-connected layer with a convolutional layer and softmax unit [34], we could infer the multi-class probabilities as Eq. 1.

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{p^i}=softmax(\phi _b^I \circ f_b^i), i=1,2 \end{aligned}$$

where, \(\circ \) denotes the convolutional operation, \(f_b^i\) is a 2048-dim feature vector extracted by one stream of SBB, and \(\phi _b^I\) denotes the parameters of the convolutional layer which connected to the output feature \(f_b^i\). The cross-entropy loss of classification model is formulated as Eq. 2.

$$\begin{aligned} loss_{C-SBB}(f_b^i,\phi _b^I)=-\sum _{i=1}^2\sum _{k=1}^{K} p_k^i \mathrm{log}(\hat{p_k^i}) \end{aligned}$$

where, K denotes the number of identity classes in the dataset, and the target class is represented by t. Only if \(k=t\) then \(p_k^i=1\), otherwise \(p_k^i=0\), \(\hat{p_k^i}\) is the probability of every class predicted by softmax function.

Verification: Depending on the relationship of the input image pair, we further add a verification module in the siamese base branch to adjust relative distances of pedestrian pair in the learnt feature space by a verification loss. Firstly, a 2048-dim tensor \(f_b^s\) is obtained by multiplying the difference between \(f_b^1\) and \(f_b^2\) element-wisely as Eq. 3.

$$\begin{aligned} f_b^s=(f_b^1-f_b^2) \times (f_b^1-f_b^2) \end{aligned}$$

After the added convolutional layer and softmax output function, \(f_b^s\) is mapped to a 2-dim vector \((\hat{q_b^1},\hat{q_b^2})\). Here \(\hat{q_b^1} + \hat{q_b^2} = 1 \), which represents the predicted probability whether the two input images belong to the same identity or not. The formulation is represented as Eq. 4.

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{q_b}=softmax(\phi _b^S \circ f_b^s), \end{aligned}$$

where, \(\phi _b^S\) denotes the parameters of the convolutional layer. The verification loss of SBB is denoted by Eq. 5.

$$\begin{aligned} loss_{V-SBB}(f_b^s,s,\phi _b^S)=-\sum _{i=1}^{2} q_b^i \mathrm{log}(\hat{q_b^i}), \end{aligned}$$

where, p represents whether the inputted image pairs belong to the same class or not. If the input images belong to the same class, \({q_b^1}=1\) and \({q_b^2}=0\), otherwise \({q_b^1}=0\) and \({q_b^2}=1\).

3.3 Siamese Alignment Branch

Similar to the siamese base branch, each stream of siamese alignment branch is a categorization module for pedestrian identification, including a variation ResNet and a grid network which aligns the position of pedestrians in feature maps [36]. The identification loss of the SAB is constructed as Eqs. 6 and 7.

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{p^i}=softmax(\phi _a^I \circ f_a^i), i=1,2 \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} loss_{C-SAB}(f_a^i,t,\phi _a^I)=-\sum _{i=1}^2\sum _{k=1}^{K} p_k^i \mathrm{log}(\hat{p_k^i}) \end{aligned}$$

where, \(f_a^i\) denotes the feature vector extracted by each stream of the siamese alignment branch. \(\phi _a^I\) represents the parameters of the corresponding deep model.

A verification module is embedded in the SAB network which introduces the metric learning mechanization to optimize the pairwise relationships of images. The verification loss in alignment branch is represented by Eq. 9.

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{q_a}=softmax(\phi _a^S \circ f_a^s) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} loss_{V-SAB}(f_a^s,s,\phi _a^S)=-\sum _{i=1}^{2} q_a^i \mathrm{log}(\hat{q_a^i}) \end{aligned}$$

Here in Eqs. 8 and 9, \(f_a^s\) denotes the 2048-dim vector calculated by \(f_a^1\) and \(f_a^2\), \(\phi _a^S\) represents the parameters of the added convolutional layer. Similarly, when giving images belong to the same class \(q_a^1=1\) and \(q_a^2=0\), otherwise \(q_a^1=0,q_a^2=1\). The vector \((\hat{q_a^1},\hat{q_a^2})\) mapped by \(f_a^s\) represents the probability if the input images belong to the same class.

In summary, the target of the proposed siamese pedestrian alignment network is to perform aligned pedestrian feature learning by minimizing two cross-entropy losses of the siamese base branch and siamese alignment branch, as Eq. 10.

$$\begin{aligned} min(\lambda _1 loss_{C-SBB}+\lambda _2 loss_{V-SBB}+\lambda _3 loss_{C-SAB}+\lambda _4 loss_{V-SAB}), \end{aligned}$$

here \(\lambda _i,i=1,2,3,4\) represent the weight of each loss in the entire network respectively.

3.4 Feature Concatenation

In the testing phase, for an input pedestrian image x SPAN extracts two features of \(f_b\) and \(f_a\) by feeding the image to one stream of the SBB and SAB respectively. As the features of SBB and SAB tend to compensate with each other, we concatenate them together to jointly represent features of the image for pedestrian retrieval. After combining features of SBB and SAB, an \(l^2\)-normalization layer is performed to unify feature space as Eq. 11.

$$\begin{aligned} f={[{|f_b|}^T,{|f_a|}^T]}^T*, \end{aligned}$$

where, \(*\) represents the operation of \(l^2\)-normalization.

4 Experimental Results

In this section, six large-scale datasets, i.e., Market-1501 [32], CUHK03 [37], DukeMTMC-reID [16], PKU-Reid [15], MSMT17 [23], Airport [9] are selected to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.

During the training process, our network needs to read at least two images belong to the same identity at the same time. If not, the network could not find vectors to push them together in the feature space. In Airport dataset, some pedestrian identities have only one image, in Market-1501 and MSMT17 dataset there are some identities just have two or three images. Therefore, we have expended these identities with fewer images in the datasets through random cropping. Also, random cropping can cause more serious part missing problems.

4.1 Implementation Details

All of the experiments were based on the MatConvnet [22] and were implemented on a graphics workstation with Intel core i7-8700k CPU, 32 GB memory and a Nvidia GTX 1080Ti. The maximum number of training epochs was set as 85 for the SBB, and the learning rate was set to \(10^{-3}\) for the first 70 epochs then it turned to \(10^{-4}\) for 10 epochs, and \(10^{-5}\) was the learning rate for the last 5 epochs. The mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) was adapted to update the parameters of the whole network. For SBB, there are three objectives include identification loss and verification loss in our network. So we computed all the gradients produced by every objective respectively and gave them weight before we added them together to update the network. The identification loss \(loss_{C-SBB}\) contain two objectives and the weight \(\lambda _1=0.5\), the weight of verification loss \(loss_{V-SBB}\) is \(\lambda _2=1\).

The settings in SAB were similar to the SBB, except some differences such as the maximum number of training epochs, learning rates, and the objectives and their weights. We set the number of training epochs to 110 and the learning rate was \(10^{-3}\), \(10^{-4}\), \(10^{-5}\) for 1st to 70th epochs, 71st to 90th epochs and 91st to 110th respectively. In SAB, there are five objectives, four of them belong to identification loss. We got our best result under the setting of \(\lambda _3=0.5\) \(\lambda _4=1\)

The mean average precision (mAP) and the rank-1 accuracy are selected to evaluate the performance on these datasets.

4.2 Results

Table 1. Comparison of different methods on six datasets. Rank-1 accuracy (%) and mAP(%) are shown in the table.

We compare the performance of the proposed model with PAN [36] and a siamese CNN (SCNN) network [34] which is based on ResNet-50. The results of three methods on six datasets are shown in Table 1.

According to [36], the PAN is used to reduce the problems of excessive background and part missing. These problems occur more frequently in pedestrian detectors than hand-drawn bounding boxes. So, the results obtained by CUHK03 (labeled), in which the detected boxes are cropped manually, the PAN does not make enough contributions to align the pedestrian, even may cause the part missing problem because of overcropping.

Table 2. Comparision of the SPAN with start of the art methods of mAP (%) on Market-1501.RR:Re-Ranking [37]
Table 3. Comparision of the SPAN with start of the art methods of mAP (%) on Market-1501.RR:Re-Ranking [37]

On Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-reID dataset, we compare SPAN with the state-of-the-art methods. The results are shown in Tables 2 and 3. With re-ranking step the mAP of SPAN reached to 76.54% on Market-1501, which is better than most results in both published paper and arXiv paper. On DukeMTMC-reID dataset, we reached to a competitive result mAP = 64.68% after re-ranking. On CUHK03, the mAP had improved to 44.73% for detected setting, and 48.62% for labeled setting.

At present, the machine we are using for the experiments had met the out of memory error when performing the re-ranking [37] step on MSMT17 dataset because of the number of identities in the query is over 10,000, that is why we did not get result after re-ranking step on MSMT17 dataset.

However, on PKU-Reid dataset we further improve our result mAP = 70.27% and Rank-1 accuracy = 73.68% after re-ranking step.

Otherwise, the mAP and Rank-1 accuracy of airport dataset were not improved when using re-ranking.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed siamese pedestrian alignment network (SPAN) for person re-identification. SPAN is devoted to alleviating the problem of over-fitting and enhancing discriminative ability of the learnt features of PAN model. A verification loss was embedded between the two PAN streams to adjust the relative distance of the two pedestrians with the same or different identifies. The proposed model is able to improve the discriminative learning and similarity measurement at the same time by addressing the misalignment problem and the specifical problem of person re-identification. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified on six large-scale person re-ID datasets. Experimental results shown that the proposed method outperforms PAN and siamese CNN greatly.

Re-ranking [37] is a very effective way to improve the results of re-identification. In [36], the result of PAN had improved from 63% to 76% on Market-1501 dataset. So we can also make SPAN get a better result by adding re-ranking steps.

However, the computation complexity of the proposed model did not take into consideration. In the future, we will focus on optimizing the structure of deep neural networks to reduce the computation complexity and improve its efficiency for person re-identification by using multi-objective learning methods [30, 31].