
1 Introduction

A main factor underlying the conformation of proteins is their amino acid sequence. An individual nucleotide change, also called a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), is a missense mutation when it causes a different protein, or a nonsense mutation when it causes a short and non-functional protein. The degree to which a SNP affects protein function is a key point, but its prediction remains an open problem.

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies have made it possible to detect thousands of SNPs [1], but wet-lab studies needed to associate these SNPs with phenotypic traits are costly. To narrow down the list of candidate SNPs, several Bioinformatics tools, hereafter referred to as p-tools, have been developed to predict the impact of SNPs in-silico. P-tools can be based on information from amino acid sequences, protein structure, context, functional parameters and evolutionary information [2]. For instance, for sequence conservation analysis, conserved amino acids—known to be relevant for protein function—are identified by alignment, and SNPs on these positions are identified as likely deleterious. Structure information is also used to infer sites with likely impact on protein function: SNPs in ligand-binding domains or active sites typically modify protein function. Based on this information, p-tools can be designed using either expert knowledge or machine learning techniques. P-tools not only vary in nature, but their outputs also vary in syntax and semantics, which makes comparison between them tricky. To tackle this problem, most strategies normalize predictions, forcing them into two classes, to evaluate classical performance metrics like accuracy, sensibility, sensitivity and ROC curves [4].

In this work, consistency across p-tools is evaluated by means of two proposed indices. For two given p-tools, the indices quantify the systematic disagreement between each pair of SNPs, i.e., count pairs of predictions ordered differently in each p-tool scale, without performing any scale normalization. An experimental study was carried out using five widely-used p-tools [3]. These were selected based on the diversity of knowledge or learning method they are based on, as well as the possibility to be run online with standard parameters. The consistency across p-tools was tested with SNPs from model organism D. melanogaster, a common starting point for data analysis.

2 Materials and Methods

The method to evaluate consistency across p-tools has two stages. The first one ponders, for each p-tool i, the order of two SNP effect predictions, \((m_1,m_2)\): \(m_1\) can be more damaging than \(m_2\), the opposite can be true, or two mutations can be equally damaging. This preference relation is noted as follows:

  • \(m_1 \prec _i m_2\) if p-tool i considers \(m_1\) to be less damaging than \(m_2\);

  • \(m_1 \sim _i m_2 \iff \lnot (m_1 \prec _i m_2) \wedge \lnot (m_2 \prec _i m_1)\), if p-tool i cannot assert \(m_1\) to be less or more damaging than \(m_2\).

To value the three possible orders for a pair \(m_1, m_2\), let \(r_i(m_1,m_2)\) be defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} r_i(m_1,m_2) = \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} 1 &{} \text{ if } m_1 \prec _i m_2\\ -1 &{} \text{ if } m_2 \prec _i m_1\\ 0 &{} \text{ if } m_2 \sim _i m_1 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

The second stage values the degree of (dis)agreement of relative orders—given by all pairs of mutations—between two p-tools, i and j, through two indices (Eqs. 2 and 3): \(K_{all}\) is the ratio of mutations pairs ordered differently by both p-tools to all mutation pairs, considering all disagreements; \(K_{strong}\) is analogous but considers only opposite orderings.

$$\begin{aligned} K_\text {all}= \frac{|\{(m_1, m_2)\ | \ r_i(m_1, m_2) \ne r_j(m_1, m_2)\}|}{\left( {\begin{array}{c}|M|\\ 2\end{array}}\right) } \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} K_\text {strong}= \frac{|\{(m_1, m_2)\ | \ r_i(m_1, m_2) \ne 0 \wedge \ r_i(m_1, m_2) = -r_j(m_1, m_2)\}|}{\left( {\begin{array}{c}|M|\\ 2\end{array}}\right) } \end{aligned}$$

For the case of discrete outputs, predictions are ordered according to labels, e.g. {benign, possibly deleterious, probably deleterious} and a preference relation: \(benign \prec possibly~deleterious \prec probably~deleterious\). When dealing with numerical outputs \(t_i\), an inequality threshold \(\delta _i\) is introduced, such that the preference relation for p-tool i is defined as follows: \(m_1 \prec _i m_2 \iff t_i(m_2) - t_i(m_1) > \delta _i, \ \delta _i \ge 0\). Hence, \(m_1 \sim _i m_2 \iff |t_i(m_2) - t_i(m_1)| \le \delta _i\).

P-Tools: Selected p-tools have the following main features.

  • PolyPhen2Footnote 1 uses protein sequences on a trained Naïve Bayes model to predict SNP sites which code for a protein’s structure or function.

  • ProveanFootnote 2 is based on a model that evaluates evolutionary information from protein sequence.

  • Align-GVGDFootnote 3 uses biophysical characteristics of amino acid and protein multiple sequence alignments on an evolutionary conservation model.

  • StrumFootnote 4 values changes in folding stability induced by SNPs based on a gradient boosting of Gibbs free-energy with different sequence and structure properties.

  • CupsatFootnote 5 evaluates changes in protein stability induced by SNPs based on structure information of wild-type and mutant proteins.

Data: SNPs were analyzed on gene vermilion, locus Dmel_CG2155, on D.mel.

3 Results and Discussion

P-tools are compared pairwise with the \(K_{all}\) and \(K_{strong}\) indices and different equality thresholds. All possible SNPs in each sequence position of the vermilion gene are considered. See Fig. 1. Small index values represent similar pairwise outputs. For all pairwise comparisons, as the threshold increases, the \(K_\text {all}\) value first increases and then decreases when outputs became similar (\(r_i(m_1, m_2) = 0\)). Polyphen2-Provean follows that behavior after a threshold of 40% (data not shown). On the other hand, \(K_\text {strong}\) has a monotonically decreasing behavior. Two cases are possible when comparing pairwise p-tool outputs \(t_i\), \(t_j\) with pairwise SNPs \(m_1\) and \(m_2\): (1) \(t_i(m_1) < t_i(m_2)\) and \(t_j(m_1) < t_j(m_2)\) or (2) \(t_i(m_2) < t_i(m_1)\) and \(t_j(m_1) < t_j(m_2)\) (\(t_i(m_1) \simeq t_i(m_2)\) or \(t_j(m_1) \simeq t_j(m_2)\) are a middle step between these cases and are also analyzed). In case (1), there is an agreement according to \(K_{all}\). When the threshold increases up to level \(\delta _i=|t_i(m_1) - t_i(m_2)|\), \(t_i(m_1) \simeq t_i(m_2)\) and \(t_j(m_1) < t_j(m_2)\), making \(K_{all}\) count this as a disagreement. When the threshold reaches \(\delta _j=|t_j(m_1) - t_j(m_2)|\), \(t_j(m_1) \simeq t_j(m_2)\) and both tools agree again. In this case, the error will increase after \(\delta _i\) and decrease after \(\delta _j\). Clearly, when \(\delta \) is 100%, all pairs will be considered equal. In case (2), there is a disagreement according to \(K_{all}\). After \(\delta _i\) is reached, \(t_i(m_1) \simeq t_i(m_2)\) and \(t_j(m_1) < t_j(m_2)\), meaning they still disagree. Only after \(\delta _j\) is reached, the two p-tools agree. In this case, the error decreases monotonically. An analogous analysis can be done with \(K_{strong}\). In case (1), since both p-tools never give opposite results, \(K_{strong}\) evaluates outputs as an agreement, regardless of the threshold. In case (2), after \(\delta _i\) is reached, the outputs are no longer opposite and are therefore equal according to \(K_{strong}\). In both cases, the error can only decrease for increasing thresholds. While \(K_{all}\) has a monotonically decreasing behaviour with \(\delta \) only in case (2), \(K_{strong}\) has such a behaviour for both cases, making it less sensitive to the equality threshold.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Pairwise p-tool comparison. \(K_{all}\) (left) and \(K_{strong}\) (right), \(\delta \) from 0% to 33%. Outputs scales: AlignGVGD [5, 215]; Provean \([-15, 3]\); PolyPhen-2 [0, 1]; Strum \([-10, 11]\), and Cupsat \([-23, 20]\), D.mel. gene vermilion

Note that even for \(\delta \sim 10\%\), pairwise p-tool comparison with \(K_{strong}\) varies from 0.05% to 20% in the worst case. The two tools which agree the most across all \(\delta \) are Strum and Cupsat, which makes sense since both work with similar knowledge, namely gene energy functions. On the other hand, the two tools which disagree the most are PolyPhen2 and Align-GVGD, which also makes sense since one is based on structure and the other on evolutionary information.

4 Conclusions

Two indices were proposed to compare p-tools considering their most informative output. The indices do not require any normalization process. The comparison on D.mel. gene vermilion shows that predictions vary widely depending on the p-tool. Still, different outputs are not necessarily a problem, since they enable outputs to be integrated to achieve a more accurate prediction of SNP effects.