
1 Introduction

In recent years, the concept of big data has been increasingly attracting attention and interest from researchers and businesses around the world. There are different approaches to the processing and analysis of big data and one of them is to use a data warehouse and OLAP techniques. Various solutions based on Hadoop and similar frameworks allow to implement a data warehouse also to support analysis of big data.

In the context of relational data warehouses, evolution problems have been known for a long time. Evolution can be caused by changes in data sources of the data warehouse, and changes in requirements when additional information becomes necessary for decision making. In the big data world, evolution problems have become even more topical [1, 2] as big data are more dynamic, diverse and can be generated at higher speeds, but the solution to the big data evolution problems is a more challenging task for several reasons. First, there is currently no standard data warehouse architecture that should be used to support big data analysis. Second, in the context of big data, data sources are very often unstructured or semi-structured, and tracking and processing changes in such data sources is a complex task. Finally, in big data systems, the data could be generated in real time, which means that the changes could occur in real time, so they should be processed in real time too.

In this paper, we propose a data warehouse architecture over big data that can adapt to evolving user requirements and changes in data sources. We present the model that allows to store the metadata describing schemata of involved data sets and their changes that are essential for the operation of the proposed architecture.

The paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2 the related work is discussed. Section 3 introduces a data warehouse architecture over big data. The main contribution of this paper is presented in Sect. 4, where the metadata model is described. Section 5 discusses evolution support in our proposal. Section 6 is devoted to the description of the case study system. We conclude with directions for future work in Sect. 7.

2 Related Work

The problem of representing metadata of heterogeneous data sources has been studied extensively in the context of data lakes, where structure and other characteristics of data are not defined a priori and are discovered during the data analysis or processing. The paper [3] describes challenges that developers of data lakes are often facing. One of such challenges is obtaining metadata about data extracted from heterogeneous sources. Along with other challenges, the authors mention data evolution when data representation changes over time or the same data are provided in different formats.

The authors of the paper [4] propose a metadata classification to support a data mining process in big data. Although the evolution is not mentioned in the classification and some types of metadata described are specific to data mining tasks, the proposed classification may be used complementary to our metadata model.

The paper [5] proposes a formal metadata model for data lakes. The model is represented as a graph based on the metadata classification proposed by [6]. The model is applied in two algorithms used to obtain a structure from unstructured data lake sources and to integrate sources of different formats.

A metadata model that represents 3 types of metadata describing data lake sources: structure metadata, metadata properties, and semantic metadata is proposed in the paper [7]. The structure metadata describe the schemata of data sources. The authors distinguish between 2 types of structures: matrices and trees. Metadata properties are descriptive information about the contents of data source files, such as file name, author, date modified, including information from the file itself, such as date, information about the experiment for which the source file contains data. Semantic metadata contain annotations of any source elements that could be expressed as URIs that point to a concept in an ontology. The authors use data unit templates to obtain metadata properties that may have different structures. We adapted the metadata model proposed in [7] for our big data warehouse architecture and extended it with metadata necessary for evolution support.

3 Big Data Warehouse Architecture

To solve the topical problem of big data evolution in the data warehousing context, we propose to design a big data management system according to the big data warehouse architecture shown in Fig. 1. The detailed description of the architecture is given in [8]. The architecture consists of a data processing pipeline (Data Highway in the figure). The idea and the concept of the data highway was first presented in [9]. Data in the system are gathered from various heterogeneous data sources and loaded in their original format at the first level of the data highway which may be considered as a data lake. Each next level data are obtained from the previous level data by ELT processes by means of applying transformation operations, adding structure to unstructured and semi-structured data, integrating and aggregating data. The number and contents of the levels of the data highway depend on the system requirements. The final level of the data highway is a data warehouse which stores structured aggregated information ready for OLAP operations. Since the volume of data stored in the data warehouse may be too large to provide a reasonable performance of data analysis queries, the architecture may be augmented by the cube engine component, which precomputes various dimensional combinations and aggregated measures for them.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Big data warehouse architecture

To support big data evolution, we expanded the big data warehouse architecture with an adaptation component that is responsible for handling changes in data sources and levels of the data highway. The main idea of this component is to generate several potential adaptation options to schema of the data highway levels affected by each change in a data source of other level of the highway and to allow a developer to choose the most appropriate option that must be implemented.

One of the central components of the architecture is the metastore that incorporates six types of interconnected metadata necessary for the operation of various components of the architecture. In this paper, we concentrate on the metadata support to maintain information about big data evolution. Three types of such metadata are highlighted with a dark font color in the figure. Schematic metadata describe schemata of data sets stored in the different levels of the highway. Mapping metadata define the logic of ELT processes. Information about changes in data sources and data highway levels is accumulated in the evolution metadata. Such information may be obtained from wrappers or during the execution of ELT processes.

There are also other three types of metadata used for other purposes. Cube metadata describe schemata of precomputed cubes and are leveraged not only during the cube computation process but also for execution of queries. Adaptation rules specify adaptation options that must be implemented for different types of changes. Finally, potential change metadata accumulate proposed changes in the data warehouse schema.

4 Metadata Model

To accumulate metadata about the structure of data sources as well as data sets included at various levels of the data highway and to maintain information about changes that occur in them, we propose the use of metadata that is designed according to the conceptual model presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Conceptual metadata model for evolution support

4.1 Schematic Metadata and Mappings

In this section, we concentrate on the elements of the model that are used to describe schemata of data sources and data highway levels. A class Data Set is used to represent a collection of Data Items that are individual pieces of data. The Data Set class is split into three subclasses according to the type and format. Structured Data Set represents a relational database table where data items correspond to table columns. Semi-structured Data Set reflects files where data items are organized into a schema that is not predefined. The attribute Type of a data item incorporated into a such data source indicates the position of it in the schema. For example, XML documents are composed of Elements and their Attributes, JSON documents may contain Objects and Arrays. Semi-structured proprietary file formats of software tools or hardware devices may be also described by the Semi-structured Data Set class. Unstructured Data Sets include data that do not have any organization or acknowledged schema, such as text files, images, other multimedia content, etc. Usually, an unstructured data set is represented by a single data item. However, pieces of supplementary information like keywords or tags that are used to get an idea of the data set content may be available. They are represented as additional data items associated with the corresponding data set in the model.

A data set may be obtained from a Data Source or it may be a part of a Data Highway Level. We also maintain the information about the rate at which data in the data set are collected or updated by assigning one of the velocity types and frequency attribute of the Data Set class. If a data set is a part of a multidimensional model of a data warehouse, its role (dimension or fact table) is assigned to the attribute Role and data items contained in such a data set get roles of either dimension attribute or fact table measure.

There usually exist relationships between data items in the same data set or across different data sets determined by the format of these data sets. For example, elements in XML files are composed of other subelements and attributes, objects in JSON files may contain other objects as property values, foreign keys relate columns of relational tables, predicates relate subjects and objects in RDF. There may exist a link between an unstructured data set and structured/semi-structured data. We modelled such relationships by an association class Relationship that connects child and parent data items and assigns the corresponding relationship type. The relationship type Equality is assigned if two items of different data sets contain the same data. Equality relationships help integrate separate data sets.

Our proposed architecture of the big data system implies that data sets contained in various data highway levels are obtained either from data sources in their original format or from data sets at other data highway levels by performing transformation, aggregation and integrating related data items. To maintain metadata about provenance of data sets within the data highway and make it possible to follow their lineage, an association class Mapping was introduced in the model. A mapping defines a way how a target data item is derived from origin data items by a transformation indicated in the attribute Operation of the class Mapping. Not only our model allows to maintain provenance metadata of data items in the highway calculated directly from source data, but it also supports such cases when previously processed data sets of the highway are further transformed to obtain new data sets at subsequent data highway levels.

4.2 Metadata Properties

The classes and associations of the model described above reflect mainly the schematic metadata of the system whereas other characteristics of the data should also be represented in the model. For this purpose, we included a class Metadata Property that is used to store various characteristics of different elements of the model. Each metadata property is represented by a name:value pair to allow for some flexibility as metadata properties of different classes may vary considerably. Examples of metadata properties include file or table name, dates created and updated, location, file size, character set, version, check constraints for data sets; type, length, precision, scale, nullable, range for data items; mechanism used to retrieve data from a data source (for instance, API request).

Certain metadata properties may be obtained in a machine-processible form automatically, but others may be only entered manually. Furthermore, an experienced user may discover some new metadata properties of data sets obtained from a data source during data analysis or transformation and of processed data sets that might be valuable for other users of the system. In such a case, the user may augment the metadata by the discovered properties. Such conversational [3] metadata are associated with a user who recorded the property represented by the class Author in the model.

4.3 Evolution Metadata

In this section, we discuss classes and associations introduced in the model to store information about the evolution of both the schemata of data sources and data highway data sets and their supplementary characteristics represented as metadata properties. Examples of changes that are supported by the model are given in more detail in the next section.

Evolution is reflected in the model by a class Change that is connected by associations with other classes. These associations determine the element of the model that was affected by each change. In the metadata, we store the date and time when the change took place, Type of the change, Status that determines whether that change is new, processed (propagated in the system) or in progress (being currently processed). In case if evolution was caused by a change in a value of any attribute of a model element including metadata property, we record the name of the affected attribute as an attribute AttrName of the class Change and both the value before the change (attribute OldAttrValue) and after it (attribute NewAttrValue). If a change was performed manually by a known user, the corresponding Author is associated with such change.

5 Evolution Support

In the proposed big data architecture, data from heterogeneous data sources are integrated and transformed gradually to obtain a data warehouse level of the data highway. Various kinds of changes to the data employed in each step of this process must be recorded in the metadata model. The list of atomic changes classified according to the part of the metadata model they affect is given in Table 1. For each change, the table describes classes that are connected with the instance of the class Change in the model by an association, the key attributes of the class Change with their value and additional metadata that must be recorded in the model.

Table 1. Supported atomic changes

When elements of the model are deleted, they remain in the model, but information about deletion is maintained as instances of the class Change with the type Deletion. In case of a deletion of a relationship, such change may affect integration of heterogeneous data sets. This aspect must be considered during change propagation. If a data item or a data set is deleted from the system individually or by deletion of the data source or data highway level containing it, such change affects data sets that were populated with data from a deleted model element (determined by mappings) before the change. If there are any alternative ways how affected data sets may be obtained from other data sets described in metadata, new mappings should be defined by a change “Addition of a new mapping”. When a mapping is deleted, it should be replaced by a new mapping to provide successful execution of ELT processes and maintain data lineage. If a replacement is not possible, a change of deletion of a mapping must be registered.

In case of addition of a new element to the system, a new instance of the corresponding class described in the column Associated Class of Table 1 is created in the metadata. If an element containing child elements (such as a data set, data source or data highway level) is added to the system, only one instance of the class Change with the type Addition is created and associated with the new class containing other child elements.

When a new change is discovered automatically by a source wrapper or during the execution of ELT processes or observed or generated by a user, the corresponding metadata about it must be entered in the metadata repository as an instance of the class Change with the status New. Thereafter, the adaptation component of the big data warehouse architecture must inject the change and generate possible adaptation scenarios. At this stage the status of the change must be updated to In progress. Finally, when a developer or administrator of the system accepts any of the adaptation scenarios proposed by the adaptation component and change propagation is complete, the status of the change must be adjusted to Processed.

6 Case Study

As a proof of concept, we have applied our proposed approach to the publications big data system with the purpose to validate the metadata model. The goal of the system is to integrate data about publications authored by employees and students of the University of Latvia from multiple heterogeneous sources and to provide these data for analysis in a data warehouse. The architecture of the developed system that includes data sources and data highway levels is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Architecture of the publication data warehouse

6.1 Data Sources

We integrated data from four structured and semi-structured data sources. The sources contain complementary information about publications, therefore integration of all sources is necessary to obtain the unified view of all publications authored by employees and students of the university.

LUIS is the university data management system implemented in a relational database Oracle. Data about employees and students of the university as well as data about publications entered by LUIS users in the database are gathered and loaded into the first level of the data highway. Aleph is the library data management system. Bibliographical data about publications are obtained from it using API in XML format. All data sets gathered from Aleph have the same structure. Scopus is an indexation system and data from this source are obtained using API in XML format. We used four data set types from this source: publication bibliographical data, author data, affiliation data, and data about publication citation metrics. Web of Science (WOS) is another indexation system. We use API to gather data from WOS in XML format. One type of a data set is available to the university and it contains information about publications, which also includes limited author data (names, surnames and ResearcherID field).

6.2 Data Highway

There are three levels in the data highway of the case study system. Data from the sources are ingested and loaded into the first raw data level. We use Scoop to extract and transfer data from the relational database LUIS into Hive tables. Data from other sources are first pulled from the API and saved in Linux file system and then data are transferred into HDFS using a script with HDFS commands.

At the 2nd level of the data highway, XML files are transformed into structured Hive tables. Data at this level are not yet fully integrated. It is not necessary to transform structured data from the relational database, therefore such data are not included at the 2nd level of the data highway.

Finally, the 3rd level of the highway is a data warehouse implemented in Hive. Data from external data sources that are partially transformed at the 2nd level are integrated with LUIS data directly from the raw source data level.

For the sake of simplicity, we will discuss the fragment of the data warehouse schema represented as a dimensional fact model in Fig. 4. Aggregated data from all four sources are used to populate this star schema. The measures in the fact table contain summarized values classified across four dimensions. Category dimension with the same attribute is used to classify publications by types, such as journal article, book, article in a conference proceedings, etc. Time is a traditional dimension in data warehouses with the quarter of a year granularity in our case study. Faculty dimension contains a hierarchy from a department within a faculty to represent the organizational structure used at the university. Journal metrics dimension stores attributes that characterize a journal or conference proceedings where publications were published.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Dimensional fact model of the publications data warehouse

6.3 Metadata

We implemented the metastore as a relational database Oracle in accordance with the proposed metadata model. Since we have access directly to LUIS data source, we embedded a procedure directly into the data source system that collects metadata about the structure and other metadata properties of tables used to populate the publications system. After source data in XML format are loaded from other data sources, we run a procedure that collects metadata about the structure of XML documents and other metadata properties. Both procedures are able to compare discovered metadata with the information in the metastore and register in the evolution metadata any detected differences.

We defined mappings between data items of the 3 data highway levels. Examples of mappings are given in Table 2. For the sake of clarity, we prefixed names of data items with the corresponding data sources or data highway levels and names of data sets. Question marks denote placeholders for origin data items in the order as they appear in the column Origin Data Items.

Table 2. Example mappings of the publication system

6.4 Evolution

During operation of the publication system, several changes were discovered during the comparison of the metadata present in the metastore and structure and properties of the data incoming from the data sources. The list of changes with the corresponding metadata additions is presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Changes in the publication system

7 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we presented a system architecture to address the topical problem of evolution in heterogeneous big data sources. The architecture consists of data highway levels that contain data extracted from sources in their original format and gradually transformed and integrated to obtain a structured data warehouse data. The main contribution of this paper is the flexible metadata model that describes the structure and other characteristics of such data sources and data highway levels as well as changes in the structure not only of data sources, but also of data highway levels for the purpose to support data expansion and evolution of user requirements for data. We defined a set of atomic changes and their representations in the model and applied the model in the case study system.

The directions for future work include full implementation of the proposed architecture. We will develop algorithms for automatic and semi-automatic change treatment. We also plan technology improvements to our case study system by incorporating Presto or Spark SQL for data processing to improve performance.