
Airampoa ayrampo(Azara) Doweld: Tunilla soehrensii (Britton & Rose) D.R. Hunt & Iliff, Opuntia ianthinantha (F. Ritter) Iliff, Opuntia multiareolata Backeb., Opuntia obliqua Backeb., Opuntia tilcarensis Backeb. var. rubellispina, Opuntia cedegreniana Backeb., Platyopuntia ianthinantha F. Ritter, nom. illeg., Platyopuntia soehrensii (Britton & Rose) F. Ritter, comb. illeg., Opuntia soehrensii Britton & Rose, Cactus ayrampo Azara, Tunilla ianthinantha (F. Ritter) D.R. Hunt & Iliff

Local Names

Chile: Ayrampo, Ayrampu, Piskayo ayrampo, Piskayo

Botany and Ecology

Avery plastic species with multiple populations with different forms. It grows mainly as a low subshrub, cespitose, from 30 to 60 cm in diameter and about 10–20 cm in height, branched laterally. Stems oval to round, from 4 to 8 cm in length, flattened, narrow down, with well-defined tummies. Areoles with brown indumentum, old leaves yellow to brown, with 4–12 acicular straight spines, of variable length and color. Diurnal yellow flowers; outer tepals with reddish middle line; satiny, without smell; floral tube covered with narrow scales and areoles with glochids and/or thorns. Edible fruit from 1.5 to 2.5 cm long, purplish red, with little meat but sweet; opening on apex and side, with yellowish seeds. 2000–4000 m above sea level (Hoffmann and Walter 2004) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Airampoa airampo (Cactaceae), Arequipa, Peru. (Photo R.W. Bussmann and N.Y. Paniagiua-Zambrana)

Local Medicinal Uses

A wine with refreshing characteristics is made from the fruit and used to treat colds and fever. Its use is also reported for the treatment of eye diseases. The infusion of the fruit has vermifuge properties and is used to treat diseases of the kidneys and liver, as well as to combat heartburn and herpes (Hoffmann and Walter 2004; Rodriguez et al. 2018; Villagrán and Castro 2003).

Local Food Uses

The fruits are edible and sweet tasting and are used for ice creams and juice (Hoffmann and Walter 2004; Rodriguez et al. 2018; Villagrán and Castro 2003).

Local Handicraft and Other Uses

The fruits are used to dye fabrics of purple-garnet color and as a dye in pastry (Hoffmann and Walter 2004; Rodriguez et al. 2018; Villagrán and Castro 2003).