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Modeling and Simulation Through the Metamodeling Perspective: The Case of the Discrete Event System Specification

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Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering


The Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a modeling formalism that supports a general methodology for describing discrete event systems with the capability to represent both continuous and discrete systems due to its system theoretic basis. This chapter addresses the use of metamodeling and the role of related technologies in the Modeling and Simulation (M&S) field, mainly devoted to implementing DEVS models. The main aim is to answer the following questions: What is the significance of model-based engineering in the M&S field? Can a computational representation of DEVS defined following the principles of metamodeling improve the modeling task? How can DEVS models obtained through metamodeling integrate with simulators? This chapter discusses using metamodels as the foundation to define formal DEVS models from a computational point of view. A metamodel-based computational representation of DEVS formalism is described. From such a computational representation, how current technologies can be used to support DEVS metamodel in existing M&S software tools is discussed. The chapter shows how concrete DEVS models are used in existing M&S software tools to get executable simulation models through metamodel instantiation. Illustrative examples show how the DEVS metamodel improves the simulation model specification. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the current state of the metamodeling approach used in the M&S field and the remaining problems that need to be addressed in the future.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <model:AtomicModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:model="" name="SWITCH"> <structure> <InPorts name="in" x="//@structure/@input/@definition.0"/> <InPorts name="in1" x="//@structure/@input/@definition.1"/> <OutPorts name="out" y="//@structure/@output/@definition.0"/> <OutPorts name="out1" y="//@structure/@output/@definition.1"/> <input> <definition p="//@structure/@InPorts.0"> <v name="x_in" definition="NS01" /> </definition> <definition p="//@structure/@InPorts.1"> <v name="x_in1" definition="NS01" /> </definition> </input> <output> <definition p="//@structure/@OutPorts.0"> <v name="y_out" definition="NS01" /> </definition> <definition p="//@structure/@OutPorts.1"> <v name="y_out1" definition="NS01" /> </definition> </output> <state> <variable name="phase" definition="NSPA" /> <variable name="sigma" definition="//@setsAndStructures.8" /> <variable name="inport" definition="NSIP" /> <variable name="store" definition="NS01" /> 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xsi:type="model:ParameterName" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.1" name="processing_time"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:InputPortName" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.2"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:InputPortValue" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.3"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:NotLogicalOperation" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.4"> <operand xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" name="Sw"/> </stateVariable> </specifications> <specifications> <condition xsi:type="model:Otherwise" conditionAsText="otherwise"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.0" name="phase"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:ArithmeticOperation" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.1" arithmeticOperation="-"> <firstOperand xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" name="sigma"/> <secondOperand xsi:type="model:ElapsedTimeVariable"/> </stateVariable> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.2" name="inport"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.3" name="store"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.4" name="Sw"/> </specifications> </delExt> <delInt> <specifications> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:ValueFromSet" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.0" value="passive"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:InfinityParameter" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.1" symbol="∞"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.2" name="inport"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.3" name="store"/> <stateVariable xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" variable="//@structure/@state/@variable.4" name="Sw"/> </specifications> </delInt> <lambda> <specifications> <condition xsi:type="model:If" conditionAsText="if (phase == “active” and Sw==true and inport==in))"/> <value xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" name="store"/> <port name="out"/> </specifications> <specifications> <condition xsi:type="model:If" conditionAsText="if (phase == “active” and Sw==true and inport==in1))"/> <value xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" name="store"/> <port name="out1"/> </specifications> <specifications"> <condition xsi:type="model:If" conditionAsText="if (phase == “active” and Sw==false and inport==in))"/> <value xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" name="store"/> <port name="out1"/> </specifications> <specifications> <condition xsi:type="model:If" conditionAsText="if (phase == “active” and Sw==false and inport==in1))"/> <value xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" name="store"/> <port name="out"/> </specifications> </lambda> <ta> <specifications> <value xsi:type="model:PreviousStateVariable" name="sigma"/> </specifications> </ta> </behavior> </model:AtomicModel>

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Blas, M.J., Gonnet, S. (2023). Modeling and Simulation Through the Metamodeling Perspective: The Case of the Discrete Event System Specification. In: Madni, A.M., Augustine, N., Sievers, M. (eds) Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-27486-3

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-27486-3

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Intelligent Technologies and RoboticsReference Module Computer Science and Engineering

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