
What are the two primary categories for classifying lung cancer?

Small cell and non-small cell [3]

What are the types of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) ?


Squamous cell carcinoma

Large cell carcinoma

Carcinoid tumor

What is the most common subtype of lung cancer?


What is the most common demographic of people who get adenocarcinoma ?

Non-smokers and women

Is adenocarcinoma associated with smoking?

Yes (but not as strongly as squamous cell) [2]

What location do adenocarcinomas typically occur?


What is the typical radiographic appearance of adenocarcinoma ?

Solid pulmonary nodule with spiculated margins

What genetic mutations that can be targeted for therapy are associated with adenocarcinoma?


What subtype of adenocarcinoma is associated with lepidic (pneumonia-like consolidation) growth?

Lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma of the lung (formerly known as bronchoalveolar carcinoma) [1]

What is the second most commonly type of NSCLC?

Squamous cell carcinoma [2].

Is squamous cell carcinoma associated with smoking?

Yes, strongly [2].

What location do squamous cell carcinomas typically occur?


What is a distinguishing feature of squamous cell carcinoma?

Most common to cavitate

Which adenocarcinoma typically presents as a large (>4 cm) peripheral mass?

Large cell carcinoma

Is large cell carcinoma associated with smoking?

Yes, strongly

Which NSCLC typically presents as an endobronchial lesion and has a propensity to cause obstruction/atelectasis?


What are the subtypes of pulmonary carcinoid tumors?

Typical: bronchial tumors, better prognosis

Atypical: peripheral tumors, worse prognosis [1]

Where do small cell lung cancers typically occur?


Is small cell lung cancer associated with smoking?

Yes, strongly [2]

Which primary lung cancer has the worst prognosis and why?

Small cell carcinoma, metastases early

Which primary lung cancer is associated with SIADH and Cushing syndrome ?

Small cell carcinoma

Which primary lung cancer most commonly causing SVC syndrome ?

Small cell carcinoma

Which primary lung cancer is associated with hypercalcemia and why?

Squamous cell carcinoma: secretes PTHrp (parathyroid hormone-related protein) [3]

What is a superior sulcus tumor ?

Lung cancer occurring in the lung apex

What is the name of a superior sulcus tumor that causes Horner syndrome ? What is Horner syndrome?

Pancoast tumor

Ipsilateral ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis

Common locations for primary lung cancer metastases?

Lymph nodes (hilar, mediastinal, supraclavicular)

Pleura/malignant pleural effusion

Adrenal glands



What are the most common risk factors for lung cancer?


Asbestos, diffuse lung fibrosis, COPD [3]