
At which vertebrae level does the esophagus enter the thorax?


At which vertebrae does the esophagus end?


What is the space lateral to esophagus?

Carotid spaces

What is the most likely diagnosis of ill-defined esophageal thickening?

Esophageal carcinoma

What is the most likely diagnosis of air-fluid level found in the pharyngoesophageal junction?

Zenker diverticulum

At which vertebral level is the Zenker’s diverticulum most often found?

Esophageal herniation at C5–C6 level (Killian’s dehiscence)

What are the blood supplies to and venous drainage of cervical esophagus?

Inferior thyroid arteries and veins

What is the lymphatic drainage of esophagus?

Upper \( \raisebox{1ex}{$2$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{$3$}\right. \): posteriormediastinal nodes

Lower \( \raisebox{1ex}{$1$}\!\left/ \!\raisebox{-1ex}{$3$}\right. \): left gastricand celiac nodes

What are the two best imaging modalities to evaluate and classify hiatal hernia?

Barium esophagram and upper GI studies

What is fluoroscopic-guided esophagography finding of esophageal varices?

Serpiginous longitudinal filling defects

What are the differential diagnosis of dilated esophagus with distal stricture? [1]

1. Esophageal scleroderma

2. Esophageal achalasia

3. Reflux esophagitis

4. Esophageal carcinoma

5. Iatrogenic (i.e., status post fundoplication and vagotomy)