
What is the Doppler effect?

Objects moving toward a detector reflect sound at higher frequencies. Conversely, objects moving away from a detector reflect sound at lower frequencies [1].

What is frequency shift?

Doppler US measures the frequency shift or the change in sound wave frequency as it reflects off a moving object [1].

What is color Doppler US?

Color Doppler US assigns a color spectrum to blood flowing toward and away from the US transducer. It can assess flow direction and velocity, though velocity measurements are more qualitative [1, 2].

What is spectral Doppler US?

Spectral Doppler US is used to quantify blood flow velocity [2].

How does spectral Doppler US work?

Spectral Doppler US evaluates the intensity of the frequency shift of sound waves at a specific region of interest as a function of time. The intensity is used to calculate flow velocity [2].

What is power Doppler US?

Power Doppler uses the amplitude of Doppler signal to detect flow. Unlike color Doppler, it ignores blood flow direction and velocity [1].

What is the benefit of power Doppler US?

Higher sensitivity for blood flow [2]