
Name the outer, dense, and compact portion of the bone that completely envelopes the inner cancellous portion.


What does this portion of the bone look like when viewed in tangent on conventional radiograph?

A dense white band/solid line along the outer margin

Name the inner portion of the bone that is cancellous and arranged in a trabecular pattern.

Medullary cavity

What does this inner portion of the bone look like on conventional radiograph?

A core of gray with fine network of bony trabecular markings that appear less dense than the outer cortex

What is the corticomedullary junction?

The region where the inner medullary cavity meets the outer cortex

What is the name of the two views directed at 90 degrees from each other, which is included in almost all conventional radiographic evaluations?

Orthogonal views

Name the region at the end of a long bone that is formed from a secondary center of ossification?


Name the region forming the shaft of a long bone that is formed from a primary center of ossification?


Name the narrow region of the bone between the diaphysis and epiphysis containing the growth plate.


Name the region of hyaline cartilage, located between the epiphysis and metaphysis of growing bones that ossifies and adds length to the bone.

Epiphyseal plate/physeal plate/physis/growth plate