FormalPara What You Will Learn in This Chapter

This chapter will provide you with an understanding of the regulation of Ca2+ in the myocardium, its physiological implication as well as its role in orchestrating myocardial contraction. The chapter explores the processes of excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) and calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) whilst appreciating the relevance of ECC in pathology and in engineering heart tissue.

FormalPara Learning Objectives
  • Understand the molecular mechanism that underlie calcium-induced calcium release

  • Appreciate and assess the different theories for the calcium-induced calcium release termination process

  • Be able to discuss the issues with calcium handling in induced pluripotent stem cells

6.1 Introduction to Excitation-Contraction Coupling

Of the array of ions involved in the workings of the heart, calcium (Ca2+) is perhaps the most important [1]. During the cardiac action potential, Ca2+ entry through the sarcolemmal Ca2+ channels stimulates Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), causing a rise in cytosolic Ca2+ and the subsequent activation of troponin on myofilaments (see ► Chap. 10), resulting in the development of force to eject blood out of the ventricles [2]. The process that links myocyte electrical excitation to contraction is known as excitation-contraction coupling (ECC). Appreciating ECC is crucial as it forms the basis of physiology, is dysregulated in almost all pathology and acts as a marker of the robustness of novel experimental cardiac models such as stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes [1, 3,4,5].

In each heartbeat, the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration of a healthy cardiomyocyte (CM) oscillates from ≅100 nM to 1 μM [6]. Precise Ca2+ regulation is a matter of life and death, and improper cytoplasmic Ca2+ rise and/or removal can lead to defective systole and diastole, respectively (known as systolic and diastolic dysfunction).

6.2 Ca2+ Influx

During the ventricular action potential, influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular to subsarcolemmal space generates a Ca2+ current, known as ICa, which triggers Ca2+ release from the SR, mediated by SR-release channels known as ryanodine receptors (RyRs). ICa occurs in two main ways [5]:

  • Voltage-sensitive sarcolemmal Ca2+ channels (LTCCs)

  • Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX)

6.2.1 L-Type Ca2+ Channels (LTCCs)

LTCCs are activated by the initial membrane potential (Vm) depolarisation cause by the opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels [1]. Following LTCC opening, deactivation occurs by both time-dependent, Vm-dependent, and cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i)-dependent mechanisms [5]. The Vm-dependent inactivation of the LTCCs can be demonstrated by administering depolarisation pulses and measuring LTCC inactivation kinetics [8]. Similarly, increasing [Ca2+]i accelerates the inactivation rate of LTCCs, suggesting the precense of a negative-feedback system that prevents excess Ca2+ influx [7]. This is observed when Ca2+ is replaced with Ba2+ and the LTCC inactivation rate decelerates as Ca2+-dependent inactivation is minimised [5].

Enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms have been proposed to explain Ca2+-dependent inactivation. In the former, dephosphorylation of the LTCC by Ca2+-activated phosphatases deactivates the channel [7]. In the latter, a Ca2+-calmodulin complex on the -COOH terminal of the α1 subunit of the LTCC binds Ca2+ when local [Ca2+]i increases, altering the channel’s conformation and thus inactivating it [5, 7] (◘ Fig. 6.1).

Fig. 6.1
figure 1

Ensemble currents demonstrating Ca2+-dependent LTCC inactivation in planar lipid bilayer experiments; a, b, and c show currents with 10 μM-, 20 nM-, and 15 μM-[Ca2+] respectively. Increasing concentrations of [Ca2+] accelerate the rate of LTCC inactivation. (Image from [7])

6.2.2 Na+-Ca2+ Exchanger (NCX)

The second contributor of Ca2+ influx during the action potential is the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX): a counter-transport system that operates by exchanging 3 Na+ for 1 Ca2+. This net movement of positive charge in the direction of Na+ makes NCX electrogenic (i.e. it generates current). Typically, NCX moves Na+ ions in whilst Ca2+ is effluxed out of the cell – known as the ‘forward mode’ and producing an inward current. NCX can also function in ‘reverse mode, loading the cell with Ca2+ whilst Na+ ions are effluxed out of the cell (outward current). This can be summarised mathematically in a few equations:

$$ {E}_{\mathrm{rev}}={E}_{\mathrm{NCX}}=3{E}_{\mathrm{Na}}-2{E}_{\mathrm{Ca}} $$
$$ 3\left({E}_{\mathrm{Na}}-{V}_{\mathrm{m}}\right)>2\left({E}_{\mathrm{Ca}}-{V}_{\mathrm{m}}\right) $$
$$ {V}_{\mathrm{m}}<{E}_{\mathrm{NCX}} $$

Let’s work through those:

  1. 1.

    Erev or ENCX is the reversal potential of NCX – that is, the Vm at which NCX will switch from ‘forward’ to ‘reverse’ mode. As the equation shows, this depends on the individual equilibrium potentials of Na+ and Ca2+. This is exactly the same as the reversal potential of an ion channel, meaning that the current produced by NCX (INCX) when the membrane potential is equal to the reversal potential (Vm = ENCX) is zero – there is no net movement of charge through the sarcolemma.

  2. 2.

    This equation shows the thermodynamic basis for the transport that governs NCX, suggesting that when the energy for the inward movement of three Na+ ions exceeds the energy for the inward movement of one Ca2+ ion, Na+ influx and Ca2+ efflux are favoured (i.e. ‘forward mode’). Conversely, if 3(ENaVm) < 2(ECaVm), then the reverse is thermodynamically favoured, and Ca2+ influx occurs [5].

  3. 3.

    This is a rearranged form of Eq. 6.2, demonstrating that when Vm is more negative than ENCX, the exchanger functions in forward mode, and vice versa (◘ Fig. 6.2). That is:

    • Vm < ENCX – NCX operates in forward mode

    • Vm > ENCX – NCX operates in reverse mode

Fig. 6.2
figure 2

Mode of operation of NCX: (a, b) Vm shown as Em on graph, intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) and ENCX, with a low intracellular Na+ ([Na+]i) and b high [Na+]i. Notice that with higher [Na+]i, Vm > ENCX for a greater period of time, meaning NCX functions in reverse mode for longer, promoting higher [Ca2+]i. c Driving force corresponds to the thermodynamic drive, which determines the mode of operation of NCX according to Eq. 6.2. When VmENCX > 0 there is Ca2+ influx due to the transporter operating in reverse mode. d Current generated by NCX (INCX). Notice that INCX > 0 (i.e. outward) when Vm > ENCX and INCX < 0 (i.e. inward) when Vm < ENCX. Also, notice that when ENCX = Vm, INCX = 0. (INCX = INA/Ca)(Image from [5])

Ultimately, whether NCX promotes Ca2+ influx or efflux depends on its mode of operation, determined by (a) Vm, (b) ENa, and (c) ECa. Thus, although intuitively it is sensible (and typically correct) to proclaim that when the subsarcolemmal Ca2+ is high NCX will favour Ca2+ extrusion, the mode of operation is not merely a function of Ca2+ (and by extension its equilibrium potential), but also ENa and Vm. Evidently, the ability of NCX to operate bidirectionally makes it a pivotal player in Ca2+ homeostasis.

6.3 Ca2+ Efflux

The dissociation of Ca2+ from troponin on myofilaments allows relaxation to take place. For this to happen, Ca2+ must be removed from the cytoplasm. This occurs via four mechanisms:

  1. 1.

    Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA)

  2. 2.

    NCX (forward mode)

  3. 3.

    Sarcolemmal Ca2+-ATPase

  4. 4.

    Mitochondrial Ca2+ transporters (into mitochondria)

6.3.1 SERCA Protein

Sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) is a protein pump concentrated on the longitudinal component of the SR, transporting Ca2+ from the cytoplasm to the SR lumen [9]. It has three different isoforms (SERCA1, 2 and 3), with SERCA2a expressed abundantly in the heart [10]. The transport reaction involves multiple steps, beginning with the binding of 2 Ca2+ ions and 1 ATP molecule on the pump’s cytoplasmic side, in addition to phosphorylation. This triggers conformational alterations that facilitate the release of Ca2+ into the SR lumen, and H+ into the cytoplasm [11]. Perhaps counterintuitively then, relaxation, and not merely contraction, is energy dependent [12].

In general, the ATP concentration required to saturate SERCA is 1000× fold lower than the cytoplasmic ATP of a healthy CM at any given time, meaning that except in the energy-starved heart (e.g. failing, dysrhythmic), lack of ATP is not the rate-limiting factor for Ca2+ removal [12]. However, ATP can also allosterically modulate SERCA activity via a lower affinity binding site on the pump, such that in ischaemia it is the lack of this allosteric effect, rather than of ATP available for hydrolysis, that may disrupt relaxation kinetics [5, 12].

The main SERCA2a activity regulator is a homopentameric protein known as phospholamban (PLN) [5, 13]. When PLN is dephosphorylated, it tonically inhibits SERCA by increasing its Km(Ca2+), meaning more Ca2+ is required to attain the same Ca2+ transport rate [14]. When phosphorylated (e.g. in response to adrenergic stimulation), this tonic inhibition is lifted, enhancing SERCA affinity for Ca2+ by decreasing its Km(Ca2+), thus accelerating Ca2+ SR sequestration and relaxation.

PLN phosphorylation is at least in part accountable for the positive lusitropic effects observed in the presence of adrenergic stimulation. Phosphorylation of PLN has been demonstrated in three sites including (a) serine-16, (b) threonine-17 and (c) serine-10 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase A, Ca2+/Calmodulin protein kinase II and Ca2+-activated protein kinase C, respectively [14]. Dephosphorylation of PLN by SR-associated phosphatases restores PLN’s tonic inhibition [14].

Sarcolipin (SLN) (a PLN homologue) is another SERCA regulator, albeit less well understood. It has been suggested that when SLN is co-expressed with PLN, SERCA2a Ca2+ affinity decreases more than with PLN alone (◘ Fig. 6.3) [15, 16]. This may be due to the increased concentration of active (inhibitory) PLN monomers in the presence of SLN [17]. In particular, PLN is present either in homopentameric or monomeric form, the latter of which exhibits increased inhibitory activity [15]. When SLN is co-expressed, it holds PLN in a monomeric form (preventing it from polymerizing into pentamers), enhancing its inhibitory activity and further decreasing SERCA Ca2+ uptake [15]. However, SLN has also been proposed to inhibit SERCA by a mechanism independent of PLN, as seen with SLN overexpression in PLN(−/−) (null mutants), which display impaired contractility, altered Ca2+ handling and relaxation [17, 18].

Fig. 6.3
figure 3

Rate of Ca2+ uptake in HEK-293 cells expressing SERCA2a alone, SERCA2a and PLN, SERCA2a and SLN, SERCA2a and PLN and SLN. Note that the Ca2+ uptake rate is considerably decreased in the latter. (Image from [16])

6.3.2 NCX

We previously considered the different modes of operation of NCX, demonstrating that when Vm < ENCX, NCX extrudes Ca2+. In general, SERCA and NCX are the two main transporters responsible for relaxation, and at any one time are in the state of constant competition for Ca2+. This has important physiological implications and can be demonstrated by considering Ca2+ efflux in different species. For example, after a period of rest (i.e. no electrical stimulation), rabbit cardiac preparations show a decline in the amplitude of the first post-rest contraction, termed rest decay [19, 20] (◘ Fig. 6.4).

Fig. 6.4
figure 4

Rest decay and rest-potentiation in rabbits and rats, respectively. After a period of electrical rest for 100 s, the first contraction after rest is decreased to 75% of contraction during steady state in rabbits. In contrast, rats exhibit post-rest potentiation, increasing their contraction amplitude to approximately 140% after a period of electrical rest. Notice that thermodynamic inhibition of NCX in rabbits (0Na, 0Ca) converts the post-rest decay into post-rest potentiation. Similarly, applying a 0Ca2+ extracellular solution in rats favours Ca2+ extrusion by NCX and converts the typical post-rest potentiation into post-rest decay (NT = Normal Tyrode’s solution). (Image from [19])

In contrast, rat CMs have an increased contraction amplitude after a period of rest – known as post-rest potentiation [19]. Such phenomena are explained by the dynamic relationship of Ca2+ extruders. In both rabbits and rats during rest, Ca2+ leaks from the SR due to the random openings of RyRs (see Ca2+ sparks, below). Ca2+ is then subjected to two opposing forces – SERCA and NCX. In rabbits, NCX moves Ca2+ out of the cell, progressively decreasing the SR Ca2+ content, which results in less Ca2+ available for myofilament activation and a diminished contraction post-rest [5, 19, 20]. In contrast, rats have high intracellular Na+ (resulting in Vm > ENCX), slow NCX, and fast SERCA transport rates, the summation of which leads to increased SR Ca2+ content during rest and a potentiated contraction post-rest [19].

6.3.3 Other Extrusion Mechanisms

When caffeine is applied on cardiac preparations Ca2+ stored in the SR is released. If NCX and SERCA are blocked, the rate of cytoplasmic Ca2+ removal is significantly slowed but not completely abolished [21].

This is because in addition to NCX and SERCA, Ca2+ removal also occurs by sarcolemmal Ca2+-ATPase and the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU). Sarcolemmal Ca2+-ATPase utilises ATP to efflux Ca2+ out of the cell whilst MCUs facilitate the flux of Ca2+ in mitochondria down a large electrochemical gradient [22, 23]. With the exception of a few species (e.g. ferret), the contribution of these in removing Ca2+ on a beat-to-beat basis is marginal when compared to NCX or SERCA [24]. As such, they are known as slow extruders.

However, their role in maintaining CM health and function is anything but marginal. For instance, increased mitochondrial Ca2+ loading activates energy production (e.g. via ATP synthase) allowing CMs to cope with increased energy demands, yet prolonged periods of elevated intracellular Ca2+ can trigger mitochondrial dysfunction and acute CM death [25]. Ultimately, the rate of Ca2+ removal from the CM cytosol can be quantified to highlight the rate of removal by each transporter, such that the total rate of Ca2+ removal is equal to:

$$ \frac{d\left[\mathrm{Ca}\right]t}{dt}={J}_{\mathrm{SERCA}}+{J}_{\mathrm{NCX}}+{J}_{\mathrm{slow}} $$

where J is the rate of removal of extrusion components, each governed by a nonlinear function dependent on Ca2+ concentration [5].

6.4 Excitation-Contraction Coupling

ICa generated during the AP enhances Ca2+ release from the SR via an RyR-mediated process termed calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) that forms the basis of ECC [26]. Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are Ca2+ release channels embedded on the SR membrane, which open in response to cytosolic Ca2+ [1]. There are three different RyR isoforms, with RyR2 being mainly expressed in the heart [27]. Particularly, RyRs are found in discrete groups on the junctional SR (i.e. the part of the SR in close proximity to the sarcolemma), establishing functional Ca2+-release units known as couplons [1]. Ca2+ influx causes multiple couplons to open, resulting in the release of Ca2+ from the SR and the development of the Ca2+-transient.

Each couplon consists of approximately 100 RyRs closely apposed to approximately 10–25 sarcolemmal LTCCs, forming the cardiac dyad and separated by a nanometres-wide cleft known as the dyadic space (or cleft) [2].

The close proximity between RyRs and LTCCs in the dyad is made possible by deep invaginations of the sarcolemma known as t-tubules (TT) and ensures efficient coupling between ICa and SR-Ca2+ release [1, 2, 6]. Specifically, one LTCC opening within a cardiac dyad is sufficient to trigger SR-Ca2+ release from a whole couplon, meaning that the ≅10–25 LTCCs for ≅100 RyRs ensures a safety margin for triggering SR-Ca2+ release [26,27,28]. In addition to the role of cytosolic Ca2+ in triggering Ca2+ release via RyRs, SR luminal Ca2+ also plays a pivotal role in SR-Ca2+ release [29]. For instance, increased SR Ca2+ content can stimulate Ca2+ release, whilst RyR2 activity is diminished as luminal Ca2+ decreases [29].

6.4.1 Calcium Sparks

In 1993, Cheng et al. used fluorescent Ca2+ indicators and laser scanning confocal microscopy to describe the concept of Ca2+ sparks for the first time [26]. Ca2+ sparks are microscopic elevations of cytoplasmic Ca2+ reflecting the synchronous opening of a cluster of RyRs [1]. They occur by either of two mechanisms described below:

  1. 1.

    Stochastic openings of RyRs [26,27,28,29,30]. The open probability of a single or a small number of RyRs can randomly become non-zero, triggering nano-elevations of the resting [Ca2+]i to about 170 nM [26]. This is important, as in pathological states associated with Ca2+ overload (supranormal SR Ca2+-content), spontaneous SR Ca2+ release events can cause spark-induced spark-release, leading to high [Ca2+]i (“macrosparks”, ≅ 500 nM) and the successive development of dysrhythmogenic waves [26, 28].

  2. 2.

    Evoked by ICa that raises local subsarcolemmal Ca2+ and activates RyRs [26, 30]. During the cardiac action potential, ICa evokes multiple Ca2+ sparks by stochastically activating clusters of RyRs. The spatiotemporal summation of ≅104 individual Ca2+ sparks results in the production of the seeming spatially uniform Ca2+ transient [28].

6.4.2 Calcium-Induced Calcium Release

The idea that the Ca2+ transient consists of many individual ‘atomic’ subevents (i.e. Ca2+ sparks) revolutionised the ECC paradigm. Previously, many models of cardiac CICR assumed a common pool of cytosolic Ca2+, consisting of homogenously distributed Ca2+ from ICa and SR Ca2+ release, with the former controlling the latter [31].

According to that model, when ICa stimulates SR Ca2+ release and the pool begins to fill with Ca2+, a positive feedback loop is established in which Ca2+ released from the SR triggers more SR-Ca2+ release [31]. This makes SR-Ca2+ release an all-or-none response such that once the SR-Ca2+ release process commences, CICR is expected to evolve autonomously, irrespective of sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx [32].

However, experimental evidence does not support the notion that SR-Ca2+ release becomes autonomous. Instead, it is accepted that the magnitude of SR Ca2+-release is a function of ICa [31, 33]. As ICa is primarily carried by the LTCCs, SR Ca2+ release is dependent on membrane potential [34]. If ICa is abruptly terminated by depolarisation above the LTCC reversal potential, SR Ca2+ release is also terminated [31, 35]. Therefore, SR Ca2+ release is graded – meaning it is a function of Ca2+ influx through LTCCs (ICa) (i.e. dependent on duration and magnitude of Ca2+ entry) [31, 36]. This is depicted in ◘ Fig. 6.5, which shows the typical characteristic bell-shaped voltage dependency of (a) ICa and (b) cell shortening (reflecting Ca2+ transient magnitude). Such a graded response is not in accordance with common pool models, which would be expected to cause an ‘all-or-none’ SR-Ca2+ release.

Fig. 6.5
figure 5

Bell shaped LTCC current (ICa) in response to increasing membrane potential (voltage-clamp). Notice bell-shaped relationship of cell-shortening as well, reflecting bell-shaped Ca2+ transient amplitude (peaking at approximately 10 V)

To explain this gradation, Stern et al. proposed the local control theory of ECC, whereby Ca2+ sensed by RyRs is not the same as the average cytoplasmic [Ca2+]i [33]. In particular, the opening of LTCCs causes a very high and rapid local rise of [Ca2+] within a cardiac dyad to >10 μM [33]. This activates RyRs within a couplon, causing SR-Ca2+ release to further elevate local [Ca2+]i [33].

It is also proposed that the sensitivity of RyRs to Ca2+ is much less than the ambient cytosolic Ca2+, preventing an ‘all-or-none’ regenerative calcium release [33]. Therefore, although CICR may be regenerative within an individual couplon (i.e. Ca2+ released by one RyR in a couplon triggering Ca2+ release by other RyRs in the same couplon – a positive feedback loop), Ca2+ released from one couplon does not spread in sufficiently high amounts to trigger Ca2+ release from neighbouring couplons [36].

These Ca2+ release events triggered by individual stochastic openings of LTCCs are in essence Ca2+ sparks, the spatial and temporal summation of which leads to the whole-cell Ca2+ transient [30]. Gradation of Ca2+ transient then occurs by the stochastic recruitment of more or less Ca2+ sparks according to the membrane potential (and by extension ICa) [34]. Ultimately, the distinction between common pool and local control models of ECC is highlighted by the fact that in the latter, elementary Ca2+-sparks are recruited not by the mean [Ca2+]i in the cell, but rather by the amount of Ca2+ flowing through the sarcolemmal LTCC, elevating local [Ca2+]i in the cardiac cleft nanodomain [37] (◘ Fig. 6.6).

Fig. 6.6
figure 6

Close apposition of sarcolemmal LTCCs and RyRs on the junctional SR promote efficient coupling. During an AP, ICa increases [Ca2+]i in the cardiac dyadic cleft, evoking Ca2+ sparks via RyR activation. Local [Ca2+]i in the cardiac dyadic cleft is much higher than [Ca2+] in the bulk cytosolic space, allowing for RyR activation in couplons despite their low Ca2+ sensitivity

6.5 What We Don’t Know

6.5.1 Ca2+ Spark Theories Interlude

But what determines whether a Ca2+ spark will actually be evoked? Santana et al. proposed that the probability of triggering a Ca2+ spark is dependent upon the square of the local Ca2+ concentration in the nanodomain, and that opening of a single LTCC is sufficient for this to happen [30, 38] – that is:

$$ P\left(\mathrm{spark}\right)={\left(\mathrm{local}\left[{\mathrm{Ca}}^{2+}\right]\right)}^2 $$

Appreciating the role of local [Ca2+] in triggering a Ca2+ spark is critical, as alterations in the microarchitecture of the ECC apparatus (e.g. in the geometric arrangement of LTCCs and RyRs) seen with pathology, can affect the P(spark), leading to Ca2+ handling abnormalities with implications for cardiac contractility [30].

By far the most accepted mechanism of CICR is the RyR-mediated release of SR Ca2+, triggered by the influx of Ca2+ through the LTCCs [1]. Yet, NCX has been postulated to be involved in CICR [39]. In isolated CMs, LeBlanc et al. blocked LTCC Ca2+ influx using nisoldepine, demonstrating that voltage-clamp depolarisations caused an initial rapid inward current, followed by a rise in [Ca2+]i, both of which were abolished with application of tetrodotoxin (TTX, a Na+ channel inhibitor), suggesting that the observed Ca2+ transient was Na+ channel-dependent [39]. Following further experiments, they concluded that the initial depolarisation upstroke due to the inward Na+ current, coupled with the increasingly positive Vm, promotes transient ‘reverse mode’ in NCX operation, leading to Ca2+ influx and providing the trigger for CICR [9, 39].

Another example comes from NCX−/− isolated ventricular myocytes. These cells display normal ECC, however in the presence of heavy Ca2+ buffering (minimising the effect of Ca2+ influx from LTCCs), reduced coupling efficiency is observed vs. wild-type CMs. This suggests there is an increased proportion of couplons failing to activate during the AP in the NCX−/− myocytes compared to wild type [40]. Accordingly, Goldhaber et al. proposed that NCX has a role in maintaining coupling during depolarisation by priming the dyadic space with a subthreshold amount of Ca2+, meaning only a small amount of further Ca2+ from LTCCs is required to trigger CICR [40]. Others have remained sceptical of the role of NCX in ECC [41, 42], as (a) Na+ channels may be excluded from the dyadic cleft, and (b) NCX as a transporter (and not an ion channel) is notably slower than LTCCs, meaning that when both co-exist, CICR is dominated by the latter [1, 43].

6.5.2 CICR Termination – Stopping the Domino Effect

We have seen that couplons are separated from each other and that according to the local control theory of ECC, RyR Ca2+ sensitivity is low enough so that Ca2+ released from one couplon does not trigger Ca2+ release from neighbouring couplons. Yet, as Ca2+ is both the cause and effect of the release, SR-Ca2+ release should still be inherently regenerative within a couplon [5]. However, with approximately 50% (i.e. not the whole amount) of SR Ca2+ released in each contraction, what terminates the release of Ca2+ from the SR?

Proposed mechanisms include stochastic attrition, ryanodine receptor inactivation, adaption and local depletion of Ca2+ in the SR [1, 36]. Despite the number of approaches to explain CICR termination, a single unifying mechanism does not exist, with a weighted combination of the different theories likely responsible.

Stochastic Attrition

Proposed by Stern et al. and suggests that random simultaneous closure of RyRs in a couplon could abruptly break the positive feedback cycle, halting the regenerative nature of CICR [36, 44]. As RyR are stochastically oscillating between closed and open states, there is always a chance that all channels close at the same time, degrading the local Ca2+ gradient [36]. The probability of this happening is dependent upon (a) the probability of the RyR being open (Po), (b) the average time they remain open (το) and (c) the number of RyR in a couplon (n) [36]. Generally, it can be shown as Po, το and n increase, the probability of simultaneous, stochastic closure of all RyRs drops exponentially [1, 36]. Thus, although stochastic attrition is a mechanism that is always present, it is rather improbable that it singlehandedly terminates the CICR of a highly active calcium synapse [36].

Ryanodine Receptor Inactivation

A Ca2+-induced inactivation mechanism was originally proposed by Fabiato, who used skinned myocytes to suggest that binding of Ca2+ to a high-affinity site on RyR inactivated the channel, stopping the Ca2+ release process [45]. Therefore, and perhaps conveniently, much like Ca2+-dependent inactivation of LTCCs, Ca2+-dependent inactivation of RyR may terminate CICR. In reality however, with most experiments being performed in planar bilayers and never validated in intact cells, this mechanism’s contribution to SR-Ca2+ release termination remains unclear [36, 45].


RyRs relax to a lower Po after activation. Strictly speaking, adaption is not RyR inactivation per se as the channels can be reactivated with exposure to higher [Ca2+]i [1, 45].

Depletion of Local SR Luminal Ca2+

Opening of RyRs could lead to depletion of SR lumincal Ca2+ near the channel, resulting in either the flux of Ca2+ out of the SR to become zero (i.e. there is no more Ca2+ to be released), halting the positive feedback loop and ending CICR; or, causing the probability of RyR opening (in part determined by luminal Ca2+) to be decreased such that no more Ca2+ is released [36]. As cytosolic Ca2+ is constantly being pumped into the SR, typically at a different location than the one releasing Ca2+, the validity of this mechanism is dictated by (a) the rate of Ca2+ reuptake and (b) the rate of diffusion of Ca2+ from the ‘uptake SR compartment’ to the ‘SR release compartment’ [36].

6.6 Where We’re Heading

6.6.1 ECC as a Measure of Cardiac Maturity

Stemcell-derived cardiomyocytes hold significant therapeutic promise for the treatment of diseased myocardium. These are stem cells that have been differentiated in to cardiomyocytes. A problem that has beset this field is the immaturity of such cells, in particular the absence of adult-like functional and morphological cardiomyocyte characteristics [46]. Components of the ECC seem particularly affected, with stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes having few or even no t-tubules, which can at least in part explain the abnormal Ca2+ dynamics and considerably weaker contractile force amplitudes than those developed by the adult myocardium (e.g. human ventricular strips twitch tension is ≅44 mN/mm2 vs. 0.08 mN/mm2 in human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes – a 550-fold decrease) [46, 47].

In cell therapy, stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes are transplanted onto the injured myocardium in an effort to increase the contractile ability of the heart. Lack of robust ECC apparatus questions whether beneficial effects (if any) of such approaches reflect the addition of force-generating cardiomyocytes or merely the release of nurturing paracrine mediators from these cells [48].

Furthermore, transplantation of immature cells that beat asynchronously, have improper Ca2+ homeostasis, and/or are comparatively weaker to human cardiomyocytes may increase the dysrhythmogenic risk and by extension the safety of such approaches [4].

6.6.2 ECC in Pathology

Abnormal ECC underlies many pathological processes. In the failing heart, characterized by an inability to maintain a cardiac output sufficient to meet the metabolizing needs of the body [49, 50], disrupted geometrical arrangements of the ECC components may compromise the fidelity of ECC [51, 52]. For example, among the most well-known phenotypical changes seen in failing cardiomyocytes is the loss of t-tubules [53, 46]. Such morphological changes can disrupt the tight coupling between the LTCC and RyRs, and diminish the ability of a given ICa to trigger a Ca2+ spark, (and by extension a Ca2+ transient), hampering contractile performance [4, 52, 53]. Ingenious computational models have shown that for any spatial arrangement of LTCC and RyRs, there is an optimal amount of Ca2+ influx required to maximally activate RyRs [31]. If that becomes suboptimal (e.g. excessive Ca2+ influx which only minimally activates RyRs) in pathology then renormalizing this relationship between Ca2+ influx and RyR response with drugs or interventions may be of therapeutic benefit by enhancing contraction while simultaneously minimizing supranormal Ca2+ influx. This is important as excess Ca2+ influx raises the probabilities of Ca2+-induced pathological states (e.g. Ca2+ overload-induced arrhythmias & activation of Ca2+ mediated pathological hypertrophy signalling pathways).

Take-Home Message

  • During ventricular action potentials, Ca2+ influx from the extracellular to subsarcolemmal space generates a Ca2+ current, ICa, which initiates Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum via a process known as calcium-induced calcium release.

  • ICa is generated by two main mechanisms: voltage-sensitive sarcolemmal Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) and Na+/Ca2+ exchangers (NCX).

  • Calcium-induced calcium release is mediated by ryanodine receptors interacting in complex microdomains with LTCCs.

  • The therapeutic usefulness of transplanting stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte onto injured myocardium is hindered in part by the deficient Ca2+ handling exhibited by these cells.