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Technological Approaches to Sustainability

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The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility


One of the most significant challenges that most of the countries have faced in realizing sustainable development is developing and adopting the necessary technologies. This chapter aims to provide a summary of the up-to-date research literature related to technological approaches to supporting sustainability as well as their current development and their implications for users. In addition, economic and political perspectives of sustainable technologies are discussed to provide further comprehensive views related to the emergence of this phenomenon. However, while it is reasonable to argue that technology contributes toward reducing pollution, there is evidence that it currently does not yet create sustainability but instead lessens the extent of unsustainability. Therefore, authors call for further contributions from academics and practitioners to contribute to sustainable development by technical approaches more feasible.

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Hoang, C.V., Hoang, T.G., Kane, V. (2020). Technological Approaches to Sustainability. In: Seifi, S. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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