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Integrative Anatomy of Halophytes from Mediterranean Climate

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Handbook of Halophytes


Halophytes vegetating in ecosystems from Mediterranean climate are subjected to adversely environmental factors, such as prolonged drought, salinity, and sometimes flooding during wet, winter season. To cope with these stressful factors, halophytes have developed a set of anatomical strategies: succulence, salt recretion, Kranz anatomy, successive cambia, tracheoidioblasts, stereids, and sclereids. Likely, the location of different halophytic species within a typical salt marsh is supported by these anatomical features that are also in accordance with the severity of stressful conditions. The role of these anatomical adaptations is linked to physical and physiological drought of saline environments: succulence provides water reserve for plants and may also contribute to salt dilution and mechanical support of turgid tissues; salt glands and salt hairs eliminate the excess of salts from plants’ organs; Kranz anatomy is associated with C4 photosynthesis proved to be more efficient under drought, warm condition.

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Activity of Dr. Marius-Nicusor Grigore in Valencia (Spain) was supported by COST Action FA0901: “Putting Halophytes to work – From Genes to Ecosystems” and by Resolución Ayudas para Estancias en la U.P.V. de investigadores de prestigio no 2204/2010 – Anatomical adaptations of wild plant species in response to different stressful environmental conditions.

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Grigore, MN., Toma, C. (2021). Integrative Anatomy of Halophytes from Mediterranean Climate. In: Grigore, MN. (eds) Handbook of Halophytes. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-17854-3

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-17854-3

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Biomedicine and Life SciencesReference Module Biomedical and Life Sciences

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  1. Latest

    Integrative Anatomy of Halophytes from Mediterranean Climate
    17 November 2020


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    Integrative Anatomy of Halophytes from Mediterranean Climate
    25 July 2020
