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Morphological and Anatomical Adaptations of Halophytes: A Review

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Handbook of Halophytes


The nature of many morphological and anatomical adaptations of halophytes is xeromorphic, because of the physiological drought occurring in saline environments. Succulence may have a dilution effect on accumulated toxic salts within plant tissues and plays a water storage role during dry periods. Intense lignification linked to successive cambia activity in roots and stems of halophytic chenopods could be also related to salinity and aridity. Salt secretion is an important strategy of recretohalophytes (crynohalophytes); salt glands and salt bladders are involved in the secretion of salt excess from aerial organs toward the exterior of halophytes. Kranz anatomy pattern occurs in C4 halophytes as a physical support for physiological and biochemical processes typical for C4 pathway. Bulliform or motor cells act in “amphibious halophytes” for rolling up the leaf during extended drought periods. In respect with special or local environmental factors (tropical halophytes), halophytes have special adaptations, as is the case of mangroves (aerial prop roots, pneumatophores, viviparity, aerenchyma).

Constantin Toma is deceased.

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Grigore, MN., Toma, C. (2020). Morphological and Anatomical Adaptations of Halophytes: A Review. In: Grigore, MN. (eds) Handbook of Halophytes. Springer, Cham.

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