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Vehicular Network Systems in Smart Cities

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Handbook of Smart Cities


The need for connectivity in motion has gained interest in vehicular network systems due to the services they can provide in the transformation of transport through the Internet of Things (IoT) application for a smart city. The evolution of wireless network technology, protocols, and standards in a vehicular network aims to transform transport toward a more intelligent transport that meets the needs of users. Thus, the implementation of a vehicular network, through smart vehicles and road infrastructure, allows vehicles or mobile nodes to communicate with each other to send information that provides society with numerous services ranging from decreased traffic to the user’s security. Therefore the wireless network in motion applied in the transport is unprecedented. Innovative applications focused on improving lifestyles through smart transportation are highlighted in this chapter. Besides, diverse literature in the area of wireless networks is presented to improve connectivity between moving vehicles and the development of future intelligent transport systems (ITS).

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Tamariz-Flores, E.I., Torrealba-Meléndez, R. (2020). Vehicular Network Systems in Smart Cities. In: Augusto, J.C. (eds) Handbook of Smart Cities. Springer, Cham.

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