
1 Introduction

Currently, Cultural Heritage data are being structured, processed and archived in libraries and services such as the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) [5]. Even the best structured and formatted data suffer from serious deficiencies; there is no objective way to verify that the data has not been altered over time, neither intentionally, nor as the result of an attack. There is no objective mechanism to safeguard the ownership of the data, leading in many times to misconceptions upon the ownership of the heritage token itself. Different “documentalists” may describe the same artifact subjectively. There is no objective way to merely verify the succession of the recordings in time!

Yet, the historian of the future should have no doubt that the “Physical, man-made thing” of subtype “building” [1] entitled “Acropolis”, was situated at the referred location known as “Athens” at the time of existence or at the time of the first recorded documentation, (*even this has been altered/vanished in the meantime).

At a minimum, an assimilated hash fingerprint of the XML structured document describing “Acropolis” (which has the form of a graph), has to be stored in an immune public index, allowing for verification of the original documentation. The actual content of the documentation may still relay under the copyright of the “documentalist”.

Blockchain can offer such an immutable public record for cultural heritage archives, upon which everyone will be able to verify at low to no cost the validity of the documentation process.

2 Methods

Blockchain is a series of public records, the sequence and the content of which is extremely hard to question, thus forming a “universally” accepted ledger. It may be stored in a central point or be distributed over the network. For a number of reasons, i.e. to robustly operate among non-trusting third parties, to avoid “single point of failure” vulnerability, etc. the distributed ledger has evolved rapidly over the past years [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25].

One of the key operations of a distributed ledger mechanism is to ensure that the entire network collectively agrees on the contents of the ledger; the mechanism is known as “consensus” mechanism. A consensus mechanism assures that each next block added to the chain, is actually representing the most recent link, thus preventing arbitrary infinite “forking”.

The state of arbitrary forking suggests that different copies of the initial Blockchain evolve over time; the issue is known as “double spending” or “nothing at stake” under the context of the Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) methodologies respectively.

The most popular and validated Blockchain consensus method is the Proof of Work (PoW). The Proof of Stake (PoS) is emerging to tackle specific inefficiencies of the PoW [38].

2.1 Consensus via Transparent Proof of Work

Transparent Proof of Work (PoW) as a consensus mechanism was first published by Dwork and Naor in 1993 [9], however, it wasn’t until 1999 the actual term “Proof of Work” was coined by Jakobsson et al. [10]. Irrespective of the implementation variances, the PoW has some major properties:

  • There is a Prover (i.e. the “minter-miner”) and a Verifier; the Prover solves a mathematical puzzle at the work-cost w, and the Verifier verifies the puzzle is correctly solved at the cost of z.

  • The puzzles are asymmetric; it is difficult for Prover to solve but the solution is easily verified by a Verifier (one-trap-door). “A POW may be regarded as efficient if the Verifier performs substantially less computation than the Prover” Cai et al. [12], Such a proof is considered to have “large advantage” if \( \frac{z}{w} \ll 1 \), or if z is asymptotically lower than w (as in Jakobsson et al. [10]).

  • The puzzles are statistically independent; no skills are involved, they require brute force. This ensures certain Provers do not gain an unfair advantage over others. The only way for a Prover to improve his odds of solving a puzzle is to acquire additional computational power (more w at the solution time interval [ts, tc]); something that is very energy and capital-demanding. The only way to overpower the network strength of Blockchain networks is through a “51% attack” [11].

  • The puzzle parameters are periodically updated in order to keep the next-block time consistent (lower bound the [ts,tc] interval, thus limiting the occurrence of inflation. As an example, the Bitcoin protocol [11] sets the desired “block generation time” to 10 min. If the average “block generation time” gets below this interval during a specific timeframe, the network automatically increases the difficulty of the puzzle (Fig. 1).

    Fig. 1.
    figure 1

    Proof of work blockchain principle.

PoW has proved its’ validity; yet it suffers from deficiencies (i.e. 51% type of attack vulnerability, increased latency, high energy consumption) that makes it hard to apply generally.

2.2 Consensus via Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake, is currently gaining popularity [8, 14, 24, 25] as a consensus mechanism for validating Blockchain links and achieving consensus, bearing a number of comparative advantages over the PoW, notably security, reduced risk of centralization, and energy efficiency [13].

Basic properties of the PoS include:

  • Consensus finality: “if a valid block appends to a Blockchain at some point in time, it can never after be removed” [17]. PoW Blockchains does not satisfy consensus finality (see the “double spending” issue).

  • Energy efficiency: In PoS, there is no mathematical puzzle, instead, the creator of a new block is chosen based on his stake, or even randomly.

  • Reduced centralization risk: The “stake” policy on a PoS blockchain can be designed to provide “blind” equality to all nodes irrespective of their power.

  • Penalization: Greedy & malicious behaviors and various forms of 51% attacks can be made unaffordably expensive; “it’s as though your ASIC farm burned down if you participated in a 51% attack” Vlad Zamfir [22].

  • Node Identity: The BFT PoS approach to consensus typically requires each node to know the entire set of the nodes participating in the consensus process. PoS is in many cases closely bound to the notion of “Smart-contracts” [17] (Fig. 2).

    Fig. 2.
    figure 2

    An example of Proof of Stake consensus Blockchain.

2.3 Smart Contracts

Smart-contract, introduced in 1994 by Szabo [15] is a “computerized transaction protocol that executes the terms of a real-life contract”. The idea behind the Smart-contract is to establish an automated way to fulfill the demands of real-life contracts (e.g. payment terms, confidentiality, conditional execution), to minimize deliberate and accidental “exceptions” and consequently to minimize the need for trusted intermediaries.

Smart-contract use cases take the Blockchain well beyond its original cryptocurrency orientation, back to the domain of database replication protocols, notably, the classical state-machine replication” [20]. A Smart-contract can be modeled as a state machine, executing consistently across multiple nodes in an interconnected environment, using state-machine replication. A family of such protocols of high interest for Blockchain is the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) state-machine replication protocols, which provide consensus regardless of the existence of malicious (Byzantine) nodes in the network.

Smart-contracts bound to a Blockchain are used as general purpose computations that take place on a Hyperledger. Robust, nearly Turing complete languages have been proposed (i.e. Ethereum Foundation [16], IBM [17], the Hyperledger Fabric [26]), facilitating effective real-life Smart-contract implementations.

2.4 Transparent “Proof of Work” vs BFT “Proof of Stake”

A high-level comparison PoW and the BFT PoS for some important Blockchain properties are summarized after [20] on Table 1:

Table 1. Comparison of important PoW and PoS BFT properties.

Perhaps the most important architectural difference between the two summarizes in the fact that in PoS, each node has to be aware of all the node id’s participating in the network. This imposes a “controlled”, centralized group of nodes (i.e. documenting entities in the domain of discourse); to add a new node in the network an additional round of voting may be necessary, to limit the risk of introducing non-reliable members.

In addition, a mechanism to restrict the function of non-reliable nodes -should such exist over time- has to be foreseen; the nodes already in the Blockchain network may act as a central trusted party and re-configure the rules at any future time.

3 Choosing the Appropriate Consensus Model

Building a Hyperledger for Cultural Heritage documents poses some major domain-specific considerations:

  1. 1.

    Administrators are in majority public and non-profit organizations. This calls for transactions of low to no cost and proclaims PoS consensus.

  2. 2.

    Administrators bear a significant know-how in documenting Cultural Heritage artifacts. This suggests a finite, controlled network of nodes and pinpoints the need for membership rules.

  3. 3.

    The members safeguard the validity of the process. They thus may accept or discard a newcomer, acting together as an internal trusted party. The confidence of the network on each has to be constantly re-evaluated.

  4. 4.

    All members have the same “rights” in terms of functionality, yet the relative significance of each vary vastly among them.

  5. 5.

    Documentation data may become significantly large in volume; this is especially true when hi-resolution images, videos, sounds and 3D scannings are part of the documentation. Importing the master documentation in the Hyperledger is both impractical and of limited value. An assimilated fingerprint of the document (a hashed SHA version of the document) is proposed to be used instead.

  6. 6.

    Yet, for the Hyperledger to be of practical use to third parties, a minimal set of reference information to the initial artifact has to be contained to the Blocks in plain, (un-hashed) text.

Considerations 1, 2 and 4 indicate PoS BFT as the most appropriate consensus model (see Table 1). Considerations 3 and 4 stress the need for functionality agreement among all members; this is efficiently compromised by existing Smart-contracts frameworks, (i.e. the Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, etc.). Considerations 5 and 6 pinpoint the need for customized software agents to bridge current documentations DBMS’s to the Blockchain.

In addition, for a Blockchain architecture to be suitable for the domain of discourse:

  • It has to be distributed; cultural heritage being public in notion and essence, its’ documentation should be decentralized as well, to address the “single point of failure” issues and distribute trust and liability among all involving actors.

  • It has to be fair; no member should be able to gain control of the process over the rest, in spite of his computational power or stake, especially without the explicit approval of the rest.

  • It has to be documentation method-and-content agnostic; minimal id data of the imported tokens, (e.g. “Title” or “Id”) are desired but not mandatory, and shall exist solely to facilitate third parties’ quests in the future. The documenting authority shall fully preserve content and rights and prove these undoubtedly via the chain.

4 Proposed Architecture

4.1 Structuring the Content

Cultural artifacts documentation, irrespective of their actual storage format (flat file, E-R/OO DBMS, etc.) may, in the generic case be represented as structured XML [1, 2] (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

CIDOC XML documentation excerpt example.

The volume of the documentation being considerably high, block chaining the master documentation becomes evidently impractical; instead, a signed, assimilated fingerprint is used. The fingerprint bears and verifies the validity of the original, which may by no means be altered over time without being noticed [18] (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Fingerprinting the Cultural Heritage artifact documentation.

The Blockchain will act as an immune distributed ledger of cultural heritage tokens’ documentation. Each items’ Identifier and Title (CIDOC E42 and E35 respectively) is also proposed to be added to the Block un-hashed, to allow for back-reference by third clients (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Building the chain: putting essential data to blocks.

4.2 Forming the Contract

Let the universe of all cultural heritage artifacts \( \left\{ {1,N} \right\} \), and the universe of all documented artifacts \( \left\{ {1,M} \right\}, \left( {M,N\text{ } \in {\mathbb{N}}} \right) \). The Documentation may be modeled as a one-way function \( \left\{ {1,M} \right\} \mathop \to \limits^{{D_{A} }} \left\{ {1,N} \right\} \) carried out by member \( i \in \left\{ {1,K} \right\} \), where K is the number of active members in the Blockchain network.

The following contract is proposed:

  • Each document has a specific Document Value of 1 DV, in a way analogous to Ethereum Wei [25]Footnote 1.

  • The first member to put records in the Blockchain is assigned a stake value of TDVM (Total Documents Value) representing the value of all documents in the chainFootnote 2.

  • Voting is needed only to add a new member, and to re-validate memberships.

  • The voting power of member \( i \) is \( \frac{{DV_{i} }}{{TDV_{M} }} \).

  • A voting takes place among the members for a new-comer to join. Anyone (physical or legal entity) can join the network with the consent of the members holding \( \frac{2}{3} \) \( TDV \) votes. This consent is achieved by a special “voting” round among the members, upon the request of a newcomer to put a block in the chain.

  • All members are considered trusted trustees and consent to add a Block to the chain upon the request of any other member.

  • A special round of “re-validation” between the members is executed, should any member tend to reach the critical limit (1/3 of the votes) i.e. \( DV_{i} \le \frac{1}{3}TDV_{M} - l, \forall i \in \left[ {1,K} \right] \), where \( l ( > 0) \) is the “safety” limit, preventing a member to acquire potential control of the chain without the explicit consent of the rest. The member questioned each time does not participate in the voting.

  • The “re-validation” cycle also takes place if a member is marked as “unavailableFootnote 3.

  • Upon exclusion, the stakes of the rejected member \( DV_{r} \) are assigned to the rest proportionally to their stakes (i.e. \( DV_{r} *\frac{{DV_{i} }}{{TDV_{M} }} \)).

  • Each member \( i \) is chosen to add a block to the chain explicitly, with probability \( \frac{{DV_{i} }}{{TDV_{M} }} \) in a pseudorandom way. Upon unavailability, another node is chosen following the same rule.

The notion of “rewarding” in this type of Hyperledger is unnecessary. Increasing the length of the chain over time, \( (M \to N) \) the real value of it is expected to increase proportionally; voting power is introduced as a “rewarding” mechanism on the long termFootnote 4.

5 Challenges

The proposed Blockchain architecture presents attractive features in terms of fairness, efficiency, computational load and response time.

New Blocks are imported at \( O\left( 1 \right) \) cost, while new members are added at the cost of \( O\left( K \right). \) Periodic re-validation of the memberships requires \( O\left( {\left( {K - 1} \right)^{2} } \right), \) distributed over the network.

Even though recent PoS implementations suggest they easily overwhelm the criteria set, choosing the most suitable is a major challenge. Hyperledger Fabric [26] and Ethereum [14] are the most prominent, yet their attributes remains to be proved in practice. The proposed architecture is subject to further testing and development.

6 Conclusion

This study illustrates the prospective of introducing Hyperledger to the vast repository of Cultural Heritage documentation tokens. It reveals the potential, identifies the core features, and sets the requirements for a universal Hyperledger in the domain of discourse. It proposes a solid architecture and elaborates an initial performance evaluation.

Blockchain shall not resolve disputes by itself. The validity of the documentation shall always rely on the validity of the “documentalist”, yet the community is empowered with the means to constantly re-evaluate the trustworthiness of its’ members.

Introducing Blockchain in Cultural Heritage documentation shall provide a priceless, universal, immune time sequence of the Cultural Heritage documentation records (i.e. ISO 21127:2014), safeguarding the validity of the data, the value of the tokens, and facilitating in the most effective way the resolution of ownership and valorization issues for the generations to come.